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1 . Architectural history can take you through the evolution of those structures that served as a mark to remote civilizations, like the Egyptians and their architecture, reflected in pyramids, tombs, and many other ancient buildings along the Nile River.

In fact, the first big architectural design recorded in history was the work of Imhotep, Egyptian high priest(主教), who designed and built the complex(综合建筑群) that took the name of his king, between the years 2630 to 2611 BC.

Ruins of the most varied architecture speak for themselves about the most varied civilizations, traditions, and beliefs around the world.Without architecture, the history of mankind would be incomplete.

Many surviving buildings of the ancient world are examples of the great things that architecture can do for the world.Among them, we can name the Great Pyramid, listed as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, and the great Wall of China, built between the years 221 to 206 BC.

As time passed, all buildings and designs began to take special characteristics, becoming symbols of different eras identified as architectural styles.In ancient Greece, where buildings seemed to always be the same, there were three types of columns to identify each period of time.

The Romans inherited from the Greeks most of their traditions, beliefs, and customs, including architecture, but they also developed their own.

Architectural history was influenced by artistic, economic, politic, and socio-cultural events throughout the centuries, and Europe became the cradle(摇篮) of many well-known architects in the years following the fall of the Roman Empire.

As time passes, the actual architecture differs in shape, materials, construction methods, and designing goals, but the work of the architects will continue for generations to come.

1. Who made the first big architectural design recorded in history?
2. What's the function of ruins of the architecture according to the passage?
A.They give tourists chances to visit them.
B.They help to satisfy the needs of houses.
C.They can bring in a great deal of money for the local people.
D.They represent different cultivations, traditions, and beliefs there and then.
3. Why does the writer mention the Great Pyramid?
A.To show its strengthB.To tell us its importance
C.To show its special styleD.To prove the function of architecture
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Architectural history was only influenced by economic and politic events.
B.The Roman Empire was the cradle of famous architects earlier than Europe.
C.The actual architecture remains the same in shape, material and designing goals.
D.Europe was the cradle of famous architects earlier than the Roman Empire.
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