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| 共计 20 道试题
1 . 每个句子的错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
1. My adviser recommended that I signed up for advanced literature.
2. I’m looking forward to see the colourful lakes.
3. We’re also plan to visit several other places in Xian.
4. l’ve heard that it is an amazing sight, and I can’t wait go.
5. How about watch badminton this afternoon?
6. Lose two important players was a big challenge.
7. Jordan says that the secret to his success is learn from his failures.
8. Strange things were happen in the countryside of northeastern Hebei.
9. Here are some of the people who homes were destroyed by the typhoon.
10. I remember that day that I suddenly felt like German was no longer a foreign language.
2023-11-19更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆疏勒县第一中学等3校2022-2023学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
2 . 单句改错
1. Germany is an European country.
2. I found most of my classmate friendly and helpful.
3. There used to have a tall tree at the school gate.
4. What a fun it is to swim in the pool in summer!
5. At weekends, we often go to the wetland watch the birds and study them.
2023-10-13更新 | 35次组卷 | 3卷引用:云南省2021-2022学年高二上学期普通高中学业水平考试英语练习题第一套
3 . 请你修改以下的每个句子,每句有1处语言错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加或修改。
1. But I was having a hard time find someone who would pay the full price.
2. He was not allowed get into the show because someone had sold him a fake ticket.
3. It was one of the most encouraged experiences of my life.
4. He always tells me to taking a positive attitude towards everything because it's useless to cry.
5. Every day when I come home, Lucky always runs towards me happily to welcomed me.
6. I was so surprised that I crashed into an old lady walk down the street!
7. My neighbour saw me to fall so she stopped her car and rushed out to help me.
8. I was driving slowly this morning when I saw a deer live in the woods appear in the middle of the road.
9. Finally, I signalled with my hand to him go on.
10. I kept do so for some times.
2022-07-09更新 | 210次组卷 | 1卷引用:Day07 单词默背+动名词作宾语-2022-2023学年【补习教材·寒假作业】高二英语(人教版2019)
4 . 单句改错
1. (2021·四川·成都外国语学校模拟预测)She shouted that two children in the deeper water appeared to being in danger.
2. (2021·四川·成都外国语学校模拟预测)After rescuing them, my father was very tiring, but when interviewed, he said what he did was really normal.
3. (2022·四川·凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所二模)I like surfing the Internet and do sports.
4. (2022·安徽马鞍山·一模)It offered us a chance to get close to nature,and made us know the importance of protect the environment.
5. (2022·新疆师范大学附属中学一模)That's when we got a idea to build the water station in our front yard for the neighborhood dogs to using.
6. (2022·四川·绵阳中学模拟预测)Before the holiday, I thought about doing something meaningful. Suddenly, I remembered that there was a lot of primary school students putting up small shops and sell red bags on the street last Spring Festival.
7. (2022.四川·成都七中模拟预测)Locating on the hillside, the farm is known for its beautiful scenery.
8. (2022.陕西.宝鸡中学模拟预测)The air keeps the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down.
9. (2022.安徽.合肥第八中学)When interviewing, Alan, a foreign teacher, said, “This is the most exciting sports meeting I have never seen!”
10. (2022.河南省大联考)Now, I’m glad to having the experience.
2022-06-27更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题03 非谓语动词&交际用语
5 . 单句改错
1. I found the story excited.
2. Interesting in English, she learns it very well.
3. The surprising look on his face suggested that he hadn’t expected what would happen.
4. He got up such early this morning that he got to school ahead of other classmates.
5. All the afternoon he worked with the door locking.
6. Jim went into the room silently to avoid seen by the teacher.
7. She was very sick; as a result of, she could neither eat nor sleep.
8. As a new driver, I have to practice park the car in my small house.
9. The stone can be used to building a new palace.
10. It is such fine a day that I want to go out for a walk.
2022-03-17更新 | 176次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题试题
6 . 每句中只有一处错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
1. It was the first time that I seen the night face to face.
2. I will go to his birthday party if inviting.
3. He said that the food in that city disagreed on him.
4. The beautiful girl has fallen in love with a young man for two years.
5. The woman got up early in order that to prepare something delicious.
6. You broke my favourite camera and you had to pay to get it repair.
7. In my view, it was an extreme difficult and dangerous task.
8. There have been a series of good harvests in the town.
9. As we all know, the giant panda is native of China.
10. The beautiful scenery in the little city was beyond express.
2021-10-20更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏中卫市第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
7 . 请你修改以下的每个句子,每句有1处语言错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加或修改。
1. It is clear that the terrible news really made them frightening
2. Hear the news, she burst out crying.
3. The girl didn’t notice that his mother had come back.
4. I preferred swim to running to keep myself healthy.
5. Although he is an adult, but he behaves as a child.
6. He got some useful informations from his friend.
7. As matter of fact, I don’t like to be praised before the public.
8. He hoped to collect more money to giving to the school.
9. In March 2nd, we finally got to the village at last
10. When he returned home, he found that his house was in ruin.
2021-03-25更新 | 119次组卷 | 1卷引用:西藏日喀则市上海实验学校2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
8 . 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/\),并在其下面写出该加的词。
1. He must work very hard in order support his large family.
2. Studying hard isn’t always a fun.
3. The research has focused for the relationship between a teenager’s sleep and health.
4. You can spend three days explore the rainforest with a local guide.
5. Tom is looking forward to meet the new exchange student.
2020-11-10更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省汪清县第六中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
9 . 单句改错
1. Artemisinin is thought to save 100,000 life a year in Africa alone.
2. Boiled the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties.
3. We talked about music, and food, and holiday destinations, and gradual established a kinship.
4. On October 6, Tu Youyou was awarded with the Nobel Prize.
5. They will send in trained nurses evaluate the needs of the individual patient.
2020-09-01更新 | 193次组卷 | 3卷引用:【高中新教材人教版同步备课】选择性必修 1【新教材精创】1.1 Reading and thinking 练习
10 . 单句改错
1. In order to catching the early bus,he went to bed early.
2. It is the first time that he had written a letter in English.
3. It was at the station where we first met three years ago.
4. Mary always wants to talk with her mother face by face.
5. The teacher said that Li Ming had done was great.
2020-08-08更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州福清市2017-2018学年学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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