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1 . My husband, our children and I have had wonderful camping experiences over the past ten years.

Some of our _______ are funny, especially from the early years when our children were little. Once, we _______ along Chalk Creek. I was _______ that our 15-month-old boy would fall into the creek (小溪). I tied a rope around his waist to keep him near to our spot. That lasted about ten minutes. He was _______, and his crying let the whole campground know it. So _______ tying him up, I just kept a close eye on him. It _______ — he didn’t end up in the creek. My three-year-old, however, did.

Another time, we rented a boat in Vallecito Lake. The sky was clear when we _______, but storms move in fast in the mountains, and this one quickly _______ our peaceful morning trip. The _______ picked up and thunder rolled. My husband stopped fishing to ____________ the motor. Nothing. He tried again. No ____________. We were stuck in the middle of the lake with a dead motor. As we all sat there ____________, a fisherman pulled up, threw us a rope and towed (拖) us back. We were ____________.

Now, every year when my husband pulls our camper out of the garage, we are filled with a sense of ____________, wondering what camping fun and ____________ we will experience next.

A.due toB.instead ofC.apart fromD.as for
A.signed upB.calmed downC.checked outD.headed off
2022-06-08更新 | 16904次组卷 | 59卷引用:江苏省涟水县第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期第一次阶段检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |
真题 名校

2 . What comes into your mind when you think of British food? Probably fish and chips, or a Sunday dinner of meat and two vegetables. But is British food really so uninteresting? Even though Britain has a reputation for less-than-impressive cuisine, it is producing more top class chefs who appear frequently on our television screens and whose recipe books frequently top the best seller lists.

It’s thanks to these TV chefs rather than any advertising campaign that Britons are turning away from meat-and-two-veg and ready-made meals and becoming more adventurous in their cooking habits. It is recently reported that the number of those sticking to a traditional diet is slowly declining and around half of Britain’s consumers would like to change or improve their cooking in some way. There has been a rise in the number of students applying for food courses at UK universities and colleges. It seems that TV programmes have helped change what people think about cooking.

According to a new study from market analysts, 1 in 5 Britons say that watching cookery programmes on TV has encouraged them to try different food. Almost one third say they now use a wider variety of ingredients (配料) than they used to, and just under 1 in 4 say they now buy better quality ingredients than before. One in four adults say that TV chefs have made them much more confident about expanding their cookery knowledge and skills, and young people are also getting more interested in cooking. The UK’s obsession (痴迷) with food is reflected through television scheduling. Cookery shows and documentaries about food are broadcast more often than before. With an increasing number of male chefs on TV, it’s no longer “uncool” for boys to like cooking.

1. What do people usually think of British food?
A.It is simple and plain.B.It is rich in nutrition.
C.It lacks authentic tastes.D.It deserves a high reputation.
2. Which best describes cookery programme on British TV?
3. Which is the percentage of the people using more diverse ingredients now?
4. What might the author continue talking about?
A.The art of cooking in other countries.B.Male chefs on TV programmes.
C.Table manners in the UK.D.Studies of big eaters.
2023-06-11更新 | 7291次组卷 | 24卷引用:2019年新课标Ⅱ卷高考真题变式题(阅读理解C)
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |
真题 名校

3 . With gas prices rising and airport security lines snaking longer than ever, why not book your next domestic vacation on a train? Compared to other alternatives, it’s comfortable and relaxing. Here is some advice on how to make a trip by rail as pleasant as possible.

Plan ahead. Most long-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accommodations, sell out very quickly.     1     But no matter when you travel, it’s a good idea to make your reservations at least 90 days in advance.

Use a travel agent. Consider turning your travel plan over to a travel agent and letting him double-check all the details, make suggestions, and then handle the actual reservations. A good one can sometimes find you discounted tickets.     2     Then you won’t have to walk through several cars on a moving train three times a day for your meals.

Bring a blanket. When you’re riding on trains, you won’t be provided with a blanket for free, even if your trip is an overnight one.     3     In the summer in particular, the air conditioning can make them quite cold.

Arrive early. Most trains operate just once a day and some run only three times a week, so missing yours can be a disaster.     4     Note: The times listed on the schedules are departure times, not arrival times.

Have fun.     5     Read a book, knit, do a crossword puzzle, or simply watch the world unfold outside the window. To calculate your speed as you do, divide 3,600(the number of seconds in an hour)by the number of seconds it takes you to travel one mile(the distance between two mileposts). If it takes the train 53 seconds to travel one mile, you’re going 67.92 mph.

A.Train trips aren’t for impatient types.
B.You’ll have views from both sides of the train.
C.The temperature on rail cars is often hard to control.
D.That’s particularly true during busy summer months.
E.You might have to wait longer than 24 hours to catch the next one.
F.Chances are the cost will be a lot less than the cost of one bedroom.
G.He may also book you in a sleeping car that’s right next to the diner.
2023-01-11更新 | 6967次组卷 | 37卷引用:江苏省苏州市2022-2023学年高三下学期5月调研测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |
真题 名校

4 . Friendship needs care and attention to keep it in good health. Here are five ways to sustain (保持) long-distance friendships.

·Set a regular date

Long-lasting friendships share the characteristic that both sides equally contact (联系) and share with one another. With busy schedules, squeezing in phone calls can be a challenge.     1    .

·More isn’t always merrier

Make sure you have communicated with your friend about how frequently each of you wants to be contacted and what method works best for you both.     2    . There are alternatives to constant written communication, such as leaving voice messages or having a group chat.

·Practise empathy (共情)

    3    . The friend who is remaining needs to be sensitive to all the additional time demands placed on the friend who has moved. The one in the new environment should be sympathetic to the fact that your friend may feel abandoned.

·     4    

Anniversaries and birthdays carry even more weight in long-distance friendships. Although technology might make day-to-day communication possible, extra effort goes a long way on special days. Simply keeping a diary that keeps track of friends’ birthdays and other important dates will make sure nothing slips by you.

·Don’t rely on technology alone

    5    , but long-distance friendships — even close ones — may require more conscious effort to sustain. Try to seek out chances to renew friendships. How to do it? Just spend face-to-face time together whenever possible.

A.Remember important dates
B.Compensate by writing letters
C.It is also helpful for you to be a friendship keeper
D.Try to find a time that works for both of you and stick to it
E.Friends need to talk about their preferred methods of communication
F.It is easy to have a sense of connectedness through social media
G.You may be the friend who left or the one who was left behind
2022-06-08更新 | 11838次组卷 | 40卷引用:江苏省常熟市2022~2023学年高一下学期期中英语考试
阅读理解(约310词) | 容易(0.94) |
真题 名校

5 . Rome can be pricey for travelers, which is why many choose to stay in a hostel (旅社). The hostels in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you’ll often get to stay in a central location (位置) with security and comfort.

Yellow Hostel

If I had to make just one recommendation for where to stay in Rome, it would be Yellow Hostel. It’s one of the best-rated hostels in the city, and for good reason. It’s affordable, and it’s got a fun atmosphere without being too noisy. As an added bonus, it’s close to the main train station.

Hostel Alessandro Palace

If you love social hostels, this is the best hostel for you in Rome. Hostel Alessandro Palace is fun. Staff members hold plenty of bar events for guests like free shots, bar crawls and karaoke. There’s also an area on the rooftop for hanging out with other travelers during the summer.

Youth Station Hostel

If you’re looking for cleanliness and a modern hostel, look no further than Youth Station. It offers beautiful furnishings and beds. There are plenty of other benefits, too; it doesn’t charge city tax; it has both air conditioning and a heater for the rooms; it also has free Wi-Fi in every room.

Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes

Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes is located just a 10-minute walk from the central city station and it’s close to all of the city’s main attractions. The staff is friendly and helpful, providing you with a map of the city when you arrive, and offering advice if you require some. However, you need to pay 2 euros a day for Wi-Fi.

1. What is probably the major concern of travelers who choose to stay in a hostel?
2. Which hotel best suits people who enjoy an active social life?
A.Yellow Hostel.B.Hostel Alessandro Palace.
C.Youth Station Hostel.D.Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes.
3. What is the disadvantage of Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes?
A.It gets noisy at night.B.Its staff is too talkative.
C.It charges for Wi-Fi.D.It’s inconveniently located.
2021-06-09更新 | 16485次组卷 | 88卷引用:四川省绵阳实验高级中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . Why does the man make the phone call?
A.To cancel a weekend trip.
B.To make an appointment.
C.To get some information.
2022-06-13更新 | 9438次组卷 | 8卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力短对话)
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Xi’an City Wall is the most complete city wall that has survived China’s long history. It     1     (build) originally to protect the city     2     the Tang dynasty and has now been completely restored (修复). It is possible       3     (walk) or bike the entire 14 kilometers.

We accessed the wall through the South Gate. The wall is 12 meters high and from here you can see streams of people moving inside and outside the City Wall.

After     4     (spend) some time looking at all the defensive equipment at the wall, we decided it was time for some action and what     5     (good) than to ride on a piece of history!

We     6     (hire) our bikes from the rental place at the South Gate. My bike was old and shaky     7     did the job. It took us about 3 hours to go all     8     way around the Xi’an City Wall. Supposedly you can do it in two hours, but we stopped at the different gates and     9     (watchtower) to take pictures or just to watch the local people going about their     10     (day) routines.

2021-06-11更新 | 13218次组卷 | 50卷引用:江苏省盐城市伍佑中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期初调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

8 . According to Jessica Hagy, author of How to Be Interesting, it’s not difficult to make yourself interesting at a dinner party.

    1    , if you’re out of your comfort zone or if you’re wandering into somebody’s house for the first time. So the main thing is just to show up and be adventurous, trying different foods and talking to strangers.

People love to talk about themselves. If you can start the conversation with a question other than “What do you do for a living?”, you’ll be able to get a lot more interesting conversation out of whomever it is you’re talking to.     2    , it can bring in “I have this old, broken-down vehicle” or “I rode the bus with these crazy people who were laughing at silly jokes in the back.” It just opens up conversation.

    3    ? If you can’t take their wine away, you should certainly try to take away their soapbox (讲台). If you’re the host, you can ask them to help you in the kitchen with something and just remove them from the situation.    4    .

And what about that other dinner-party killer: awkward silence? If you’re faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the only thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host a compliment (赞扬).     5    . Just quickly turn around and say, “This cake is extremely delicious and you have to tell me all about it.”

So being interesting at a dinner party isn’t that hard.

A.How do you know the host
B.The first step is to go exploring
C.If you ask the question “How did you get here?”
D.Be prepared to have awkward conversations with strangers
E.Or turn the conversation into a topic where they have little to say
F.What about that person who had too much to drink or won’t stop talking
G.He or she is the person who is feeling the weight of that awkwardness the most
2021-06-08更新 | 12177次组卷 | 42卷引用:北师大版(2019)选必一Unit 2 Success 单元专项
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

9 . Swap, Don’t shop!

You keep hearing about recycling, right? But it doesn’t end with bottles, cans, and paper. Clothing takes a huge amount of natural resources(资源)to make, and buying loads of new clothing(or throwing out old clothing)is not healthy for the environment. So what to do with all those perfectly-good-but-you’re-maybe-a-little-sick-of-them clothes piled on your bedroom floor?     1    . It’s the best way to get rid of your used clothes, score clothes from your friends, and have a party all at the same time.

A successful swap depends on the selection of clothes, the organization of the event, and, obviously, how much fun is had. It’s really easy to do! Here are a few pointers.

●Invite 5—10 people so you have a nice selection.     2     , and there may not be enough things to choose from; more than that, and it becomes uncontrollable.

    3    . They should also prepare plenty of reusable bags to carry their “new” clothes home.

●Put different types of clothing on different surfaces in the room.    4    . Place a few mirrors around your room so people can see how things look when they try them on. One of the ground rules of the swap should be that everyone must try on the clothes before they take them—things always look different when you put them on.

●Set a starting time. Maybe you say “go,” or turn on a certain song, or whatever.     5    . And don’t forget to put out some cookies and fruits. Remember, it’s a party!

A.Less people than that
B.Hold a clothing swap
C.If two people are competing
D.Just keep music playing throughout
E.Donate whatever clothes are left over
F.Have everyone put their clothes in the right spots
G.Tell everyone to bring clean clothes in good condition
2021-06-11更新 | 10208次组卷 | 38卷引用:江苏省盐城市伍佑中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期初调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |
真题 名校

10 . The connection between people and plants has long been the subject of scientific research. Recent studies have found positive effects. A study conducted in Youngstown,Ohio,for example, discovered that greener areas of the city experienced less crime. In another,employees were shown to be 15% more productive when their workplaces were decorated with houseplants.

The engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)have taken it a step further changing the actual composition of plants in order to get them to perform diverse,even unusual functions. These include plants that have sensors printed onto their leaves to show when they’re short of water and a plant that can detect harmful chemicals in groundwater. "We’re thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace functions of the things that we use every day,"explained Michael Strano, a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.

One of his latest projects has been to make plants glow(发光)in experiments using some common vegetables. Strano’s team found that they could create a faint light for three-and-a-half hours. The light,about one-thousandth of the amount needed to read by,is just a start. The technology, Strano said, could one day be used to light the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps.

In the future,the team hopes to develop a version of the technology that can be sprayed onto plant leaves in a one-off treatment that would last the plant’s lifetime. The engineers are also trying to develop an on and off"switch"where the glow would fade when exposed to daylight.

Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total electricity consumed in the US. Since lighting is often far removed from the power source(电源)-such as the distance from a power plant to street lamps on a remote highway-a lot of energy is lost during transmission(传输).Glowing plants could reduce this distance and therefore help save energy.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.A new study of different plants.
B.A big fall in crime rates.
C.Employees from various workplaces.
D.Benefits from green plants.
2. What is the function of the sensors printed on plant leaves by MIT engineer?
A.To detect plants’ lack of water
B.To change compositions of plants
C.To make the life of plants longer.
D.To test chemicals in plants.
3. What can we expect of the glowing plants in the future?
A.They will speed up energy production.
B.They may transmit electricity to the home.
C.They might help reduce energy consumption.
D.They could take the place of power plants.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Can we grow more glowing plants?
B.How do we live with glowing plants?
C.Could glowing plants replace lamps?
D.How are glowing plants made pollution-free?
2020-07-08更新 | 12836次组卷 | 54卷引用:江苏省启东中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期初考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般