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| 共计 16 道试题
阅读理解-五选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Friends are like the colors of the rainbow. A single color is normal, but they become colorful and amazing when they get together. Look, there are three students talking and laughing happily in the hallways. They are Emily, Albert and Mark.     1     However, they have completely different personalities (性格).

Almost every friend group has a “parent”. Emily is certainly the most responsible one among the three.     2     When they hang out, the other two don’t need to worry about anything. If someone wants to find a person to talk to, Emily is always there to listen. If someone needs advice, Emily is the first person they would ask.

Albert is a quiet but talented boy. He doesn’t like talking too much. In most of his free time, he enjoys reading in the classroom or the school library, so he can always get good grades. When his friends have problems in study, Albert is often ready to help them out.     3    

Mark is a born leader. He is quite outgoing and kind-hearted. He joins the sports and the art clubs. At the same time, he is interested in outdoor activities. He often organizes class trips, bike riding races and other relaxing games. This makes him popular at school.     4     Sometimes, he goes to the old people’s home to talk with the old. On weekends, he often helps clean up the neighborhood.

When they go out together, Emily makes plans and Albert listens with interest. Mark encourages the other two to try new things. In return, Albert shares his favorite books with others. They make a perfect group and everyone can learn from each other.     5     So it’s not important for friends to be the same, but necessary to understand and respect each other.

A.Students all look up to him.
B.The differences bring them together and closer.
C.What’s more, he does lots of volunteer work after school.
D.She often helps her friends and makes sure things go well.
E.They have been good friends since they came into the school.
7日内更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆生产建设兵团第三师图木舒克市第一中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . While scientists have many ideas, they are not certain why humans yawn(打哈欠). Still, there is one thing experts know—yawns seem to be contagious(传染)!

Have you ever caught a yawn from someone else? Most people have. In fact, a person is six times more likely to yawn after seeing someone else do so. Experts have done many studies into why yawns seem to pass from person to person. As a result, they have a few theories(理论) for the reason behind it.

One possible explanation has something to do with social mirroring, which is caused by mirror neurons(镜像神经元) in the brain. These mirror neurons help the brain notice useful behavior of others and then copy it. When one person sees another yawn, his mirror neurons observe the action and consider it to be beneficial. That may cause him to yawn, too.

Another popular theory is that yawns are contagious because of social relationships. Being social creatures, humans form friendships, families and live together in groups. That’s why many people mirror others, such as smiling when another person smiles. Yawning may be just another example of this. In fact, research has shown that one is most likely to catch yawns from another person if the two share a social relationship.

The answer could even be that yawns aren’t truly contagious at all. Instead, people yawn together simply because they’re in the same environment. Experts say many things may cause yawning, including temperature and time of day. Whatever the explanation is, experts do know that contagious yawns aren’t limited to humans. One study found that lions in South Africa also caught each other’s yawns.

1. What kind of behavior may be copied by mirror neurons?
A.Important and attractive.B.Useful and beneficial.
C.Hard to understand.D.Easy to copy.
2. Whose yawns are people most likely to catch according to Paragraph 4?
A.Those who yawn a lot.B.Those who like smiling.
C.Those closely connected with them.D.Those sharing the same interest with them.
3. What might the author continue talking about in the following paragraph?
A.Tips on how to avoid yawning in public.
B.A real explanation for contagious yawning.
C.Other examples of animals yawning together.
D.Things that may cause yawning among humans.
4. Which of the following serves as the best title?
A.Why yawns are contagiousB.What causes people to yawn
C.Who yawns more than othersD.Why humans yawn now and then
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . We all feel lonely at some point, but long-term social loneliness can damage our mental and physical health. “Loneliness is a signal that you need human connection,” says Dr. Jeremy Nobel.     1    .

Know yourself

It’s easier to connect with people if you have shared the same ideas or experiences, so start paying attention to what’s on your mind.     2    . If you know what’s meaningful for you, it may lead you to an activity or creative idea that connects you to people.

Make something

When someone says make something, you can immediately say, “Well, I’m not Picasso. I don’t know how to do a fancy painting.” And, of course, you’re not! But the opportunities for creative expression are endless. You can plant a garden or try a dance move.     3    .

Take a risk by having conversations

Share something about yourself. It doesn’t have to be the biggest or darkest part of your life, but just something you think other people might find interesting and convincing.     4    , putting yourself out there requires a bit of risk, and it’s another important step to real connection.


Whether it’s volunteering for a cause you believe in or just for fun, try to find others who share your interests. And if you follow your natural curiosities, you may find something new. Share your thoughts and feelings in creative ways with other people who have that interest.

A.Other people’s loneliness matters too
B.Find a group that matches your interests
C.Since you have shared some of your secrets
D.Here are some good tips to make connection
E.Even if you’re nervous about being judged or refused
F.Knowing yourself can be the first step to bond with others
G.Making something can express your thoughts and feelings to others
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Long time ago, a girl     1     (call) Lisa put on her favorite necklace and went swimming in a pool. When she returned to the side, she realized that her necklace had fallen in the pool, and she began to cry. Just then, Jackson, a boy in the same neighbourhood asked her the reason     2     she was crying. She told him what had happened.

“If you can become my friend.” Jackson told her. “I will get your necklace for you.” Lisa told him     3     (leave) her alone because she didn’t like Jackson. But again Jackson said that he would find her necklace. Finally, Lisa told him that she would do what he asked. Jackson went into the pool and found her necklace. He gave it to her. The girl grabbed (抓住) it     4     ran home.

Lisa told her mother about that. After     5     (hear) the story, her mother said “Thanks to Jackson, your necklace     6     ( find) this afternoon.” She insisted that Lisa keep her promise and make     7     (friend) with Jackson. The next day, Lisa invited     8     boy to her home. They had a cup of tea and had a good time.

    9     (amazing), Lisa found Jackson was a kind and polite boy. She liked to be     10     (he) friend. From then on, they started a lifelong friendship.

2024-02-01更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市六校联考2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . What does the woman ask the man to do?
A.Sing along with her.B.Help her practice singing.C.Accompany her on piano.
2024-01-23更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆阿勒泰地区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末大联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Studying abroad is full of adventures-everything is different and exciting. How can you adjust to the new environment soon? Homestay is a great way to get to know the culture from a firsthand aspect. Here are some tips on how to enjoy a successful homestay.

Bring a thoughtful gift.

    1     Instead, a little souvenir (纪念品) from your home country is a great choice. Besides, it will help your hosts remember what an awesome family member you were.

Respect the schedule.

Even though you’ve paid for your stay, you’re still part of a family that is not yours - respect their schedules. If the meals are at 7 p. m., make sure you are on time.     2    

Attend the family meals.

Most host programs will give you the choice to include meals in your homestay. It’s highly recommended that you join your host family for at least one meal each day     3     You can also enjoy the conversations that meals inspire

Be fair and honest when problems arise.

    4     Nobody can avoid it. In case there’s a major trouble that bothers you, try to talk to the family first. Be aware that it might take some time to get used to each other - not just for you but also for the host family.


When it comes time to leave, you might be feeling some relief about getting back to a more familiar home. Do remember to make an effort to express your thanks to the family for let-ting you into their home and sharing their lives with you.

A.Show great relief before you leave.
B.Express your gratitude before leaving.
C.Lies can only make things much worse.
D.This can help you taste homemade local food.
E.You don’t have to spend a lot of money on the gift.
F.Whenever people live together, there’s room for disagreement.
G.You must let your host family know in advance if you can’t arrive on time.
2024-01-21更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆维吾尔自治区巴音郭楞蒙古自治州2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-五选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Social anxiety(社恐) is a men tal disorder that is often misunderstood. It involves being fearful of social situations, especially unfamiliar ones.     1    


A person with social anxiety has an increase in heart rate, sweating and dizziness(头晕). In all of these cases, it’s important to slow down your breathing to help you gain control back of your body.

Challenge your thoughts

When you have social anxiety, perhaps you’re worried you might trip over, laugh or cough at the wrong time.     3     They may cause discomfort, but try to challenge these worries and replace them with more helpful thoughts.

Set goals

The idea of goal setting is not only to decide where you want to end up, but to learn about where you are now.     4     Never compare yourself to others in terms of social success. Focus on yourself and how you are doing week by week, month by month.

Say yes

    5     But it’s time to start saying “yes”! If you're invited to do something social, don’t turn it down and accept the invitation. You may feel a little anxious at first. However, over time , the more you attend social activities, the less scared you will feel to go.

A.Focus on breathing
B.In this way, you can clearly see your progress.
C.The truth is that these things happen at any time.
D.Maybe you've gotten into the habit of saying “no” to everything.
E.Luckily, there are a few small steps to help you feel more comfortable.
2024-01-17更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆维吾尔自治区2023-2024学年普通高中学业水平考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 容易(0.94) |

8 . My name is Jimmy. One Thursday afternoon, when I was in senior one, a new boy came into my classroom. He was short and thin. He walked up to the teacher and told her, very seriously, that he was new. His name was Christian. He sat down, took a look at me, and then looked away. I didn’t think he was very nice and I was sure he wasn’t the type I would like to become friends with.

During that year, I didn’t talk to him much, but he smiled at me when our eyes met, always shyly. He never ate lunch with anybody, and he never talked to anybody but me.

But one day I joined those unkind kids who were making fun of him. We made fun of him though I thought it was wrong.

“Haven’t you got any friends?” a kid asked Christian, who had walked past us alone, head down.

“No, he hasn’t got any friends. He’s too stupid and shy,” I said. Then Christian looked up at me with the saddest dog eyes I had ever seen. I felt very sorry at that moment.

That night, I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t get Christian’s face out of my mind. In the weeks that followed, he never met my eyes in class and never smiled at me. It was really hard for me to decide to write him a note asking him to forgive (原谅) me. But I thought I should.

The next day in class, I wrote him a note telling him how sorry I felt. About five minutes later, I turned and saw tears in his eyes. “You will never realize what your apology (道歉) has meant to me, Jimmy.” he said to me. “I hope we can become friends.”

We had lunch together that noon and we had the best talk I had ever had. Over the years at high school, we were close friends.

When I think back, I realize that, if I had not apologized, I would never have known what a lovely person Christian was.

Apologies can really change your life, so never miss the chance to tell somebody you are sorry.

1. What do we about know Christian from the passage?
A.He was tall and fat.B.He was short and thin.
C.He was short and active.D.He was lovely and fat.
2. Why didn’t Jimmy talk to Christian much at first?
A.He didn’t think Christian was the type he wanted to become friends with.
B.Christian wasn’t nice to people around him after he came to the new class.
C.Christian made friends with others.
D.Christian had the saddest dog eyes.
3. How did Jimmy feel after he made fun of Christian with other unkind kids?
4. What is the purpose of this text?
A.To tell us it is important to make an apology when we hurt others.
B.To show Jimmy’s apology was unimportant to Christian.
C.To introduce Christian wasn’t lovely in fact.
D.To tell us it is unimportant to say sorry to others.
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Go on a 15-minute Tour

Didn’t someone say that life is about the journey, not the destination?     1     when you are focused only on getting to the next meeting, starting your next class period, or hurrying to send an email, you’re missing all of the people between Points A and B.

To commit some time to the journey, take some time to walk around where you work and notice your surroundings.     2     Also, some of the smaller yet critical social clues that exist right under your nose will be concentrated on again.

    3     Things to look for include the look and feel of people’s work spaces, the timing of when different people move around the office, and which people seek interaction versus those who stay at their desks all day.

After your first observation tour, select a different day to tour your workspace for moods. Other people’s moods can provide you with critical clues about how things are going.     4     Focus on what you see, hear, and pick up on in other people.

Schedule 15 minutes to tour your workplace twice a week for a month and be sure to avoid making too many assumptions or conclusions — just simply observe.     5    

A.You’ll be amazed at what you see along the way.
B.Spare a little time to closely monitor each person’s progress.
C.Notice what people may be feeling when you drop by to talk briefly.
D.During any workday, take just 15 minutes to observe neglected things.
E.You generally love the breathtaking landscape and people’s performances.
F.Going on a short tour will help you get in tune with other people and their emotions.
G.To become socially aware, remember to enjoy the journey and notice people along the way.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . There was once a boy called Mario who loved to have lots of friends at school. However, he wasn’t sure whether or not his classmates were his true friends, so he asked his grandpa. The old man answered, “I have just exactly what you need; it’s in the attic (阁楼). Wait here for a minute.”

Grandpa left, soon returning as though carrying something in his hand, but Mario could see nothing there. “Take it. It’s a very special chair. Because it’s invisible (无形的) it’s rather difficult to sit on, but if you take it to school and you manage to sit on it, you’ll be able to tell who your true friends are.”

Mario took the strange invisible chair and went to school. At break time he asked everyone to form a circle, and he put himself in the middle, with his chair. “Nobody move. You’re about to see something amazing,” Mario said.

Then Mario tried sitting on the chair. He missed and fell straight onto his backside. Everyone had a pretty good laugh. Mario wouldn’t be beaten. He kept trying to sit on the magic chair, and kept falling to the ground... until, suddenly, he tried again and didn’t fall. This time he sat, hovering (悬停) in mid-air.

Looking around, Mario saw George, Lucas, and Diana — three of his best friends — holding him up, so he wouldn’t fall. At the same time, many others he had thought of as friends were doing nothing but make fun of him, enjoying each and every fall.

Leaving with his three friends, Mario explained to them how his grandpa had so cleverly thought of such a good idea. Now he knows that those who take joy in our misfortunes (不幸) when we are in difficulty are not our true friends.

1. What did Mario’s grandpa take from the attic?
A.An invisible chair.B.An old chair.
C.A real chair.D.Nothing.
2. Why did Mario’s grandpa give him the invisible chair?
A.To see whether Mario could sit on it.
B.To test who were Mario’s true friends.
C.To let Mario have fun with his classmates.
D.To test whether Mario was popular at school.
3. How was Mario able to hover in mid-air?
A.He saw the invisible chair suddenly.
B.He managed to sit on the chair finally.
C.His friends held him up with their hands.
D.His classmates gave him a chair to sit on.
4. What does the story tell us?
A.Never laugh at our friends.
B.True friends can help us do magic.
C.True friends are those who care for us.
D.Having too many good friends isn’t a good thing.
共计 平均难度:一般