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1 . I received my architectural training in Italy, earning a traditional degree that didn’t involve working with Computer-Aided Design (CAD). However, my journey with computers began through my passion for music, using sound sampling systems, which catch the “sound reality” of an instrument, and also computer-assisted music composition systems. Little did I know that this exploration would greatly influence my approach to computer science and AI in the years to come.

Self-taught in computer science during my architectural studies, I sought opportunities to specialize further. Ultimately, my journey led me to a pioneering laboratory in Marseille, France, known for its groundbreaking work in computer science applied to architecture. Surrounded by a community of innovators, I improved my skills to explore the transformative power of technology in preserving cultural heritage.

In 2019, the world watched in horror as Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) was consumed in flames. Determined to contribute to the restoration efforts, I took the lead in developing a digital ecosystem for the restoration operation. We developed groundbreaking AI tools generating 3D representations from photographs. By tracking the position and shape of voussoirs (拱石), and digitizing them from photographs, we were able to use the fine geometric information of the voussoirs to reconstruct the arch, thus giving valuable information to the architects about the structure, the exact geometry, and especially about constructive details of the oldest areas of the church from the 13th century. Notably, AI played a pivotal role in the process.

As the restoration project progresses, the AI-driven preservation continues to advance. This knowledge will definitely serve as raw material to be used for AI systems, for example, for studies that can be extended to other buildings. Today, the restoration project is in an extremely advanced state. We hope to complete the restoration work before the 2024 Paris Olympics, so that this architectural masterpiece can regain its former glory.

1. What led the author to computer science initially?
A.Composing music with CAD.B.Exploring computers for music.
C.Studying for a degree in architecture.D.Developing sound sampling systems.
2. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The application of AI in restoration.B.The structure of Notre Dame de Paris.
C.The destruction of Notre Dame de Paris.D.The development of AI digital ecosystem.
3. What does the underlined word “pivotal” in paragraph 3 mean?
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the AI-driven preservation?
2024-06-01更新 | 159次组卷 | 3卷引用:宁夏回族自治区银川一中2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . An expedition (远行) to Kenya


Go beyond the typical safari (旅行) experience, and observe Kenya’s wildlife through the eyes of the conservationists. Spend time in three extraordinary reserves, visit field stations where National Geographic-supported researchers are working to save important species. Watch the elephants of Amboseli in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro and track rare species like African wild dogs and white and black rhinos. Take a deep dive into Maasai culture during a village visit, where you’ll learn about wildlife conservation efforts carried out in partnership with local communities.


Throughout the expedition, you will stay in ideally located hotels, country houses and excellent tented camps.

Expedition team

A National Geographic expert and an expedition leader will accompany this trip, and local guides will join you along the way.

What’s included

◎Transfers (中转) upon arrival and departure

◎Transportation provided during the trip

◎Accommodations indicated in the schedule

◎Meals indicated in the itinerary (行程)

◎Daily activities indicated in the schedule

What’s not included

◎Airfare to and from the destination, as well as internal airfare

◎Trip cancellation insurance or any other travel insurance


◎Alcoholic drinks

1. What can you do on the expedition?
A.Have an elephant ride.B.Work with local communities.
C.Learn about Maasai culture.D.Dive at a wildlife reserve.
2. Which of the following would be at your own expense?
A.Meals.B.Travel insurance.C.Accommodations.D.Daily activities.
3. Who might be most interested in the expedition?
A.Historians.B.Extreme athletes.C.Mountain climbers.D.Animal lovers.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了科学家发现一颗完整的鸡蛋大约有 1700 年的历史,而且鸡蛋里面仍然保留着蛋液

3 . A complete chicken egg estimated to be around 1,700 years old is believed to be the only of its type in the world, after scientists found it still had liquid inside.

It was discovered during a dig in Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire between 2007 and 2016, with researchers saying at the time that it was a “genuinely unique discovery”. During the course of the dig, archaeologists broke three other eggs which released a “terrible smell”, but a fourth egg remained undamaged. It is the only complete egg ever found dating back to the Roman times.

Now, a micro scan has found that the egg still contains the yolk (蛋黄) and egg white, and it is believed to be the only complete egg from that period. The recent work has been carried out by conservator Dana Goodburn-Brown, who took the egg for further analysis at the University of Kent.

Edward Biddulph, senior project manager at Oxford Archaeology, who oversaw the dig, said, “It produced an amazing image that indicated that the egg, apart from being complete — which is incredible enough — also held its liquid inside. We were absolutely blown away when we saw the contents in there, as we might have expected them to have leaked out.”

It has also been taken to London’s Natural History Museum, where Douglas Russell, the senior director of the museum, was consulted about how to conserve the egg. Mr Biddulph said, “As we found out when we visited the Natural History Museum, it appears to be the oldest known example in the world.”

The egg is now being housed at Discover Bucks Museum in Aylesbury while work continues to discover how to extract (提取) the inside without breaking the delicate shell.

“There is huge potential for further research and this is the next stage in the life of this remarkable egg,” Mr Biddulph said.

1. Why was Edward Biddulph shocked at the egg?
A.It was badly preserved.B.It could be blown away.
C.It kept liquid contents inside.D.It was still good enough to eat.
2. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.The egg will be broken for further study.
B.The egg will be on display in the museum.
C.More studies will be carried out about the egg.
D.More efforts will be put into studying the egg shell.
3. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Secret of an Ancient Egg Has Been Revealed
B.An Ancient Egg Reveals the History of Buckinghamshire
C.An Egg Is Said to Be the Oldest Complete One in the World
D.An Amazing Egg Is Still Full of Liquid 1,700 Years Later
4. What is the text?
A.A news report.B.A biology essay.
C.A technical invention.D.A geographical discovery.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Sean Sherman开办本土特色餐厅的故事。

4 . Which of these ingredients have you cooked with or eaten, wild rice, rabbits or roses? Actually, they were part of Native American cuisine in the past. Sean Sherman is a chef from the Oglala Lakota tribe, who is attempting something remarkable. Through his company and his restaurant, Sherman is bringing these ingredients back into the public eye.

Sean Sherman grew up on the Pine Ridge Reservation. As a reservation kid, Sherman usually didn’t have access to high-quality or tasty food. His family relied on the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, which meant canned goods, tasteless food, and powdered milk. After high school, Sherman started working for the Forest Service. As part of his job, he had to learn the names of the plants, which raised his curiosity about indigenous (本土的) plants and foods.

Sherman started doing lots of research on his own, and he started his company in 2014. A few years later, Sherman opened his restaurant Owamni, where he showed native ingredients and flavors. The most significant feature of the restaurant is the native ingredients, none of which is related to European civilizations.

The vibe in the restaurant is totally unique as well. There, a lot of people are really struck by it, because it’s not typical to be able to go someplace and see their native foods on the menu, see native people cooking the food and listen to native music. Therefore, it’s a wholly unique experience and it’s something that’s really special.

Native cuisine allows native people to explore their histories and cultures. It supports local businesses and comes with a host of health benefits. “We should have native restaurants in every city to show the diversity and flavors of all the different tribes across North America and thus have a future where native cuisine is more widespread, and ingredients are more familiar and well known,” Sherman explains.

1. When did Sean Sherman become interested in native foods?
A.As he was a reservation kid.
B.Before he entered high school.
C.When he worked as a chef in a restaurant.
D.When he was working in the forest department.
2. What is the most important feature of Sherman’s restaurant?
A.The ingredients used are native.
B.Native music is played all the time.
C.Diverse ingredients are combined in each dish.
D.It is a reflection of modern native civilization.
3. What does the underlined word “vibe” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. Why does Sherman suggest each city should have native restaurants?
A.To boost the profits of local businesses.
B.To help native people to honor their history.
C.To present and promote the native cuisine.
D.To serve foods with various health benefits.
2024-05-29更新 | 114次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市大武口区石嘴山市第三中学高三下学期三模英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

2024 marks the 940th anniversary (周年纪念) of the birth of Li Qingzhao (1084-1155), one of the best-known female     1     (writer) in Chinese history.     2     (honor) the famous Song Dynasty (960—1279) poetess, the first International Qingzhao Poetry and Arts Festival will be held between June 20 and 27 at the poet’s birthplace, today’s Zhangqiu district of Jinan in Shandong province.

Themed on “What Springs Forth”, the week-long event will take place at the Zhangqiu Mingshui Ancient City, a     3     (new) opened tourist destination where Li’s former residence is located, with dozens of springs gushing (涌出) all year round.

During the festival, famous poets, artists, critics and translators from home     4     abroad will gather at the ancient city to join in a wide variety of activities. With a focus on     5     (fresh), experimentation and futurism, the festival’s organizing committee has designed     6     series of programs for young people. For example, two poetry awards for young poets and university students will     7     (present) after careful selection.

“Regarding the young poet awards, we should use our judging process to discover and reward those     8     have true breakthroughs in concepts, aesthetics, language, and even     9    terms of the relationship between poetry and society,” said the festival’s academic director Jiang Tao.

Meanwhile, international poets and translators will be invited to attend the festival, and translation workshops aimed at     10     (promote) translation between Chinese poetry and poetry of foreign languages will be held during the event.

语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

BYD, or Biyadi, is a leading Chinese automotive company that specializes in new energy vehicles, including electric cars and buses.     1    (establish) in Shenzhen in 2003 by Wang Chuanfu,     2    expert in battery technology, BYD initially made its mark in the battery industry. The company’s name, meaning ‘Build Your Dreams’, reflects    3    (it) ambitious vision.

BYD     4    (focus) on developing electric and hybrid vehicles from the very beginning, taking advantage of its excellent battery technology. BYD’s commitment to innovation has led to the production of several     5    (true) successful models, such as the F3DM, the world’s first mass-produced plug-in hybrid car, and the E6, an electric crossover.

Over the years, BYD has expanded its reach globally, selling vehicles in numerous countries and establishing research and     6    (produce) facilities internationally. The company has also diversified into other areas, including solar energy and LED technology, reflecting its broader commitment to     7    (sustain) development.

BYD has been at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution, investing heavily in research and development. Its innovative Blade Battery technology, introduced in 2020, aims to enhance the safety and performance of EV batteries,     8     so far has still been a major concern for the market.

Today, BYD continues to grow, driven by its mission to create a     9    (green) future. With a diverse range of products and a strong     10     (present) in both domestic and international markets, BYD is a symbol of China’s rise as a major player in the global automotive industry.

2024-05-28更新 | 197次组卷 | 4卷引用:宁夏石嘴山市平罗县平罗中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(重点班)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Creating once-in-a-lifetime moments for you is at the heart of everything we do. The following are some tour suggestions handpicked by the WILDFOOT experts.


September to April|4 Nights; £1,529 per person.


· Discover Iceland at your leisure, with included car hire and good standard   accommodation.

· Hunt for the awe-inspiring northern lights.

· Enjoy incredible landscapes, and natural wonders including waterfalls, hot springs and beautiful National Parks.


May to July |11 Nights; £8,200 per person.


· Observe spectacular wildlife, including the iconic polar bears and whales.

· Enjoy amazing polar scenery and midnight sun.

· Experience exciting Zodiac cruises and shore excursions.


June to October|9 Nights; £6,256 per person.


· Immerse yourself in the birding paradise of the Amazon Rainforest.

· Have a great chance of spotting the majestic jaguar as it patrols the banks of the Cuiaba River.

· Encounter the wonderful wildlife of the Pantanal including the Brazilian tapir, giant anteaters, capybaras, monkeys, giant river otters, caiman, anacondas and much more.


November to March|11 Nights;

Adults: £3,245 per person; Children: £1,064 per person.


· Start your Africa experience with a visit to the iconic Victoria Falls.

· Observe an abundance of iconic wildlife including elephants, lions, buffaloes, wild-dogs, cheetahs, a myriad of birds, and much more.

· Visit the Painted Dog Research Centre to learn about the endangered African Wild-Dog and the conservation efforts in place to protect them.

1. What is special about ICELANDIC WINTER SELF-DRIVE?
A.Northern lights.B.Polar bears and whales.
C.Midnight sun.D.Victoria Falls.
2. Which option is available for tourists to travel in August?
3. How much does it cost a couple with two children for a Family Safari?
完形填空(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . During the first meeting with my future mentor (导师) when I was an undergraduate student, he asked why I wanted to join his lab. I _________ responded with the first thing that came to mind: “Because you're_________” He let out the loudest laugh have ever heard and told me students usually say “gain research experience to apply to graduate school” or they _________ his research fascinating. I was so _________ I hadn't thought of a wise answer like the other students. I didn't even know what graduate school was, but it sounded fancy.

I am the youngest of 14 children from a Vietnamese family. I knew college would be an important step and was thrilled when I got the offer. But I knew _________ nothing about college and had no one to turn to for _________. Everything was novel and challenging, and I was always several steps behind, which _________ my confidence. I spent more time trying to work out how to pay for college and wondering whether I should _________ than I did studying.

No wonder I blew that interview with Dr.D. I reached for my backpack to leave, thinking this meeting was over. To my _________, Dr.D told me he appreciated my honesty, and welcomed me to his lab where I worked for two years afterwards. He laid a(n) __________ for my faith and self-worth and taught me __________ it means to be a good mentor.

From the start, Dr.D consistently asked me for help and ideas. At first I was surprised. What could I possibly have to offer? __________ my blank stares as he tried to extract ideas from me, he __________ with incredible patience. He never doubted I had something worthwhile to ____________Over time, I began to believe it, too.

When I was __________ what to do after graduation, he told me to go where people needed me and happily helped me. Beyond that, his consistent encouragement __________ me that I had the value to offer and was worthy of support, which had been particularly __________ for me as a first-generation college student from an immigrant family.

When I became a professor and mentored my own students, many of whom __________ me of my younger self. I strive to be __________ with my time, compassion and expertise; respect mentees’ unique backgrounds and contributions. As I say to my students, how can we expect others to see that we're __________ if we can't see it ourselves?

A.check outB.drop outC.hangupD.scttle down
A.carrying onB.figuring outC.longing forD.looking after
2024-05-28更新 | 156次组卷 | 3卷引用:完形填空变式题
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . There’s nothing more frightening than feeling adrift (漂浮着) and out of control — now imagine if you were a six-year-old girl in the ocean!

When a little girl recently was swept out to sea on a raft (橡皮艇), her father frantically ( 拼命地) called for a(n) _________ — but there was none to be found. _________ , the four Butler brothers took action, running to the ocean and _________ toward the little girl as fast as they could. The _________ rescue, which took an hour, inspired everyone around them. “I knew the water was getting deep, but I didn’t _________ ,” Declan Butler, who, at age 18, is the youngest brother along with his twin Eoghan, told The Washington Post. “I just didn’t want to _________ her.”

At one point, the little girl appeared to _________ the raft, and the brothers were _________, but then they saw her rise above the water again. From that point, the brothers _________ to swim for another half-hour before getting close enough to call out to the girl to keep her __________.

“It was emotional,” Alex Thomson, brother-in-law to the Butlers, said. “If anything, it was extremely rewarding __________ we got to her.”

In the time it took them to __________ her, the young girl’s father was __________ to carry on swimming and was also in __________ of rescuing. Once the little girl was __________ on the beach, twins Declan and Eoghan swam out to __________ her father too.

“Seeing her jump around and kiss her mom was really __________,” Declan said. Two days after they saved the six-year-old, the brothers were reflecting on the strange __________ of it all. Their grandfather __________ on that same day, decades before their rescue. By saving a young girl, they felt they had __________ their grandfather.

A.give up onB.break away fromC.get along withD.stand up for
A.put offB.switch offC.show offD.fall off
2024-05-25更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届宁夏石嘴山市第一中学高三下学期三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Now it seems that more and more animals are showing up in cities where we would not expect them to. But scientists have learned that some species do better in cities. Take peregrine falcons (游隼) for example. They use tall city buildings to make homes, man-made lighting to hunt at night, and warm air currents created when the sun beats down on city surfaces to fly with less effort.

Some animals adapt well to city life, and some do not. For example, squirrels (松鼠) do amazingly well living in cities, while wolves have never seemed to get the hang of it. Usually, animals that eat a lot of different things, called generalists, do much better in cities than specialists, which eat one specific kind of food. Smaller animals are also more likely to live in cities than bigger animals. Some people believe animals that do well in cities might be smarter than the ones that do not, but more research is needed on this.

Many animals have even learned cool tricks to live in cities, and these behaviors help them find more food or mates (伴侣), or avoid people. To learn about these behaviors, we use recording devices to spot animals, microphones to record their sounds, and tracking equipment to follow them. Scientists use many different tools to study what animals eat, how healthy they are, how they compete with each other, and more.

Humans are turning the planet into cities and farms, which does not leave many other places for most wildlife to live in. So, what can we do? At home, we can cover our garbage carefully because it is not good for wild animals. We can also plant some native plants that wildlife might like. Seeing animals in a city, we can give them space and watch them from far away. We could also try some creative things like green roofs where birds and insects can live in.

To do that, we need to know what kind of habitats different species need, and how to prevent human-wildlife conflicts. We still have a lot to learn.

1. How does the author develop paragraph 1?
A.By providing statistical data.B.By making a comparison.
C.By giving an example.D.By stating arguments.
2. What kind of animals survive better in cities according to the author?
A.Those with close mates.B.Those with long diet lists.
C.Those with fast movement.D.Those with high intelligence.
3. What does the author suggest we do in paragraph 4?
A.Restrict urban and agricultural development.
B.Make our cities wildlife-friendly.
C.Plant new varieties of plants.
D.Sort our garbage carefully.
4. Where can the text be found?
A.In a short story.B.In a health journal.
C.In a business report.D.In a science magazine.
2024-05-25更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届宁夏石嘴山市第一中学高三下学期三模英语试题
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