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| 共计 27 道试题
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1 . 选出正确的选项完成课文段落,选项中有两项为多余选项。
A. educationalist       B. had chosen       C. eager to learn
D. worthwhile       E. had got       F. have access to     G. anxious to learn

I knew I     1     a job with a lot of stress but I love what I do. The thing about being a teacher is that you     2     children’s minds when they are open and     3    . If what I do as a teacher can help turn a child like Graham into such a successful adult, then I know what I’m doing is     4    . As John Dewey, the famous     5    , said, “Education is not preparation for life; education is care itself.”

2023-06-12更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区狮山石门高级中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次统测英语试题
2 . 选择合适的单词填入空白处,每个单词只使用一次,每个方框里有一个是多余的单词。
A. work out B. make it C. make a difference
D. sign up for E. rather than F. even though
1. I prefer to __________ after class.
2. Everyone can __________ to the society.
3. Kayla cares about fitness __________ weight.
4. I decide to __________ the English drama club to improve my English.
5. Kayla always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV __________ she knew it was difficult.
2023-06-11更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市综合高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中英语考试试题
3 . 选择合适的单词填入空白处,每个单词只使用一次,每个方框里有一个是多余的单词。
A. apply for B. in ruins   C. be responsible for
D. lose heart   E. make a good impression F. be suitable for
1. She is planning to __________ her visa tomorrow.
2. As a senior high school student, you should __________ your own behavior.
3. After the earthquake, the city lay __________.
4. I am anxious to __________ on my teachers and classmates.
5. Faced with challenges, Lang Ping didn’t __________.
2023-06-11更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市综合高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中英语考试试题
4 . 用所给短语的恰当形式填入下列句子,使其意义完整。有两个短语多余。
be comprised of; live off; appeal to; call on
on the move; thanks to; devote… to
1. For ten years Nyad ______ becoming one of the world’s best long-distance swimmers.
2. Now that you have grown up, you ought not to ______ your parents.
3. Our school offers many optional courses this term, each of which ______ many students.
4. Some young people never want to stay in one place for very long, so they are always ______.
5. A year ______ the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
2023-06-09更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市天河区天河外国语学校2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
5 . 用所给短语的恰当形式填入下列句子,使其意义完整,有两个短语多余。
take advantage of;          range from…to…;     a great deal of ;          in spite of ;   tend to do;       in memory of;        in despair;
1. She cried loudly ________ because she lost a large sum of money.
2. The congress opened with a minute’s silence ________ those who died in the struggle.
3. The research on the effects of music lessons involves two groups of children, their ages ________ 4 to 10.
4. I’m going to ________ this opportunity to learn more about the history of America.
5. Mr. Brown refused to give up smoking ________ his lung disease.
2023-06-09更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:广州市天河区广州市第一一三中学2021-2022学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
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6 . 根据短文,选出适当的单词或短语填入短文中的空格内(有多余选项)。
make an impression       lecture       senior high school       advanced courses
take notes       on campus       make the team       adventure
is addicted to       take control of       awkward       admired

Bob graduated from junior high school, and now he is a     1     student. Never frightened by difficulties, he is so anxious to explore new things     2    . He has signed up for     3     suitable for his taste. Now, he is focusing on ancient Chinese literature and       4     Tang poetry. He     5     the beautiful poetry so much that he could not     6     himself. Bob likes his school life which is full of     7     and challenge.

2023-05-29更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市真光中学2022-2023学年高一上学期10月考试英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面小短文,根据上下文语境,选择合适的单词填入空白处,每个单词只使用一次,每个方框里有一个是多余的单词。
distance     moreover     opportunity       relief       satisfy       impact

My name is Sarah. It is an honor for me to win the    1    to share my ideas and feeling about music with you. You never know how music has had an    2    on my life.

Music gives me hope and a sense of    3    . While listening to music, I feel so fortunate to have everything I get in my life. It speaks words of encouragement to the deepest part of my being.

    4    , music gives me strength and brings me    5    . When I listen to music, it makes me forget all the worries and pressure in my life. It is the rock I could lean on to become strong and get through those hard times.

2023-04-15更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市第一中学2021-2022学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面小短文,根据上下文语境,选择合适的单词填入空白处,每个单词只使用一次,每个方框里有一个是多余的单词。
A. suitable   B. advanced   C. courses   D. recommended   E. fluent   F. sign up   G. graduate

First, I had to think very carefully about which     1     I wanted to take. The school adviser helped me choose the     2     ones: maths, English, chemistry, world history, and Chinese. I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be     3     when I     4    . My adviser     5     that I should sign up for     6     literature because I like English and I’m good at it.

2023-04-07更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市丰湖高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面小短文,根据上下文语境,从所给的A、B、C、D、E、F六个选项中,选出最佳选项填入空白处,每个单词只使用一次,每个方框里有一个是多余的单词。
A.currency     B. legal       C. stages        D. joined     E. surrounded     F. resulted

In history, the United Kingdom went through several     1    before the name formed at last. From the 16th to the 19th century, Wales, Scotland and the Kingdom of Ireland were     2     to it one after another. But in the 20th century, the southern part of Ireland broke away from it, which     3     in the name today: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The four countries work together in some areas. They share the same flag, and use the same     4    and military defence but have different education and    5    systems. Throughout history, it was taken over by four different groups.

2023-03-20更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省博罗县2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
10 . 阅读下面小短文,根据上下文语境,选择合适的单词填入空白处,每个单词只使用一次,每个方框里有一个是多余的单词。
A. impressionB. anxiousC. awkwardD. annoyedE. exploreF. confused

After a long summer holiday, my new life at senior high school began at last. I was a little    1    in the morning, worrying that I would not make new friends. I was not outgoing after all However, things turned out to be just fine. Both my teachers and classmates made a good    2    on me. They were friendly and helpful. In fact, one of my classmates was so talkative that he kept talking to me over the experiment! Maybe he was just trying to approach me, but I felt    3    because I couldn’t concentrate. I was too frightened to tell him to leave me alone. It would be    4    if I did so. The classes were much more difficult. There is a lot of for me to    5    . I hope I can fit in soon.

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