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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍热门网络短剧《逃出大英博物馆》 及其带来的影响。
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The series “Escape from the British Museum”,     1     (comprise) of three episodes, has attracted over 310 million views since its release in late August on Douyin. It gives     2     account of a jade teapot transforming into a woman and escaping the British Museum with the assistance of a Chinese journalist. To our relief,     3     has sparked an appeal for the return of Chinese cultural relics is the widespread popularity of the series.

Recently, a formal notice     4     (submit) to the Chinese Film Administration to make a full-length animated version of “Escape from the British Museum”. Unlike the original series     5     (concentrate) on a single artifact, the movie will feature multiple Chinese relics that long for     6     (they) homeland and choose to return to China. The distinguished writer Wang Xuewen will be entrusted with crafting the screenplay, though it is not revealed whether the series originators will also be involved in the     7     (adapt).

Chinese state media have also     8     (enthusiastic) advocated the Douyin series. “We are thrilled to see Chinese young people are passionate     9     history and tradition,” remarked state broadcaster CCTV. “We also eagerly await the early return of Chinese artifacts     10     have been displaced overseas.”

2024-01-09更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省重点高中智学联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Have you ever wondered about the significance of emotions in our life?     1    In order to grow and be better than before, you must learn to be emotionally intelligent. Let’s explore some powerful strategies to help you become emotionally mature!

Try using “I” statements.

Whenever your feelings are disrupted or you get hurt, it is good to tell others how you really feel.     2     You need to tell others how you feel about the situation but do so in a non-aggressive way. The best way to do this is by using “I” statements instead of “You” statements. Here is an example: “I feel miserable and heartbroken”. You should use this statement instead of, “You make me feel miserable and heartbroken”.


In some situations, your loved ones could be hurting you through their words or their actions, and you could also be wrong. You must not let negative thoughts question your judgment. What happens in more than 70% of situations is that we let negative thoughts take hold of us, which is completely wrong. Whenever the other person is behaving in an upsetting manner, ask yourself if you have done anything to make them feel like that.

Take responsibility for your actions.

Just like your words, you need to take full responsibility for your actions. If you don’t own whatever you say or do, how can you become emotionally strong? Many people make silly excuses and don’t take responsibility for their actions, and that is where they hurt others and themselves. If you have made a mistake and hurt others in the process, apologize immediately.     4    

Avoid negative people.

    5     If you are surrounded by happy and motivated people, you will always be happy. If you are surrounded by negative people that only bring others down then you will always feel miserable. In order to be emotionally intelligent, you must have a good and supporting company by your side.

A.Always question your thoughts.
B.Pay attention to emotional value.
C.It won’t bring your self-respect down.
D.You are known by the company you keep.
E.Emotions play a critical part in our lives.
F.Taking care of yourself should be prioritized over anything else.
G.Masking your feelings or trying to be emotionless will only harm you.
2024-01-09更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省重点高中智学联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Recent research has found that Martian soil contains all the essential nutrients necessary for growing rice, planetary scientist Abhilash Ramachandran reported at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, providing new possibilities for agriculture on the Red Planet.

The study, conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, tested simulated (模拟的) Martian soil to determine its suitability for growing rice. The researchers found that the soil contained all the essential nutrients needed for the crop to grow, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They also found that the pH level of the soil was within the preferable range for growing rice and that the soil was able to support the growth of healthy rice plants.

However, it would be a bit challenging for the plants to survive in the soil that has perchlorate, a chemical that has been detected on Mars’ surface which can be toxic to plants.

The team of researchers conducted an experiment to grow rice in soil containing perchlorate. They employed a wild rice variety and two genetically modified strains, which were designed to tolerate environmental stressors such as drought, and tested them in Mars-simulated soil with and without perchlorate. The study revealed that a concentration of 3 grams of perchlorate per kilogram of soil resulted in no growth of rice plants. However, when the concentration was reduced to 1 gram per kilogram, one of the genetically modified lines successfully grew both a shoot and a root, while the wild variety was only able to grow a root.

The discovery could be a game-change for future missions to Mars, as it could enable astronauts to grow their own food on the planet, reducing the need for costly and complex resupply missions. In addition, studying the growth of plants on Mars could provide valuable insights into the potential for life on other planets and help scientists to better understand the conditions necessary for life to exist.

1. What does the underlined word “toxic” mean in Paragraph 3?
2. Which would NOT help rice plants grow under Martian soil conditions?
A.Maintaining the ideal soil pH.B.Selecting a drought-resistant variety.
C.Increasing soil perchlorate levels.D.Lowering perchlorate concentration.
3. Why is the discovery that Martian soil contains rice nutrients significant?
A.Because it reduces future mission costs.B.Because it reveals the origins of the universe.
C.Because it focuses on mining on other planets.D.Because it contradicts the idea that Mars has no life.
4. Which of the following can be the best title?
A.Let’s Go to Mars for Fun!B.Martian Soil could Grow Rice!
C.Are You Interested in Planting Rice?D.What are Martian Essential Nutrients?
2024-01-09更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省重点高中智学联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。 文章主要介绍获得2023年诺贝尔文学奖的挪威作家Jon Fosse。

4 . Norwegian author, playwright and poet Jon Fosse has been named the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The Swedish Academy said on Thursday it was for his “innovative plays and prose which gives voice to the unsayable”.

This made him the first Nynorsk writer to receive the prize and the fourth Norwegian to win it, following Sigrid Undset, who won it in 1928. Previous winners of the prize — given for a body of works, rather than a single book-have included Toni Morrison, Doris Lessing, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Bob Dylan.

Born in 1959, Fosse grew up in western Norway, on a small farm in Strandebarm. He started writing poems and stories at age 12, and found writing to be a form of escape. Fosse enrolled at the University of Bergen and studied comparative literature during which time he began writing in Nynorsk, a minority language.

In 1983, Fosse published his first novel Red, Black, kicking off a remarkably prolific (高产的) career. He has published 40 plays, as well as novels, poetry, essays, children’s books and works of translation. Although he started as a poet and novelist, Fosse rose to fame as a playwright. He gained international recognition in the late 1990s with a Paris production of his first play Someone Is Going to Come, which was said to be written in four or five days without revision.

Fosse has long been tipped to receive the Nobel. In 2013, British bookmakers even temporarily suspended betting on the award after numerous bets on his winning, although the prize did not come his way for another decade. When it finally did, the call from the Nobel Prize’s organizers came while Fosse was traveling to Frekhaug, a village on Norway’s west coast. He admitted he was overwhelmed and somewhat frightened.

Nobel committee chairman Anders Olsson said, “What is special with him is the closeness in his writing. It touches on the deepest feelings that you have — anxieties, insecurities, questions of life and death — such things that every human being actually encounters from the very beginning. It doesn’t matter if it is drama, poetry or prose — it has the same kind of appeal to this basic humanness.”

1. What can we learn from the article?
A.Fosse won the Nobel Prize for his abundant works.
B.Nynorsk is a widely used Norwegian language for literature.
C.With his career taking off for the first novel, Fosse became globally recognized.
D.It’s believed that Fosse had his first play polished in a couple of days.
2. What can be inferred from the incident in 2013?
A.It proved that British bookmakers were against Fosse.
B.It demonstrated that Fosse was a failure for a long time.
C.It indicated that Fosse was in favor with the general public.
D.It revealed that Fosse didn’t receive the Nobel Prize until 2023.
3. What makes Fosse’s writing unique?
A.Productivity in works.
B.Diverse types in writing.
C.The language style different from others.
D.Deep emotional connections with humans.
4. Where is this article probably taken from?
A.A novel.B.A newspaper.C.A brochure.D.A guidebook.
2024-01-09更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省重点高中智学联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是记叙文。介绍了作者的丈夫Tom 从邮政司机岗位退休后,重新找了校车司机的工作,续写了他作为司机的职业价值。

5 . Still Miles to Go

My husband Tom came with a huge grin on his face. He held his arms wide and announced his retirement after working for the Postal Service for thirty-three years. But as time went by, I could tell that Tom had nothing to do at home. He began to pace like a lion, glancing out the windows.

“I think I’ll look for a part-time job,” Tom informed me one day. I felt instant relief. The lion would cease circling, and I could be in peace. We kept our eyes open for job opportunities. A few days later, when our car crept behind a school bus, I remarked “You could drive that bus.” He had driven us over the mountain s through rainstorms on winding roads. Behind the wheel, he seemed fearless. “Of course, I could drive that bus,” he answered back. “But could I drive it with forty-five children bouncing and yelling in the back?” We both laughed at the thought.

That bus became the bumblebee (大黄蜂) that buzzed around me. I pictured Tom happily going off to work again, climbing behind the wheel and setting off on his daily route. My enthusiasm must have attracted Tom because I overheard him on the phone with the transportation department. He was hired.

The very next morning, he was given a bus and a route sheet. Driving the bus turned out rewarding, and Tom is blooming in his new role. I think he likes being the “big guy” on the road.

He is now “Mr. Tom” to his riders and their parents. I hear he is quite amazing. When the pre-K children climb aboard, he fastens the safety belt for them. He greets the children with high-fives. Then he leads them in a quick and fun activity, where they get to shout after hours spent in their quiet classroom. “Goodbye, teachers!” yells Mr. Tom. The little ones repeat it. “Goodbye, school!” Again, they repeat, joyfully. Mr. Tom then yells out the last two lines, and the children laugh and repeat at the top of their lungs.

He has been driving the bus for seven years and has gotten lots of thank-notes from grateful parents. Sometimes, while a school bus passes me, it always warms my heart when the driver is the one I’m hoping to see and I catch the kiss he blows me.

1. Why did Tom decide to look for a part-time job after retirement?
A.He was bored at home.B.He missed interacting with people.
C.He needed extra money.D.His wife wanted peace in the house.
2. What was Tom’s initial reaction when his wife suggested he drive a school bus?
A.He thought it was a silly idea.
B.He was excited to accept the job.
C.He didn’t think he was qualified for the job.
D.He was unsure if he could handle the disorderly children.
3. What does the author appreciate most about Tom’s new job?
A.It keeps him occupied.B.He can interact with children.
C.He overcomes his fear.D.He has found fulfillment in his work.
4. What qualities does Tom demonstrate as a bus driver?
A.Patience, kindness and responsibility.B.Carefulness, discipline and authority.
C.Enthusiasm, leadership and courage.D.Sensitivity, flexibility and humor.
2024-01-09更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省重点高中智学联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . This Is How You Walk the Walk

People call walking the“perfect exercise”. It gets your heart pumping, clears your head and fills your lungs with fresh air. Not bad, but we found a way to make it even better. Before you take your next 10,000 steps, add a little stuck to your stroll. Take a Stawer walking stick anywhere and I promise that you’ll feel like a conquering hero. Its powers will astonish you.

What’s the secret?

Our Stawer walking sticks are a tip of the top hat to turn-of-the-century tradition.Today, serious collectors gladly pay thousands for rare and handcrafted sticks from the 19th century. But only Stawer walking sticks can deliver a modern version of these classics that looks and feels as good as the original for only $59 each!


·36 inches long. Imported Eucalyptus wood.

·Solid brass handles with varying finishes.

·Rubber tips. Supports up to 250 pounds.

·All models available in 40 inches height.

Your satisfaction 100% guaranteed

Experience the comfort and elegance of our delicate walking sticks for 30 days. If you’re not feeling the power, simply send it back within 30 days for a refund (退款) of the item price.

Still hesitate? Corne and check out the real users’ reviews!

Praise for Stawer walking sticks

“An excellent walking stick. Solid and elegant. Perfect for a night out. Well crafted.”

Mr Jacob/from Pacific Grove, CA

Limited Edition

Only 500 each available only! These handcrafted beauties take months to craft and are running(not walking) out the door. So, take a step in the right direction. Call today!

1. Which is unrelated to Mr Jacob’s review about the Stawer walking stick?
A.Its firmness.B.Its craftsmanship.
C.Its cheapness.D.Its practicality.
2. What are we advised to do before buying the stick?
A.Prepare enough money.B.Check reviews first.
C.Apply for a discount.D.Buy as soon as possible.
3. Where can we read the text?
A.A travel brochure.B.A business magazine.C.A product survey.D.An instruction book.
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Instead of being a pacing-up time, winter is a locking-down time. Winter frees us in all sorts of ways.

I once had a neighbor named Earl. An old-timer and a self-made man, he _________ told me stories about Maine winters in the past. He suggested he had _________ the ice age. He backed up his old stories with _________ of old black-and-white photographs of heavy snowstorms that piled up to second-floor windows and completely _________ cars.

And I’ll never _________ what he said as an end to one of his stories, “A man couldn’t get much done once the snow came.” So what did he do once the snow came? He spent a great deal of time _________ to home and hearth, where he _________ the wood stove, sat with his wife, made pots of coffee, and read by the fire.

As I write these words I occasionally raise my head to _________ the window at the woodpile stacked (堆), the garden harvested, the apple tree _________, the lawn mowed, and the bicycle shed newly roofed.

As I tended to all those things, when did I have time to __________?

Some years ago a friend sent me a quote by Socrates that I try to be mindful of: Beware the fruitlessness of a __________ life.

The advice __________ me to look forward to the coming of winter, because I’ve finally learned that it is a slowing-down time, a gift of rest, a (n) __________ to acknowledge that most of the outdoor work that could be done has been done.

A friend of mine who lives in the Southeast recently called. In the course of our __________ he celebrated the climate where he lives, which __________ him to work outside year-round. “I’m always on the go.” he told me.

But I think I need a good time of winter.

A.look atB.watch overC.glance outD.glare at
8 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Who may be the speaker?
A.A presenter.B.An author.C.A doctor.
2. What do we know about George Alagiah?
A.He died of cancer in 2014.
B.He revealed millions of ordinary people’s life.
C.He received better NHS screening for bowel(肠) cancer.
3. What will be probably discussed next?
A.Ann Little’s adventure.B.George Alagiah’s whole life.C.Some interesting stories.
2024-01-07更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省十堰市六县市区一中教联体2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the woman doing?
A.Hosting a program.B.Having her bicycle repaired.C.Conducting a market survey.
2. What did Mr. Smith do before opening the bicycle shop?
A.He repaired bicycles.B.He served as a consultant.C.He worked as a salesman.
3. Why did the man open a bicycle shop?
A.He wanted to be his own boss.
B.He found it more profitable.
C.He didn’t want to be in too much debt.
4. What do we learn about the people working in the shop?
A.They work five days a week.
B.They are all the man’s friends.
C.They are paid by the hour.
2024-01-07更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省十堰市六县市区一中教联体2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Where did the man arrive?
A.New York.B.London.C.Beijing.
2. When did the man arrive?
A.At 12:00 p. m.B.At 11:00 p. m.C.At 11:30 p. m.
3. What is not inside the man’s bag?
A.His wallet.B.His passport.C.His membership cards.
4. What will the woman do next?
A.Call the man back within an hour.
B.Cancel the card with the credit company.
C.Ask others to find the bag.
2024-01-07更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省十堰市六县市区一中教联体2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题(含听力)
共计 平均难度:一般