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文章大意:本文为记叙文。文章主要介绍了 David Rees通过帮别人削铅笔来赚钱的独特生意。

1 . David Rees runs a very distinctive business. He charges customers $15 to sharpen their pencils to perfection, using a variety of tools.

I know what you’re thinking—is this a joke? The 39-year-old gets asked that question a lot. To clarify everything, he even created a special section on his website telling everyone he’s actually providing a real service.

You can supply your own pencil or you can have Rees sharpen one of his own favorite 2B pencils. After that, he mails it to you in a display tube with the shavings in a separate bag, and an authentic certificate which just happens to mention the pencil is so sharp as to be a dangerous object.

To achieve the desired result, the master sharpener uses all kinds of tools, including general sandpaper, pocket knives and even a special $ 450 sharpening machine. “It depends on what the customer wants to use his/her pencil for,” he says. That determines the most appropriate pencil-sharpening technique. Some customers buy pencils as inspirational symbols while others buy them because of their special memories of classic 2B pencils.

$15 to have a pencil sharpened is a bit expensive though, right? You’re not the only one who feels that way, and David’s unique business has really angered lots of people, who talk of inequality in America, saying it is so insane for the wealthy to pay $15 to sharpen a pencil. But others will say, “This is just our urge to put an end to the welfare state because new ideas arise along with the business.”

David admits his trade is sort of unusual. But there are those who actually value his service, as is proven by the over 500 orders he has gotten.

1. How could David make money by sharpening pencils?
A.He invented new tools for the job.
B.He provided quality service for his customers.
C.He promoted his skill on his website.
D.He saved lots of time for other people.
2. What can we infer from the words of David Rees in paragraph 4?
A.He provides personalized services.
B.He knows all kinds of pencil users.
C.He values ideas behind the pencils.
D.He always writes in pencil.
3. What does the underlined word “insane” in Paragraph 5 mean?
4. What seems to be the author’s attitude to David Rees’ trade?
A.It’s a waste of time and money.B.It needs further improvement.
C.It’s awfully expensive.D.It’s a fancy service.
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2 . Of the 7 billion people on Earth, roughly 6 billion own a cellphone, which is pretty shocking, given that only 4.5 billion have access to a working toilet.

So how are cellphones changing us? On average, people spend 4.7 hours a day looking at their phone. Combined with the length of time spent in front of computers, this has led to an increase in the nearsightedness. In North America, in the 1970s about 1/4 of the population had nearsightedness, where today nearly half do; and in some parts of Asia, 80 — 90% of the population is now nearsighted.

And it can be hard to put your phone down, take for example the game Candy Crush. As you play the game, you achieve small goals causing your brain to be rewarded with little bursts of dopamine, and eventually, you are rewarded with new contents of the game. This novelty also gives little bursts of dopamine, and they together create what is known as a “compulsion loop”, which just happens to be the same loop responsible for the behavior associated with nicotine or cocaine. According to a recent study, 93% of young people aged 18—29 report using their smartphones to avoid boredom. Without their phones, they may suffer “nomophobia”—the fear or anxiety of being without their phones.

Your smartphone can also disrupt your sleep! The screen produces a blue light which has been shown to change our biological clock, reducing the time spent in deep sleep, which is linked to the development of diabetes, cancer, and obesity.

Of course, smartphones also completely change our ability to access information, most notably in poor and minority populations. 7% of Americans are entirely dependent on smartphones for their access to the Internet.

So while phones are in no way totally bad, and have been a part of positive change in the world, there’s no denying that they are changing us.

1. Why does the writer mention the near-sighted population in paragraph 2?
A.To call on people to stop using cellphones.
B.To demonstrate the bad influence cellphones have on our eyes.
C.To show the eyesight differences between westerners and Asians.
D.To warn us that shortsightedness caused by computers is becoming worse.
2. How does a man with “nomophobia” probably feel if his phone isn’t accessible?
3. How do cellphones influence our sleep according to the writer?
A.They provide too much exciting information that makes us sleepless.
B.They produce a special light that can cause less deep sleeping time.
C.They can lead to serious diseases related to sleeping problems.
D.They have clocks that ring too loud for us to fall asleep.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.How Do Cellphones Change Us?B.Put Down Your Cellphone Now!
C.Can We Live Without Cellphones?D.Don’t Let Cellphones Ruin Your Eyes!
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3 . From video games and museums to medical training, virtual reality (VR) has been changing our lives for the better. However, this amazing new technology has a so-far unsolvable shortcoming: motion sickness. “With modern VR systems, the possibility of motion sickness after only 15 minutes is anywhere from 40 to 70 percent.” Thomas Stoffregen, a researcher told ABC News. Indeed, some VR applications have a user-sickness rate of nearly 100 percent!

When caused by VR, this sickness is called cybersickness. It’s probably caused by sensory conflict, explains Stoffregen. When you are wearing a VR device, your body’s motion sensors cannot match the information received by your eyes. For example, when we wear a VR headset and ride a virtual roller-coaster, we think we are going up and down, but our bodies stay still. It leads to confusion of balance and spatial orientation. Sickness is our bodies’ natural response to this confusion. Adding to this problem, Stoffregen says, “Women are more likely to feel sick from the VR experience than men.”

According to a study by Bas Rokers, a scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, US, one reason could be the headsets. To work properly, VR headsets must match up with your pupil distance. Since they are designed larger than the average PD, not everyone gets the best experience.

Rokers found that when the headset PD is too large, users experience greater discomfort. Based on his studies, about 90 percent of women have a shorter PD than the headset is designed for. In comparison, only 5 percent of men had this problem. ABC News says that cybersickness presents a “serious barrier” to widespread use of VR technologies. However, people believe it will become comfortable and easy to use and that it can play a great role in our lives.

1. What do we know about cybersickness?
A.It’s a sickness caused by VR applications.
B.It has a higher incidence among young people.
C.It is caused by one’s poor sense of direction.
D.It immediately happens when VR device is used.
2. Why are women more likely to have a bad VR experience?
A.They have a poor sense of balance.B.VR headsets are too large for their PDs.
C.It’s difficult for them to set the VR headset.D.They can feel discomfort more easily.
3. What do people think of the future of VR technologies?
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.The Reality of CybersicknessB.New Treatments for Cybersickness
C.Getting to Know Virtual RealityD.Saying No to Virtual Reality
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4 . Life is noisier than ever before — there are louder and more TVs, speaker, and electronic device notifications in public spaces and open-plan offices. Across Europe, about 450 million people live with noise levels that are dangerous to health. All this has serious effects on our mental health, our physical health, and our ability to generate creative work.

We define “ noise ” as all the unwanted sound and mental stimulation (刺激) that interferes with our ability to make sense of the world and our ability to act upon our intentions. In this sense, noise is more than a nuisance. It’s a primary barrier to being able to identify and carry out solutions to the challenges we face as individuals, organizations, and even whole societies.

So, how can we build cultures that honor the importance of silence? At some organizations, it’s “no email Fridays” or “no meeting Wednesdays.” At others, it’s removing the expectation of being available on electronic devices during weekends or after 5 pm. For some workplaces, a redesign of the work space might help specific kinds of workers get the focus that they need. One solution might be permitting uninterrupted periods of time during the workday. Another might be giving up on the open floor plan and moving the whole office to a new building.

Across our society today, norms of noisiness run deep. In most office cultures, workers are required to stay connected all the time and they have to remain competitive. In many organizations, it’s common to interrupt workers who are absorbed in their work. All these lead to more noises. But there are simple strategies we can employ in order to find our own personal shelters and to slightly change broader cultures. By reclaiming silence in the workplace, we can create the conditions for reducing burnout and improving creative problem solving. Even in an increasingly noisy world, we can be quiet together.

1. What does the underlined word “nuisance” in paragraph 2 man?
2. What is probably a good way to help create cultures of quiet time?
A.Not sending email on workdays.B.Being available for work on Sundays.
C.Not interrupting workers for some time.D.Designing larger offices for workers.
3. Why is it difficult to build a culture of quiet time?
A.Demands of constant connectivity exist.B.Various office cultures are developing.
C.Workers’ attention is always well valued.D.Personal space is often highly desired.
4. Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?
A.Noise killsB.Let’s be quiet
C.A noisy cultureD.Why to be quiet?
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5 . Libraries are romantic places. The romance is that of reading, and the wealth of human imagining and learning that is contained in them. Access to the knowledge and literary art poetry, fiction, drama)in a library is precious -and particularly valuable to young minds and people of any age with an interest in education.

It would be hard to find anyone who actively disapproves of libraries. But when it comes to reality, Britain’s libraries are on less solid ground. The number of books borrowed in the year ending in March.2021 was 72.9m,down 56%on the previous year. Physical visits also collapsed, from 214.6m to 59.7m.

Of course, this is the behaviour that one would expect during a pandemic. Many libraries were closed during this period, while people were discouraged from unnecessary mixing. Book sales climbed to their highest in a decade in 2021, which suggests that some former users of libraries may have bought books instead.

Private libraries at home, whether large collections or single bookshelves, appear to be developing well. But the hope must be that visits and loans at public libraries will soon return to their former level too. Like any other service, libraries need users. And while booksellers might in one sense be regarded as competitors, in fact the vast majority of those involved in the trade, from publishers to poets, are library lovers.

This has something to do with the romantic idea of the reader as explorer, with every book a door to a new store of feeling or understanding. But it also involves the recognition that if books are to form part of our life, there must be space in public for them. Books can be treasured possessions, but there is also something special about a copy that arrives in your hands having passed through those of others -and that will go on being passed between strangers who share your curiosity.

1. What has happened to British libraries?
A.They have been in a bad state.B.They have become romantic places.
C.They have got great appeal for artists.D.They have suffered great loss of users.
2. What has led to the home library boom in Britain?
A.People avoid close contact in public.B.Many libraries have been pulled down.
C.People have access to affordable books.D.More people disapprove of public libraries.
3. What does the author try to convey in the last paragraph?
A.Books are personal belongings.B.Libraries are a paradise for adventurers.
C.Books should be attached importance to.D.Libraries contribute to human connection.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Libraries will fade out of stage.B.Libraries will hold a promising future.
C.Booksellers benefit from libraries’ collapse.D.The pandemic has boosted British book sales.
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6 . Many farmers in China are exploring new career paths. From drone (无人机) operators to social media influencers, new types of occupations taken on by Chinese farmers not only bring higher incomes but also put new life into China's rural area.

In April 2016, Yu Xiaojun, 28, founded an agricultural machinery services cooperative in partnership with his friends to provide services including sowing, crop protection and harvesting for large farms with drones.

The cooperative now has over 100 sets of machinery and equipment and more than 20 staff members. Many young people ask Yu to teach them how to fly drones.

As a short-video craze sweeps China, many farmers are becoming enthusiastic about sharing their lives online. Livestreaming has become a new farming tool, allowing farmers to reap the benefits of selling goods directly to urban consumers.

Holding a plate of dried sweet potatoes, Zhang Chuanfeng stood in front of a mobile phone to introduce the local products. The 40-year-old farmer is 1.4 meters tall and was worried about his future after struggling in various jobs because he is too short. However, his transition has been a success.

With the support of the local government, Zhang rented a stall and opened his online business. To improve his marketing skills, he attended training courses and learned from other online streamers.

In April 2020, Zhang started livestreaming sales. The products received positive feedback from the market, and that encouraged Zhang to include more types of local specialties in his sales.

His hard work paid off. Now Zhang has over 90,000 followers on the Douyin short-video platform. He made 5 million yuan from sales of local specialties last year. He also volunteered to help locals sell other products including honey, organic eggs and fish through livestreaming.

“Through my efforts, I have lifted my family out of poverty, which was unimaginable before,” Zhang said. “Compared to professional livestreamers, we are just at the primary stage. I hope more professionals will join us and we can build our brand.”

1. What does Yu Xiaojun most likely agree with?
A.Traditional farms should be enlarged in China.
B.Farmers should have their own modern machines.
C.Operating drones is popular among young farmers.
D.Farming needs the support of science and technology.
2. What was a barrier to Zhang Chuanfeng’s career?
A.His knowledge.B.His identity.
C.His height.D.His background.
3. Which word can be used to describe Zhang Chuanfeng?
4. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Social Media Is Taking OverB.Farmers Are in Need of Technology
C.Drones Are Getting Popular in ChinaD.Farmers Are Creating New Career Paths
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7 . The Housing Problem

With the high speed rising in prices of houses, it is difficult for wage-earners to afford an apartment. Recently, the housing problem has been a widespread topic for people.     1    . For one thing, land agents create smoke screens of lacking houses so as to raise the housing price.     2     They can borrow money from the banks to afford houses. And later they have to pay back gradually. What they have done causes fierce competition in estate (房地产) business and leads to increasing prices of houses.

Facing the housing problem, most people believe that, for their limited income, to purchase a house, the family members have to spend a whole life to save money for the house. It is beyond their consideration at all, so they have to live in a small house with a big family and it is very common in big cities that several generations live under the same roof.     3     Because their children have reached the age of about marriage, they badly need a house.

    4     Then how to solve the housing problem in big cities? Government should do practical things, such as building more cheap rooms for the poor.     5     Only through government’s effective guidance do many people have chances to consider it in a new way according to their own abilities.

A.For another, now people in growing numbers are beginning to realize spending money ahead of time.
B.People are too eager to buy a large house.
C.Moreover, it should make policies guiding housing prices to be reasonable and affordable.
D.All in all, the housing problem now becomes a social problem.
E.Many parents are worried about the housing problem.
F.Most people can’t afford it.
G.But what causes the price of houses to rise so fast?
2022-04-30更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省泸县第一中学2021-2022学年高一下期中考试英语试题
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8 . Around the globe, there are approximately 60 million people who have been forced to leave their homes to escape war, violence, and persecution (迫害). The majority of them have become internally displaced persons, which means they have fled their homes but are still within their own countries. Others have crossed a border and sought shelter outside of their own countries. They are commonly referred to as refugees.

There’s a lot of confusion regarding the difference between the terms “migrant” and “refugee.” “Migrants” usually refers to people who leave their country for reasons not related to persecution, such as searching for better economic opportunities or leaving drought-stricken areas in search of better circumstances. There are also many people around the world who have been displaced because of natural disasters, food insecurities, and other hardships, but international law, rightly or wrongly, only recognizes those fleeing conflict and violence as refugees.

So what happens when someone flees their country? Today, roughly half the world’s refugees are children, some of them unaccompanied by an adult, in a situation that makes them especially vulnerable (易受伤的) to child labor or sexual abuse. Most refugee journeys are long and dangerous with small access to shelter, water, or food. Since the departure can be sudden and unexpected, belongings might be left behind, and people who are getting out of conflict often do not have the required documents, like visas, to board airplanes and legally enter other countries. Financial and political factors can also prevent them from traveling by standard routes. This means they can usually only travel by land or sea, and may need to entrust their lives to smugglers (走私者) to help them cross borders. Whereas some people seek safety with their families, others attempt passage alone and leave their loved ones behind with the hopes of being reunited later. This separation can be unbearably long.

1. Who are refugees according to the text?
A.Those leaving their homes to avoid heavy work.B.Those fleeing abroad to improve living conditions.
C.People leaving their homes to escape violent attacks.D.People going abroad to seek economic opportunities.
2. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us about refugees?
A.They are unsatisfied with their new life.B.They are faced with various misfortunes.
C.It’s hard for them to have a family reunion.D.It’s illegal for them to enter other countries.
3. What is the author’s attitude toward refugees?
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Where Is a Refugee’s Shelter?B.Where Is a Refugee’s Home?
C.What Does It Mean to Be a Refugee?D.What Does a Refugee Need to Do?
2022-04-26更新 | 120次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届四川省泸州市第三次教学质量检测考试英语试题
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9 . “Ni Hao! Lao Tie! I am your foreign friend. Just have a bite of our organic apples and place your orders here!” Erik Nilsson, a Swedish traveler, greeted through Tik Tok livestreams in a village of Jiangxi Province. His appearance online increased that day’s sale greatly. After experiencing a special day in the rural area, Erik said jokingly, “I wish I could change my job.”

This village is not alone. Nowadays, China’s e-commerce platforms have helped open up the market for Chinese farmers’ produce, bringing an increasing number of sales online. This new trend has made livestreaming a new way to rid farmers of poverty, with mobile phones becoming “new farm tools”.

“Everyone has brought their own agricultural products. How can you make the audiences believe that they’re delicious through the screen in front of you? Now, let’s feel the look on your face during the livestreaming!” A farmers’ education and training center in Hainan Province invites professionals such as directors and stylists to teach farmers a variety of skills ranging from short video editing to livestreaming sales skills. “However, at first, only a few villagers had a strong desire. We helped them get training in livestreaming, short video marketing, and other courses. It wasn’t fancy, but simple, practical, and effective.”

“Everybody, please take a look. This is the best coconut. Taste it,” said Pei Yanqin, 59, speaking Mandarin with a strong local accent and communicating smoothly with netizens through her livestreaming software. Just over a year ago, she was one of those villagers with the least intention to get training.

In 2018, the demonstration project of national e-commerce for rural areas was launched. Today, the village has developed eight e-commerce livestreaming courtyards. Some presenters work alone, while others are husband and wife teams. In the next step, the government will train more farmer presenters and develop in the direction of multi-variety sales.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To lead in the topic.B.To add to the atmosphere.
C.To introduce culture constrast.D.To give back ground knowledge.
2. How did most of the farmers first respond to the training?
3. Which of the following statement is true according to the text?
A.Erik wants to seek for a new job.
B.E-commerce is a family business.
C.Livestreaming is the best way to remove poverty.
D.The Government helps farmers become skilled in marketing online.
4. Where is this text most likely taken from?
A.A travel magazine.B.A government report.
C.A research paper.D.A front-page article.
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10 . As the daughter of immigrants, Chanthaphone’s primary language at home was Lao. At 5, she learned to speak English. But she didn’t know how to read and write - let alone how to fit in at school or communicate with classmates. Mrs. Lewis, Chanthaphone’s second-grade teacher, changed everything. She taught her students that it was OK if they did not know English and it was all right for them to use words in their home language to explain how they were feeling or thinking. Chanthaphone got more and more confidence and wanted to do what her teacher did in the future.

Now, at 26, Chanthaphone is an English teacher at Fort Worth ISDs William Monnig Middle School. Like Mrs Lewis, Chanthaphone aims to help her non-English-speaking students to gain the confidence they need to fulfill their potential in life.

At the beginning of each school year, Chanthaphone recounts her story to her new classes She tells them she knows what it feels like not to want to participate in class or raise her hand. She reminds them that she once sat in their seat and felt different because of her upbringing. But she stresses that’s what makes each of them special.

Her students, though, are usually unconvinced. She has to take out photos of her graduating college and tell them about her parents and what her school was like. Then it finally clicks.

In the classroom, Chanthaphone allows students to communicate in whichever way they feel most comfortable. For some, it may be raising their hand and voicing their thoughts. For others, it may be writing their thoughts on a piece of paper and handing it to Chanthaphone.

However, Chanthaphone does encourage her students to go out of their comfort zone. She wants them to work with students they don’t know because teamwork and collaboration with unfamiliar people is important.

“I’ve always wanted to be the teacher who supported students and advocated for them in and outside of classroom,” Chanthaphone said. “When I get notes or see Facebook posts from parents talking about previous teachers, including me, I feel like my goal has been completed.”

1. What do you know about Mrs. Lewis?
A.She is ambitiousB.She is inspiring.
C.She is knowledgeable.D.She is demanding.
2. Why does Chanthaphone tell her schooling experience to her new students?
A.To make a good beginning of her class.B.To make herself well known to her students.
C.To encourage her students to be confident.D.To push the students to voice their thoughts.
3. What does Chanthaphone focus on in the classroom?
A.Students’ strong curiosity.B.Students’ mental health.
C.Students’ unique talent.D.Students’ communicating ability.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.I was once like youB.You are the only one
C.No one can say no to youD.Everything can be possible
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