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短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 根据汉语提示补全短文。

Based on the     1    (心理学) behind creating a desire to buy, advertisers have developed ways of persuading people into     2    (购买) their products or services. A common technique to make an impact is to create a     3    (难忘的)     4    (口号).     5    (口号) use simple but impressive language to make us remember the product or service being advertised. Some of these slogans may also appeal to (迎合) our emotions. For example, a slogan may connect a fine china     6    (茶壶) it aims to promote with our pride in having good taste. You will hear a variety of slogans any time you watch TV. Think about your favourite one. What makes it special? And what message does it try to     7    (被传达)? A slogan which communicates an idea effectively can    8    (使增长) sales and even becomes part of popular culture. That is the power of memorable slogans.

Another technique advertisers often employ is to link their company or product to a “    9    (品牌)    10    (大使)”-a famous actor, a sports star, or even a fictional character. Think of a popular fast-food restaurant. Does it have a     11    (品牌大使)? Is the     12    (品牌大使) popular among potential customers? The more we like the brand ambassador, the more we will be attracted to buy the product.

2024-01-11更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 单元复习卷-2021-2022学年高二英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第二册
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 根据中英文、首字母或语境提示,用单词的适当形式填空。

I’ve also been taking driving lessons, and in fact I     1    (take) my driving test on the very day I turn 18. As an ambulance driver, my mum worries about me being     2     the wheel. She’s seen a lot of car accidents     3     (involve) teenagers and thinks the legal age for getting a driving l    4    (执照) should be 21.

2023-12-17更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省实验中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次月考英语试题
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料, 根据首字母和提示填空, 每空一词。

The city of Qufu in Shandong Province is the hometown of Confucius, founder of the Confucian school of philosophy. There are many cultural sites, among which the most famous are the Mansion, the Temple and the Cemetery of Confucius.

Confucius b     1     to the State of Lu in the Spring and Autumn period. By the time of the Warring States period, there were seven chief kingdoms left. Sometimes, they were joined to each other because the power of an individual kingdom was too small, and sometimes they broke away from each other. During this period, the kingdoms went through a number of battles, including military offensive as well as military d     2     . Finally, the State of Qin c     3     the other six kingdoms and united the country. After that, the Qin Dynasty established a new legal system and a unified currency. Evidence shows that the Qin Dynasty made great a     4     in many aspects. Why the Qin Dynasty was strong is no longer a p     5     .

山东省曲阜市是孔子的故乡, 孔子是儒家哲学学派的创始人。那里有许多文化遗址, 其中最著名的是孔、孔庙和孔
孔子属于春秋时期的鲁国。到了战国时期, 还剩下七个主要 诸侯国。有时候它们联合在一起, 因为一个诸侯国的力量太小, 有时候又彼此分离。这一时期, 诸侯国之间经历了许多次战争, 包括军事进攻和军事防御。最后, 秦国征服了其他六国, 统一了国家。那之后, 秦朝建立了新的法律制度和统一的货币。有证据表明, 秦朝在许多方面都取得了巨大的成就。秦朝为何强大已不再是一个
4 . 请根据语篇和括号中的汉语提示在空格处填入一个适当的单词并体会该单词的用法,然后将短文熟读背诵。

I used to be a lazy student who often fell asleep in class. Worse still, I associated with bad friends. As a result, I was     1    (落后的) in my studies. It was not until the beginning of the new term that I     2    (开始) to behave well because my English teacher, Miss Yang, a beautiful and attractive lady, kept encouraging me not to give up studying. Under her influence, I was aware of my mistakes and decided to change my     3    (态度) entirely. Every day I     4    (上学) school on time and pay attention to my teachers in class. To     5    (避免) making the same mistakes, I usually attach a note to my desk as a reminder. Knowing that my studies are     6    (糟糕的), I want to improve it badly by making an effort. First, I     7    (醒来) early in the morning to do some reading aloud and attempt to learn the basic knowledge by heart. Also, my teachers are ready to assist me with my studies. With their help, it is not long before I make progress and catch up with my classmates. Not long ago, I participated in an Spoken English Contest on     8    (代表) of my class and I held the firm belief that I would     9    (打败) the other competitors. What astonished everybody was that I attained the championship and was     10    (授予) a gold medal. Now, not only do I go all out to study but I often exercise because only in this way can I keep the balance between study and relaxation.

2023-01-14更新 | 475次组卷 | 3卷引用:01-【思维导图背单词】词根法速记高中必背单词 Day 1
共计 平均难度:一般