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1 . More than half of the world’s population are city residents, and, by 2050, the United Nations predicts that seven in ten people will be. Architects are having to consider how architecture influences our emotional well-being in urban settings.

According to Colin Ellard, a research psychologist at Waterloo University, Canada, there is a lot of evidence which shows “the profound impact that the design of buildings has on how we feel, how we treat one another, and our overall psychological well-being”. A study from the University of Heidelberg concluded that people raised in the countryside are less likely to have mental disorders than those raised in the city. The city of Vancouver in Canada, which is surrounded by mountains and ocean, recognises the need to connect with nature. It has included protecting ocean and mountain views in its urban planning guidelines. For example, tall buildings are set up in strategic locations that don’t block scenic views for downtown residents.

The British designer Thomas Heatherwick wants to make architecture less soulless and boring. He told The Guardian, “We need to fearlessly demand interestingness and make buildings that enrich our senses.” He has listed seven characteristics of a boring building. These include being too flat and straight. He says lack of depth means light and shadow cannot play on surfaces, while straight lines are at odds with nature and make buildings dull.

However, making buildings interesting is not always easy, as architect Rafael Vinoly found out in 2013 when he created the 37-store y skyscraper in London. The building was admired for its curved exterior walls covered in reflective glass. However, it acted like a magnifying glass and reflected light which melted nearby cars and almost set fire to a carpet. A screen had to be added to prevent the building causing further damage.

So, for your own well-being, surround yourself with buildings that bring you joy, and ideally a view of nature.

1. Why are tall buildings located in certain places in Vancouver?
A.To protect people’s mental health.B.To follow the tradition of the city.
C.To caution people against disorder.D.To reveal the prosperity of the area.
2. Which kind of building is Thomas’ preference?
A.One with straight lines.B.One having flat surfaces.
C.One having a security system.D.One with innovative patterns.
3. What did Rafael Vinoly fail to consider in his design?
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To call on people to live in big cities.
B.To compare buildings in different cities.
C.To stress the importance of healthy emotion.
D.To convince people of emotional impact by buildings.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . How to Stop Laughing at Inappropriate Times

Although laughing at inappropriate times can be embarrassing, it’s actually a natural reaction for some people when they’re facing a highly stressful situation. It can help you relieve stress and release your own tension.     1     Here are some ways to stop laughing.

Distract yourself from your urge to laugh. 

It takes time to learn how to curb your tendency to laugh, but distraction is an easy way to stop yourself, in the meantime. For example, you can pinch yourself. The slight pain will distract you from your urge to laugh.     2     Choose any color and see how many places you can spot it in the area. This small goal will shift your focus from laughter and your emotions.


What can you do instead of laughing nervously? For example, nod, lick your lips, exhale slowly, or click a pen. What you decide to replace your laughter with depends on the circumstances that are causing your laughter. For example, you may laugh nervously during work meetings.     4     If you tend to laugh at serious moments, take a deep breath at moments when you’d typically laugh.

Identify what makes you laugh inappropriately.

Do you laugh out of nervousness, or do you laugh to cope with painful feelings? Maybe you laugh because you have a lot of energy or have trouble finding the words you want to say. Whatever your reasons for laughing, write down when your laughter is causing you issues. Consider the time, location, occasion, and people who could be causing your laughter. These are called your triggers.     5    

A.Create a plan for replacing your laughter.
B.Choose replacement behaviors for the laughter.
C.You can also look for a certain color in the room.
D.Tell yourself, “The next time I feel awkward in a work meeting, I will click my pen.”
E.Once you know what they are, you can begin to address your habit of laughing.
F.But the inappropriate laughter may negatively affect your life.
G.If this is the case, click your pen instead of laughing.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Emotions play a crucial role in people’s lives. Being in tune with your emotions is a great thing, and it can lead to deeper connections. Nevertheless, when your emotions control you, they can seriously affect your ability to perform and to think clearly in crucial situations. You can’t get rid of your emotions completely.     1    

Focus on your body, not your mind

What does your body feel like right now? Pay attention to the feeling of the clothes on your skin, and try to ignore any thoughts that you’re having.     2    . Then you can find inner peace.     3    

If you feel yourself starting to get upset or angry, head to the bathroom and look in the mirror for a few minutes. As you do, focus on taking deep breaths and think about increasing yourself-compassion. After 2 to 3 minutes, you’ll probably feel your heart rate slowdown and your breathing get a little more even. It’s a good tool to use at work or out in pubic when things get a little overwhelming.

Distract yourself

Do something engaging that will keep your mind off your emotions.     4    . For example, do a puzzle, read a new book, try a word search, or do some art. The more you can keep your mind off things, the less you’ll focus on your emotions.

Worry about your own problems

    5    . If you’re an empathetic person, listening to your friends or family members tell their issues will take a toll on you. It’s great to care about other people, but it’s also okay to set boundaries if you need to take some time for yourself.

A.Look at yourself in the mirror
B.Take a shower in the bath room
C.Here are some useful tips for you to get emotional
D.Try to pick something that really work your brain
E.But you can keep emotions from taking over your life
F.Shouldering the burdens of others can really wear you down
G.This can help you control emotional eruption gin the moment
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . How to Feel at Peace

Is feeling truly peaceful a pipe dream? Nope! With a little work, you can feel calm, cool, and collected (just like you deserve to).    1     These work based on personal preference, so just find one that works for you!

Release what you cannot control.

This is the most important part of feeling at peace and the first place you should always start. 90% of the time, when we’re worried about something or stressed out, the source of our anxiety is really something that we have no control over.    2    If you can’t affect the outcome then there is no point in worrying about something.

Get an inspiration from nature.

Go sit out in an area nearby. Listen to the trees. Watch the animals. Do they seem worried about what their brother did last Christmas? Do the trees seem to notice when it starts to rain?    3    

Create goals.

Having a goal that you can work for can really help when you’re feeling lost and aimless in life.    4    Find something that you want for yourself and then figure out what you have to do to pursue it. You’ll find an inner peace when you’re working with all your soul devoted to a single goal.


When other people make us angry, it is usually because we cannot understand why they’re doing something that’s making us angry. Instead of blowing up at someone or stressing yourself out, try to see things from their side of the table. Think about why they did what they did... and remember that we’re all people with our own problems and our own dreams.

A.Forgive yourself.
B.Find the humanity in all people.
C.All you can do in life is to try your best and let fate take its course.
D.Happiness is on the horizon, and we’re here to show you what to do.
E.No. Nature adapts and embraces every twist and turn in life and you should too.
F.Really, what’s the point in life if you don’t have something to work towards, right?
G.A huge source of worry in our lives comes from when we beat ourselves up from inside.
2024-02-27更新 | 272次组卷 | 2卷引用:重庆育才中学校、西南大学附属中学、重庆万州中学拔尖强基联盟2023-2024学年高三下学期2月联合考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . How to Calm Down Quickly

We all have our fair share of moments when we feel more anxious and stressed than usual. When these negative thoughts enter your brain, it’s easy to give in and allow them to take over.     1    .


One of the best ways to calm down is to quit interacting with what’s upsetting you. This may mean telling the person you’re speaking with that you need to take a quick break. If you’re with company, politely excuse yourself for a moment. Get to a quiet place away from what’s upsetting you and focus on calming thoughts.


When your body’s sympathetic nervous system is activated by stress, one of the first things to do is to have a calm and even breathing. Focusing on breathing deeply and evenly has a host of benefits.     3    .

Pet your animals and take them for walks, if you can

You can simply talk to your pet, stroke his fur, or take him for a walk. If you don’t have a pet, sometimes a stuffed pet can be just as useful.     4    . Just seeing animals go about their daily business can be calming.

Try meditating (冥想)

    5    . Be seated in a comfortable position in a quiet place. Focus on your breathing and notice your thoughts. Let your worries come and go without holding on to them. It can help you feel more in control of your body and emotions when you’re experiencing anger or anxiety.

A.Stop what you’re doing
B.Everyone feels stress from time to time
C.It works by forcing you to calm down and sit still
D.It’s up to you to keep them from getting out of control
E.Try to spend time with people whom you feel support you
F.It restores oxygen to your body, and regulates your brain’s brainwaves
G.Alternatively, you can visit a zoo, a nature park, or a local wildlife reserve
2024-01-01更新 | 105次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市第八中学2023-2024学年高三上学期高考适应性月考卷(四)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 容易(0.94) |

6 . Do you think you need to shout at yourself to force yourself to finish your homework? If so, think again.    1     Research shows that practicing self-compassion (自我关怀) improves our mental and physical well-being and supports long-term success.

Self-compassion is the practice of being kind and supportive to ourselves. The opposite is being self-critical and mean to ourselves when we make a mistake.     2     These negative responses are related to depression, stress and reduced quality of life.

A 2017 study found people who practice self-compassion tend to handle stress better. Their bodies have less of a stress response when, for example, they meet with difficulties at work or school.     3     Let’s say they do poorly on a geometry test. Self-compassion helps them use the experience to make changes going forward, like seeking out a math tutor.

    4     We can start with mindfulness. First of all, practice observing our thoughts — are they understanding or critical? Don’t judge ourselves too severely then. Rather than getting caught up in how we could have done better, forgive ourselves and think about what to change while remaining respectful, and loving to ourselves.     5     We can read a novel, play a musical instrument or kick around a soccer ball with friends.

With practice, we can learn to treat ourselves with kindness and unconditional love — not tough love.

A.So how do we develop self-compassion?
B.It may be more effective to be kind to yourself.
C.It includes letting go of your strict self-criticism.
D.Mindfulness is the key to practicing self-compassion.
E.But this approach does not make us feel or perform better.
F.They have more confidence to look for areas where they can improve.
G.Also, show ourselves kindness in ways that nourish (滋养) our spirit and body.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . It comes in waves. These are not calming waves, with their consistent slapping of the shore, and seafoam coasting over the rocks and sand. These are whipping waves, ones that crush sandcastles and soak the beach in its toxic waters.

It’s that feeling of embarrassment, sitting in class and tunneling down through everything you’ve ever done wrong before — on your anxious bench — wondering when someone will make a time machine. Maybe those thoughts consist of something embarrassing you said as a kid. Or that one time someone caught you dancing in a public bathroom. But what about the other way around? Do you look back and laugh at them and their actions? Do you even remember that or is it just a side detail in your mind?

All of these things re late to“respectable manners”, disciplining your actions, and dulling happiness. It doesn’t focus or highlight growth. Instead, it tears down joy allowing for self-ridicule. If you allow growth and happiness for those other people, why don’t you deserve it for yourself?

Embarrassment is a lighter shade of shame — a shame formed from the perception of others and what opinions they might have. It all comes down to society: the boiling pot of expectations placed upon us. The perfection — an expectation that seems to grow with each year that passes — riddles its waters. But does it matter that much? Should we dull happiness when it’s a moment of minor importance? Then we’re left to question what we should be embarrassed about, what embarrassment is, and why it happens.

Embarrassment and happiness don’t work together; they are the opposites of each other. Unfortunately, we can’t choose our emotions, but we can choose how we live and how we think of others. Thinking back on embarrassing memories, how many of them are of other people? Probably few to none. It’s the same way for everyone else. We are all living our own little lives. No one else can remember that embarrassing moment you dwell on every night, so why should you?

1. What’s the function of paragraph 1?
A.To describe a natural phenomenon.
B.To picture embarrassment in waves.
C.To introduce the topic with a vivid figure of speech.
D.To launch a debate against the feeling of embarrassment.
2. Which of the following is basically to blame for people’s constant embarrassment?
A.Unrealistic time machine.B.Demanding social expectations.
C.A face-saving sense of self-discipline.D.Top priority on growth and happiness.
3. What can be learned from the passage about embarrassment?
A.It is opposed to happiness.B.It can be controlled out of question.
C.It is seen as slightly shameful.D.It must be remembered by other people.
4. Which of the following sentences agrees with the author’s opinion?
A.Awkwardness is a stepping stone.
B.Joy flowers when embarrassment fades.
C.Embrace embarrassment, and enhance growth.
D.In the dance of life, awkward moments make the music.
2023-12-18更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市拔尖强基联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假设你是渝北中学高三学生,在填报志愿时和父母产生了分歧。父母希望你报考当地名校,但是你更愿意去北京的大学深造。请致歉父母不能遵从他们的意愿,并希望得到理解。内容包括:
1. 感谢父母的付出;
2. 说明自己的理由;
3. 希望得到谅解和支持。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Mom and Dad,

Your son

2023-12-03更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市渝北中学校2023-2024学年高三上学期11月月考质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Emotions are inherent (固有的) in the human experience and play a significant role in children's lives. Emotional resilience is a critical component of success, helping children navigate life's inevitable ups and downs.     1    . Parents can try the following steps to help their children develop this power.

Step 1: Build an emotional toolkit

Children aren't born knowing how to manage and express difficult feelings, such as anger or hurt. They need to learn about various emotions and what behaviors are acceptable.     2    .When parents openly express their emotions, regardless of whether they are appropriately expressed, children watch; listen, and learn. So, parents should establish healthy emotional habits to serve as a guide for children.

    3    . Some children may seek comfort in hugs, while others prefer physical space. Some may find gentle music soothing (安抚的), while others find it irritating. Parents can assist children in finding emotional resources based on their personality and individual needs.

Step 2:     4    

Helping children connect with their emotional lives includes all emotions, not just pleasant ones. For instance, well-intentioned adults may say, “Don't be angry” or“There is nothing to be sad about”, but this may shut down the exploration of those feelings rather than addressing them. When this avoidance is repeated, it interferes with the understanding and mastery of difficult emotions.

Step 3: Help children regulate and co-regulate

Children often need parents to help them navigate intense emotions.    5    . This process is called“co-regulation,” when one person soothes another.

Co-regulation does not mean parents should always rush in to“fix” children's discomfort,particularly if they don't want help. Children also need space to work through struggles on their own to build emotional competence.

A.It is a potential superpower
B.Accept and validate all emotions
C.Children learn by observing adults
D.Be a good parent by always being there
E.Building an emotional toolkit is no easy task
F.Finding preferred coping skills is a personal process
G.They rely on adults' more mature nervous systems to find stability
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 假定你是高三学生李华,最近在和同学们的交流中发现不少同学抱怨学习压力大,在紧张的学习备考中,身心俱疲,渐渐失去了学习的动力和方向,陷入了厌学沮丧的情绪中。你看在眼里,急在心里;决定写一封倡议书,激励大家坚持努力,与全年级同学共勉!
Dear fellow students,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

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