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| 共计 6 道试题
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1 . Complete his speech with the correct form of the words or phrase below.
mud   weep   bomb   panic   soldier   frontier   civilian   
incident   general   appreciation   machine gun

There have been so many conflicts in modern history that have led to loss of life. I recently watched a documentary online that showed the horror of war. It was about World War Ⅰ,where millions of young men spent years in     1     trenches fighting each other. There was a British     2     who was leading a group of     3    . They were based near the of the war in Eastern France. They were trying to protect     4     in a village. One night, many German     5     were dropped around the area. The villagers     6     and ran into the night. They were all killed by     7     fire. The     8     caused the general so much suffering. He was interviewed as an elderly man and was     9     as he spoke about it. Although it was a tough documentary to watch, I feel it gave me an     10     for the value of peace. The world would be a better place without any war or conflict.

2023-02-06更新 | 20次组卷 | 2卷引用:选词填空变式题
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2 . 选词填空
A. minerals     B. agriculture     C. profitable     D. available     E. shortages     F. celebrations
G. immigrants     H. increased     I. population     J. fashionable     K. opened

Chinese traders were recorded as making voyages to the north coast of Australia from the 1750s, but were probably visiting Australia long before. Chinese men arrived in Australia in small numbers after the 1788 British settlement as free settlers and criminals. A small population grew rapidly after 1848 under a system of indentured (契约的) labor, after China had     1     its ports to foreign trade in 1842. They worked in rural New South Wales as cooks, farm laborers and etc.

Indentured Chinese     2     worked in all colonies variously as station hands, plantation workers, miners, on public works, cabinet makers, personal servants and in laundries. Most came from the south-eastern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian.

Due to labor     3     in West Australia, the Colonial Government organized Chinese contract labor between 1847 and 1898, most working as laborers, cooks and gardeners. Many Chinese people came from rural backgrounds and brought with them     4     and water management skills. By 1885, there were 54 Chinese market gardens in Sydney. By 1901, 67% of New South Wales market gardeners were Chinese.

Gold rushes in Victoria in the 1850s and New South Wales in the 1860s significantly     5     the population of Chinese immigrants in Australia; about 45,000 prospectors arrived in Victoria alone in 1854-58. Numbers continued to increase as gold and other     6     were discovered in Queensland, Northern Territory and Tasmania.

When mining became less     7    , many Chinese people worked successfully to provide goods and services such as furniture making, market gardening, fishing and, particularly, store-keeping including the import and export of goods from overseas. Chinese goods, especially tea, silk, vegetables, herbs and other spices were highly sought-after items of trade by non-Chinese people. Tea rooms, importing and selling many varieties of tea, were very popular. Chinese silk was turned into     8     evening wear and cloaks by Chinese tailors and seamstresses.

Today there is a culturally diverse Chinese     9     in Australia with links to south-eastern China as well as Vietnam and Hong Kong. The Chinese communities in Australia are brought together every year by     10     of Lunar New Year.

2022-12-28更新 | 94次组卷 | 2卷引用:专题07:强调句、感叹句、祈使句等特殊句式-2023年上海市高考英语一轮复习讲练测
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3 . Complete the passage with the proper forms of the words in the box.
candidate     commitment     cruel     damp     motive     resolution     wage

One hundred years ago, exploring the Antarctic was a dangerous business. Because of the     1     weather and very little knowledge of how to survive in the Antarctic, the chances of success were quite slim and many explorers died. The people who signed up for such voyages were paid low     2    and had to tolerate poor working conditions and rough seas, along with the cold and     3    weather. They also had to have a strong     4    to finish what they had started no matter how hard it was, great personal discipline, and a firm     5     to the other members of the team. Yet, many    6     still applied to join such explorations. Some might have wanted to become famous. Others were looking for rewards. However, the     7     for many was to experience a great adventure.

2022-12-13更新 | 28次组卷 | 2卷引用:人教版2019教材课后题-选修三
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面文本,并从每段文本方框的单词或短语中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。
A. abstract        B. civilization        C. classic                 D. exactly
E. means          F. system               G. typically

Chinese calligraphy has developed along with China’s     1    . It is difficult to say when     2     calligraphy started. Chinese writing was first done by carving symbols onto bones and shells, but as it developed into a writing     3    , it also developed as a form of art done with a brush. It is believed that Chinese calligraphy dates back to at least the Han Dynasty. Soon after that, the idea developed that calligraphy was not only a beautiful art form but also a     4     of showing the character of the “man behind the brush”. Today, anyone from small children to old people can enjoy practicing the     5     art of Chinese calligraphy.

2022-09-11更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区九江中学2022-2023学年高三上学期摸底测试英语试题
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5 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. accounts       B. determine       C. sites            D. halves               AB. handy       AC. processing
AD. simply       BC. statues        BD. pouring       CD. confusing       ABC. case

Egyptian Pyramids

Researchers have uncovered one of the key methods the Egyptians used to build the pyramids. They have long been confused by exactly how workers were able to transport large blocks of stone of construction    1    . Now, they say the key was simple-wet sand.

“For the construction of the Pyramids,the ancient Egyptians had to transport heavy stone blocks and large    2    across the desert.” researchers at the University of Amsterdam said. The team tried to repeat this—and found wet sand was the key. The Egyptians therefore placed the heavy objects on a sledge(雪橇) that workers pulled over the sand.

Research from the University of Amsterdam has now revealed that the Egyptians probably made the desert sand in front of the sledge wet. Experiments have demonstrated that the correct amount of wetness in the sand    3    the pulling force required. To test the theory. the physicists placed a laboratory version of the Egyptian sledge in a tray of sand. They decided both the required pulling force and the stiffness(硬度) of the sand as a function of the quantity of water in the sand. To    4    the stiffness, they used a rheometer, which shows how much force is needed to deform a certain volume of sand. Experiments revealed that the required pulling force decreased proportional to the firmness of the sand. “In the presence of the correct quantity of water. wet desert sand is about twice as firm as dry sand.” the team said. A sledge glides far more easily over firm desert sand    5    because the sand does not pile up in front of the sledge as it does in the    6    of dry sand. They also believe a painting reveals the trick. “The Egyptians were probably aware of this    7    trick.” they said. “A wall painting in the tomb of Djehutihotep clearly shows a person standing on the front of the pulled sledge and    8    water over the sand just in front of it.”

The research results could therefore be useful for examining how to make full use of the transport and    9    of grand material,which at present    10    for about ten percent of the worldwide energy consumption.

2022-04-21更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市向东中学2020-2021学年高三上学期期中英语考试
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6 . Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.
A. devotion       B. arrivals       C. pursued        D. notably        E. astonishing
F. attempting     G. conflict       H. withdrew     I. abandoned       J. granted       K. blessings

The decade of the 1920s was like no other period that Americans of the time could imagine. World War I---the “war to end all wars”---had just concluded, and the world seemed suddenly a much smaller place. The stock market grew at a(n)     1     rate. Everyone seemed to have plenty of money to spend and plenty of leisure time in which to enjoy it. Girls known as “flappers”     2     the modest styles embraced by their mothers for scandalous fashions that included silk stockings, knee-length hemlines, bobbed hair, and cosmetics. Young men vied to see who could sit atop a flagpole the longest or who could swallow the largest number of live goldfish.

Indeed, it seemed that the Roaring Twenties howled with exuberance(旺盛的精力), daring, and a(n)     3     to all that was “modern.” However, the period could just as accurately be called the Decade of Paradox. Although it was a time of prosperity and enormous social and cultural change, it was also a time of class     4     and oppression.

The United States remained in many ways the land of opportunity, but it no longer welcomed immigrants. Workers worried that impoverished new     5    would take away their jobs. Wealthy businessmen worried that “un-American” ideas about workers’ rights might erode their power and reduce their profits. The government     6     an isolationist course and enacted legislation that dramatically reduced the number of foreign-born immigrants permitted to enter the country.

The decade brought mixed     7     for women and families also. Although the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution     8     women the right to vote in 1920, the Supreme Court overturned progress achieved in minimum-wage and child-labor laws. In 1929 the government     9     its support for health programs that intended to help children and pregnant women living in rural regions of the country.

An energized Ku Klux Klan in the South terrorized African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants. The wealth so evident in the industrialized North was     10     absent in rural areas, especially in black communities. Poverty drove millions of African Americans to the North and the West in search of jobs, and the influx of people into cities such as New York, Detroit, and St. Louis was not without problems. These places, however, also became famous as the centers of a vibrant culture created by African American artists, writers, and musicians who were among the greatest talents of the era.

2021-08-17更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:(上海押题)2021届上海市高三英语秋考押题密卷09
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