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1 . Recently, after I gave a virtual presentation on my book Indistractable, a listener wrote something in the Zoom chat that drove me crazy, “This is great but wouldn’t work for me. I’m a Gemini (双子星座的人).”

Ironically, the Zoom listener is right. If she thinks she’s incapable, she’ll prove it correct — whether it has anything to do with the stars and moon or not. Her inflexible self-identification denies her the chance to improve her life. It’s incredibly self-limiting.

That’s why we should stop defining ourselves as fixed identities and nouns, and instead start describing ourselves using verbs.

Words are powerful. Linguistic research shows that language shapes people and culture; it can also give us insight into ourselves and our behavior. In a well-known study, researchers Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobsen had all students in the same elementary school take a standard IQ test. Then they randomly selected a group of students, regardless of their test results, and told teachers the group would show “dramatic intellectual growth”. Eight months later, those students scored significantly higher on an IQ test. The study concluded that teachers’ positive perception of students correlated to those students’ high performance on intellectual and academic tests. The labels the children received became a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy (预言).

That’s because language shapes expectations, which shape our reality. If we have experiences that lead us to label ourselves with specific nouns during our life, then we are likely to stick with those labels and the behaviors that go with them.

Using verbs to identify ourselves is an effective method for releasing “trapped priors”—a term in psychology for a perception of reality that’s affected or trapped by past experiences. Verbs are action words well suited to describing short-lived behaviors that can and do change. They don’t lay claim to our entire identity, but they acknowledge that we are people first and foremost, not whatever a singular noun may say we are. So, instead of saying, “I am a procrastinator (拖拉者)”, you should say, “I am a person who often procrastinates.”

By focusing on our behaviors, not fixed characteristics, we can release harmful perceptions of ourselves that hold us back from trying methods that might improve our lives — like those that can help us achieve the critical skill of being indistractable.

1. What does the author want to show through the example of the Zoom listener?
A.The concept of flexible self-identification.
B.His confusion about the way to self-identify.
C.His understanding of proper self-identification.
D.The negative effects of using nouns to define oneself.
2. What does the well-known study imply?
A.Self-fulfilling prophecies change over time.
B.Encouragement promotes students’ improvement.
C.Language usage will have an impact on teaching.
D.IQ has little to do with students’ academic performance.
3. How are teachers expected to evaluate students?
A.By highlighting their behaviors.
B.By focusing on their advantages.
C.By analyzing their typical characteristics.
D.By assessing their academic performance.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Nouns are more powerful than verbs
B.Your words can determine your future
C.How we define ourselves really counts
D.Our option of words reflects our identity
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . It’s commonly acknowledged that our lives are ruled by algorithms (算法), but have we really collectively understood how they have transformed our culture and personality?

In Filterworld: How algorithms flattened culture, Kyle Chayka argues convincingly that the rise of algorithm-driven feeds, used everywhere online from Instagram to Spotify, has led to a more uniform culture. Our tastes and desires increasingly don’t belong to us, but to algorithms that are designed to keep people engaged at all costs. If the collection of our tastes truly shapes our entire personality, then this loss is more psychologically damaging than it first appears. Aimlessly scrolling (滚屏) through Netflix or TikTok may seem harmless, but over days, months or years, we lose touch with what we like and enjoy.

Taste-making algorithms are inescapable. Chayka shows this by working through all corners of life: what we wear(TikTok), where we eat(Google Maps), music we listen to(Spotify), even who we date or marry(Tinder). This universe of algorithm-driven decisions has society-wide implications: “It extends to influence our physical spaces, our cities, and the routes we move through…flattening them in turn.” No one gets out of the Filterworld untouched.

If you’re lucky enough not to need any sort of algorithm-based system for your work, then you have the option to step back from algorithms for a while. But if your friend suggests a film recommended on X/Twitter or you feel the need to buy those shoes suddenly everyone has started wearing after social media advertisements, what are you to do? It all feels fruitless.

This Filterworld may be inescapable, but there is hope. You can start by engaging more with the media you do choose to consume. This could mean reading up about a film you watched or paying artists you like directly. Even the thoughtful act of recommending an album (专辑) to a friend is more rewarding than a random TikTok feed. As Chayka says, resistance to algorithms “requires an act of willpower, a choice to move through the world in a different way.”

1. What is Kyle Chayka’s opinion on algorithms?
A.They improve our tastes.B.They make our culture more alike.
C.They help to identify our personality.D.They contribute to psychological problems.
2. What does the underlined part in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The society with advanced technology.B.The world without social media platforms.
C.The network of algorithm-driven decisions.D.The community free from algorithmic influence.
3. Which of the following is a way to resist the impact of algorithms?
A.Limiting the use of social media platforms.B.Making choices based on friends’ suggestions.
C.Getting more involved with the selected media.D.Disconnecting from social media advertisements.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Algorithms: Cultural TakeoverB.The Secret of Algorithms
C.Social Media: Cultural MessengerD.The Rise of Digital Platforms
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是读到好消息的好处以及Good Good Good这家媒体公司。

3 . It’s no secret that reading good news feels a lot better than reading bad news. Like, would you rather bite into a lemon, or sip on a fresh glass of lemonade?

    1    The world is full of problems and conflicts and we need to stay informed and alert (警觉的) to what’s going on around us. While reading traditional, more negative news is important, consuming good news is also part of staying informed.     2    And it also brings meaningful benefits, like reduced stress and anxiety, higher rates of engagement, community building skills, and inspiration for creating a better world. Plus, knowing what to look for in the good news landscape is a key part of improving our media literacy skills and being thoughtful news consumers.

In fact, good news, known as solutions journalism, is becoming more popular, as publishers and news stations discover the benefits of sharing positive stories. Good Good Good is one of them.     3     A team of reporters and editors there work daily to deliver stories that make readers feel hopeful and equipped to do more good with possible solutions.

“If it bleeds, it leads.” has long been a saying used in the media to describe how news stories about violence, death and destruction draw readers’ attention.       4     The thing is, however, there’s also good stuff out there—the delightful and kind parts of humanity. “Beautiful stories are happening worldwide.    5    When you do find them, the world can suddenly feel like a very different place. Good news is a vital part of how we learn about the world and solving the world’s problems.” Hervey, one of Good Good Good’s editors said.

A.Share good news with people around you.
B.It’s just that we don’t hear as much about them.
C.But the “bad news” has its place in the world.
D.It provides a more balanced view of the world.
E.And so, negative news stories are everywhere on news media.
F.Heartwarming stories make you cry and feel good.
G.The news media company is devoted to providing good news intentionally.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。加州立法者通过了《加州食品安全法》, 禁止在流行的零食和包装食品中出现四种添加剂, 包括玉米糖和其他万圣节零食。这项禁令将于2027 年生效, 它将导致糖果和食品生产商改变在加州和其他地方销售的产品的配方。

4 . Halloween candy could be in for a California big change. State lawmakers last month passed the California Food Safety Act, which bans four materials found in popular snacks and packaged foods - including candy corm and other Halloween treats. Set to take effect in 2027, the ban will lead candy and food producers to change their formulas for products sold both in California and elsewhere around the country.

The law bans the production and sale of some materials, which are used in processed foods including kinds of instant potatoes and sodas, as well as candies. The additives (添加剂) have been linked to increased risks of cancer and nervous system problems, according to the Environmental Working Group, which started the act, and are already banned in many other countries.

Food producers and their lobbyists (说客) opposed the law, arguing the conclusion that the four additives are unhealthy should be made by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They thought that evaluating the safety of food materials and additives should rely on the scientific accuracy of the FDA. But food safety advocates say the FDA has moved far too slowly in regulating food chemicals. It’s unacceptable that the U.S. is so far behind the rest of the world when it comes to food safety.

California’s act made headlines this year as a “Skittles (彩虹糖) ban” that would wipe popular candies off California shelves. But supporters of the act said the intention is simply to require changes in the materials, as has already happened in Europe. Perhaps the most standing-out material on California’s banned list is red dye No. 3. It is allowed only in candied and cocktail cherries in the European Union but more than 3,000 products contain the chemical in the U. S. The list includes items like frosted pretzels and scores of brand-name candies such as Peeps and Pez. It also includes items like fruit cocktail cups, protein drinks, and yogurts.

1. How will Halloween candy in California change?
A.It will change its recipes.B.It will transform its shapes.
C.It will move out of California.D.It will disappear completely.
2. What idea do food producers have against the act?
A.FDA’s conclusion on the materials is wrong.
B.Four materials are allowed all over the world.
C.The materials’ safety needs to be reassessed.
D.FDA moves too fast in regulating food chemicals.
3. What can we infer about the act supporters’ request about Skittles?
A.They demand a complete ban on Skittles.
B.They wish the “Skittles ban” to be headlines.
C.They want to apply European policies to Skittles.
D.They hope more red dye No. 3 is used in Skittles.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.California candy ban.B.Food safety in California.
C.The responsibility of FDA.D.Change of Halloween Candy.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . We tend to think of large cities as melting pots — places where people from all sorts of backgrounds can mix and interact. But according to new research, people in big cities tend to primarily interact with other individuals in the same socioeconomic bracket (阶层), but people in small cities and rural areas are much more likely to have diverse interactions.

The researchers used GPS data collected in 2017 from 9.6 million cellphones across 382 metropolitan (大都市的) areas in the United States to determine how often people of different socioeconomic ranks crossed paths during the day — essentially how many times people had the opportunity to interact, even briefly, with someone in a different income bracket. They collected data on almost 1.6 billion path-crossings.

This large amount of extremely precise data allowed the researchers to see what has been missed by similar studies in the past. People living in the 10 most populous metropolitan areas, which include cities like New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago, along with their surrounding areas, were significantly less likely to interact with people of different socioeconomic ranks than people in metropolitan areas with fewer than 100,000 residents.

The good news is that there are ways to build cities to promote more socioeconomic mixing. Looking at large cities, the researchers found that those that placed frequently-visited hubs (中心) in between different neighborhoods — instead of in the center of each neighborhood — were less separated.

“These big cities have managed to develop diverse interactions because the hubs that people visit the most — which turn out to be shopping centers, squares, and similar places — are between rich and poor neighborhoods,” said Hamed Nilforoshan, a doctoral researcher at Stanford University. “Those hubs act as bridges, allowing people to see each other and interact.”

1. What might be a conclusion of the new research?
A.Urban residents interact more.B.Large cities act as melting pots.
C.Urbanization leads to different social ranks.D.Big cities showcase socioeconomic separation.
2. How was the research carried out?
A.By bridging the income brackets.B.By studying the frequency of interaction.
C.By comparing residents’ behavior patterns.D.By collecting data on people’s social ranks.
3. What should city planners do to promote socioeconomic mixing?
A.Position the hubs properly.B.Construct more shopping centers.
C.Control the urban expansion.D.Design unique residential neighborhoods.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Income Bracket: What to Do with It?B.Diverse Interactions Count in Big Cities
C.Socioeconomic Separation: How to Fix It?D.Metropolitan Cities Are Great Melting Pots
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . New research from the University of Portsmouth has shown a marked increase in shipping in the North East Atlantic. Scientists now warn that more monitoring is required to help protect sea life.

Researchers at the University of Ponsmouth have discovered that rates (率) of shipping in the North East Atlantic area rose by 34 per cent in a five-year period. The research is the first detailed survey of shipping activity in the North East Atlantic. Researchers used data from over 530 million vessel (船) positions recorded by Automatic Identification System(AIS). They looked at the change in shipping between 2013 and 2017 across ten different vessel types. In total the study area covered 1.1 million km², including waters off Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany,Iceland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal. Spain, and the UK.

Lead author, James Robbins said: “This change is likely to put more pressure on the marine (海洋的) environment, and may influence the protection of at-risk species. Renewed monitoring effort is needed to make sure that protective measures are enough to save species under threat in a changing environment.”

Some of the greatest shipping increases were found in areas close to the Spanish coast. The Espacio Marino de la Costa da Morte saw a rise of 413 percent in vessel activity. It is an area used to protect seabirds.

Dr. Sarah Marley, Visiting Researcher at the University of Portsmouth, said: “Shipping is the most widespread human activity in our oceans, carrying a set of threats-from unnoticeable effects like underwater noise pollution to serious results when ships hit whales.”

Professor Alex Ford. from the University’s Institute of Marine Sciences, said: “Given the well-documented effects that shipping can have on the marine environment, it is necessary that this situation continues to be monitored-particularly in areas used to protect vulnerable (脆弱的) species which may already be under pressure.”

1. What can we say about the new research?
A.It started in 2013.B.It is the first of its kind.
C.It was carried out by AIS.D.It covers the whole Atlantic.
2. What do the underlined words “This change” in paragraph 3 refer to ?
A.Rapid population growth.
B.Rising global temperatures.
C.The huge increase in shipping.
D.The disappearance of marine life.
3. What does Dr. Sarah Marley want to tell us in paragraph 5?
A.Shipping plays an important role in the local economy.
B.Shipping can be a danger to the marine environment.
C.Noise pollution is closely related to human activity.
D.Marine areas should be monitored more carefully.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.New waterways across the Atlantic
B.The shipping industry in the North East Atlantic
C.New research opens windows into life under the water
D.Sea life needs better protection from an increase in shipping
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . With the WHO no longer considering COVID-19 a global health emergency, it seems that the virus and its large number of deaths will soon fade from memory, along with N95 masks and PCR tests.

Our ability to forget a pandemic is partly a coping mechanism, reflecting the emotional immune system that enables us to move on with our daily lives. Every day, we receive massive information that our brains struggle to keep. Moreover, the process by which our brains assess risk is deeply personal and influenced by our own needs.

We are reminded why so many people were eager to forget the 1918 influenza pandemic and embrace the joys of the Roaring Twenties. But collective forgetting threatens to leave us unprepared for future airborne disease outbreaks, forcing us to re-learn fundamental lessons about the importance of masking and shifting activities outdoors to prevent transmission.

People often have a more positive view of the future than the past as a way of building psychological resilience (韧性). This is because, unlike the unchangeable past, the future offers endless possibilities. But our tendency to look forward also arrests progress on issues like pandemic preparedness, as it leads us to believe we are better equipped than we are.

Today, there’s still no comprehensive effort to carry out the detailed recommendations on how to improve pandemic preparedness. Today, we still lack clear explanations for why our public-health agencies are understaffed and undefended, why supply chains failed, why COVID-19 misinformation was allowed to overflow on media platforms, and why our public-health responses remain passive.

It has taken Ireland more than 150 years to build memorials and museums marking the impact of the disaster — the Great Famine of the 1840s. We cannot afford to let the same happen with COVID-19. Our ability to remember the past could affect billions of lives in the future.

1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The pandemic coping system.B.The struggle of data memory.
C.The reasons for forgetting a pandemic.D.The personal pandemic assessment.
2. Why are the 1918 influenza pandemic and the Roaring Twenties mentioned in Paragraph 3?
A.To outline the astonishing parallel found in history.
B.To reveal the harmful effect of collective forgetting.
C.To uncover people’s collective loss of memory.
D.To reflect people’s interest in future possibilities.
3. It can be inferred that during the post-pandemic time ________.
A.good preparations for the next pandemic have been made
B.people’s ability to cope with a pandemic is underestimated
C.the suggestions on pandemic prevention are well adopted
D.a list of questions concerning the pandemic remain to be answered
4. What does the author intend people to do in the passage?
A.Remember the pandemic.B.Embrace the pandemic-free life.
C.Invest in the pandemic research.D.Build memorials to the pandemic.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . In Saskatchewan, Canada, vegetables have a short growing season. So a very unique farm in Hudson Bay is growing fresh, pesticide-free(无农药的)vegetables in a hydroponic(水培的)farm all year long. There the plants are grown in water instead of soil.

Growing vegetables in the middle of nowhere, about 300 kilometres northeast of Saskatoon, may seem like a big risk, but there is no other place for people to get locally grown food. Produce is available in local supermarkets but it is trucked in from far away.

The idea to turn the no longer used Stewart Hawke school into a farm came to the Nels when Hudson Bay asked for bids (投标)for the building in 2018. It was empty and if an alternative use wasn’t found, it would be pulled down. “We started looking for ideas, and we went and proposed doing this, ”Jan Nel said. “And they loved it. ”

After the proposal was accepted, the family worked together to prepare the building in January 2019 and they planted the first seeds in just one classroom the next month.

The company has grown and is now using several rooms thanks to the quality of the produce and the fact that it is local, according to June Nel. “It’s not two weeks old;it hasn’t travelled across the country or across the world, ”she said. “It actually tastes like lettuce. Lots of people have commented on our herbs. It actually still tastes fresh when you get it, and there’s no pesticide used. ”

She expects more producers to turn to hydroponics in the future but notes that the technology is limited to only some fruits and vegetables and doesn’t work for potatoes or grains. “It’s not the answer to the food security question or challenge, but it will play an increasingly larger role, ”she adds.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Vegetables are plentiful in Saskatchewan.
B.People in Saskatchewan can’t get fresh vegetables.
C.Hydroponic farms are very popular in Saskatchewan.
D.The climate in Saskatchewan is not good for farming.
2. What did the farm use to be?
A.A supermarket.B.A school.
C.A garden.D.A factory.
3. What is the biggest advantage of the Nels’vegetables?
A.They are cheap.B.They are fresh.
C.They are nutritive.D.They are delicious.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A New Way Helps Deal with Food Security
B.A Family Devote to Improving People’s Life
C.A Used School Turns into a Hydroponic Farm
D.An Innovative Practice Boosts the Future of Farming
2023-10-13更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省中原名校联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期9月调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约210词) | 容易(0.94) |

9 . “Shuan Q” is a meme(网络流行语)which can be used as a popular way to say “I’m speechless” with a matching emoji(表情包)at ached behind. No-one can deny the power of the Internet. Some believe it makes language weaker but some see a brighter side, believing it makes online communication easier between strangers.

An elementary school teacher in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, says that the evolution of Internet slang is not all fun and carefree. From his daily observations, he believes the “geographic boundary” between Internet slang and formal language is disappearing. On many occasions, the composition she has received from pupil have been flooded with abbreviated slangs(网络梗).

During last year’s Two Sessions, several representatives put forward proposals such as “regulating online language” and “banning vulgar(粗俗)words”, specifically to address this issue, expressing the need to reduce online language misuse and strengthen the protection of Chinese.

However, many experts and scholars of linguistics and communication including Feng Zhiwei disagree. Feng, believes that Internet language is a natural product of the dynamic development of language, and it is not necessary to ban it.

1. What made the meme “Shuan Q” become popular?
A.The power of internetB.The protection of Chinese
C.Geographic boundaryD.Strangers’s communication
2. What can we learn about internet slangs from paragraph 2 and 3?
A.They are formal.B.They are funny and carefree.
C.They are flooded among pupils.D.They were supported by all people.
3. What is Feng Zhiwei’s opinion about internet slangs?
A.They are natural.B.They are misused.
C.They should be banned.D.They are disappearing.
4. Which word best describe the authors attitude to internet slangs?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Some experts have been concerned lately about robots leaving humans behind, taking our jobs and possibly a lot more, as in sci-fi films. Christ of Koch, a famous neuroscientist (神经学家), has suggested a novel method. To keep up with the machines, we should increase our brainpower with brain implants (植入物).

Koch notes that brain implants are already helping the paralyzed or people unable to move control computers and robots, and they are being explored for the treatment of mental disorders. Future implants could help us download huge amounts of information instantly, he says, so we can learn “novel skills and facts without even trying”. “Another exciting aspect,” Koch says, “is combining two or more brains into a single conscious mind by direct neuron-to-neuron links.” Koch calls for a “crash program” in brain technologies to make us smarter.

But Koch ignores the obvious facts that bad persons can hack (侵入) into our smartphones and laptops. What if hackers could attack our brains? They may be able to spy on, change or control the memories of people implanted with brain devices. What’s more, we are nowhere close to being able to strengthen the brain in the manner that Koch imagines. Scientists have been experimenting with neuro-technologies for mental illness for more than half a century, and they have little to show for it.

Koch genuinely feared that science, far from addressing our problems, might exacerbate them. The use of robots in the workshop, for example, could cause mass unemployment. Do we just count the immediate job losses—without measuring any other potential positive effect on the economy? Despite losing some jobs to robots in the short term, the increase in productivity will help our overall economy grow faster, which, in turn, will create more, higher quality jobs than we had before.

The future is not as scary as we think. Perhaps we’ve got serious problems on our hands, and we have a lot of work to do to settle them. Brain implants are not the answer.

1. What leads to Koch’s optimism about future brain implants?
A.The great advance in AI research.
B.Their application in medical fields.
C.The breakthrough in surgical techniques.
D.Their easy adaptation to the human body.
2. How does the author feel about Koch’s “crash program” in brain technologies?
3. What does the underlined word “exacerbate” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Are Brain Implants at Risk of Hacker Attack?
B.Will Robots Take the Place of Humans in Future?
C.Will Brain Implants Let the Disabled Live Normally?
D.Do We Need Brain Implants to Keep Up with Robots?
共计 平均难度:一般