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阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor, Dr. Gibbs. He didn’t look like any doctor I’d ever known. He never invited us to play in his yard, but he was a very kind person. When Dr. Gibbs wasn’t saving lives, he was planting trees. He owned a large field and wanted to make it a forest.

The good doctor had some interesting ideas about planting trees. He never watered his new trees. Once I asked why, he said that watering plants spoiled them, and that if you watered them, each baby tree would grow weaker and weaker, so you had to make things difficult for them and pick out the weaker trees early on. He talked about how watering trees made for shallow (浅的)roots, and how trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots in search of water under the earth by themselves. Deep roots were very important. So he never watered his trees. He’d planted an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, he’d beat it with a rolled-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree’s attention.

Dr. Gibbs died several years after I left home. Every now and then, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I watched him plant about twenty-five years ago. They’re very big and strong now. I planted some trees a few years back and carried water to them for a whole summer. After two years of caring too much, whenever a cold wind blows in, they shake a lot.

Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. Mostly I pray (祈祷) that their lives will be easy. But lately I’ve been thinking that it’s time to change my prayer. I know my children are going to face difficulties. There’s always a cold wind blowing somewhere, so what we need to do is to pray for roots that reach deep into the brave heart, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we could face it strongly and won’t be beaten down.

1. We know from the reading, the doctor ______.
A.didn’t know how to plant trees at all
B.had his own ways of planting trees
C.wasn’t good at his own medical job
D.had nothing to do but plant trees
2. When Dr. Gibbs said “... pick out the weaker trees early on.”, he meant that ______.
A.some weak trees would be easily found out at the beginning
B.he would choose the weak trees to water earlier
C.the weak trees would be sent to his patients later
D.he would not plant weak trees so early anymore
3. The passage tells us that the writer ______.
A.beat all his trees with a rolled-up newspaper
B.often water his trees
C.took too much care of his trees
D.didn’t have a large field
4. The writer wants to change his prayer, hoping that ______.
A.his trees will be stronger than Dr. Gibbs'
B.his trees will not be beaten down
C.his sons will be better at planting trees
D.his sons will be able to face difficulties
5. Which can be the best title of the reading?
A.Watering Trees
B.Growing Roots
C.Doctor and his Neighbor
D.Father and his Children
2022-05-11更新 | 147次组卷 | 3卷引用:2019年天津卷高考真题变式题(阅读理解B)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Mom wanted only one thing for her birthday."Can you find me another copy of this song?"she asked,and handed me a worn-out cassette tape. I know exactly what was recorded on it-"My Redeemer (救世主)."I heard the song played at least a thousand times while growing up. After 37years,the cassette tape was too worn-out to be used. I promised her I would find a replacement.

"My Redeemer"had become Mom's favorite song after my younger brother Tim was killed by a drunk driver in 1973. The only thing that helped her calm down was the soulful sound of"My Redeemer"from the local radio station.We recorded it on a cassette tape so she would listen to it any time she wanted,but none of us knew who the singer was. These days, I figured it would be easy to find out. I went home and searched the Internet. Several songs with that title came out,but none of them were the one Mom loved. I got depressed.

Mom's birthday drew near and then one day, I was driving home, listening to our local radio station.I heard a familiar song, "My Redeemer!"As soon as I could, I phoned the station. I found out the singer was Alan Parks.I typed his name into Google and found his home number in South Carolina. Minutes later, I was telling him how much his recording meant to Mom. He offered to post two CDs to me personally. I gave him my address.

"Red Lion, Pennsylvania?"he said."Do you know the Logans?""They're our neighbours!""I've been friends with them for 25years,"Alan said. "They'll be at my concert at Your Gospel Chapel on April 17th. Would you and your mom come, too?"We sure would. Mom was excited to hear Alan sing"My Redeemer", on the evening of her 87th birthday.

1. The author promised her mother she would ________ .
A.help her mother go to the concert
B.buy her mother a new cassette tape
C.record a new popular song for her mother
D.find another cassette tape of"My Redeemer"
2. What is the meaning of"My Redeemer"to the author's mother?
A.It was first sung by her.
B.It was the memory of her mother's youth.
C.It helped her calm down after her younger son died.
D.It was such a fantastic song that she couldn't forget forever.
3. How did the author find out Alan Parks'contact information?
A.She searched for it on Google.
B.She called the station and got it.
C.She heard it from the radio station.
D.She got it from Alan's neighbour.
4. What can we know about Alan Parks?
A.He lives in Red Lion,Pennsylvania.
B.He'll sing for the author's mom at the station.
C.He offered to give the author two cassette tapes.
D.He has been friends with the Logans for many years.
2021-12-03更新 | 107次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高一年级-故事类阅读理解名校好题
完形填空(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. _________ man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon. His bed was next to the room’s only _________. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

They talked for hours _________. Every afternoon when the man by the window could sit up, he _________ pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The other man felt his world would be _________ and brightened up by all the wonderful world outside.

The window overlooked a _________ with a lovely lake. Ducks played on the water while children _________ their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm in flowers. A fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the _________.

As the man by the window described all this in delicate _________, the other man would close his eyes and __________ the picturesque scene. One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing __________. Although the other man couldn’t hear the __________, he could see it in his mind’s eye as the gentleman by the window pictured it with __________ words.

Days and weeks passed.

One morning, the nurse arrived, __________ to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and had the body taken away.

The other man asked to be __________ next to the window. Painfully, he sat up to take his first look at the world outside. __________, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself.

He slowly turned to look out of the window. It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have __________ his roommate to describe such wonderful things outside. The nurse __________ that the man was blind. “Perhaps he just wanted to __________ you.”

Shared grief is half the sorrow, __________ happiness when shared, is doubled.

A.The oneB.ThisC.AnotherD.One
A.at easeB.in vainC.on endD.after all
2021-11-12更新 | 226次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高二年级-完形填空名校好题
完形填空(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . When my dad finally finished the triathlon (铁人三项)in Montauk, the crowd cheered. It showed me how his hard work paid off and it excited my_________ . I wondered whether a small boy of my size could _________ something like that. I found myself _________this out loud and my father overheard me. He _________me and said I could train with him.

Training with my clad turned out to be very_________. We would get up very early for a morning jog or go for a swim in the pool after school. After a few weeks of training, I _________ my first triathlon. Before the competition, I nervously waited for the_________.

When someone fired the gun. I was off,_________towards the distant buoy (浮标)that marked my turn. I finished the half-mile swim and ran towards my _________. I was dripping wet,trying to __________it. Once on the bike, I experienced an excitement specific to __________. I went through the transition zone and__________ my running shoes. At the start of the run part of the triathlon, my__________ already felt like they were made of cement (水泥).

For me, the real competition began during the run, because now I could see each competitor as a target. No matter my__________in the field, each racer was either following me__________ being followed. The run part of the race was in fact__________tolerance.

“Shut up, legs”, one of my favorite sayings, kept me from thinking about the__________feeling. Then I crossed the finish line. I took a breath and then began a(an)__________with the other finishers. The sense of__________was there for all of us.

Looking back, I remember the small boy on that day in Montauk who doubted whether he could__________it, like his dad. Now, that same boy is not only a huge fan, but also a training partner as well.

A.learnt fromB.suffered fromC.signed up forD.dropped out of
A.take offB.get onC.knock outD.put away
A.kicked offB.switched toC.prepared forD.polished
阅读理解-阅读表达(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 阅读短文,并按题目要求用英语回答问题。

Behind the band, there was a picture of a young man named Philip Hancock shown on the screen. And he was the reason they were all there. Hancock was a 27-ycar-old Australian who taught English in Chongqing. When he died in 2018 due to complications from diabetes, his parents followed his wishes and donated his organs with the help of the Red Cross Society of China’s Chongqing branch.

“I’m Philip’s liver”; “I'm Philip’s kidney”; “Philip’s eyes...”

The five people — a salesperson, a farmer, a former truck driver and two doctors introduced themselves onstage.

“Last year, Red Cross officials told me that Philip’s parents mentioned during an earlier memorial service that he loved music and dreamed of having his own band one day,” said former truck driver Chen Xianjun. Chen instantly wanted to form a hand in memory of Philip, and so did the other four receivers.

Since they had no music experience, they had to start from scratch. From learning the guitar to mastering the maracas (响葫芦) and faking on the drum they took time out of their busy lives to practice over the past year.

“Picking up a new instrument is certainly difficult at my age, but we have a clear goal in mind and are determined to achieve it.” said Mo Li, the 36-year-old real estate salesman.

Peter Hancock, Philip’s father, said after watching the bands performance that his biggest wish was for the five to enjoy their lives more. think Philip not only gave them a new life, but also some musical cells that enable them to appreciate beautiful melodies."

1. What do these five people have in common? (no more than 8 words)
2. What does the underlined part “from scratch” mean in English? (no more than 5 words)
3. What goal did these five people want to achieve? (no more than 10 words)
4. What was Philip’s father’s biggest wish? (no more than 8 words)
5. What inspiration do you get from the story? Please say it in your own words.(no more than 20 words)
2021-03-13更新 | 478次组卷 | 5卷引用:2021年高考英语押题预测卷(天津卷)01
阅读理解-阅读表达(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 阅读表达

Before entering college, I had heard so many stories about how stressful freshman year could get and that this would potentially be the most difficult experience I would ever have to go through. And yes, for the most part, those stories did live up to the reality.

In the first several months, I was urged to improve my social skills and to befriend people. Personally, there was a clear struggle on wanting to adjust and not simply adapt. Adapting required a change in behavior for the sake of fitting in and I didn't want that. Luckily and eventually, I was able to find my own group. It just required extra work and patience.

Naturally, there were academic obstacles that arose. The biggest one was my major. I was enrolled as a communication studies major. I chose it because it seemed like a safe haven. But I later discovered that it didn't actually fit my likes. After two quarters, serious thinking and several mini breakdowns, I switched to philosophy.

Ever since I was younger, I have known I wanted to work in the field. It has always intrigued me. To be honest, I've never had to read such challenging texts in my life, but I enjoy it. It pushes me beyond my limits in a good way. It introduces me to concepts and theories that I've never heard of. More importantly, it doesn't only make me more logical. It also makes me more empathic(有移情作用的)and understanding of others.

I eventually overcame the obstacles. As I recall it now, I'm thankful that the good always outweighed the bad. The good came in the form of new friends, significant learning and deepened self-understanding. As I head off to sophomore year, I plan to bring this good with me.

1. How was the author's freshman year in college? (no more than 5 words)
2. What troubled the author in his first several months in college? (no more than 10 words)
3. Why did the author switch to philosophy? (no more than 10 words)
4. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 mean? (no more than 10 words)
5. What do you think of the author? Please explain. (no more than 25 words)
2021-01-25更新 | 387次组卷 | 4卷引用:天津市高三年级-阅读表达名校好题
阅读理解-阅读表达(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 阅读表达

When my friends went to college in great delight, I restarted my senior high school life. My spirit sank. Surrounded by strange classmates, I felt like I was in a maze and was sorry about myself. There were some complex feelings in my minds. I was frightened, nervous and lonely.

To make matters worse, I recalled my failure again and again, which put more pressure on me than I could bear. As a result, I was always feeling down during class time.

My teacher found me spiritless. One day he asked me to come to his office and told me about his attitude towards life: we might suffer from mistakes, but it’s important to learn lessons from them. All the pains and the embarrassing things we experience are part of the process. So keep up your spirit! At last, he added, “If you are optimistic, things you want may happen to you!”

Warmth rushed through my soul. I suddenly found the sun shining again when I stepped out of his office.

With the teacher’s help, I eventually got over my depression. From then on, I no longer bowed my head and began smiling to my classmates. I would put up my hand confidently in class and play with my new friends in my spare time. Meanwhile, I was gradually embraced by my classmates.

Now faced with fierce competition, we all study hard because we know that every second counts. Moreover, there is an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between us. I love my class; I love my classmates!

To be frank, I still have a thirst for my dream university, but I’m not afraid of failure because I can profit by it. With parents and teachers’ encouragement, I’m quite certain of my success and I’m sure I can fly high.

1. Why was the writer in low spirits at the beginning? (No more than 10 words)
2. What did the teacher expect the writer to do? (No more than 10 words)
3. What is the main idea of Paragraph 5? (No more than 15 words)
4. What does the underlined word “embraced” in paragraph 5 mean in English?
5. What will you do if you are faced with failure? (No more than 20 words)
2020-09-26更新 | 108次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年天津卷高考真题变式题(阅读表达)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . I hear some actors keep a sad thought or memory tucked away to help them with scenes where they might need to cry. I think we should each try to find the opposite; a happy memory, something to lift us up on those inevitable down days. I’m saying this because I think I just found mine!

I had some work in Glasgow today. I was on a really tight schedule, which meant I would have no time for myself (or my own work) all day. I was having one of those days, the train was completely packed out and the conversation going on around me seemed to be particularly inane. On top of all that, I had a bit of a headache.

Walking briskly across the concourse, I fished some change from my pocket. There was usually someone at the exit selling The Big Issue (a magazine that helps homeless folk earn a living).

As the crowd parted ways at the bottom of the concourse, I saw someone selling the Big Issue. You had to be homeless to sell the Big Issue. She really looked like she’d been sleeping rough. Her clothes were ragged and she obviously hadn’t had a scrub up for quite a while.

As I approached the exit, I saw that she was also rocking from side to side. At first I thought maybe she was trying to keep warm against the biting wind. But she wasn’t, she was moving in time to a tune. I couldn’t hear her, but I could see her lips moving.

As I got closer, I saw a white cane hanging from her elbow and noticed that she had sunken eyes. She was blind, dirty and living on the streets. I came closer and through the noise of the traffic and the commuters I heard her sing the immortal line, “… and I think to myself, what a wonderful world!”

I bought her last magazine for twice what I’d originally intended. She thanked me, then she picked up her stuff and went tapping off along the pavement - still singing!

So, I have my happy memory for the day. And I think it will stay with me a long, long time. Feel free to borrow it if you like.

1. Why do some actors keep a sad thought or memory according to the passage?
A.Because some of them always feel unhappyB.because they are scolded by the director
C.Because it helps meet the needs of their rolesD.Because they can’t find a happy memory
2. What does the underlined word “fished” in para3 refer to?
A.MadeB.exchangedC.pull intoD.took out
3. Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?
A.Only those homeless people can sell the magazine
B.The author heard her singing as he came close to the exit
C.The girl selling the magazines was blind, dirty and homeless
D.The author never heard what the girl was singing
4. It can be inferred from the passage that_________
A.the author had a headache because of his busy work
B.the author bought more magazines than planned to
C.the girl went away as soon as she sold out magazines
D.the author felt unhappy because he missed his train
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A happy Memory to Lift You Up
B.An Unforgettable Day I Experienced
C.The Roses in Her Hand: the Flavor in Mine
D.A Bird in the Hand is Worth than Two in the Bush.
2020-07-07更新 | 147次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高三年级-故事类阅读理解名校好题
完形填空(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . As I was taking a walk with my mom,I asked her,"Have you taken the senior bus yet?" I held my breath as I waited for her ____."Oh,yes,I have,"she said."How was it?" I said the words as_ ___ as I could to show my excitement,even though I sensed the answer was not going to be ____.She sighed heavily,"No one ever ____ on that bus.They all sit there quietly and look sad.I only see about thirteen ____ old ladies and men." My ____ for her situation grasped my stomach.

My dad had recently passed away, and his sudden leave made my mother _____and frightened. For fifty-seven years, my dad had walked by her side. Mom never learned to ____, so Dad drove her everywhere. Now,her wheels were gone,as one grandchild so properly ____ her situation.I knew she needed great ____ to make the decision to take the senior bus. However, I firmly believed the ____ wouldn't last too long, for Mom was so outgoing and active that she could chat with almost everybody whom she met in the street.

Several days later,when I came to visit her,I asked. “Do they talk to you now? " She ____ and there was a sparkle in her eyes. It didn't take genius to figure out that the ____ had changed."It was silly that all of us must sat there ____ saying a word.So one morning when I ____,I greeted them and then remarked what a nice day it was.Soon,they began to ____ and we chatted happily.Now we are friends and always have some good ____ on the bus,"she replied.

My mother held the key to the ___ _of the other lonely people on that bus.A smile and some ____ words were all it took.She sowed tiny seeds of ____ for herself and her friends on the bus.

A.passed byB.stood upC.got onD.got back
2019-09-03更新 | 366次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高三年级-完形填空名校好题
完形填空(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . With his leg lame and his teeth uneven, the boy thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world. He _________played with his classmates, and when asked to answer questions, he always _________his head without a word.

One spring, his father brought home some saplings (树苗).______of his children would plant a sapling and he promised, "Whoever ________ his sapling best shall get a gift." The boy certainly wanted to get the gift.______seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees, he_______ an idea: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So watering it once or twice, he never_______ it.

Several days later, he was _________ to find it not only didn't die, but also grew so many fresh ________. Compared with those of his brothers and sisters, his appeared greener. His father kept his _______, bought the boy a gift and said he would become an outstanding________ after growing up.

From then on, the boy slowly became_____ and confident. One evening, he suddenly________ his biology teacher once said that plants ________ grow at night. Why not go to see the tree?

When he came to the courtyard, he found his father working near the tree! Immediately he ________: Father had been secretly ________ his tree! He returned to his room, tears in his eyes.

Decades passed. The boy didn't become a botanist. ________, he became the U.S.__________. His name was Franklin Roosevelt.

________ is the best nourishment (滋养品) of life. ________ it is just a bucket of water, it can make the tree of life grow well!

A.came up withB.got rid ofC.cared forD.put forward
A.contributed toB.attended toC.got used toD.turned to
A.So long asB.If onlyC.Now thatD.Even though
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