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1 . Today, the world celebrates the United Nations International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP) under the theme “Resilience (复原力) of Older Persons in a Changing World”.

The number of older persons worldwide is projected to reach more than 1.5 billion in 2050. All regions will see an increase in the size of the older population between 2022 and 2050. Less developed countries excluding the least developed countries will be home to more than two-thirds of the world’s older population (1.1 billion) in 2050. Yet the fastest increase is projected to take place in the least developed countries, where the number of people aged 65 or over could rise from 37 million in 2019 to 120 million in 2050 (about 225%).

As to the “Silver Generation”, all countries have to bear increased pension (养老金) and healthcare costs as people live longer. But including the elderly in a productive way in the national economy has become a major problem for many countries. Many young families also struggle to care for their elderly parents or give it up altogether. Meanwhile, though older persons continue to meaningfully contribute to their political, economic, social and cultural lives, their contributions and experience are largely ignored.

The 2022 theme of UNIDOP serves as a fillip, something that jogs your memory and makes you think about the significant role older people play in taking up global challenges and contributing to their solutions. UNIDOP 2022 is also a call for action and opportunity to hear older persons’ voices and show their resilience and contributions in society.

Age is just a number and only a state of mind. Indeed, what matters is ageing elegantly, accompanied by good health. It is meaningless to live to 85 or 90 if one is limited to bed, unable to move around. But this could be a thing of the past in the light of rapid medical advances, which will give mobility and a new life to the elderly. I believe there will come a time when one’s actual age doesn’t really matter anymore in both a physical and mental sense.

1. Why are the figures used in paragraph 2?
A.To clarify the gap between rich and poor.
B.To show the growth in the older population.
C.To explain the correctness of the UN statistics.
D.To analyze the reasons for population ageing.
2. What does the author say about the “Silver Generation”?
A.It is a double-edged sword.
B.It is a force to be treated seriously.
C.It is a huge burden to young families.
D.It is a by-product of the economic development.
3. Which word is closest in meaning to “fillip” underlined in paragraph 4?
4. What is the author’s understanding of age?
A.Age affects both physical and mental health.
B.Age is not a number but a mental state.
C.Age does not matter in the medical field.
D.Age pales by comparison with health.
2024-05-22更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省合肥市第九中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第一次单元质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Being healthy is important. Often, we’re crazy about articles in health magazines talking about the latest popular diets, or advertisements that offer cures (疗法) for fatness that are often too good to be true. One of the latest crazy phenomena (现象) is intermittent fasting (间歇性禁食).     1    

There are different ways of intermittent fasting.     2     Another common way is choosing a diet that sees people only eating during a limited part of the day, for example, over eight hours.

    3     A study suggests intermittent fasting may help control blood sugar and reduce the possibility of suffering related disease. Other studies have shown intermittent fasting may help slow the ageing process, support brain function, lose weight, etc.

Some people try intermittent fasting for weight management, and others use the method to deal with some conditions such as high cholesterol or arthritis.     4     Fasting might not suit those who are underweight or with a long-term medical condition. Fasting may cause some people to experience symptoms (症状) such as headaches or make them easily suffer from overeating after a reduced calorie intake (热量摄入) day.

As with many diets, it’s always wise to speak to your doctor or weight-loss professional before changing your eating habits. And, at the end of the day, it could just come down to what lifestyle choice suits you.     5     If not, your health may suffer.

A.But what is intermittent fasting?
B.However, this diet isn’t for everyone.
C.Intermittent fasting has two main origins.
D.Let’s look at some of the possible benefits.
E.The idea of this is to reduce calories over a period.
F.In a word, you should avoid turning to intermittent fasting blindly.
G.You can eat normally on five days of a week and reduce calorie intake on the other two.
2024-05-18更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期开学检测英语试题
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3 . Researchers from University of Southern California (USC) may have found the biggest influencer in the spread of fake news: social platforms’ structure of rewarding users for habitually sharing information. The study involved 2,476 active Facebook users ranging in age from 18 to 89. They were asked to complete a decision-making survey about seven minutes long.

Surprisingly, the researchers found that users’ social media habits are closely related to the amount of fake news they shared. Frequent and habitual users spread six times more fake news than occasional or new users. Just 15% of the most habitual news sharers in the research were responsible for spreading about 30% to 40% of the fake news. Users’ habits were more influential in sharing fake news than other factors, including lack of critical reasoning.

The research team wondered: What motivates these users? As it turns out, much like any video game, social media has a reward system that encourages users to stay on their accounts and keep posting and sharing.

Users who post and share frequently, especially eye-catching information, are likely to attract attention. Due to the reward system of social media, users form habits of sharing information that gets recognition from others automatically, without considering consequences such as spreading misinformation.

Then, the team tested whether social media reward structures could be designed to promote sharing of true over false information. They found that incentives (鼓励) for accuracy rather than popularity doubled the amount of accurate news that users share on social platforms.

“We know from previous research that some people don’t process information critically, which influences their ability to recognize false stories online,” said Gizem Ceylan, who led the team. “However, our new study shows that the reward structure of social media platforms plays a bigger role when it comes to misinformation spread.”

1. What does the USC research mainly focus on concerning social media?
A.Its reward system.B.The users’ age group.
C.Its attraction to users.D.The reason fake news spreads on it.
2. Who is more likely to share false information on Facebook?
A.A new user.B.A heavy user.
C.An occasional user.D.An uneducated user.
3. What contributes to the habits of social media users?
A.The popularity of their posts.
B.The easy access to information.
C.The encouragement from other users.
D.The immediate money reward from the platform.
4. Which statement will Gizem Ceylan probably agree with?
A.Sharing of misinformation is unavoidable.
B.People shouldn’t use social media frequently.
C.Lack of critical reasoning is a common problem.
D.Social media reward structures should be improved.
2024-05-13更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月阶段性测试英语试题
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4 . The rate of childhood obesity in the U. S. has tripled over the past 50 years. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) made waves this year by recommending that doctors put obese kids as young as two years old on intensive, family-oriented lifestyle and behavior plans. It also suggested prescribing weight-loss drugs to children l2 and older and surgery to teens 13 and older. This advice reflects the organization’s adoption of a more active position on childhood obesity.

Yet the lifestyle programs the AAP recommends are expensive, inaccessible to most children and hard to maintain. Few weight-loss drugs have been approved for children. And surgery has potential risks and few long-term safety data. Furthermore, it’s not clear whether interventions in youngsters help to improve health or merely add to the psychological burden overweight kids face from the society.

Rather than paying close attention to numbers on a scale, the U. S. and countries with similar trends should focus on an underlying truth: we need to invest in more and safer places for children to play where they can move and run around, climb and jump, ride and skate.

Why is it so hard to get kids moving? Experts blame the problem on the privatization of sports — as public investment in school-based athletics dwindles, expensive private leagues have grown, leaving many kids out. In addition to fewer opportunities at school, researchers cite increased screen time and a lack of safe places for them to play outside the home. New York City, for example, had 2,067 public playgrounds as of 2019 — a very small amount for its large population. In Los Angeles in 2015, only 33 percent of youths lived within walking distance of a park.

Kids everywhere need more places to play. Public funding to build and keep up these areas is crucial, but other options such as shared-use agreements can make unused spaces available to the public. These opportunities aren’t primarily about changing children’s waistlines — they’re how we keep childhood healthy and fun.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Childhood obesity is well under control in recent years.
B.Weight-loss surgery are recommended to children 12 and older.
C.AAP plays a more active role in fighting against childhood obesity.
D.Expensive as it is, lifestyle programs are practical for most children.
2. The underlined word “dwindle” is closest in meaning to ______.
3. In the author’s opinion, what measures should be taken to create more safe areas?
A.Prepare fitness equipment at home.
B.Live within walking distance of a park.
C.Promote investment in private athletics.
D.Open up playgrounds when school’s out.
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Sports play an important role in children’s growth.
B.More safe areas for outdoor fun are in urgent need.
C.Family-oriented lifestyles are crucial to children’s health.
D.Medical intervention is important to ease psychological burden.
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5 . On the second floor of Minke van Wingerden’s floating farm in Rotterdam, the cows sometimes wander over to a machine that automatically milks them, or shy out of the way of a robot removing their waste that will be turned into organic fertilizer for the vegetables grown on the first floor.

“We call our farm recycling lady,” says Minke van Wingerden, who has recently opened a small shop on dry land next to the floating farm to sell the vegetables, milk, cheese and butter produced there.

Floating farming isn’t an entirely new idea. Efforts to put agriculture on or in the water are as old as the Aztecs, who built artificial islands to grow food long ago in what’s now Mexico.

But it’s a concept that is getting new attention as a way of dealing with both food security and the challenges of climate change. And it doesn’t have to be as well-equipped as Wingerden’s floating farm, which came about after she witnessed the food shortages in New York after Hurricane Sandy hit the city in 2012.

“When you have floating farms, you are climate adaptive,” said Wingerden. “It is also sensible for you to take fresher, healthier food close to cities.”

Daniel Petrovics, a researcher at the University of Amsterdam, said the success of floating farms will vary by region.

“Contributing to the sustainability of urban food systems is a challenge floating farms have in common with vertical (垂直的) farms. I don’t think this project is cost-effective enough to be popularized, either,” he said. “As a method to adapt to climate change, it is much cheaper to invest in floating housing rather than floating farms since much of the world’s population lives in coastal areas, while only a small percentage of these communities farm in areas that might be threatened by sea level rise caused by climate change.”

1. Why are the Aztecs mentioned in the text?
A.To add some background information.B.To sum up the above paragraphs.
C.To introduce the topic for discussion.D.To provide advice for the farmers.
2. What is Minke van Wingerden’s main goal of setting up the floating farm?
A.To recycle the waste in cities.B.To increase urban food security.
C.To compete with vertical farming.D.To find a low-cost farming method.
3. What did Daniel Petrovics say about the vertical farms?
A.They are very likely to be widely adopted in cities.
B.They are a practical solution to urban food shortage.
C.They are too costly to be popularized in the near future.
D.They can be helpful in the fight against climate change.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Are Floating Farms the Future?B.Are Organic Products Healthier?
C.How Can We Produce Enough Food?D.What Are Floating Farms’ Advantages?
2024-02-20更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省十联考2024届高三上学期期末联考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . A community canteen at the Zhanongkou Community in Shangcheng, Hangzhou recently launched “happiness blind boxes”, which cost just 6 yuan per box. Sales start at 7 p. m. each evening.

The dishes are packaged in transparent (透明的) containers, but to maintain an element of surprise, stickers are placed over the lid (盖子) of the “main dish” section of each box. The “blind boxes” have become popular since being introduced, and on some nights they sell out by about 8 p. m.

A meal assistance program introduced in Zhanongkou subdistrict ensures the elderly can access meals within a 10-minute walk of their homes or have them delivered within five minutes. The service has also been welcomed by younger people living and working in the area.

Yan Xuyang, a professor at Beijing Union University’s Tourism College, predicts that by 2035, those born from the 1970s to the 2000s will comprise the main group of customers for such canteens. “This generation has a reasonable level of disposable (可自由支配的) income, and many of its members may also lack the willingness to prepare meals for themselves,” Yan said.

The successful operation of community canteens depends on their ability to integrate into the daily lives and culture of local residents. In addition to serving dishes to suit local tastes and fostering a welcoming environment for diners, it is important to widen the functions of these canteens. They have been used for cultural activities and other events, which helps raise awareness and foster a positive perspective on these canteens among local communities.

In the latter part of last year, the Weikang community canteen in Ziyang subdistrict, Hangzhou, experienced a significant transformation from being a canteen for seniors to catering for the whole community. Its services have been broadened beyond regular operations to include services for hospitals and businesses, complete with home delivery options. Some other community canteens have also made efforts to appeal to more residents.

1. What can we know about the “happiness blind boxes” from the passage?
A.They are sold out every night before 8 p. m.
B.They are beautifully decorated with stickers.
C.They offer a sense of mystery with the unknown main dishes.
D.They are only offered to the residents in the Zhanongkou Community.
2. What’s Yan Xuyang’s attitude towards the future of the community canteen?
3. What might contribute most to the success of community canteens?
A.Reasonable prices.B.Fast delivery service.C.Various functions.D.Unexpected surprises.
4. Why is the Weikang community canteen mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.To highlight the popularity of community canteens.
B.To emphasize the importance of community canteens.
C.To discuss the wide functions of community canteens.
D.To show the innovative reform of community canteens.
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文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了科罗拉多河逐渐干涸导致Rio Verde Foothills社区供水中断,当地居民为此寻求解决办法。

7 . In January, Rio Verde Foothills, an Arizona desert community, found itself in a bad situation: The water supply was cut off.

The community is made up of about 2,000 homes. For years, many in the community have depended on water trucked in from the nearby city of Scottsdale. which gets its water from the Colorado River. But the river is drying up Scottsdale says it has to save water for its own. Now people in Rio Verde Foothills must find a solution.

Some experts say the solution is to bring water from outside of the state. One idea is to build a desalination (海水淡化) plant on Mexico’s Sea of Cortez. The plant would take away salt from the water and supply that water to Arizona through a 200-mile pipeline (管道). Supporters say this could provide fresh water for about ten years.

Environmentalists say the desalination project would harm the planet in several ways. Some of the salt taken out of the Sea of Cortez might end up back in the ocean, harming wildlife. The pipeline would be harmful to land where people and animals live. And the desalination process uses lots of power. This would create greenhouse gases, which are causing the conditions that have led to Arizona’s water problems.

Margaret Wilder, a professor at the. University of Arizona, says the government should focus on cutting water demand (需求) rather than increasing supply. That would mean taking water-saving measures and controlling how many homes are built in the desert. “We need to start asking questions when people present us with unproblematic and carefree solutions to the water problem,’ says Wilder.

People in Tucson, Arizona, have found a solution to the city’s water shortage: rainwater Thousands of households are collecting it and using it for cooking, for drinking, and in their gardens.

1. Why did Scottsdale cut off the water supply to Rio Verde Foothills?
A.The locals wasted plenty of fresh waterB.Mexico’s, Sea of Cortez has been, polluted
C.The water level in Colorado River has fallen.D.More and more people move to the community.
2. What do the environmentalists think of the desalination project?
A.It could improve people’s well-being.B.It won’t solve the water shortage.
C.It can’t meet the community’s needs.D.It might be bad for the environment
3. What does Margaret Wilder probably suggest?
A.Increasing the water supply.B.Taking action to save water.
C.Making the most of rainwater.D.Planting trees, on the river bank
4. Where is this text likely from?
A.A newspaper.B.A guidebook.C.A diary.D.A novel.
2024-02-13更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省淮南第三中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . “Don’t be a victim.” That’s a phrase you’ll hear a lot if you take a crime-prevention class. Basically, it means that there are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood that you’ll be mugged, assaulted, or otherwise attacked. Don’t wave your cash around like you’re a billionaire. Don’t be distracted on the subway. Walk with a purpose.

That last one is particularly important, because according to a new study from the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, some criminals are very good at sensing weakness based on the way you walk. Actually, serial killer Ted Bundy admitted in a personal interview in 1985 that “he could tell a victim by the way she walked down the street, the tilt of her head, the manner in which she carried herself, etc…” Unfortunately, research demonstrated the reality that criminals do in fact look for, or at least notice certain characters when selecting potential victims. While nothing excuses crime, knowledge is power in the sense that there are things we can do to protect ourselves when we are out alone.

In the report titled “Psychopathy and Victim Selection” the researchers surveyed 47 criminals at a maximum-security prison in Ontario and found that social predators are very good at picking victims based on their posture and gait(步伐). They noted that people might be releasing vulnerability to criminals through their postures, gestures, and exaggerated movements.

The researchers secretly filmed 12 people walking — eight women and four men, some of whom had been attacked before. Then, they showed the video to a group of criminals and asked them whether or not each person would make a good victim. These “victim ratings” were then compared against each person’s actual history of victimization. Sure enough, the people whom the criminals picked as “likely victims” were usually the ones who had been victimized in the past. These people were often said to have “walked like an easy target” — slowly, unfocused, with short steps.

The sample size here is really small. Maybe we shouldn’t give this study’s findings too much weight. Nevertheless, it emphasizes something that seems pretty unconscious. Criminals aren’t looking for a challenge. Rather, they want someone timid and inattentive. So stride down the street like you own it. Your new, aggressive gait may scare off criminals. And even if this study turns out to be total bullshit, you’ll still get where you’re going a lot faster.

1. Why does the author mention the serial killer Ted Bundy?
A.To call on more people to learn psychology.
B.To prove that someone can be a natural criminal.
C.To demonstrate some skills to distinguish criminals.
D.To emphasize the importance of the right walking habit.
2. How did the researchers conduct their research on victim selection?
A.By analyzing crime data in various neighborhoods.
B.By filming people walking and getting criminals’ opinions.
C.By filming criminals as they selected their potential victims.
D.By studying the psychology of crime victims in a maximum-security prison.
3. According to the research which gait will most attract criminals’ attention?
A.Distracted walking with short steps.
B.Purposeful walking with slow steps.
C.Walking with a group of people cheerfully.
D.Walking with confident and exaggerated movements.
4. What’s the author’s attitude toward walking confidently and aggressively?
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9 . Want to know what is coming soon to a cinema near you? Probably not a 1.5-hour-long movie, as in the old days. On October 20th comes Killers of the Flower Moon. At nearly three and a half hours, its length is nearly double that of the average film last year. Even movie fans struggle to concentrate for that long and some viewers even nod off. Afterwards there is a mad dash for the toilets. When does watching a film become such a slog?

The Economist analyzed over 100,000 feature films released internationally since the 1930s, the start of Hollywood’s golden age, using data from IMDb, a movie database. The average length of productions rose by around 24%, from one hour and 21 minutes in the 1930s to one hour and 47 minutes in 2022. For the ten most-popular titles, the average length grew to around two and a half hours in 2022, nearly 50% higher than in the 1930s.

One driver of this trend is that studios want to squeeze the most out of their costly intellectual property (知识产权), but they are competing with streaming platforms for eyeballs. The hope is that a spectacular, drawn-out “event” movie will draw audiences away from the small screen and into cinemas. This approach has often paid off: Avengers: Endgame Marvel’s three-hour superhero masterpieces, was the highest-grossing (票房最高的) film in 2019. Last year long movies series made up most of the highest-grossing films in America.

Another explanation for longer films has to do with directors’ growing influence. Who would dare tell the likes of Mr. Nolan to cut out his masterpieces? Moreover, streaming platforms, which do not have to worry as much about the length because viewers can pause whenever they like, may attract big names by promising them sufficient fund and creative freedom. Netflix funded and released three-hour The Irishman in 2019, a film that would have benefited from a decisive editor, Irish or otherwise.

1. The underlined part “a slog” in paragraph 1 refers to a(n)___.
2. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?
A.The average length affects the popularity of films.
B.Great advances have been made in film industry.
C.Hollywood starts a golden age of feature films.
D.The average duration of movies has stretched.
3. What sets the trend of longer movies?
A.Competition for the target audience.B.Thirst for more classic productions.
C.Influence of streaming platforms.D.Preference for decisive editors.
4. What is probably the best title for the passage?
A.Movie EnthusiastsB.Movie Marathons
C.Movie ProductionD.Movie Influence
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10 . In the days before the Internet, critical thinking is the most important skill that we could have. To think critically, we need to read carefully, consider the credibility (可信度) of sources, and reason out conclusions on our own. But in the digital age, according to Anastasia Kozyreva, a psychologist at the Max Planck Institute of Human Development, a more important skill is “critical ignoring”.

“With so much information, we need to first sort the wheat from the chaff, deciding what’s worth our attention and time, and what’s not. Now, we live in an ‘attention economy’ in which we are no longer consumers. Rather, we’re the products whose attention is being sold on the advertising marketplace. That means each link we click on is a sale of our time and attention, often with little or no benefit to ourselves. To protect ourselves, we need to develop new ways of interacting with information,” she said.

Kozyreva advocates learning the skill of critical ignoring, in which readers intentionally control their information environment to reduce their exposure to false and trash information.

By developing our critical ignoring skills, she thinks we can enjoy the benefits of the Internet while avoiding falling victim to those who try to control our attention, our time, and our minds. Here are three of the strategies recommended by her to avoid the traps of attention economy.

The first strategy is self-control. Of course, we need to stay informed of world events and be in touch with others, so we can’t just ignore the Internet altogether. When we do go into social media, Kozyreva recommends setting time limits. Limiting ourselves in this way prevents us from losing track of time as we click on one attractive link after another.

The next strategy is in-depth reading. For example, headlines are often designed to attract attention, not provide information. The contents of the articles may be completely contrary to what the headlines show.

1. What does the underlined phrase “sort the wheat from the chaff” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Decide which produce is more useful.B.Balance potential harms with benefits.
C.Select the valuable from the valueless.D.Think about how to divide the profits.
2. What does critical ignoring help us do?
A.Read every attractive link carefully.B.Reason out conclusions on our own.
C.Avoid using the Internet altogether.D.Stay away from low-quality information.
3. What might the author continue talking about?
A.Another recommended strategy.B.The importance of self-control.
C.The traps of attention economy.D.The value of our time and attention.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To compare two important concepts.B.To introduce a useful idea to readers.
C.To show the limits of critical thinking.D.To prove critical ignoring is less important.
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