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Happiness does not appear to be associated with age, gender, race, or geographical location. Instead, it     1     (relate) to the feeling you have when you are self-satisfied. Researchers have found that happy people tend to be     2     (energy), decisive, flexible, creative, and sociable and tend to look at the brighter side of life, and are more willing to help those in need. Furthermore, happy people have high self-esteem and a sense of personal control, are optimistic, and enjoy social support—that is, they have a large circle of friends and often engage in rewarding social     3     (activity). An important factor     4     (affect) happiness is the tendency to compare one’s situation with     5     of other people. If you feel that you are struggling to make ends meet while everyone around you     6     (appear) to be living in comfort and     7     (secure), you will feel less joy and more stress. Indeed, surveys have shown that perceived wealth matters more than absolute wealth.     8     David G. Myers, a leader of the field of happiness research, points out, “Actual income doesn’t much influence happiness; how satisfied we are     9     our income does. If we’re content with our income, regardless of how much it is, we’re likely to say we’re happy.     10     (put) it another way, “Satisfaction isn’t so much getting what you want as wanting what you have”.

2022-03-22更新 | 392次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省石家庄市2023-2024学年石家庄市第二中学南校区高二上学期开学考英语试题
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Putting down the mobile phone, talking about negative feelings with friends or seeking professional advice are some of the methods to help tackle depression and     1     (anxious) during the COVID-19 outbreak, experts said.

    2     the virus continues to circulate and lockdowns trigger mental stress, experts have also called for greater investment in mental health services nationwide.

The World Health Organization said in March that the prevalence of depression around the world     3     (increase) by 25 percent in the first year of the pandemic.

Lu Lin, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of the Peking University Sixth Hospital, said at     4     conference this month that China is no exception to the     5     (globe) trend.

From March 2020 to March 2021, the prevalence of depression and insomnia(失眠)in China had risen and repeated COVID outbreaks, quarantine requirements and the high risk of exposure     6     the virus could all contribute to     7     (worsen) people’s mental condition, according to data shared by Lu during the event.

In an interview with People’s Daily, Lu said that some misinformation circulated online during the epidemic     8     (magnify) people’s sense of panic.

The public should pay closer attention to information released by authoritative outlets, he suggested. People should also reduce the amount of time     9    they spend in front of screens and instead chat with friends or family, listen to music or exercise to relax     10     (they).

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As the saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” In troubling times, good humour is in need more than ever. Doctors and medical staff are including it in     1     (they)care treatments. One product of this kind is the healthcare clown around the globe. There is even     2     organization that sets standards. The European Federation of Healthcare Clown Organizations     3     (found)in 2011. It says, “Healthcare clowns,     4     make contact through humour, bring moments of happiness to children and some adults with illness or special needs.”

After a COVID-19 ward opened in Jerusalem, one healthcare clown decided to help patients by     5     (use)her humour. She wanted to reduce the patients’     6     (anxious)and improve their health. She enjoyed working alongside doctors and said, “     7     (obvious), the doctors take care of the body and we come in and take care of the soul.”

Healthcare clowns are carefully chosen. Professional     8     (performer)have to receive special training before working with children in the healthcare environment. “I can see up close the effect the clowns have     9     sick children. I could not see a world without them. It’s necessary for the public     10     (realize)the role of healthcare clowns,” a doctor said.

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Navigating human emotions can sometimes feel like walking through minefields(布雷区), especially when these emotions are negative.

Envy is one of such emotions with certain negativity when it     1     (direct) at our loved ones. However, just like all other emotions, envy is human and normal and its morality depends on     2     we do with the way we feel. It only becomes negative when it is handled     3     a weapon or an excuse for bad behaviour.

Envy could cause serious damage to relationships if     4     (leave) to worsen, because people dislike to admit they feel that way towards someone they love, which tends to get worse and transforms into     5     (hate) when you silently think over it.

It’s impractical to completely prevent envy, but it is possible to refine the way we process it. Envy is not something to hide away. Being honest with ourselves about the way we feel     6     (help) us better understand what exactly were envious of and makes communicating with our partners     7     (easy).

We have all     8     (collective) got better at processing our emotions but there’s still a lot of work to be done. The goal is to get to a point     9     discussing envy becomes as casual as discussing excitement and can serve as     10     motivator in our life.

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“He is a fool who cannot be angry, but he is really a wise man     1     won’t.” The habit of keeping pleasant is indeed better     2     an income of a million dollars a year. The life without cheerfulness is like the severe winter without     3     sun. We all love cheerful company,     4     we tend to forget that cheerfulness is a habit which can be developed by all.

We find     5     very difficult to be happy when we are in sorrow. It requires great courage. We should never forget that to be cheerful when it is not easy shows greatness. Thorns(荆棘) may be in     6     (we) way, but how happy the conqueror’s(征服者) song is!

The perfection of cheerfulness     7     (lie) in the happy frame of mind(愉悦的心情). It is displayed in good temper and kind behavior. It comes     8     (main) from personal goodness and from belief in the goodness of others. It can make people see the glory in the grass and the sunshine on the flower. It encourages happy thoughts, and lives in an atmosphere of peace. It costs nothing, and yet it is     9     (value). It blesses its possessor(祝福它的拥有者) and affords a large measure of enjoyment to others. To light up others’ heart, one’s own heart must     10     (light) first.

2023-12-09更新 | 62次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省张家界市慈利第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期入学考试英语试卷
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