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1 . The first known dress, as well as the earliest known bar and restaurant in France, were identified this week. The discoveries, reported in the journal Antiquity, provide a glimpse of what early life was like in both ancient Egypt and southern France thousands of years ago.

The garment, which dates to around 3482 BC, is known as the Tarkhan Dress, and now looks like a shabby and dirty shirt. When new, however, the linen dress would have looked fashionable even today, as researchers determined it featured a natural pale gray stripe with pleated sleeves and bodice. Its edge is missing, so the original length of the dress is unknown.

"The survival of highly perishable textiles(纺织品)in the archaeological record is exceptional(例外的), the survival of complete, or almost complete, articles of clothing like the Tarkhan Dress is even more remarkable," Alice Stevenson, head of the University College London(UCL)Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, said in a press release.

Now that the dress' age has been confirmed, it has been named Egypt's oldest garment and is the oldest known surviving woven garment in the world. To calculate its age. Michael Dee of the University of Oxford and colleagues measured a small Sample of the dress to determine how much radiocarbon remained in the linen. Linen is especially   suitable for radiocarbon dating, according to the researchers, because it is made of flax fibers that grow over a relatively short time. The dress, currently on display at the UCI.

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, features wear and tear that date back to its earliest days. The researchers believe that a young teenager or a very slim woman wore it.

A separate study in the same journal reports the discovery of a hotel in southern France. At first the researcher thought that they had found a bakery, since they determined that the site once featured three huge ovens. They later, however, found that another nearby room across from a courtyard, had furniture lining its walls.

1. Why is it difficult to determine the length of the garment?
A.Its bottom edge is gone.B.It has broken into pieces.
C.Part of the bottom is missingD.The edge of sleeves is missing.
2. What does the underlined word "perishable" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Really in high quality.B.Valuable and unusual.
C.Lasting for quite a long timeD.Being rotten or destroyed easily.
3. The fourth paragraph mainly tells readers________.
A.linen is especially suitable for radiocarbon dating
B.the dress proves to be the oldest woven one in the world
C.how radiocarbon in the linen is measured by the researchers
D.the researchers of University of Oxford knew the dress' age
4. Where can this article be found?
A.TV series.B.A book review.
C.A science report.D.A fashion show.
2021-04-26更新 | 101次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省鹰潭市2021届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题
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