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1 . We _________bother with details, for our teammates will do everything in their power to help us.
2024-01-15更新 | 679次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023年6月天津高考英语第二次高考真题
单项选择 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . —Is Mr. Pearl available, please?
— _________ . I'll just see if he is in the office.
A.After youB.Hang on
C.With pleasureD.Go ahead
2024-01-15更新 | 601次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023年6月天津高考英语第二次高考真题
书信写作-申请信 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . 假设你是晨光中学的学生李津,通过交换生项目在英国某中学就读,校方为加强中英文化交流,将举办“中国工坊” 活动。该活动主题涉及中华美食、中国传统手工艺、中国书法和绘画,拟招募学生现场教授相关技能。请按照以下提示,写一封申请信:




参考词汇:中国工坊 Chinese Workshop

中华美食 Chinese cuisine

手工艺 handicraft

书法 calligraphy





Dear Sir/Madam,


Sincerely yours,

Li Jin

2024-01-03更新 | 724次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年6月天津高考英语第二次高考真题
阅读理解-阅读表达(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读表达

Herman Cruse, a school bus driver from New Jersey, has been with Middle Township Public Schools for the past nine years. He believes bus drivers are the eyes and ears of students when they're away from home and they have a gift to discern what kids are feeling.

During one morning ride, Cruse noticed a kindergartner seemed a little sad. When Cruse asked him what was wrong, the boy explained that he wasn't able to complete his reading assignment because his parents were busy with his four siblings (兄弟姐妹). An idea suddenly crossed Cruse's mind. “Listen, if you don't mind, I'd like to come to the school and read with you. ”he said.

After receiving permission from the boy's teacher, Alex Bakley, Cruse showed up at her classroom the following week. When he walked in, the boy shouted proudly, “Hey, that's my bus driver!”They went into a quiet corner and began reading together. Later, a second student wanted to read with him, then a third. All the kids went to the teacher asking, “Can I read with Mr. Herman?”

Cruse now volunteers to help kindergarten students with reading two days a week, and on a third day, he instructs the school's first-and second-graders. After dropping the kids off at school, of course. Every child looks up to Cruse, both on and off the school bus. “Herman is super positive and he's a bright light at our school who makes every child feel loved and heard. ”said Bakley.

For Cruse, what started out as a way to kill time has now developed into a way to make a difference in the heart of a child. He used to go to the gym or library after delivering students to schools. It wasn't until he offered to help the boy on the bus that he realized there was something more rewarding he could be doing. It's a joy for him to see the kids get excited when they learn to sound out words. He loves how reading opens up a new world for them.

1. What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph 1? (1 word)
2. Why did the boy on the bus look a little upset? (no more than 11 words)
3. What help does Cruse offer after delivering students to schools? (no more than 12 words)
4. Why does Cruse think his voluntary work is rewarding according to the last paragraph? (no more than 16 words)
5. Who's “a bright light” in your life? Please explain in your own words. (no more than 20 words)
2024-01-03更新 | 559次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年6月天津高考英语第二次高考真题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Storytelling is an ancient art form that has been used to hand down legends, tales and factual stories. Perhaps the first thing that springs to mind when you think of storytelling is the fantasy land that took shape in your mind while Mom or Dad told you stories about princes, castles and monsters, with a unique voice for each character.

Storytelling does not just take place at bedtime or round a campfire, however. It can take some other forms, either via the books we read or the films we watch. But they usually have some elements in common: rather than a list of dry facts, stories have plots and they introduce characters. We respond to stories, particularly when there is emotional detail.

And unlike what we suppose, storytelling is not just a form of entertainment, but a form of learning as well. Long before reading and writing became widely spread and available, oral storytelling had already been a form that the wisdom and knowledge of the people were passed down from elders to children. A good story engages our curiosity, emotions and imagination.

Storytelling helps with learning also because stories are easy to remember. Research has found that learning obtained from a well-told story is remembered more accurately, and for far longer, than from facts and figures.

And above all, stories have a transformative power to allow us to see the world in a different way than we do if we just encounter it on our own. Stories are an entry point to understanding a different experience of the world.

This aspect of storytelling-presenting a different perspective of the world—is important when it comes to connecting with each other. It gives us an opportunity to learn from another person’s experience and it can shape, strengthen or challenge our opinions and values. So, when someone tells us their own personal story, we catch a glimpse (瞥见) of a view of the world that may be slightly or significantly different from our own. When we see the world as they see it, or walk in their shoes, the experience can inspire empathy (共情;同理心) with them.

1. What occurs to us the moment we think of “storytelling”?
A.A child's imaginary world.
B.Voices of Mom or Dad.
C.An ancient art form.
D.Factual stories.
2. What are the common elements in all forms of storytelling according to the author?
A.Form and style.
B.Facts and figures.
C.Emotional and physical details.
D.A series of events and characters.
3. Why does storytelling work better than mere statement of facts in promoting learning?
A.It carries more wisdom and knowledge.
B.It is more widely available to young learners.
C.It satisfies our imagination and releases our emotions.
D.It makes what is learned more precise and longer lasting.
4. How can other people’s personal stories probably benefit us?
A.By offering us more opportunities to know people.
B.By helping us stay connected with the contemporary world.
C.By allowing us to understand the world the way they see it.
D.By enabling us to tell reality from imagination.
5. What makes the best title for the passage?
A.The History of Storytelling
B.The Power of Storytelling
C.The Forms of Storytelling
D.The Art of Storytelling
2024-01-03更新 | 708次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年6月天津高考英语第二次高考真题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Getting the “side-eye” look from your dog can make it seem like they are making a judgement about you, and some new studies suggest they really could be.

The ability to judge others’ intentions is an indicator of possessing “theory of mind” which was once thought to be unique to humans. However, new studies have shown that dogs can read human behaviour and have a preference to people who are more friendly or generous with food.

One such study published in 2023 aimed to see if dogs can tell the difference between humans who are “unwilling” or “unable” to give them a treat. 96 dogs were involved in both “unwilling” and “unable” scenarios (情境) designed for the study. Both scenarios involved a dog being placed on one side of a glass screen with small holes in it at nose-height, and an experimenter standing on the other. In the ‘unwilling’ scenario, the experimenter would hang a piece of sausage in front of the screen in a ‘teasing’ (戏耍的) manner, and approach one of the holes. But instead of passing it through the hole to the dog, they would then pull it out of its reach. For the “unable” scenario, the experimenter would again move the treat towards the hole while the dog watched, but “accidentally” drop it before they could pass it through.

The researchers observed that the dogs were much more patient, making more eye contact and staying closer to the screen after the “unable” scenario played out. In the “unwilling” scenario, however, the dogs looked at the experimenter less often, sat, lay down and wandered around more frequently.

Another study from 2021 tested for “theory of mind” in dogs in a similar way, but the dogs were able to walk round the screen to obtain the treat after witnessing the experimenter’s “unwilling” or “unable” behaviour. The main finding was that the dogs approached the experimenter significantly sooner in the unable scenario than in the unwilling scenario.

However, the researchers of the 2023 study challenged that the food dropped on the floor in the clumsy (笨拙的) manner might have motivated the dogs to approach the experimenter considering that they probably often obtain food dropped on the floor in their daily lives.

Now, more evidence has been provided that dogs distinguish between similar actions associated with different intentions. But how exactly they acquire such intention-reading abilities will be an exciting topic for future research.

1. What is one of the new research findings according to Paragraph 2?
A.Dogs also have “theory of mind”.
B.Dogs prefer food from generous people.
C.Human behaviours are mostly intentional.
D.Friendly animals can get food more easily.
2. What did the experimenter do in the “unwilling” scenario in the 2023 study?
A.They acted awkwardly while feeding the dog.
B.They pretended to walk slowly away from the dog.
C.They teased the dog by fixing the treat to the screen.
D.They pulled the sausage beyond the dog’s reach.
3. How did the dogs of the 2023 study respond to the “unable” behaviour?
A.By moving closer to the experimenter.
B.By keeping wandering around.
C.By ignoring the experimenter.
D.By lying still on the floor
4. How does the experiment design of the 2021 study differ from that of 2023?
A.The dogs can watch the experimenter.
B.The dogs can go to the other side of the screen.
C.The dogs’ responses are under close observation.
D.The dogs’ habitual behaviours are under analysis.
5. What do the dogs’ different responses in “unwilling” and “unable” scenarios suggest?
A.Dogs can tell “being friendly” from “being mean”
B.Dogs’ intelligence is gradually evolving.
C.Dogs’ intentions can be easily identified.
D.Dogs are a lot more emotional than other animals.
2024-01-03更新 | 741次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年6月天津高考英语第二次高考真题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . I looked through the window of the charming little violin shop, and my heart began to race.

I'd been out to dinner that evening. Since it wasn't dark yet after the meal, I decided to walk home from the restaurant. I had traveled that way before, yet I had never noticed that old little shop. But that night I felt drawn to the violin shop the moment I came across it.

I wiped the dirt from the window to get a better look inside. Several violins hung from the dark walls, quietly waiting to be chosen. As my eyes rested on them, I felt as though I were looking through a window into my own past.

My childhood was all about the pursuits I had attempted, most of which had been chosen by Mom. She was like, “Join the swim team, Tara. Your sister is a good swimmer;surely you will be, too. ”What she refused to acknowledge, however, was that I was visibly afraid of water.

Every Saturday I begged Mom not to make me go to the swim meet, but had little chance of success. That said, with a bang of the starting gun, I would dive into the cold water with all my strength and swim to the other side of the pool as fast as I could, only to find that the other swimmers slid past me. I would have given it up if I had not heard my father's encouraging shouts to cheer me on. When at last my hand would grab the edge of the pool, he would always be there with a warm, dry towel, telling me how proud he was of my desperate efforts.

Then came a turning point in my life the day our school orchestra( 管弦乐队)visited my class, and gave a demonstration. The drums annoyed me. The flutes(笛子)bored me. But the violin…ah, the violin. It made the sweetest sound I'd ever heard!My heart was dancing along with its flowing tune. For the first time in my life, I went so wild with joy.

Tightly holding the permission slip from the orchestra director, I ran all the way home after school, and shakily handed it to my parents with a fear that they might dismiss my desire. They didn't. Mom was thrilled to see me finally excited about something, and Dad winked(眨眼示意)at me while eagerly signing the slip.

I began practicing the violin with great passion, and rose quickly in ability. Before long I had won the first seat in the community orchestra …

1. What did the sight of the violins in that little shop bring to Tara's mind?
A.Her miserable past.
B.An unforgettable sport event.
C.The stories behind the violins.
D.Her childhood memory.
2. What Dad did for Tara during the swimming competition implies that he is ________.
A.mindless and bad-tempered
B.caring and supportive
C.strict and demanding
D.tolerant and sympathetic
3. What fascinated Tara during her school orchestra's demonstration?
A.The tune of the flutes.
B.The beat of the drums.
C.The sound of the violin.
D.The manner of the musicians.
4. What enabled Tara to win the first seat in the community orchestra?
A.The steady improvement in her taste.
B.Her strong desire for success.
C.Her natural gift for music.
D.The rapid progress in her ability.
5. What message does Tara's story convey?
A.It's never too young to learn.
B.A passionate interest works wonders.
C.Hard work will pay off in the long run.
D.Like mother, like daughter.
2024-01-03更新 | 694次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年6月天津高考英语第二次高考真题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Welcome to UCLA Exchange Program! Let’s get started by checking out Student Guide for your academic journey!

Signing up for ESL (English as a Second Language)

ESL courses are designed to help international students improve academic English language skills. Enrollment (课程注册) priority is given to degree students. If space is available, you may enroll. You will then be asked to take an ESL Placement Test. The test results will help you choose the class that is appropriate for you.

Changing Your Course Enrollment List

You may change your class schedule during the first two weeks of the term by adding or dropping courses from your enrollment list. After the second week of classes, there will be a charge for each schedule change. Students often attend classes in which they are not enrolled on the first day of instruction to try adding this new course to the list, as other students may have dropped it.

Withdrawing from Courses

If you choose to drop a course, you must follow the UCLA procedures for removing it from your schedule. If you forget to officially drop that course, a “F” (Fail) grade will be registered on your record at the end of the term. If, at a later date, you wish to apply for a job or graduate school where an official copy of your UCLA record is required, it will be to your advantage to provide an impressive academic record.

Taking Exams

Some instructors choose to put previous test papers on library reserve,   making them available to all students. These exams, which students commonly use for practice, can give you an idea of how instructors ask questions and what they regard as relevant material. You can also access the exams online.

1. Exchange students can enroll in the ESL course if they ________.
A.have done well in the placement test
B.are asked to improve their English skills
C.find a vacancy after degree students’ enrollment
D.have completed UCLA’s registration procedures
2. An ESL Placement Test is aimed to ________.
A.improve the students’ language skills
B.encourage the students to answer questions
C.put the students in a class that fits them
D.help the students apply for a degree
3. What is the deadline for a free enrollment list change?
A.The day when the class is full.
B.The first day of instruction.
C.The first week of the class.
D.The end of the second week.
4. What should exchange students do if they choose to stop taking a course?
A.Seek assistance from UCLA officials.
B.Go through the procedures to drop it.
C.Present past academic records to UCLA.
D.Make a request to the Registration Office.
5. Working on previous tests helps students ________.
A.imitate the way that their instructors write test questions
B.learn how questions are asked and what they are based on
C.come up with new ideas about how testing relates to teaching
D.narrow down to what has not yet been covered in online tests
2024-01-03更新 | 677次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年6月天津高考英语第二次高考真题
完形填空(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . There are moments when strangers’ lives collide(碰撞)by accident, and even though they may never see each other again, they’ re changed forever. These can be moments when true character is_______ , often through acts of kindness and generosity of unlikely heroes.   

Not long ago, I was a(n)_______to that kind of moment. On a summer midnight, my parents and I had just_______ a long flight and started to walk through the empty airport when I saw a passenger suddenly fall to the ground. We_______ran toward him. My parents, who are doctors, dropped everything and began trying to_______what had happened. As they asked him questions and searched for a(n)_______information card, other passengers from the flight joined us. My parents_______that the man was hypoglycaemic(低血糖的) and in major need of sugar. _______, the only thing we could find was a protein bar. We were _______it would not be enough to save him.

Just then, a young boy, Mecca, arrived at the ________with the flight attendants(空乘人员). He quietly announced, “I have a Snickers(士力架巧克力)!” Nobody responded to him as they were in the________ of trying to save a stranger's life. Mecca dug deep into his backpack, and________a Snickers. He then handed it to my father, who was trying to manage with the protein bar.

Within seconds of the Snickers replacing the protein bar, the man regained________. Mecca, a fourth grader,   ________this stranger's life!

No one could have guessed that earlier that night, Mecca had just been through a ________time. His father's flight was unexpectedly canceled, ________him to fly alone. He had never flown by himself before and was very nervous. His grandmother filled his backpack with candy to make him a little less________ .

When we told Mecca's parents of his________actions, they smiled from ear to ear. They were surprised that he had saved some candy and was able to think about the candy during the________ .

As time goes on, I remain________by the experience of witnessing a nine-year-old save a stranger's life. Even today Mecca's kindness continues to make me smile.

A.caughtB.confirmedC.gotten offD.put off
A.get acrossB.figure outC.take downD.bring up
A.gave awayB.set asideC.pulled outD.kept off
2024-01-03更新 | 917次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年6月天津高考英语第二次高考真题
10 . People who value their privacy are concerned about _________Google might do with the information it is gathering.
2024-01-03更新 | 750次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年6月天津高考英语第二次高考真题
共计 平均难度:一般