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“Brrrrr—boppppp!” Ricky sat at the kitchen table, imitating the drumbeat of his favorite song as he finished his math homework. His pencil moved in time to the percussive (打击乐的) rhythms booming from his earbuds.

Grandma Johnson came into the kitchen just as Ricky was putting his math notebook back into his backpack.

“I don’t know how you get anything done listening to that hippity-hoppity noise,”she exclaimed.

Ricky took out his earbuds and fought hard not to roll his eyes. He knew Grandma Johnson was half-teasing. But the hip-hop rhythms relaxed his mind and quietened his thoughts, allowing his brain to focus on the page.

“Guess what, Grandma?” said Ricky. “I’ve finished my homework.”

Without his earbuds, Ricky could hear the music playing in the background — a song by Diana Ross and the Supremes. Pushing aside his annoyance, he took his grandmother’s hand and gave her a little twirl (旋转). Ricky has always felt close to his grandma. And now that his high school was near his grandmother’s Brooklyn home, he went there every day to eat dinner and do his homework before heading home to Harlem. Ricky knew his presence helped ease his grandmother’s loneliness, and he loved spending time with her. But… he just wished she would stop dismissing his favorite music as noise.

That evening, Grandma surprised Ricky with tickets to a Stevie Wonder concert at Madison Square Garden. Ricky was secretly disappointed, as he believed the concert would be boring compared to the hip-hop concerts he had attended. However, he smiled and thanked his grandmother for the gift. At dinner, Grandma Johnson took out her old photo albums and told Ricky stories about her past experiences at music festival s and concerts, including a Stevie Wonder concert in 1972. “This is not just music,” Grandma told him. “This is Black History, Black Culture. Blind as he is, he is a great musician.” But a Stevie Wonder concert today —an old guy on stage, playing a keyboard and singing? No dancers? No special effects? How boring!

Paragraph 1

The day of the concert arrived.

Paragraph 2

It turned out that the live performance differed from Ricky’s imagination.

7日内更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省龙岩市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
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Lily’s Gift

Lily loved her mom more than anything in the world. Her mom worked hard every day to provide for Lily and her little brother, Jake, She was a nurse at the local hospital, and she often had to work long hours and night shifts. Ella knew her mom was tired and stressed, but she always had a smile and a hug for her children.

Lily wanted to do something special for her mom this Christmas. She wanted to show her how much she appreciated her and how much she loved her. She decided to buy her a gift, something that would make her happy and beautiful. She had seen a necklace at the mall, a silver chain with a heart-shaped pendant that had the word “Mom” engraved on it. Lily thought it was perfect for her mom.

But the necklace was expensive. It cost $50, and Lily didn’t have that much money. She only got $5 every week as her pocket money, and she had to save some of it for school supplies and snacks. She also had to help Jake with his homework and chores, so she didn’t have time to get a part-time job. Lily decided to save as much as she could from her pocket money. She also looked for ways to earn extra money. She sold some of her old toys and books at a garage sale. She offered to walk her neighbors’ dogs and water their plants. She even gave up her birthday money and asked for no presents.

It took her months to save enough money for the necklace. She had to resist the temptation to spend it on candy, movies, or clothes. She kept her goal in mind and reminded herself of how happy her mom would be.

Finally, on Christmas Eve, she had enough money. She ran to the mall and bought the necklace. She wrapped it in a shiny red paper and put a bow on it. She wrote a card that said, “To Mom, with love from Lily.”


She hid the gift under her bed and waited for Christmas morning.


“I saved up for it, mom. I wanted to give you something special. I love you so much,” Lily said.

7日内更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试卷
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I remember wondering if we should even be friends when I found out that my new friend Karina did not share my opinions about some stuff. It was hard to imagine disagreeing with her about anything, because when we first met, we got along so great.

It was as if we’d known each other forever. Whenever we got to pick a partner at camp, we picked each other. Whenever we had a break, we hung out together. And the more time we spent together, the more we realized how amazingly alike we were. We both had two lovely cats. We both liked baking extra-creative cookies.

But then something happened. The tent camp was next to a piece of beautiful land that had a bunch of giant old trees on it. Whenever it was nice out, we’d get to eat our lunch at picnic tables that were right by some of those trees. “Whoa!” said Karina one day. “Look at the millions of holes all the way up and down this trunk.”

“That’s amazing,” I said. “A special kind of woodpecker (啄木鸟)makes those holes to store acorns (橡子).”

“Pretty cool! ”said our counselor, Miguel. “Now, let’s all be sure to keep this magical forest as clean and perfect. Don’t forget to put your trash and recyclables in the bins.”

And that’s when things got complicated. “Hey,” said our friend LeVar. “Have you guys heard that shopping-mall rumor (传闻)? They want to cut down a bunch of those trees to make room for a shopping center.”

“That’s terrible!” I said. “We have to stop that.”

“I disagree,” said Karina. “My parents said the shopping center would make new jobs for people.”

“But think of all the birds and squirrels that would lose their homes!” I said. “I want people to have jobs, but not if it means cutting down trees.”

“Don’t you think people’s jobs are more important than trees?” Karina asked.

“Can’t we figure out how to make jobs without destroying nature?” I answered.

“You know,” Karina said, super seriously, “maybe we’re not quite as alike as we thought.”

I sighed sadly.


Maybe two people with opposite points of view just aren’t meant to be friends, I was thinking. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We ended up having much more fun at the tent camp. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7日内更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省洛阳市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
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On a flight, an eight-year-old boy named Louis was excitedly reading his favorite storybook loudly, much to the annoyance of a fellow passenger named Tyler sitting next to him. Edward, the boy’s father, had brought the book, hoping to read it to his son himself, but Louis insisted on reading it aloud on his own.

Tyler, who was trying to have a rest, became a little bit angry at the noise. “Hey, sir. Could you please tell your son to keep his voice down? I’m trying to sleep for a moment,” he complained to Edward. Although the father politely asked Louis to read in a low voice, the young boy was too excitedly absorbed in the storybook to notice his disturbance to others. His noisy reading disturbed not only Tyler but also a few other passengers nearby.

Tyler`s anger increased as he loudly admonished (责备) Louis` lack of manners and consideration. To deal with the matter, he called the flight attendant. When she arrived, Tyler completely lost his cool, admonishing both Louis and Edward. “Have you heard this boy? He’s been yelling out the whole time! And you’re still trying to defend his rude behavior! A child of his age should understand that he is causing serious disturbance and needs to show some respect for others!”

In the heated scene, the flight attendant tried to calm Tyler down. However, Tyler was a bit too disturbed to calm himself down. Edward continuously apologized while attempting to explain the situation. “Excuse me, sir. I admit what Louis did was wrong, but he meant no harm. He’s simply overjoyed at being able to read again after years of difficulties…” Edward’s eyes welled up and he was in tears before he realized it. He explained to the people around them that it was the first time in three years that Louis was able to see the world around him and could read his favorite book, one his mother who died three years ago used to read to him as a baby.

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Then he revealed the heartbreaking story.


At this point, Tyler and everyone else on the flight fell silent.

2024-06-16更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
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I don’t look like the rest of my family. As a matter of fact, I stand out quite a bit with my white skin and blue eyes. When people see us together, it is clear that I am adopted. I am happy to have such a loving and caring family, but sometimes I wish I knew who my birth parents are.

My friends often ask, “Are you sad that you don’t know your real parents?” I know that they are just curious and concerned about me — I’m fine, for the most part — but I feel like there’s something missing in my life, like a giant hole in my heart. My mother listens when I tell her about my feelings, and she feels that it is important for me to be in touch with my culture. Because of this, she and I go to Chinese Heritage Camp (CHC) each year in Snow Mountain Ranch.

CHC is a two-day camp where hundreds of adopted kids like me spend time with each other. We talk about how it feels to be adopted, and we participate in fun outdoor activities. It’s great because we can talk about our feelings without having the conversation get too intense. Confusion, occasional disappointment and anger are no longer strange; they are normal here. It makes me feel like I am not alone, and there is someone out there going through the exact same emotions. Whether we’re talking, laughing, crying, or dancing, CHC is always an experience to remember. I like all of the new people I meet, and I will keep them in my heart forever, because it always feels good to know there are people out there just like me.

In this way, my journey to find my roots continues for several years. I also gradually come out from the shadow of a seemingly inseparable teenager. Camp has changed the way I look at things. Each year seems to open up new surprises, adventures and friendships.

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CHC teaches me to learn that being adopted doesn’t mean that I’m strange.


I also sincerely love and thank my parents.

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Dad’s Outer-Space Sweater

Grandma knitted Dad a sweater for his birthday. It was PURPLE, the glow-in-the-dark purple! Even crayon purple couldn’t compete. Dad loved it, claiming it was his favorite sweater. But I found it embarrassing as he wore it all the time: walking the dog; shopping for groceries and — worst of all — coming to my school events.

During a visit to our local farm, Dad tore his sleeve on a fence. When I pointed out that it was ripped, he said he would just wear it around the house. The hole got bigger and one night, at dinner, the thread became a table guest. Dad forked it up with spaghetti (通心粉) and lifted it to his mouth.

“Look out, Dad!” I shouted. “You’re about to take a bite of your sweater.”

Dad laughed, put his fork down and sighed, “The sweater might be beyond saving now.”

The next day, Mom and I repurposed the sweater on a Halloween scarecrow and put it in our front yard. When our neighbor dropped by to give us some used tennis balls for our cat, she gave her thumbs-up at our idea. But the sweater got rained on, and leaves stuck to it. Birds pulled the yarn (毛线). Dad finally removed it and was about to throw it away. He stood there long, looking sad. It made me sad too. I thought about the day he got it, the day he tore it, and ail those days he wore it. Then I thought of the day he almost ate it.

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Paragraph 1: And that gave me an idea for the school year’s art show.   


Paragraph 2: My Spaghetti and Meatballs, Outer-Space Style stood out in the art show.   

2024-06-14更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省重点高中协作校联考高三下学期4月高考模拟考试英语试题
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A boy called Jimmy always arrived home hungry every day and his parents couldn’t figure out why. When Jimmy wouldn’t share what was going on, his parents decided to visit the principal (校长), hoping he could offer the answer.

After talking with Jimmy’s classmates, the principal and his parents heard a story. Although Jimmy never talked about it, his classmates told them that he always came to school without food. The principal and his parents were shocked. No wonder Jimmy was always so hungry after school! Was there something happening on the way to school?

To make the situation clear, the principal naked Jimmy’s teacher, Mr. Green, to talk to Jimmy in private. During the conversation with the teacher. Jimmy refused to say anything about the situation, leaving everyone helpless. This left the principal with no evidence to take any action regarding the missing lunch of Jimmy.

Jimmy’s parents were becoming increasingly concerned as their child continued to come home from school without saying a word. Despite their meeting in the school, they thought that they had no other ways to discover the reason why Jimmy was always so hungry. The lack of communication with their child only added to their helplessness. They knew they needed to take action, but they had no idea where to start.

Determined to get to the bottom of the problem. Jimmy’s father derided to take action again. The next day. Jimmy’s father went to school and asked to speak with Jimmy’s teacher, Mr. Green.

When Jimmy’s father reached the school, Mr. Green spoke with him and patiently answered all of his questions. However, despite a deep conversation between them, no conclusion could be reached, which still questioned Jimmy’s parents.

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One day, by accident, Jimmy’s father found a thank-you letter from Jimmy’s room.


Jimmy’s parents were touched by his act of kindness.

2024-06-14更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省韩城市2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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The lady speaking to me at the baseball game looked quite familiar. She said, “Alina? Is that you?”


“It is you!” she said, smiling widely. “It is good to see you again!”

It was good to see Zoe, too. Off and on during the past tens of years, I’d wondered about her. I almost tried to find her a few years ago, after a friend told me that Zoe had been going through a hard time. So running into her at the baseball game was at the very least, unexpected.

We spent a few minutes catching up on the business of our lives, kids, work, houses, education and hobbies, etc. We played a little “Have you seen...?” and “Did you know...?”And we talked about the old days, both good and bad.

Then Zoe grew quiet for a while, looking at over the people moving around. “You know, Alina,” she said, “I’ve always wanted to tell you... how... you know... how sorry I am for the way I treated you.”

I felt a little uncomfortable remembering how Zoe had broken up with me without any warning.

“It’s okay,” I said. “No big deal.” At least, I thought to myself, not anymore.

“But I was such a bad person,” she continued, lowering her head.

Yes, you were, I thought. “We were both pretty young,” I said.

“I know,” she said. “But that’s no excuse for...”She hesitated and then continued. “I’ve always regretted remembering how mean I was to you. And I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry and ask for your forgiveness. So…I’m sorry.”

“Would you accept my apology?” She asked.


The smile on her face was warm and sincere.


Our growth always comes with wounds caused by others.

2024-06-13更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届新疆维吾尔自治区高三普通高考第二次适应性检测考试英语试题
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When I was seven years old, my family moved from Mexico to America. In Mexico, I was a cheerful girl who loved making people laugh with my jokes and inventing fun games to play with my friends. However, when I arrived in America, I found it hard to fit in, and I became quieter.

We lived in a small house with a modest yard where we grew vegetables—my responsibility. While I took pride in watching them grow, there were times when I dreamed of having a beautiful garden like my schoolmate Luella’s, with its delicate tulips (郁金香). Although Luella lived in the same neighborhood as me, we barely knew each other.

It was after a tornado that Luella and I finally became close friends.

The tornado struck on a Sunday afternoon.The gentle breeze transformed into a strong wind, and thick gray clouds filled the sky. Gradually, the tornado took shape, starting as a thin rope and growing into a large black funnel (漏斗). My entire family gathered in the bathroom, seeking shelter from the storm. Terrified, I sat close to my mom, knees in my chest. After the storm had passed, our worries and fears were replaced by relief that we were unharmed and that our house had remained undamaged.

As I stepped outside, I witnessed the extent of the damage the tornado had caused to our neighborhood. Across the street, a tall tree had fallen, crushing Luella’s garden in front of her yellow house. We hurried over to check on it. Fortunately, her family seemed to be away at the time, and no one was injured. However, her once-beautiful garden was in ruins, with the fallen tree destroying the tulips and debris (碎片) spread everywhere. I could only imagine how heartbroken they must feel seeing this.

Then my mom’s usual words rang in my ear, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” and my family started to think about how we could help.

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Just at that moment, Luella’s family returned in their car.


Even after the debris was cleared, I could still sense Luella’s sorrow for her lost garden.

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The man was kind of small, but to a five-year-old, he was a giant. Cherry-scented smoke from Grandpa’s pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay. Now and again, he blew a smoke ring and laughed as I tried to target the hole with my finger.

We sat side by side on the old wooden stairs that hot summer evening, watching the traffic, counting cars and trying to guess the color of the next one to turn the corner. We watched the sun go down behind the old Texaco service station across the busy street, which I was never allowed to cross unless accompanied by an adult.

My grandfather was baby-sitting while my mother, father and grandmother went out. While my two baby brothers slept inside the house, my three older siblings (兄弟姐妹) played with friends around the corner, where I was not allowed to go. I stayed with Grandpa, and that was okay with me. “Thirsty?” Grandpa asked, never removing the pipe from his mouth. “Yes,” was my reply. “How would you like to run over to the gas station there and get yourself a bottle of Coke?” I couldn’t believe my ears. On my family’s modest income, Coke was not a part of our budget or diet. “Okay,” I replied shyly, already wondering how I would get across the street.

He stretched his long leg out straight and reached his huge hand deep into the pocket. Opening his fist, he exposed several silver coins. He instructed me to pick out one. After he deposited the rest of the change back into his pocket, he stood up. “Okay,” he said, helping me down the stairs and to the curb (马路沿儿).

“I’m going to stay here and keep an ear out for the babies. I’ll tell you when it’s safe to cross. You go over to the Coke machine, get your Coke out and come back. Wait for me to tell you when it’s safe to cross back.” My heart pounded. Excitement took my breath away.


Grandpa held my hand tightly.


My heart pounded wildly as I approached the Coke machine.

2024-06-08更新 | 41次组卷 | 2卷引用:山西省太原市第五中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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