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阅读理解-七选五(约330词) | 困难(0.15) |

1 . Self-esteem is the ruling view you have of yourself. This includes your beliefs about your inner qualities and how you think others see you.     1     Someone can develop low self-esteem even when they are highly functional and greatly skilled. Understanding this mysterious emotional currency might be the key to unlocking your own self-worth.

People with healthy self-esteem don't need to boast about themselves to others. People with low self-esteem may tell you how much everyone loves them, what a great job they do at work, and how amazing they are at pretty everything under the sun even though they really wonder if it's true. People may see them as obnoxious or “full of themselves”.     2     They are not shy about sharing ideas, including constructive criticisms of others. They also take care of themselves without second-guessing or apologizing. They are the people who we say seem “sure of themselves”.

If you're starting to think you may have low self-esteem, you can work on the way you talk to yourself. When you turn off negative self-talk, you can open the floor to positive reinforcements and access the courage to show different sides of yourself. It isn't going to feel good at first, though. Keep going until it becomes less and less and maybe even a few awkward laughs in the mirror may help.     3    

However, in serious cases of low or even non-existent self-esteem, you may want to call in a professional or a specialist. Good mental health is important, and professionals doing psychotherapy do not pass judgement or give corrections.     4     It is the best way to get at the roots of your real self-esteem problems.

    5     It will take some work but your entire life — from your relationships to your body image to your work habits — will be touched with the kind of power that only comes from someone believing in themselves. This is the hardest part, and the greatest leap. With some changes and support, you can improve your self-esteem and see how everything else changes as a result.

A.Self-esteem is not always rooted in reality, though.
B.You have the power to shape a new self-perception.
C.This encourages you to speak openly without worry.
D.The real test of character is whether they can learn from their mistakes.
E.Self-esteem refers to a person's overall sense of his or her value or worth.
F.People with a healthy level of self-esteem present themselves with a casual confidence.
G.With some practice and persistence, you will win this internal struggle to see your self-worth.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Your emotion helps you make sense of the world. At the core of an emotion is a subjective experience of the valence of it — what emotion scientists call “affect” (情感). Generally speaking, affect is what we are most focused on. Do you have chocolate cake in front of you? That’s good! Do you see a spider on the table! That’s bad!

Your affective reactions tell you which experiences are desirable, and which aren’t, but the total emotional experience includes all you do and think. You can learn a lot by observing and describing them. You can also learn a lot by appreciating their secret life.

The problem is: the affective features of emotions tend to dominate. Our subjective valence of emotion is almost all we can see. When emotions are only about what is pleasant or unpleasant in subjective experience right now, the more important features of emotion disappear.

If you can slow down and expand; if you stop running or clinging (沉浸其中) and adopt a sense of curiosity, emotions become more subtle and different. When fear comes up, don’t walk away so that fear dissipates. Instead, stay. Allow yourself to feel the nervousness, the sweating, and everything else that comes along with it. It is one of the hardest things to do in life, but it’s also one of the most rewarding. If you run, you are telling basic parts of your brain, “I guess this threat really was real. I better stay away from it.” You are training yourself to fear, regardless of that situation. If you cling, you are saying, “Escape from this emotion is a threat”, and since it is not a happy experience, happiness slips through your hands like sand.

Note that you can not fool yourself. Just allow the full emotion. You will never enter into their secret life until you stop running or clinging. To control your life, you need to actively train your emotions to be your ally (同盟). Observe. Describe. Appreciate. Do that and you may find you have allies for healthy living that were there all along.

1. Why does the author mention “chocolate cake” and “spider” in paragraph 1?
A.To explain the complex response of emotions.
B.To show the subjective experience of emotions.
C.To indicate the goodness and badness of the world.
D.To emphasize the significance of emotions in life.
2. What is the consequence if you just focus on your present feelings?
A.The present feelings are less obvious.
B.The subjective emotions are less powerful.
C.The overall picture of emotions is easier to ignore.
D.The observation and description of emotions are easier.
3. What does the underlined word “dissipates” in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The secret of emotions.B.The subjective experience.
C.The importance of allies in life.D.Magical functions of emotions.
2023-01-30更新 | 1563次组卷 | 7卷引用:江苏省南通市海安高级中学2022-2023学年高三下学期2月开学考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 容易(0.94) |

3 . Do you think you need to shout at yourself to force yourself to finish your homework? If so, think again.    1     Research shows that practicing self-compassion (自我关怀) improves our mental and physical well-being and supports long-term success.

Self-compassion is the practice of being kind and supportive to ourselves. The opposite is being self-critical and mean to ourselves when we make a mistake.     2     These negative responses are related to depression, stress and reduced quality of life.

A 2017 study found people who practice self-compassion tend to handle stress better. Their bodies have less of a stress response when, for example, they meet with difficulties at work or school.     3     Let’s say they do poorly on a geometry test. Self-compassion helps them use the experience to make changes going forward, like seeking out a math tutor.

    4     We can start with mindfulness. First of all, practice observing our thoughts — are they understanding or critical? Don’t judge ourselves too severely then. Rather than getting caught up in how we could have done better, forgive ourselves and think about what to change while remaining respectful, and loving to ourselves.     5     We can read a novel, play a musical instrument or kick around a soccer ball with friends.

With practice, we can learn to treat ourselves with kindness and unconditional love — not tough love.

A.So how do we develop self-compassion?
B.It may be more effective to be kind to yourself.
C.It includes letting go of your strict self-criticism.
D.Mindfulness is the key to practicing self-compassion.
E.But this approach does not make us feel or perform better.
F.They have more confidence to look for areas where they can improve.
G.Also, show ourselves kindness in ways that nourish (滋养) our spirit and body.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . During my first year in college, I was silent. I was too afraid of saying something wrong.

I declared a religion major as a sophomore and took a class from Barbara, a young theologian. My mind was split open by a range of new thinkers and writers and by the quality of Barbara’s questions, I finally had something to say and the energy to say it. I was a frequent visitor during Barbara’s office hours, a rocket of words. She listened and calmly responded, a perfect contrast to my feverish ramblings. I loved what she saw in me, which was a range of abilities I had never seen in myself. In the following years, our relationship gradually deepened, but I was always conscious of a teacher-student dynamic.

This changed fundamentally when I became a parent. I had my son in March 2010, and Barbara was one of the first to congratulate me. When, nine months later, my child was diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease, a rare and always terminal illness with no treatment and no cure, she sent me a letter-handwritten on a white legal pad. For the next two and a half years, Barbara wrote me regular, sometimes weekly, letters, remarkable letters that are revealing, loving, and kind.

The letter written right before my son died, when he was three, was the most personal and perhaps the most profound. “I think he’s made you better by opening up the great fire of your love,” she wrote, “with his small but magnificent existence.” I have never in my life read a more deeply comforting sentence, one that spoke to my grandest hopes, my deepest fears, and the only faith that remains to me, which is a belief in chaos. Our love had bloomed and deepened from a guarded mutual respect to a richer, deeper friendship.

Mentors are meant to lead those in their charge into fresh understanding, help them sort and filter new experiences, assist in the project of making sense out of the chaos that is human life. Mentors observe and accompany the darkest despair, the wildest sorrow, and the most unexpected joy.

1. What can we learn from paragraph 2?
A.The author took the class because she excelled1 in theology.
B.Their relationship changed significantly beyond a teacher-student mode.
C.The author was a frequent visitor to Barbara’s home after working hours.
D.Barbara’s peaceful exterior was a contrast to the author’s overexcited talk.
2. What does the underlined word “This” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The way Barbara treated her students.B.The fact that the author kept silent in class.
C.The role of the author as a college student.D.The relationship between Barbara and the author.
3. What transformed the relationship between Barbara and the author from a mutual respect to a deeper friendship?
A.Barbara’s efforts to solve the problem.
B.Barbara’s sympathy shown in the letter.
C.The author’s in-depth understanding of Barbara.
D.Barbara’s congratulations on the birth of the author’s son.
4. What does the author think of Barbara?
A.Demanding and dedicated.B.Responsible and reasonable.
C.Insightful and inspiring.D.Aggressive and ambitious.
完形填空(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . I was cleaning out a cupboard the other day when I made an amazing discovery. Inside I _________ the manuscript (手稿) for a novel. It included an outline of the _________ and a pile of typed pages telling a story. It was written, to my _________, by my father who has been dead for more than 50 years. It isn’t _________, as novels go, perhaps fifty or sixty typed pages, but without my _________ it has somehow accompanied me through my years of _________, several jobs, a marriage, the birth of my children and grandchildren, retirement and even a relocation across the country where I live.

Yet there it was, resting under a lot of paper to be recycled. I might have _________ my father’s legacy (遗产). I was truly _________ by my discovery.

I’m in the middle of reading another book _________ my dad’s novel has a place on my bed-side table. I want to have some __________ time for it so I haven’t __________ examined it yet. I’m going to spend a whole afternoon to give it the __________ it deserves. As yet I don’t know what the story line is about and I don’t even know if it is complete but I __________ a highly emotional process of finding out.

I find it fascinating to think that this could happen; that after more than fifty years my father could __________ his only son through the mists of time. It’s one of those things that we don’t see coming and that make life so __________.

A.cleared awayB.passed downC.counted onD.handed out
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . While socializing comes naturally for some, it can be a struggle for others. Shyness is a normal, common personality trait (特征).     1    . If you’re often hesitant to engage in social situations, you may interact with those around you in a more comfortable way. We outline four strategies for overcoming shyness in life.

Get Excited About A New Adventure

You may have been shy most of your life.     2    . Working through shyness and developing increased confidence may seem like a discouraging task for you, but viewing the journey as an exciting adventure to parts unknown can be exciting and, in turn, may boost your self-esteem.

Pay Attention To Your Words

    3    . Talking to yourself in a negative way when describing yourself can damage your self-confidence. Consider replacing phrases like “I am shy” with “I am learning to be more comfortable” in social situations. This can go a long way toward moving from shyness to confidence.

Practice Mindfulness (正念)

Mindfulness involves drawing your attention to the present and being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.     4    . In one study, participants in a mindfulness program experienced an improved view of their self-worth.

Take Small Steps

Getting started can be the hardest part of learning how to be more social for those who are shy.     5    . You can start out small. Try chatting with the teller at the bank or the person ahead of you in the checkout line. This can help you build confidence and work your way up to more difficult challenges.

A.If so, that’s a part of you that you’re used to
B.Sometimes the best path toward addressing a fear is exposure
C.Mindfulness can help reduce symptoms of social anxiety disorder
D.Taking time to tend to your appearance can make a big difference
E.How we communicate and characterize ourselves can be powerful
F.However, shyness can make it hard for people to connect with others and achieve their goals
G.But engaging with people doesn’t have to be practiced as an important work presentation
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Many would consider emotions to be a barrier to decision-making and, therefore, think that they would be better off without them. However, the latest research has proved that our emotions will drive the conclusions we make, and that our well-being may depend upon our ability to understand and interpret them.     1     Here are some suggestions.

Start by understanding your emotions.     2     This mindful process of self-examination is important for healthy decisions, since emotions can influence our views and judgments.

Emotions can act as a compass (指南针), pointing you toward what matters most to you. However, strong emotions can affect our judgment and make it challenging to think objectively and critically.     3     You should be aware that emotions that arise from past experiences might cloud your judgment. Separate the present situation from the past and focus on the relevant factors.

    4     However, they should be connected with factual information. Take your time to gather crucial information before making important decisions. Analyse the pros and cons (利弊) of your options to make the best possible decisions.

It’s beneficial to expand your viewpoint. When you see the big picture and are focused on your highest purpose, you are not distracted by smaller issues. Figuring out your deepest long-term goals and pursuing them will channel your emotions toward peace and harmony.     5    

To sum up, emotions play a significant role in decision-making and, when used properly, they can improve the effectiveness of the decision-making process.

A.Emotions can provide valuable insights.
B.All this information can serve your goal in the long run.
C.You’ll recognize that a decision driven by your values is the best.
D.Actually, we can effectively use emotions for successful decision-making.
E.Take a moment to recognize how you are feeling and why you are feeling so.
F.Therefore, it is essential to balance emotional insights with logical reasoning.
G.You should try to understand how critical thinking contributes to great decisions.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Every fall, like clockwork, Linda Krentz of Beaverton, Oregon, felt her brain go on strike. “I just couldn’t get going in the morning,” she says. “I’d get depressed and gain 10 pounds every winter and lose them again in the spring.” Then she read about seasonal affective disorder, a form of depression that occurs in fall and winter, and she saw the light literally. Every morning now she turns on a specially constructed light box for half an hour and sits in front of it to trick her brain into thinking it’s still enjoying those long summer days. It seems to work.

Krentz is not alone. Scientists estimate that 10 million Americans suffer from seasonal depression and 25 million more develop milder versions. But there’s never been definitive proof that treatment with very bright lights makes a difference. After all, it’s hard to do a double-blind test when the subjects can see for themselves whether or not the light is on. That’s why nobody has ever separated the real effects of light therapy from placebo (安慰剂) effects.

Until now, in three separate studies published last month, researchers report not only that light therapy works better than a placebo but that treatment is usually more effective in the early morning than in the evening. In two of the groups, the placebo problem was resolved by telling patients they were comparing light boxes to a new anti-depressant device that gives off negatively charged ions (离子). The third used the timing of light therapy as the control.

Why does light therapy work? No one really knows. “Our research suggests it has something to do with shifting the body’s internal clock,” says psychiatrist Dr. Lewey. The body is programmed to start the day with sunrise, he explains, and this gets later as the days get shorter. But why such subtle shifts make some people depressed and not others is a mystery.

That hasn’t stopped thousands of winter depressives from trying to heal themselves. Light boxes for that purpose are available without a doctor’s prescription. That bothers psychologist Michael Terman of Columbia University. He is worried that the boxes may be tried by patients who suffer from mental illness that can’t be treated with light. Terman has developed a questionnaire to help determine whether expert care is needed.

In any event, you should choose a reputable manufacturer. Whatever product you use should give off only visible light, because ultraviolet light damages the eyes. If you are photosensitive (对光敏感的), you may develop a rash. Otherwise, the main drawback is having to sit in front of the light for 30 to 60 minutes in the morning. That’s an inconvenience many winter depressives can live with.

1. What is the probable cause of Krentz’s problem?
A.An unexpected gain in body weight.
B.Unexplained impairment of her nervous system.
C.Weakening of her eyesight with the setting in of winter.
D.Poor adjustment of her body clock to seasonal changes.
2. What is the CURRENT view concerning the treatment of seasonal depression with bright lights?
A.There is definitive proof of its effect.
B.It serves as a kind of placebo.
C.It is considered as a relatively effective therapy.
D.It hardly produces any effects.
3. What is psychologist Michael Terman’s major concern?
A.Winter depressives will be addicted to using light boxes.
B.No mental patients would bother to consult psychiatrists.
C.Inferior light boxes will give off harmful ultraviolet lights.
D.Light therapy could be misused by certain mental patients.
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Winter depressives prefer light therapy in spite of its inconvenience.
B.Light therapy increases the patient’s photosensitivity.
C.Eye damage is a side effect of light therapy.
D.Light boxes can be programmed to correspond to shifts in the body clock.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . How to Live a Fulfilling Life

How awesome would it be to get out of bed each morning feeling purposeful and happy about your day? What about going to sleep each night with a grin(露齿的笑)of satisfaction on your lips?     1    Here are some tips that may help you.


To lead a more fulfilling life, you first need to know what part of your current life is troubling or unsatisfactory. Reflect on different aspects of your life to figure out which are upsetting you the most. Try closing your eyes and questioning “What part of my life dissatisfies me the most?” Whatever comes to mind first is probably where you’ll want to start.

● Building good habits.

One of the best ways to build good habits that support a fulfilling life is by doing something each day that challenges you. Identify one thing you can take action on that pushes you beyond your comfort zone and do it. This might be sharing ideas with your boss when you typically stay quiet.    3    For example, if you’ve been trying to lose weight, but you spend too much time on the couch, reduce your time on TV or do an exercise while you watch.

● Having good health and well-being.

    4    You’ll have trouble feeling fulfilled if your energy only goes out. Just as you pour love and support into others, you must return that love and support to yourself. Take time to improve your own self with passions or self-care. Fulfillment also translates to perfect mental and physical health, so make time to exercise regularly. Schedule it into your day.     5    

A.Addressing your dissatisfaction.
B.Learning to avoid dissatisfaction.
C.It’s important to set aside “me” time.
D.End each day by reflecting on your daily challenge.
E.Replacing your bad habits with good ones is also suggested.
F.That way, it will be just like any other task on your to-do list.
G.This may seem difficult, but leading a more fulfilling life is entirely possible.
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . When Amanda Moore noticed that the new student from Mexico always sat alone at lunch, she decided to befriend Rafael Anaya. She also noticed that he________ to understand English. Then she used the Google Translate app to hand-write a letter in Spanish asking him to________her for lunch. Her action________her the “Student of the Month” award for October at school.

Actually, Rafael always________ because he felt so lonely. “He always ate lunch alone and I felt ________ about that,” Amanda said. She knew he spoke Spanish and he seemed lonely. She spent the whole afternoon ________ writing the letter, using the app to help her.

The next day Amanda handed the letter to Rafael and waited for his________.It wasn’t until their math class that he said “yes”. The two had been________together for lunch ever since. The letter helped Rafael feel more comfortable and encouraged him to________his English harder. “I think for Rafael it made a huge________,”said their teacher. “He really wants to learn English to talk to Amanda. The two used hand gestures and Google Translate for ________now but they hoped it would become ________ when Rafael's English improved. And, Amanda was learning some________.

Amanda’s mother felt________moved by her daughter’s action. “It is just so sweet,”she said. I think this ________ is special.”

A.put up withB.work onC.show offD.look forward to
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