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| 共计 1079 道试题
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What does the speaker’s mother want her to be?
A.A confident person.B.A warm-hearted person.C.A humorous person.
2. Why did the speaker feel lonely in her childhood?
A.She often traveled by herself.
B.Her family moved frequently.
C.Her mother was busy working.
3. What does the speaker mainly talk about?
A.Importance of home schooling.
B.Mother-daughter relationship.
C.A role model in her family.
2021-06-09更新 | 6762次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021年全国乙卷英语真题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How does Nancy look to Daniel?
2. Why does Daniel mention his performance in a play?
A.To comfort Nancy.B.To express his regret.C.To show his pride.
3. What is Nancy going to do next week?
A.Take a school test.B.Have a check-up.C.Go in for a competition.
4. What does Daniel offer to do for Nancy?
A.Rewrite her lines.B.Drive her to the theatre.C.Help her with the practice.
2021-06-09更新 | 6698次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021年全国乙卷英语真题
完形填空(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

3 . Detective Ashley Jones works at a police department in England. He has recently made a significant_______- -loneliness is a serious social problem that can contribute to depression and even crimes, but it can be_______in a clever way. The_______? Chat benches.

Jones got the idea after he had talked with an elderly lady who had been cheated of her_______. The lady would get a call from a stranger every morning who _______made her believe that he was her friend, and then she lent him about “f 31,000 . Jones was_______ when she said that she didn’t actually_______ being cheated. “Otherwise, 1would never speak to another person for weeks on end,” she said.

This led Jones to the conclusion that there are too many extremely _______ people in his community, who are easy targets of cheating. So he_______ to do something about it. He__________ the police department to allow him to __________   a couple of “chat benches” in two of their local parks. Then he hung a colorful sign on each of the benches that__________:”HAPPY TO CHAT. “Just a few days after the signs went up, he found people sitting there and engaging in active and__________ conversations.

The idea is catching on__________There are now over 40 chat benches throughout England. More new chat benches have sprung up across the UK and beyond. All who participated have gained a(n)__________ outcome from getting involved. Jones’ idea has been fully __________-the “HAPPY TO CHAT” benches help__________ the invisible social barrier that keeps people from saying hello.

This effort is not just a(n) __________ at being community minded- -it’s also a __________ measure. It prevents people who are cut off from society falling victim to cheaters.

The Chat Bench is a fantastic new project that__________ those of all ages to interact and get to know each other in the future.

A.put awayB.make outC.tear apartD.set up
A.break downB.put upC.keep offD.take out
2020-07-11更新 | 4459次组卷 | 27卷引用:专题12 完形填空之人与社会-备战2021届高考英语二轮复习题型专练(通用版)
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
4 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删改或修改。


It was Monday morning, and the writing class had just begin. Everyone was silent, wait to see who would be called upon to read his and her paragraph aloud. Some of us were confident and eager take part in the class activity, others were nervous and anxious. I had done myself homework but I was shy. I was afraid that to speak in front of a larger group of people. At that moment, I remembered that my father once said, "The classroom is a place for learning and that include learning from textbooks, and mistake as well." Immediate, I raised my hand.

2018-06-09更新 | 7391次组卷 | 30卷引用:云南省丽江市2020-2021学年高二上学期教学质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

5 . Why Do We Get Angry?

Anger seems simple when we are feeling it, but the causes of anger are various. Knowing these causes can make us examine our behavior, and correct bad habits. The main reasons we get angry are triggering(触发)events, personality traits(特征), and our assessment of situations.     1    

Triggering events for anger are so many that to describe them all would take hundreds of pages. However, here are some examples: being cut off in traffic, a deadline approaching, experiencing physical pain, and much more.     2     The reason why someone is triggered by something and others are not is often due to one’s personal history and psychological traits.

Each person, no matter who they are, has psychological imbalances. People who have personality traits that connect with competitiveness and low upset tolerance are much more likely to get angry.     3     Also, sometimes pre-anger does not have to do with a lasting condition, but rather a temporary state before a triggering event has occurred.

    4    Sometimes even routine occurrences become sources of pre-anger, or anger itself. Sometimes ignorance and negative (消极的) outlooks on situations can create anger.

    5    However, anger can easily turn violent, and it is best to know the reasons for anger to appear in order to prevent its presence. With these main reasons in mind, we can evaluate our level of anger throughout the day and prevent cases of outbursts by comprehending the reasons for our feelings.

A.Our attitude and viewpoint on situations can create anger within us as well.
B.But some types of situations can help us to get rid of the occurrence of anger.
C.Anger is rarely looked upon as a beneficial character trait, and is usually advised to reduce it.
D.Anger is a particularly strong feeling and maybe people think that they have reasons to feel angry.
E.Having these personality traits implies the pre-anger state, where anger is in the background of your mind.
F.Understanding these reasons will control our own anger if we are willing to evaluate ourselves with a critical eye.
G.Not everyone acts the same in response to events, and that is why what triggers one person may or may not trigger another.
2018-06-09更新 | 4420次组卷 | 23卷引用:【浙江新东方】绍兴qw140
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

During this past year, I’ve had three instances of car trouble. Each time these things happened, I was sick of the way most people hadn’t bothered to help. One of those times, I was on the side of the road for close to three hours with my big Jeep. I put signs in the windows, big signs that said NEED A JACK (千斤顶), and offered money. Nothing. Right as I was about to give up, a Mexican family in a small truck pulled over, and the father bounded out.

He sized up the situation and called for his daughter, who spoke English. He conveyed through her that he had a jack but that it was too small for the Jeep, so we would need something to support it. Then he got a saw (锯子) from the truck and cut a section out of a big log(圆木)on the side of the road. We rolled it over and put his jack on top, and we were in business.

I started taking the wheel off, and then, if you can believe it, I broke his tire iron(拆轮胎的扳手). No worries: He handed it to his wife, and she was gone in a flash down the road to buy a new tire iron. She was back in 15 minutes. We finished the job, and I was a very happy man.

The two of us were dirty and sweaty. His wife prepared a pot of water for us to wash our hands. I tried to put a $20 bill in the man’s hand, but he wouldn’t take it, so instead I went up to the truck and gave it to his wife as quietly as I could. I asked the little girl where they lived. Mexico, she said. They were in Oregon so Mommy and Daddy could work on a fruit farm for the next few weeks. Then they would go home.

Paragraph 1:

When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if I’d had lunch.

Paragraph 2:

After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.

2021-08-18更新 | 1378次组卷 | 4卷引用:浙江省宁波市镇海中学2021届高三下学期5月选考适应性测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . What makes you cry? Being moved by a sad movie, waving a loved one off, or getting emotional after splitting up with your partner can all cause tears to roll down our faces.     1    

When you think about it, shedding tears from your eyes can cause embarrassment or confusion. But it seems to be an automatic reaction when we get sad or upset.     2       However, the feeling is the same – your cheeks puff up, your eyes tighten and before you know it, tears are streaming down your face. Some of us may weep a little while others might cry like a baby.

A study in the UK in 2017 found that women admitted they cry 72 times a year. This was, on average, more than men. Adam Rutherford, lead researcher, says that the result has been pretty much consistent with previous research.     3    Are they just more embarrassed about showing their true feelings? The debate continues.

One place where we experience emotional and tearful outbursts is in the workplace.    4     Someone might be stressed with a heavy workload. And, as therapist Joanna Cross put it, “crying is often a build-up of frustration and undealt-with situations and it’s a bit of a final straw moment.” She describes how someone might start weeping when they’re just asked to make a cup of tea. Actually, their stress has accumulated to the breaking point.

But crying in the office or elsewhere can be an effective stress reliever. It can actually make you feel better.    5    Crying your eyes out shows others how you feel, so perhaps it’s a crying shame that more of us, particularly men, don’t cry more often.

A.Then how do we cope with it?
B.This can be where emotions run high.
C.People reach their breaking point in different ways.
D.We all have the power to cry, but is that a good thing?
E.Maybe it dissolves or clears the negative feelings you’ve had.
F.What brings about this reaction differs from person to person.
G.But does this mean men don’t get as upset or emotional as women?
书面表达-读后续写 | 容易(0.94) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

Lately, I was deeply touched with two movies about faithful dogs:A Dog's Purpose and A Dog's Way Home. A dog's life cycled and cycled only to meet his first owner while the other covered 400 miles of toil and hunger all the way back to her home. I had a faithful dog too when I was a little girl, but it was a different story.

When my dad first took him home in a cardboard box, he was so quiet that I even doubted whether there was really a dog in it. When I peeped through two small holes on the side, I just saw a patch of grey fur. My dad assured me that it was just a small dog before I dared to open the box. There he was! What a lovely grey dog! He was slim and looked smart. I was on my knees as I cheerfully observed him. However, he tried to avoid eye contact with me, apparently a little scared with everything strange around. I wanted to pet his head but he only turned his head away.

When he became familiar with me, I called him Billy and he was really delighted, zagging his tail. Every time I left for school, he saw me off. When I came back, he ways waited on my way home and greeted me with his licks and brushed his head against legs. When Billy was in the kitchen with my father, lying on a small heap of firewood side the furnace (灶),he could always know which piece of firewood my dad would pick   and raised his paw in time. It always surprised me how intelligent and considerate Billy   I imagined him turning into a small boy carrying my schoolbag for me and talking   my dad. With Billy brightening every day of my childhood, I was more than happy.

Paragraph 1:

But one day, Billy was seriously ill.

Paragraph 2:

A few years later, I went to a dog's shelter to try my luck.

完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Earlier that evening, my mother called, telling me that my brother died in a car crash. I stumbled (跌跌撞撞地走) around the house _________ what to put into the suitcases. My husband, Larry, and I had been packing for moving to New Mexico. The house was in (a) total _________.

I tried to hold my tears. I _________ picked things up and put them down. I couldn't _________. What I'd heard on the phone echoed (回荡) through my head.

Larry phoned a few friends. _________, someone asked to speak to me. “If there is anything I can do, let me know.” “Thank you,” I replied. I didn't know what to _________.

The doorbell rang and I rose slowly for the door. It was Donna.

“I've come to clean your shoes,” she said. _________, I asked her to repeat. “When my father died, it took me _________ to get the shoes cleaned and shined for my father's _________,” she said. I hadn't even thought about shoes.

Shoes were gathered. Donna __________ herself on the floor and got to work. The love in the act __________ my tears. Watching her __________ on one task helped me pull my __________into order. Laundry first, I told myself. One by one, the jobs fell into place.

Now whenever I hear of an acquaintance's loss of a loved one, I think of one __________ task that suits that person's __________. If the person asks, “How did you know I needed that?” I'd reply, “Because someone did that.”

A.call forB.ask forC.talk aboutD.get across
共计 平均难度:一般