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1 . The Practice of Buying More Books Than You Can Read

Are you one of us? Like to buy books but eventually leave them unread? The Japanese have a word for people like us: tsundoku. Doku comes from a verb that can be used for “reading”, while tsun means “to pile up”.     1    .

It’s interesting to consider the future of books right now. We have e-readers, phones, and tablets, which means the fate (命运) for the printed page. We have tiny houses and a major minimalism (极简主义) movement.     2    . We have increased awareness about resources and “stuff” in general: is there room for piles of bound paper in the modern world?

I am a minimalist.     3    . And I think that transferring my tsundoku to a list of digital editions rather than a pile of physical ones might be the way to go. However, the truth is, I love to hold a book in hand. Real books that one can hold in the hand are one of the things that I am unwilling to abandon.     4    . I love being able to easily turn back a few pages to reread a sentence. And maybe, I love buying books that I don’t seem to actually read. But, I can also buy used books, saving them from the landfill and giving them a home.

    5    . I will resist fast fashion and unsustainable food and a bunch of plastic litter that I don’t need. And in return, I will allow myself to engage in some tsundoku. Besides, it’s not actually a waste because I’m going to get to that pile of books someday.

A.I also support sustainable ideas
B.However, I would give up useless books
C.So here’s the deal I've made with myself
D.I love the smell, the weight, the turning of pages
E.So, essentially, it means the piling up of reading things
F.In a word, I can predict the potential fate of word tsundoku
G.Both of them would seem to avoid the piling of books that may go unread
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了Coleman在复兴濒危的Owens Valley Paiute语言方面的努力,他提出了一种被称为LLM-RBMT的机器翻译方法,以保护和推广濒危的语言。

2 . In 2019, Coleman started taking online classes in a lesser-known language: Owens Valley Paiute. But it was not easy. Coleman is a member of the Big Pine Paiute Tribe of Owens Valley — and Paiute is his father’s ancestral language.

“My dad didn’t grow up speaking the language — like many families, it was forced out of use by boarding schools where speaking the language was forbidden. And there was no language-based language models (LLMs) to help me. But I’m lucky my great-grandparents sat down with scientists to document the language and to create recordings so I can hear their voices and words,” said Coleman.

ChatGPT and other LLMs exhibit human-level performance on many natural-language tasks in English, because one-fifth of the world speaks English. But Paiute is regarded as a “no-resource language”, meaning there are no publicly available Paiute sentences translated into English on which to train a machine learning model.

In a new paper, Coleman and his professor Krishnamachari propose a machine translation approach called LLM-RBMT (Rule-Based Machine Translation) to help people learn no-resource languages. In their method, the LLM does not translate into or from Owens Valley Paiute. Instead, it gives guidance to the rule-based translators, which rely on grammatical and vocabulary rules to translate between languages.

This method, said Coleman, mirrors how language learners naturally speak by mixing known and unknown words, making it a practical tool for real-world use. LLM’s remarkable general-purpose language skills make them a promising tool in helping revitalize (复兴) critically endangered languages.

Coleman also built and maintains a suite of digital tools related to language revitalization, named Kubishi or “brain” in Paiute, including an online dictionary, and a sentence-builder and translation system enabled by this research. For his part, Coleman credits his tribe’s members, past and present, for paving the path. “A lot of people in my tribe have been working for a long time on different language revitalization efforts, including classes, dictionaries, recordings,” said Coleman.

1. How did Coleman learn Paiute initially?
A.By turning to an LLM.
B.By taking a course at school.
C.By referring to printed documents.
D.By hearing the created recordings.
2. Why did the author mention ChatGPT?
A.To indicate the progress of Al.
B.To show the popularity of English.
C.To recommend a language learning tool.
D.To stress the challenge of developing LLM-RBMT.
3. How does Coleman’s machine translation approach work?
A.It bases its performance on grammar rules.
B.It helps to guide the rule-based translators.
C.It corrects grammar mistakes during translation.
D.It directly translates Paiute into other languages.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly talking about?
A.The cooperation between individuals.
B.Coleman’s talents and learning goals.
C.Coleman’s contributions and gratitude.
D.The main task of language revitalization.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . An extraordinary adventure is in store for you on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower: “Eiffel Tower Effect”. This adventure, brought to you by the Eiffel Tower and designed by start-up Mira, presents new opportunities and invites visitors to take part in a virtual reality adventure charged with emotions, suspense and excitement!

You will form teams of 2 to 4 people fitted with virtual reality headsets (头盔) and be transported to a world aboard a Zeppelin flying around the Eiffel Tower. At the end of this thrilling adventure, if you complete your mission, you’ll win a chance to take part in a night flight around the Eiffel Tower.

Experience duration: 12 minutes

Prices for the experience:

Tickets for the “Eiffel Tower Effect” can be bought on site, during your visit, in the Tower’s official store located on the first floor!

Standard price (over age 12): €15

Discount rate for children (aged 8 — 11) and people with disabilities: €12

Opening times

Monday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. — Last admission at 7:30 p.m.

Who can play?

The experience is recommended for healthy adults and children aged 11 and over (not available to children under age 8). Please note: Because of the technology involved, virtual reality experiences are not recommended for pregnant women, people with heart problems, or people with balance or vision problems.

1. What can we learn about the “Eiffel Tower Effect”?
A.It is a virtual reality adventure.
B.It is a night flight around the Eiffel Tower.
C.Visitors should finish a task to experience it.
D.Visitors will experience it on the top of the tower.
2. Who are unfit to participate in the adventure?
A.Teenagers with disabilities.B.Women with glasses.
C.Old people in good health.D.People with heart diseases.
3. How much should a mother with her 9-year-old son pay?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . At the “I Am Mbare” community school near Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, over 30 children sat in neat rows in the small schoolyard. Their eyes were wide with curiosity as I unrolled my calligraphy work, displaying the Chinese characters “sheng sheng bu xi” as my encouragement for the kids to grow healthily.

I read the words aloud and explained their meaning. I was touched as the children excitedly tried to imitate (模仿) me, showing their interest in my calligraphy and the Chinese language. The small yard was filled with their enthusiasm.

This happened during a field trip I took from July 1 to 9 as part of the Tsinghua University Global Competency Overseas Practicum Course. The course sent four teams to various countries as part of a summer program in 2024, and I was selected as a member of the team visiting Zimbabwe.

This small-scale, in-depth course wants to help students to have a global vision, facilitating future people-to-people connections.

During my time in Zimbabwe, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my calligraphy talents played a significant role in cultural exchanges. One of the highlights was a forum (论坛) where we engaged in a series of activities with local artists. While my fellow team members sang Welcome to Beijing, I created four calligraphy pieces and presented these pieces on stage at the end of the song, receiving an enthusiastic response.

In addition to my performance at the forum, I devoted time each evening to creating calligraphy tailored for the people we were to visit the next day. My efforts were well-received, as the Zimbabweans’ initial surprise at my calligraphy turned into delight, recognition, and gratitude after I explained the meanings to them. This gave me a sense of achievement and firsthand experience in cultural exchanges.

This experience in Zimbabwe has made me realize the power of art to bridge differences. These valuable connections will stay with me, inspiring me to continue sharing Chinese culture while remaining open to others.

1. How did the author feel about the children’s reaction?
2. What is one aim of the summer course?
A.To develop students’ life skills.
B.To connect with other universities.
C.To help students obtain a global vision.
D.To do voluntary work in poor countries.
3. What greatly helped deepen the relationship between the two countries?
A.Chinese songs.B.Teaching experience.
C.A sense of achievement.D.Chinese calligraphy.
4. What might be the author’s intention to write the text?
A.To share an unforgettable experience.
B.To call on people to care for children.
C.To stress the importance of international help.
D.To introduce a program of Tsinghua University.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Skincare experts and beauty lovers often say that we should be applying SPF (Sun Protection Factor) to our skin every day. When we apply sun cream it can reduce our risk of developing skin cancer, plus it also helps prevent skin ageing and age spots. But Dr. Karan Raj, a medical expert, weighed in with a slightly different take.

He says that some of us don't need to wear SPF every day — and explained why. Dr. Karan Raj said, “Your skin color will determine the degree or risk benefit relationship with sun expose and if you need to cream up those cheeks.”

Speaking about why some people should wear sun cream every day, Dr. Raj said, “It also depends why you're wearing sunscreen. Is it to lower your risk of skin cancer or to limit photo-ageing?”

He added, “If it's to limit photo-ageing you should probably wear sunscreen every day, no matter your skin tone. But if you're just concerned about lowering your risk of skin cancer, you can be more selective about wearing sunscreen.”

He commented, ""This is determined by your skin color and UV Index (紫外线指数) . Generally sunscreen is recommended when the UV Index is three and above. So if you've got pale, sun sensitive skin that turns you into a lobster (龙虾红) easily, or you've got darker white skin, olive or light brown skin and the UV Index is three and above, sunscreen should be part of your routine.”

The NHS doctor says that the UV Index of seven on a white male is a UV. less than minus (负的) one on a male with dark brown skin. He added: “So if you've got dark brown skin you probably don't need routine sunscreen unless you're going to be exposed to the sun for long periods of time, if the UV Index is way higher than expected, or specific medical indications.”

You can find out what the weather Index is each day by checking weather apps. In the UK, the UV Index rarely goes beyond 7. The doctor says those who are worried about their Vitamin D intake, all you need is 25 minutes of sun exposure a few times a week to “max out” your skin's natural Vitamin D product.

1. What does the underlined word “take” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. According to Dr. Karan Raj, we should use sun cream every day         .
A.to avoid skin ageingB.to prevent dust and dirt
C.to improve our makeupD.to reduce the risk of skin cancer
3. Which statement might Dr. Karan Raj agree with?
A.Sun rays won't cause the risk of skin cancer.
B.Dark color skin is not so sensitive to the UV.
C.The UV Index below 7 does no harm to skin.
D.Those lacking Vitamin D should use sun cream.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.What benefits does the sun cream offer?
B.How can you avoid the harm of the sun rays?
C.What is the link between skin color and UV Index?
D.Why is it unnecessary for some to wear sun cream every day?

6 . Tired and sleepy, we got off the night train, stepping foot on new territory: Berlin. Night trains have never been my thing. We arrived at the hotel before it was _______, so we sat at the park across the street.

Shortly after 9 a.m. we walked into the office where a _______ man was working on his computer. We assumed we were too early to check in, but were hoping to _______ our bags and then find a coffee shop somewhere. However, he _______ us kindly and, perhaps taking pity on the _______ under our eyes, worked some magic and took us into a cute hotel room early. With many thanks, we slid into our beds and _______ until the afternoon.

When I woke up, І realized my most prized _______, my DSLR camera, was missing. _______, I searched the room, but it was nowhere to be found. Near tears, I _______, heading towards the park, thinking I may have ________ it there. But no luck. When I saw the hotel worker, who looked ________ to see me, a sense of annoyance flooded me.

He waved me to his ________ while saying, “You left something behind.” Then he handed me the camera. “I figured you might ________ this,” he added. I nearly burst into tears of ________. Thanking the youth over and over again for all of his ________ today.

A.pack upB.drop offC.sort outD.look for
A.looked upB.stood upC.raced outD.reached out
A.office B.vehicleC.agencyD.bedroom
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Spy Run

“It can’t be done!” Mr. Geiger hit the table with his fist. “I’ve carried messages for the captain before. But not this time! The enemy soldiers crowd into the woods. Our rider will be caught.” Emily watched her father as he paced the floor. Two neighbors nodded.

“Could a girl? Maybe they wouldn’t stop me?” asked Emily.

“You’re a child, Emily,” one man said gently. “You would be afraid.”

“I am not a child!” Emily cried out. “I’m thirteen, and I’m not afraid!”

“You don’t understand the danger.” said the other neighbor. Emily shook her head. She knew how risky the trip could be. The Geigers and their friends wanted to protect their country and drive the enemy away. But there were some enemy soldiers disguising (乔装打扮)themselves and spying in the surrounding areas.

Mr. Geiger looked at his daughter, saying nothing. He didn’t want Emily to take this risk. But no one else was more suitable. “Tell Sumter to meet me here tomorrow night.” He drew a small map, added a sentence, and handed Emily the paper. “Give this to Sumter by tomorrow noon. If you’re late, he won’t reach the captain in time.”

Ten minutes later, Emily began her ride with the map safely hidden deep inside her dress. She had never ridden so far alone. But she didn’t worry about getting lost. She was more worried that someone would stop her and grab the map.

By midday, the air grew hot. Emily stopped at a stream. While her horse grazed (吃草), Emily rested and ate. Then the sound of a deep voice made her jump and turn.

“What are you doing here?” Emily felt nervous as she stared up at two enemy soldiers. “I’m…” Emily didn’t know how to answer. If she lied, her face would turn red and they would know it. But she dared not tell the truth.

“We’ll take her to camp and find a woman to search her,” one soldier said. Then Emily was taken to their camp where they locked her in a small cottage and her horse was tied to a tree.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Looking around the cottage, Emily wondered how to handle the map before being searched.


“Young lady, you can leave now,” a voice called outside the cottage.

书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假定你是李华,在一家英语网站看到关于“The Olympic Hero in My Heart”的论坛,请你在帖子下面留言,内容包括:
1. 你心中的奥运英雄;
2. 敬佩他(她)的理由。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

This is the first cross-provincial ecological restoration project in China,     1     design that is truly paving the way for the future. Green ecology and harmony is the theme and the end result is     2    (absolute) amazing.

    3    (design) by the Tus-Design Group Co. , Ltd, this incredible shoreline linkage project uses the wetlands as part of the design. The Yangtze River is integrated     4     the design as well. The project’s aim is to restore and improve the shoreline, creating a home for native plants, wildlife and people who want to come here and enjoy the natural     5    (beautiful).

Additionally, this design honors the water culture of the Yangtze River. The project was created so as not to disturb the natural patterns of the fish and provide a place for native plants     6    (grow) healthily.

Moreover, there’s a hidden flood control walkway, which combines the shoreline with plants, terrain (地形) and the     7    (exist) surroundings. The walkway is hidden within the environment, which creates an even     8    (dynamic) experience while walking.

Meanwhile, the walking path     9    (surround) by native grasses and plants with beautiful views all around. Ecological pavement leads past watery areas that are perfect for picnicking. There are public spaces everywhere, all of     10     honor nature.

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was shy when I was little. Kids, adults, pretty much everyone made me nervous. I was also what most teachers and parents would call a “good kid”. I followed the rules, got good grades in school and rarely questioned authority. But then one day, one single ride on a school bus changed all that.

The school bus that day was crowded, hot, humid and smelly. Most of the other kids were busy with conversations, arguments and games. Only a few of my classmates were looking through the windows at the water filling the street. It was raining too hard. The road outside looked like a flooded stream. I sat alone as usual, speaking to no one.

Suddenly I saw a kitty on the other side of the road. Poor cat, I thought. He was all wet and didn't seem to know where to go to get out of the rain. I wanted to go and get the kitty, but I knew that the bus driver, Mrs Foster, would never allow me off the bus.It was against the rules to even stand up. I would get in big trouble for trying to rescue a cat.I also thought that the other kids would laugh at the animal that was dripping wet. They would see his misery (悲惨) as their entertainment. I could see him shaking. His movements revealed a level of fear that I had never witnessed before.

My heart was racing. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I wanted to rush off the bus without asking permission, and pull the cat from the rain, and wrap it up in my warm jacket, But I also pictured getting into trouble before the cat could be saved, the other kids staring and laughing. I sat motionless, unable to act. I was sure that I heard his terrified meow.


Somehow, I managed to stand up, crying,“Mrs Foster!”


Mrs Foster grabbed the cat, returned to the bus, handed it to me, and asked how to handle it.

2024-07-20更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省承德市高中2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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