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1 . A man was fishing on the bank of a river. A boy came to see him fishing. The man was really good at fishing and he could catch a full basket of fish in a short time. The man saw that the boy was very cute, and he wanted to give him a whole basket of fish. But the boy shook his head. The man was surprised and asked, “Why don’t you want the fish? ”

The boy replied, “I want the fishing rod(竿)in your hands.”

The man asked, “Why do you want the rod? ”

“I will eat up all the fish in the basket soon, but if I have the fishing rod,I can use it to catch a lot of fish by myself.”

Many people will certainly say the boy is very smart...wrong! If he doesn’t know fishing skills. He can’t catch fish without a fishing rod. It’s useless to only have a fishing rod, fishing skills are more important than having a fishing rod.

Many people want to have a “fishing rod” in their life. They are just like the boy, they thought that if they had a fishing rod, they would have fish to eat. Life is full of exciting things, we should try to learn fishing skills instead of having a fishing rod.

1. The man was fishing on the bank of________.
A.a riverB.a lakeC.a poolD.a sea
2. Many people thought the boy was________after he explained why he didn’t want the fish.
3. Life is full exciting things,we should try to________.
A.fishB.eat fishC.learn fishing skillsD.have a fishing rod
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2 . Five people were waiting for an interview in a room of a company(公司). Inside the room, they could do whatever they liked, except using the phone or the Internet.

On the first day, all of the five people were excited. They were imagining their bright future, but there was no interview.

On the second day, they came again for the interview. But to their surprise, there was no news about the interview. Two of them got upset.

On the third morning, they arrived earlier. Still no news came. By mid-day, most of them were irritated. Some thought the company did not care for them. Some regretted coming here. Only one man was different. He was happy all those days. He kept smiling while the others complained(抱怨).

At the end of that day, the boss appeared. To their disappointment, the boss said that their interview had ended and only one of them was chosen. It was the man who kept happy. Then the boss added, “We want someone who can keep happy in whatever situations. Keeping happy is an ability.”

1. The five people were waiting for________.
A.an interviewB.a meetingC.a phone callD.a meal
2. The underlined word “irritated” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”.
3. The man was chosen because________.
A.he listened to the othersB.he kept happy
C.his answers were betterD.he cared for others
4. The passage probably comes from________
A.a dictionaryB.a posterC.a magazineD.a notice
2023-10-13更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆柯坪县柯坪湖州国庆中学2022-2023学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
短文填空-根据课文内容填空 | 容易(0.94) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Xie Lei在伦敦交流学习时的经历。
3 . 根据短文内容,从下面方框中所给的10 个单词中分别选出恰当的单词填空,使短文意思通畅、完整。没空一词,不得重复。短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
living   but     what     at home     recalled   whose     ambition   Besides     up     motherland

Six months ago, Xie Lei boarded a plane for London to complete an exchange programme. She     1     that she chose the year­long exchange programme with the     2     to set up a business in China after graduation.It was the first time that she had left her     3     .When she came to England, she lived with a host family,     4     members always helped her. At first,she had to get used to     5     in a new country and learn how to use public transport and how to ask for things she didn’t know the English names for.     6     , she also had to face another challenge of the academic requirements.When writing an essay,she was told by the tutor to acknowledge     7     other people had said if she cited their ideas,     8     he wanted to know her own opinions.She also found students’ participation included as part of the final result. Luckily, after a few weeks, she could speak     9     in class on traditional Chinese art successfully. And she feels much more     10     in the UK now.

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4 . Johan and his younger brother, Rahim, had an unforgettable fishing experience. They could not spend the evening _______ their schoolwork with their mother. They had to go out fishing. Their father, a fisherman, was feeling _______ . The brothers had to catch some fish so that their father could _______ them in the market the next morning to support the family.

That evening, Rahim decided to _______ the sea early. He knew that if he and Johan were to set off late, they might not be able to find a good _______ at sea to catch plenty of fish. Rahim urged Johan to hurry and instructed him to _______ the fishing net onto their boat quickly.

While out at sea Rahim helped _______ the boat when Johan cast the net into the waters. Although it was _______ work, they were glad to be able to help their sick father. While waiting to pull the net in, the brothers took out their _______ from their bags to revise. It was not easy as they could not see clearly under the dim light from the oil lamp. Suddenly, their boat ________ hard from left to right. Rahim gasped(喘气)and held his brother’s arm ________ . Although he was ________ , Johan remained calm. He went to the ________ of their boat to take a look. He saw the net shaking.

Excited about the ________ , Johan decided to pull in the net. To his surprise, there were no fishes. Upon taking a ________ look, Johan found that the net had a huge ________ in it.

”A big fish must have damaged the net while trying to escape,“ Johan ________ seeing this.

________ , the brothers returned home. However, their parents were ________ that they had persevered(坚持)and put in their best ________ that night.

A.dive intoB.watch forC.leave forD.sail across
2023-05-12更新 | 287次组卷 | 3卷引用:新疆泽普县第二中学2023-2024学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
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5 . The day before yesterday, when Peter’s family were having dinner, Father raised an interesting question, “Was there anything in our past that we feel ashamed of, guilty about, or regretted? Maybe we can find ways to say sorry, or take some action to right any wrongdoing.” This seemed like a very private matter, but Peter thought about it carefully the whole night.

Peter remembered an incident from middle school. In his school, there was a worker, Neil Stone, who none of the kids liked. One night, Peter and two of his classmates decided to play a trick on him. They found a can of red paint, and wrote on the school main road in bright red: Neil Stone is a fool! The next day, the whole school saw these words. Within two hours, Neil had Peter and his two classmates in his office. His classmates said that they had done it but Peter lied and denied the truth.

This morning, Peter went back to his middle school. Neil Stone is still working there. “Sorry, Neil. Do you still remember what happened ten years ago? I want you to know that I did it.” “I knew it!’ Neil laughed. They had a good laugh and a lively discussion. Neil’s closing words were: “Peter, I always felt bad for you because your classmates got it off their mind, and I knew you were carrying it around all these years. I want to thank you for visiting me… for your sake.”

Peter knows that no matter how difficult the situation is, it is never too late to clear up the past and make a fresh start.

1. What did Peter remember doing in middle school?
A.Something helpful.B.Something unpleasant.
C.Something valuable.D.Something useful.
2. What color were the words “Neil Stone is a fool!”?
A.Dark blue.B.Light green.
C.Pure white.D.Bright red.
3. When did Neil know who wrote the words on the school main road?
A.Ten years ago.B.The day before yesterday.
C.This morning.D.Not until Peter told him.
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.Peter’s family.B.An unforgettable lesson.
C.It’s never too late to say sorry.D.An interesting thing in middle school.
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6 . My biggest problem is that I’m too busy. When I was young, I used to have so much time, but these days I get up early and stay in school all day. Then I go right home and eat dinner before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but I just don’t have the time anymore.In the evening, I used to watch TV or chat with my grandmother, but now I have to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to concerts. These days, I hardly ever have time for concerts. I do my homework and go to bed. I really miss the old days.

1. What’s my biggest problem?
A.I’m too lazy.B.I’m too busy.C.I’m free.D.I get up early.
2. Did I use to have so much time?
A.Yes, I have.B.No, I haven’t.
C.I don’t know.D./.
3. These days I get up ________ .
A.lateB.earlyC.don’t knownD.too late
4. I love _______.
A.musicB.footballC.doing homeworkD.sleep
5. From the passage, we know that I _______.
A.I am olderB.I have lots of friendsC.I miss the old daysD.I have a TV.
2023-01-10更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021届新疆莎车县第一中学高三上学期第一次模拟英语考试试题
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7 . I worked in a small company with about thirty-five employees (雇员). We had a good-sized kitchen with a fridge that several employees used. But people would often go to the fridge to surprisingly find either their whole lunch missing, or in my case, my can of Cherry Coke gone. I usually kept it in my lunch bag. At times when I bought takeaway food, I would get two—one for lunch and one for dinner—so I didn’t have my lunch bag. Even so, I often couldn’t find the food. It was a shock to everyone.

We doubted who was stealing, but could never prove (证明) it. One day, a good idea came to my mind, and I couldn’t wait to try it.

It was break time at noon. I headed down to the kitchen about five minutes early and gave my Coke such a hard shake that I feared it may actually go off in my hands. I placed it back in the fridge. Then, I hid into a cupboard in the kitchen, waiting for the right moment.

BINGO! A lady came in and took the Coke. I put my hand over my mouth for her to open it, but she took it with her and left. I thought she would open it in the hall. No!

As I left the kitchen, I heard her yell (叫喊). I passed her office, and Coke was everywhere: the walls, the floor, all over her desk, computer, her work, and all over her—everywhere!

Well, food has never gone missing again since then because the lady got fired.

1. Why did the employees feel surprised?
A.Their lunch was often lost.
B.The fridge was full of free food.
C.The kitchen was never clean.
D.The company was small-sized.
2. Why did the author hide in the kitchen?
A.To play a joke on the lady.
B.To carry out some repairs inside.
C.To find out who was stealing.
D.To prove who was the best worker.
3. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The kitchen.B.The drinkC.The hand.D.The fridge.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A small company.B.An honest lady.
C.A special lunch.D.An office story.
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8 . Twelve-year-old Mathew Flores is different from other kids. He loves junk mail, and these ads were the only reading materials he could find. Once he asked his mailman if he could offer him some.

The question surprised the mailman. He asked the boy the reason, and then shared the story on Facebook. “Today while delivering mail, I saw a boy reading ads, and he asked me for more mail. In fact, he wants to go to the library, but his family is very poor and he doesn’t have money to take the bus.”

The mailman then asked his Facebook friends if they could give some books to the boy. He wrote, “Most kids want computers or mobile phones! But what he wants is books. It’s great to see his unusual wish, and you may have seen him smile when I said I could help him!” “He is counting on me,” he said. “So I am counting on you!”

The mailman thought the Facebook post might bring in 50 to 60 books. But it was passed on quickly. People from around the world, including the UK, Australia and India, have sent books. Hundreds of books have been delivered to the boy’s door, with hundreds more still on their way.

When books first started arriving, Flores was surprised at what happened. “I thought they were mistaken, but they indeed were for me.” He says that he can’t wait to share the books with other kids, and has promised to read every one.

1. How is Flores different from other kids?
A.He sells books.B.He likes reading.
C.He delivers mails.D.He wants to be a mailman.
2. To help Flores, the mailman___________.
A.took him to the libraryB.paid for his bus tickets
C.offered him some junk mailD.posted his story on Facebook
3. What can you learn about the mailman from his words in Paragraph 3?
A.He is honest.B.He is hardworking.
C.He is confident.D.He is warmhearted.
4. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.A junk mailB.An unexpected gift
C.An excellent jobD.An interesting book
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9 . My father often works very hard. And he has_________to see a film. Here I’ll tell you_________about him.

One afternoon, when he finished his work and_________ go home, he found a film ticket under the_________on his desk. He thought he_________to have not much work to do that day and_________ was quite wonderful to pass the_________at the cinema. So he came back home and_________finished his supper. Then he said_________ to us and left.

But to our__________ , he came back about half an hour later, I__________ him what was the matter. He smiled and told us about__________funny thing that had happened at the cinema.

When my father was sitting in his seat, a__________came to my father’s and said that the seat was__________ . My father was surprised. He took out the ticket__________ looked at it carefully. It was Row17, __________ . And then he looked at the seat. It was the same. So he asked her__________ her ticket. She took out the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17, Seat 3.   __________ ? What’s the matter with all this? While they were wondering suddenly the woman said, “The__________of the tickets are different.” So they looked at the ticket more carefully. After a while, my father said, “Oh, __________ , I made a mistake. My ticket is for the film a month ago. Take this seat, please.” With these words, he left the cinema.

A.little moneyB.much moneyC.little timeD.much time
A.a funny storyB.a good storyC.an old storyD.a strange story
A.was toB.was about toC.had toD.ought to
A.helloB.good-byeC.good eveningD.good night
A.to bringB.to getC.to seeD.to show
A.I’m sadB.I’m sorryC.I’m wrongD.I’m worried
2022-09-20更新 | 498次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆巴音州第一中学2019-2020学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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10 . I was in the second year of my PhD program when a colleague asked what I would do if I had a 25th hour every day. Without much________, I said I would use it to help others. Like many graduate students, I was________with teaching, coursework,________, and some attempts at a personal life.________, I asked myself, “Do I really need a(n)________hour to help other people — or do I need to make better use of the 24 hours I have?”

A short time later, I started to________for an organization that provides________for senior citizens and people with disabilities. To my________, adding this activity to my busy life was just what I needed to________the chaos I was feeling as a first-generation international graduate student.

I was a bit________before my first ride, as I had not________much with people outside school. But my nervousness quickly calmed when I________my passenger: an old woman on her way to church. She was________to see a young international driver and was full of questions about my________. She shared with me how thankful she was to attend________and get some fresh air. She gave me her blessings.________like these and the smiles on my riders’ faces________me to continue driving.

I started to volunteer about 3 hours every weekend — time I otherwise would have wasted________or looking through social media. Sharing stories with my riders was much more________. My previously overwhelming schedule began to feel________.

A.reached forB.heard fromC.called onD.picked up
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