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1 . Last summer, with my neck tight from too much time at the computer, I knew I needed to _________ into the woods. My husband wasn’t _________, but I really wanted to see the Perseids meteor shower (英仙座流星雨). I decided to go _________ on my own, which I’d never done before.

After throwing the sleeping bag and a few things to eat into the _________, I was on my way. I was a little _________ about being alone at first but put that feeling aside for the time being as I drove to my destination. Once I reached the camping _________, I asked the young attendant if she thought I’d be all right camping alone.

“Sure,” she said. I’m not sure what I expected her to say, but her answer was somewhat reassuring. I heard thunder. Not a great start to my _________. The one thing I don’t like is camping in the rain. By the time I reached my campsite, it was _________. Once the rain stopped, I found a spot for the _________. Putting it up turned out to be a straightforward process. This wouldn’t be so bad I thought.

After supper, I got the fire started easily. Looking up, I couldn’t see much of the sky __________ the trees. Once I zipped (拉上拉链) myself into the tent, I realized how much room there was. I loved that I could spread out and throw my clothes all over with no one to __________ about the mess. Solo camping __________ has its benefits.

Falling asleep quickly, I was awakened a few hours later by some __________. It sounded too large and loud to be a squirrel (松鼠) or a chipmunk (花栗鼠). __________, after a few minutes, it stopped, but I was __________ the rest of the night.

I didn’t think it was a good idea to __________ and look at the stars after all. As I lay there, I heard wolves in the distance and an owl (猫头鹰) calling. I was somewhat glad I was __________ to hear this little slice of nature.

The next morning, my neighbors talked about how a bear had visited in the night and knocked over some of their chairs and a small table. Fortunately, the bear hadn’t done any more __________ than that.

While I was disappointed at not seeing the shooting __________, I’m now a lot more __________ about camping by myself. Bear or no bear.

A.take inB.go overC.take apartD.go off
A.go outB.run outC.go throughD.run off
2022-05-16更新 | 94次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市嵩明县2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . For many, Labor Day weekend signals the end of summer and an opportunity to host a socially-distanced barbecue (an outdoor meal). But this national holiday—celebrated every year in the United States and Canada on the first Monday in September—has revolutionary (革命性的) origins.

By the late 19th century, the Industrial Revolution had made working life miserable for people around the world. In many places, workers toiled for at least 12 hours a day six days a week in mines, factories, railroads, and mills. This holiday actually originated in the US on May 1, 1866, in what came to be known as the Haymarket Riot, workers flooded Chicago streets to demand an eight-hour workday.

It would take another conflict in the American Midwest to make Labor Day a national holiday. On May 11, 1894, workers at the Pullman Palace Car Company, a railroad car manufacturer near Chicago, went on strike to protest their low wages and 16-hour workdays. In August 1893, James Kyle introduced federal legislation (立法) to make Labor Day a public holiday, but for ten months the legislation was put on hold. To quiet the strikers and their supporters, the Senate quickly passed the bill on June 22. The bill passed the House four days later and President Grover Cleveland signed it into law on June 28, 1894.

The holiday is more information May Day labor celebrations. Many observers relax at home or head to outdoor recreational activities, such as boating, barbecues, and camping. It may also be marked with fireworks shows and other events. Labor Day has also become associated with retail sales, as many shop owners try to take advantage of the customers’ day off. It is one of the largest sales events of the year. meaning retail employees actually have to work more on this day. Parades are the most common model of celebration, which often feature processions of labor groups.

1. What do we know about the workers in the late 19th century?
A.They were paid well.B.They had long workdays.
C.They often had a barbecue.D.Their contributions were recognized.
2. Which can replace the underlined words “put on hold” in paragraph 3?
A.Put off.B.Introduced.C.Got through.D.Protected.
3. When did Labor Day become an official holiday throughout America?
A.On May 1, 1886.B.On August 22, 1893.C.On May 11, 1894.D.On June 28, 1894.
4. What’s the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The origins of Labor Day.B.The labor groups achievements.
C.The ways to celebrate Labor Day.D.The official activities on Labor Day.
完形填空(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . “I pray about everything,” I told my new colleague, Rae, as we sat outside our classrooms. It was the _________ of the school day, and the students had gone home. That was when Rae and I _________ to sit and talk about everything.

I had just moved to Ridgway where I got a(n)_________ at the elementary school. Rae’s classroom was next to mine, and we immediately felt _________ with each other, like old friends. That day, our conversation had turned to our _________. “I learned when I was little that God hears us and _________ prayer.” I explained why I believed this without _________.

“I learned from the nightly news that a Pennsylvania family _________ their home in a fire,” I began. “A gas leak(泄露)had _________ an explosion. __________ no one was hurt, but their home was seriously __________. I wanted to do something, but as a child, all I could do was pray. So every night I asked God to __________ the family.”

“A year later, I asked God to let me know whether I had helped. God __________ answered in a few weeks,” I told Rae. “In the Sunday magazine there was a story about the __________ family for whom I had been praying and how they had made a complete __________.” I sat back quietly, still __________ at what had happened.

“Describe the __________ of the magazine,” Rae said.

“It was a photo of the father with his son sitting on his lap.”

Rae remembered the cover __________. “That was my father and brother,” she said. “You were praying for us.”

Over 50 years have passed since Rae and I formed our __________ friendship, a friendship that began with prayer long before we ever __________.

A.set offB.put upC.brought inD.turned on
2022-05-03更新 | 151次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省云南师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . One thing that sets humans apart from other members of the animal kingdom is our tendency to develop customs and traditions. Here are some astonishing customs from around the world.

An odd custom associated with the United States is its complicated tipping culture. Unlike many other countries that don’t tip at all or that only tip in small amounts when the food is particularly good, tipping is actually mandatory at most restaurants in the US. To put it another way, customers have a duty to leave between 10-20 percent of the bill in tips. Wait staff rely on these tips for a living because legal wages for waiters are low. Furthermore, there are rules for tipping bartenders, delivery people and other service personnel. While some criticize this practice as irrational, there’s no doubt that tipping culture in the US gives an incentive for waiters and waitresses to provide better service.

Some countries find the act of pointing with the index finger to be rude. While members of most cultures would probably agree that pointing fingers, both literally and figuratively, isn’t exactly the nicest thing in the world, in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, this gesture can be seen as incredibly offensive. Instead, it is customary to gesture towards things with the thumb as this is seen as a more polite option. In many countries in Africa, pointing is reserved for inanimate objects only, not people.

Most societies around the world have rules about table manners. For western cultures, noisily consuming food is considered rude. In Japan, however, making slurping(啧啧响的)sounds while eating has an entirely different meaning. This might have something to do with the fact that in western countries, noodles are properly consumed by twirling(缠绕)them on a spoon before putting them in the mouth. Meanwhile, the Japanese simply slurp up their noodles without contorting them first, an act that is naturally noisier than the former. Making slurping sounds when eating noodles in Japan is a way of indicating that you’re rely enjoying them. Some scientists even argue slurping invites air into the mouth and actually enhances the noodles’ flavor.

1. What does the underlined word “mandatory” in paragraph2 probably mean?
A.Required by tradition.B.Highly spoken of.
C.Changeable over time.D.Popular among people.
2. What does the author think of tipping?
A.It is totally unreasonable.B.It must follow a fixed standard.
C.It can improve the quality of service.D.It should only target waiters and waitresses.
3. Which practice is acceptable according to the text?
A.Skipping tipping in the USA.B.Twirling noodles on a spoon in Africa.
C.Pointing with the index finger in Indonesia.D.Making sounds while eating noodles in Japan.
4. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A research paper.B.A travel brochure.
C.An online advertisement.D.A popular magazine.
2022-05-03更新 | 290次组卷 | 2卷引用:云南省云南师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Most Famous Paintings in the World

Among the millions of paintings that are created and shown in galleries and museums all around the world, a very small number of them go beyond time and make history. Below are some examples.

The Persistence of Memory — Salvador Dali. Painted in 1931, The Persistence of Memory is one of the most recognizable pieces in art history. This work is known to make people reflect on their way of life and the way they spend their time, and it is also thought that Albert Einstein’s well-known Theory of Relativity gave Dali the idea for this wonderful painting.

Girl with a Pearl Earring — Johannes Vermeer. Considered by many to be “the Dutch Mona Lisa”, this beautiful painting features an unnamed young woman looking over her shoulder to stare directly at the viewer. It was completed in 1665 and is exhibited in the Mauritshuis in The Hague, the Netherlands.

Guernica — Pablo Picasso. The famous painting by Picasso was completed in 1937. It was painted in Paris following the bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. The painting is on permanent display in the Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain.

Starry Night — Vincent van Gogh. Painted in 1889, Starry Night is one of the most famous paintings in modern culture, which is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It is based on van Gogh’s direct observations as well as his imagination, memories, and emotions and was the inspiration for the song Vincent (also known as Starry, Starry Night).

1. What do we know about The Persistence of Memory?
A.It was finished in the 1920s.B.It centers on people’s lifestyle.
C.It reflects the painter’s memories.D.It may be inspired by a famous theory.
2. Which painting is based on a true story?
A.The Persistence of Memory.B.Starry Night.
C.Girl with a Pearl Earring.D.Guernica.
3. What is the common feature of the listed paintings?
A.They are everlasting artworks.B.They share the similar theme.
C.They are on permanent display.D.They give ideas for music creation.
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6 . I Still Look for Patches

Aren’t we lucky, when we had a childhood friend willing to be our everlasting, faithful companion(同伴)?I can still remember the day I met my special _________ .

One spring evening, my mother and I patiently waited for my father to come home. His_________ in the doorway made no clear impression on my mind. Suddenly, I heard a_________ “Yip”. “Did I hear something? Daddy, please tell me. What was that?”

As he_________ his pocket he answered, “Nothing. It was only my pocket.” The look on my face must have been a sign of_________.

“Amy!” Softly, daddy called.

I slowly turned around to look at daddy’s_________. There, crawled in his palm was a little dog. _________ several brown spots on her white fur, I named her, “Patches(斑点).”

Patches became a_________ and blame taker. If I was troubled, I could depend on her two ears to listen_________ to everything I had to say. If unfortunately I broke a glass, my trusting companion would willingly__________ responsibility. Her__________ devotion(奉献) only made it hard to separate from her.

When I was about 10, my family moved into a house which wasn’t__________ enough to contain a dog. Sadly, we had to__________ her. My auntie, owning a house with vast pieces of land, __________ her.

I can still remember her eyes__________ at me forlornly(可怜地) as she left. The__________ in her eyes will be with me forever.

I saw her once or twice before she__________. Until my dying day, I shall always expect to see her. I believe that, to this very day, she is still trying to find her way back to her true home. Because I have no__________ that she died, I continue to have faith. The picture is__________ in my mind: a thin white dog comes jumping up, __________ me in loving dog kisses.

A.looked upB.found outC.reached intoD.took away
A.Because ofB.Instead ofC.In spite ofD.In case of
A.trouble makerB.baby sitterC.risker takerD.good listener
A.make use ofB.take care ofC.look out ofD.get rid of
2022-04-01更新 | 430次组卷 | 3卷引用:云南省昆明市第十中学2021-2022学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个词)或括号内单词的正确形式.

Charles Darwin was an English     1     (science) who studied nature. He is known     2     his theory of evolution (进化论).

Darwin was born on February 12, 1809, in Shropshire, England. In 1831, Darwin boarded a ship     3     (call) the HMS Beagle and set out on a fantastic five­year journey around the world. His goal was     4     (study) the natural history of the areas he was to explore. Darwin was     5     (amaze) at the variety (多样性) of species he saw on his journey. He noticed that although the different islands had similar animals and plants, many seemed to have changed to adapt (适应) to their local environments. He noted some     6     (difference) between the mockingbirds found on San Cristobal, Floreana and two other islands. This led     7     (he) to wonder why they varied from place to place.

Darwin first presented his theory of evolution by natural selection (选择) in 1858 to explain how animals adapted to their environment to survive. The idea of evolution     8     (be) not new then, but Darwin’s theory explained how evolution occurred. When Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, the book was     9     immediate success. However, it was not popular with people     10     believed that all the animals on the planet had been made at the same time by one creator. But Darwin scientifically proved all the species on Earth had evolved from earlier species!

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8 . It happened in a small office of the immigration authority in the German city. It was a hot day in May when I stopped being a( n) _________.

It had been a _________ road that had brought me to this door: a childhood in India, a 14-year stay in the US and finally a life of 25 years in Germany. In all those years, I’d   _________ my Indian citizenship, though hesitating over whether to _________ the identity because of the inability to vote in Germany.

Now, approaching retirement, I want to spend more time in where I grew up. I was afraid, though, that more than six months’ _________ could result in a loss of my resident status in Germany, which over the years had become my _________ . And I knew I couldn’t _________ to let this door to Germany close forever. If so, what would my family do without me?

At 3 pm I knocked _________ on the door, uneasy and went in. The official, a middle-aged woman asked me to take a seat when she got my file out. I wasn’t sure if I’d have to show some documents to prove I’m _________ to get the citizenship in Cermany. Actually, she didn’t asked me to show anything. She just handed me a half page text in German and asked me to __________ it out. I started reading it, but she __________ me, saying mildly, “Please read all, including the place and state. ”So I started again. It was an oath (誓言) I was reading, swearing to be __________ to this country and to __________ all the social rules. Then she asked me to sign to give up my Indian __________. My eyes were full of tears, reading the citizenship certificate she handed me. We shook hands. No photograph, no flowers - just a __________ handshake. To __________ my tears, I said it was a huge step in my life, however, a terrible __________ as well. I watched sadly as she took my old Indian passport away. “Can I get it back after it’s been __________?” I asked. "That’s something you’ll have to ask the Indian consulate (领事馆) , ”she said. "It’s their __________, not ours, and certainly not yours. ”

Now I could live in Germany, vote, and travel to many countries without needing a visa. However, why did I feel so __________?

A.give upB.adjust toC.apply forD.make use of
2022-02-27更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市第一中学2022届高三第七次高考仿真模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Recent research discovered that a low-cost computer training program can help older persons drive less dangerously.

“We developed a training program, called Drive Aware, which could be used by anyone who has a computer,” says Jing Feng, co-author of the study and a professor of psychology at NC State. “Drive Aware is a cognitive (认知的) training program for older persons that helps them notice traffic risks more effectively. The purpose of our recent study was to see how much Drive Aware changes trainees’ driving behaviors once they get behind the wheel.”

The researchers found 27 persons aged 65 and up to test Drive Aware. In a driving simulator (模拟器), all of the study participants (参与者) experienced a basic driving exam. The “active training” group was made up of nine of the study participants. Every two weeks, the active training group had two Drive Aware trainings. A group of nine additional study participants was asked to take “passive training”. This group watched videos of others receiving the Drive Aware instruction. This happened twice, with each lasting about a week. The control group, which was made up of the remaining nine study participants, received no training. After that, all 27 study participants performed a second driving exam in the simulator.

The study participants in the active training group experienced 25% fewer “unsafe incidents (事件)” following the training, according to the researchers. There was no obvious change in the number of dangerous incidents among study participants in the passive training and control groups.

“This testing was done with a fairly limited number of study participants,” Feng says. “If we can succeed in getting the fund, we’d like to further our testing with more people to clearly prove how effective this training is at reducing accidents among older drivers.”

1. What does the underlined phrase “get behind the wheel” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Take a risk.B.Start a program.
C.Drive a car.D.Use a computer.
2. What was the “passive training” group required to do?
A.Experience no training.B.Receive two Drive Aware trainings.
C.Take three driving tests.D.Observe videos of Drive Aware trainings.
3. How did the researchers arrive at their testing result?
A.By quoting former figures.B.By investigating car accidents.
C.By operating the driving simulator.D.By comparing participants’ performances.
4. What is Feng’s attitude towards the testing?
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Help Foreign Guests at Formal Dinner

The Spring Festival is coming. The traditional family banquet (宴会) is also coming. You probably have tried many different Chinese dishes. But do you really know how to behave properly at such an important meal?     1     Don’t worry if you are not sure, and here are some tips.

In the West, everyone has their own plate of food or elder people at the table taste every dish first.     2     It is always polite to let guests or elder people at the table taste every dish first.

Don’t put your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl.     3     The reason for this is that when people die, family members give them a bowl of rice with a pair of chopsticks sticking out. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like you want someone at the table to die.

Make sure the spout (壶嘴) of the teapot is not facing anyone as this is impolite. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.

    4     Beggars (乞丐) are usually seen tapping (轻敲) on their bowls with chopsticks in the street, so tapping on bowls is not polite,especially when you eat in a friend’s home.

Although, teenagers are not supposed to drink any wine, you can still say “Ganbei” and drink to the health of your grandparents and parents.     5    

A.It is sure to please them.
B.Instead, lay them on your dish.
C.Don’t tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.
D.Helping foreign guests at formal dinner is of great importance.
E.Could you explain Chinese polite table behaviors to a foreign visitor?
F.Therefore, Chinese people use chopsticks rather than knives and forks.
G.However, in China, the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares.
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