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Emily White was born seventeen years ago with so many birth problems in her body. Some of her organs, bones and muscles were out of shape. No one expected her to survive. She did make it but with her strange body figure, everyone could recognize her, even from a distance.

In Emily White’s hometown, there was a yearly outdoor performance in the school auditorium (大礼堂). It had been performed for so many years and actually had become one of the most important events of the Christmas season for many of the town’s people.

Many people tried out each year for it, but so many were turned away. It can only include the most excellent people in the field.

Emily had a beautiful singing voice. Last year she went to Mrs. Owens — her music teacher to ask to join in the performance. Without letting her sing, Mrs. Owens took a look at Amy’s body and said, “Child, you just don’t fit. Everyone would stare at you and that would make you uncomfortable. It would make them uncomfortable, too.”

Without singing a single note, Emily was sent back through the door of the choral room. Hurt and upset, she decided never to try out again. But Mrs. Owens then retired.

This year, there came a new music teacher, Mr. Buttler. He heard about Emily and suggested that she have a try.

Emily didn’t want to be rejected again, so she hesitated a little about it. As Emily struggled, the door was pushed open and Mr. Buttler called, “Emily, you’re next.” Although kind of nervous, Emily did as Mr. Buttler told her to do. Mr. Buttler sat by the piano to keep Emily company. When Emily finished her testing performance, she thanked Mr. Buttler and knew the result would be posted on the door of the choral room the next day.

Emily couldn’t sleep that night. She was suffering from the feelings that she didn’t fit and the great need to be accepted. By the next morning, her stomach was even in pain because of stress.


Paragraph 1: The next day, Emily nervously glanced at the list on the door of the choral room.


Paragraph 2: Finally, the day of performance came.

2024-02-17更新 | 123次组卷 | 19卷引用:湖南师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约670词) | 困难(0.15) |
2 . 任务型阅读

One late afternoon, Tina was driving on a highway when a severe snowstorm hit with no sign before. In a short time, the heavy snow, coupled with the strong wind, turned everything into white and made the road extremely dangerous.

Tina later found out that this kind of storm is called a “Saskatchewan screamer”, which comes on extremely fast with high winds. It’s really frightening and deadly to be caught in such extreme weather.

Unable to see the road clearly, Tina had to stop her car and call 911. The operator told her that phone calls for help kept flooding in and all the rescuers had been called out. She suggested that Tina should wait out the storm in her car rather than risk driving on or going out. She took Tina’s information and told her that an officer would call her back. Tina waited anxiously for almost two hours, but nobody called her yet to check in. “The storm showed no sign of stopping. What was worse, it was getting dark. I couldn’t see anything outside the car since the snow had covered all the windows. The wind was still howling and the temperature was getting lower and lower in the car. I had no idea whom I could turn to for help,” Tina later wrote in a Facebook post. “Alone and cold,I began to panic, worrying about getting hit by an oncoming vehicle, getting buried in a snowbank, having my tailpipe blocked by the snow... I was really worried I couldn’t ever make it home to my family."

That was when Tina realized that it was no use waiting passively for help. She decided to do something herself. So she took out her cellphone, logged on to the Google Map and determined her location. She found online a neighborhood Facebook group for the area that she was passing through and shared a comment about her trouble with her location marked on the map. Then all she could do next was sitting in the car, praying someone could make a response to her as early as possible.

Fortunately, Tina’s request reached 80-year-old retired rescuer Frank.

1. 根据文本内容从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填入文本图示中,每词限用一次,两词为多余选项。

request        die               succeed               luck                 call                  pray

warn            worry            wait                    failure             adjust             decide

Tina was driving on a highway when a snowstorm hit without ________ .
Tina found the storm ________ a "Saskatchewan screamer comes on extremely fast with high winds.

It is really frightening and ________ to be caught in such extreme weather.

Tina a called 911 and the operator suggested her ________ out the storm in her car.
Tina waited ________ for almost two hours but ________ to get the response.

The weather conditions got worse and worse. Tina worried if she could go back home ________.

Tina made a ________ to do something for herself. She uploaded a comment about her trouble with location.

Then she just sat in the car and ________ someone could make a response as soon as possible.

________, Tina’s request reached 80-year old retired rescuer Frank.


2. What was the major problem Tina faced?
3. After waiting for almost 2 hours who would help her? Then what did she decide to do?
4. Was it easy for Frank to rescue Tina? Why?
5. What will Tina think of the experience and Frank?
2024-01-11更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市成华区某校2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文

At the time of this writing. I have reached the age of 105. As I look back, I think of the many wonderful things that have happened in my long life. many of which have served to strengthen my belief that miracles really do happen. One of these that I recall today happened many years ago but is still as fresh in my mind as if it had happened yesterday.

Peter was a Russian Wolfhound (Borzoi) with the typical tall, long-legged build of the hunter he was supposed to be but never was. He weighed close to eighty-five pounds and had the long nose and narrow head of the Borzoi, so narrow that it didn’t seem to have much room for brains. In Peter’s case, it didn’t. He became easily confused, but his gentle nature made up for his lack of intelligence.

On the day in question, I had gathered up my dogs. one Old English Sheepdog, one Whippet rescue, and Peter. They were all settled in my covered pickup truck bed, and was headed out for our daily exercise, six miles into the country where there was no leash (绳) law and they could run free. They were all trained not to chase wild animals, to stay reasonably close. and to come when called.

After I had walked for about ten minutes, I noticed one dog was missing. Peter, of course! It seemed obvious that he had stopped to investigate some irresistible (不可抗的) smell, and then, becoming confused, had turned back the way we had just come, He would easily be able to follow our track, but in the wrong direction. And when a Borzoi runs, he covers a lot of ground in a very short time.

Feeling guilty, knowing I should have kept a closer watch on him, I retraced (折返) my steps, calling and whistling, but there was no sign of him. It was winter and would soon be dark. In desperation, I started to pray. “Please God, keep Peter safe.”

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

After half an hour of calling at the top of my voice. I finally decided to drive the two other dogs home.


Upon reaching home, I discovered a long nose waiting at the doorway.

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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语练写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A little bird landed on the tree branch outside Lisa’s bedroom window. It sang energetically as the first pale yellow rays of sunshine appeared.

“Oh, my god, what is that noise?” Lisa complained to herself, pulling her bed sheets over her head to ignore the sound. It was no use, and she knew it. The loud sound showed the coming of the day. Lisa’s mom knocked twice on her door, and then came in with a smile. “Time to get up, Sleepyhead,” She whispered. “The early bird catches the worm, you know.”

“Ugh,” mumbled (含含糊糊地说) Lisa into her pillow. “What does that even mean?”

“It’s just an expression, Honey”, her mom replied. She gave Lisa a kiss on the cheek and urged her to get out of bed. Lisa rolled over and slept for a few more minutes.

With her mom’s repeated urging, Lisa had no choice but to get herself dressed. She went unwillingly downstairs for breakfast, ate slowly, and missed her bus. When she finally got to school, she failed to get a place in the Chess Club. She also missed the first part of math class, so she didn’t understand the lesson and had to get extra help at lunchtime. Her teacher gave her extra homework to make sure she knew it. As a result, she missed her favourite library time. This day was no fun.

The next morning, Lisa was woken up by the same loud noisy song. Instead of ignoring it, today Lisa walked over to the window and opened the curtains. “Well, hello there, little fellow,” she said when she saw the pretty bird outside, still singing happily. As she watched, the bird stuck its beak (喙) into the wet ground, and pulled out a wiggling (不停摇摆) worm for breakfast.

“Today I am going to be the early bird,” thought Lisa.


At lunchtime, Lisa finished her lunch early and had time to go to the library. 

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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Harrison’s home was in a small village. He was a 17-year-old high school student who walked to and from school by himsclf every day. He hadn’t had many friends since growing up, so he always felt lonely.

On his way to his school, he needed to pass through a large woods where birds sang and flowers bloomed. Animals kept each other company and played in the woods, which contrasted (形成对比) sharply with Harrison’s loneliness. Whenever he saw these sights, he longed to make new friends with whom he could play.

One day, on his way from his school, Harrison spotted a red object in a tree. When he got closer, it turned out to be a balloon with a string (细绳) tied to it. The balloon’s stringwas wrapped around a branch, making it impossible to fly away. Just as Harrison was getting bored, he reached up to untie the balloon. He thought it was just a balloon, but then herealized there seemed to be something inside the balloon.

Out of curiosity, Harrison slowly untied the balloon and saw a piece of paper in it. It was a letter, but it was a little hard to read. He picked up the letter and put it in the sunlightfalling from the woods and read it aloud:

If you have found this letter, it means my balloon finally reaches the destination. I used the balloon to see how far my letter would travel. I want this balloon to fly to a teenager like me and I hope to be friends with you. I launched it from Wisconsin Academy on May 1. Please write back to me and tell me where and when you found it. Besides, I’m happy to know something about you.


Joe Smiths

After reading the letter, Harrison felt unusually excited. He couldn’t believe that hecould receive a letter in the woods. He wanted to write back to Joe right away, so he started running home.

As soon as Harrison got home, he ran into his room.
A few weeks later, Harrison received a letter from Joe.
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6 . 请认真阅读以下故事并根据给出的末段首句完成整个段落,注意故事的完整性。

Last Saturday, Jordon was taking a walk in the park near his home when he noticed a woman with a boy of about seven years old. When Jordon passed them, he heard the woman yell, “How stupid you are! You are good at nothing. ”Jordon stopped and looked at the little boy. The boy said nothing. He just stood there, looking upset.

Jordon was reminded of his English teacher Mrs Mary in middle school. He was often told that he was good at nothing. But one day it all changed. One day, in an English writing class, Mrs Mary asked them to read a novel. They were asked to write a new chapter of the novel after they finished reading the book. A few days later, Jordon handed in his story. But the next day to his surprise, the comment (评价) “well done” from Mrs Mary came into view the moment he turned to the page where the story was written. When Jordon read that, he almost burst into tears. That day after he returned home, he wrote a short story and gave it to Mrs Mary the next morning. And again he was praised.

Jordon became very interested in writing. He often wrote short stories and asked Mrs Mary to read them and correct them for him. Mrs Mary always corrected them for him and gave him good advice to improve them. One year later, he was no longer that boy who lacked self-confidence. He gained his confidence and was hopeful about his future. Several years after graduating from college, he had his first book published and became famous as a writer in his country. And he owed his success to Mrs Mary's encouragement. Without her encouragement, his life might be very different now.

Encouraged by his own life story, Jordon decided to do something for that boy.
2023-12-10更新 | 45次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东夏津第一中学清北班2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题+试卷讲评课件
完形填空(约440词) | 困难(0.15) |

7 . It started with a bit of casual discomfort on the head, but after a week it had spread to the back of my neck, enough to lead me to my laptop. Annoying as it was, I was ________ to take up my doctor’s time with such a silly complaint and then have a wasted journey only to be informed that it would clear up by itself and that ________ would be of no use at all.

As soon as I’d tapped in ‘online self-diagnosis’, the search engine provided me with over 11.5 million results. And during the time normally spent in the clinic’s waiting room reading the Women’s Weekly, I was able to find a site that would provide a free ________ in the comfort of my chair, and with no need for an appointment,

I answered all the questions until I eventually reached a description exactly matching my ________. As I clicked on ‘More Information’, I was hit with what I’d never anticipated. The worst case scenario was complete hair loss. I couldn’t have been more ________.

I headed off to the doctor for what I thought would be a blood test but which turned out to be a valuable lesson in not ________ everything you read on the internet. It took him less than a minute to guess at and locate head lice (虱子). I was relieved to know that I would be ________ my hair, and horrified to know that it was being occupied.

I learnt my lesson, but for some the worry caused by ________ every ache has led to a new form of hypochondria (疑病症). Named ‘cyberchondria’ by the print media back in 2000, this particular condition has ________ greatly. Although most people’s main point of call is still the doctor’s surgery, it’s estimated that ________ worries are now the second most researched topic on the web. This is truly a serious concern when about 25%of the medical information online is thought to be ________.

Once upon a time, hypochondria required time and effort: you had to go to the library to research your diseases and ________ go through the books. Now it’s just a matter of a few clicks of a mouse. But while your doctor will make a diagnosis ________ your age, appearance and medical history, a search engine will rely simply on algorithms (算法). These come up with results graded according to popularity or numbers of key words. So the most highly ranked hits might actually be for very genuine disease, which are nonetheless extremely ________. One minute you think you’ve come down with the flu, the next you’re under attack from sub-tropical, flesh-eating bacteria. Time spent going to the doctor’s for ________ of mind suddenly seems fair enough.

A.taking offB.putting onC.breaking awayD.looking up
A.bringing to lightB.taking into considerationC.putting into practiceD.setting on top
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As a senior editor in a famous press, I always think of days twenty years before when I was 18, I lived with my grandparents, and my parents earned their living in another city, struggling to support our family. I had taken to delivering newspapers to support myself and my education.

I would be up every morning by 5 am and walk five kilometres from where I lived to the newspaper office. By 6 am, I would collect 50 copies which must have weighed over five kilograms. My delivery range spanned (横跨) three kilometres. After distributing the copies, I would rush home—another three kilometres away—cook my breakfast, and be off to my school.

One Friday morning, I got home after my deliveries, finding Afzal, a boy from the neighbourhood, at my doorstep. Afzal said his mother wanted to see me. When I asked him why, Afzal said, “She will tell you.” Tired after walking around for over 11 kilometres, I was looking forward to breakfast and some rest. I assumed his mother wished to subscribe (定期订购) to the newspaper, so I followed him to his home nearby.

A woman in her 40s opened the door. I later learned she was Afzal’s mother, Mrs Kader. She asked me to sit, pulled up her chair next to mine and gently asked, “Tell me about your routine, right from the time you wake up in the morning.” I wasn’t quite sure why she wanted to know, but I told her about my morning job in a few words. She asked me, “How many miles do you walk every day?” I replied, “A little more than 11 kilometres.” My reply shocked her.

Then she patted my back and went inside, reappearing carrying a large plate full of food for breakfast for me. It was a heart y breakfast, one that brought back memories of happy days spent with my parents. Later, as I was about to leave after thanking them, Mrs Kader asked me to wait and she went inside again.


Then Mrs Kader appeared again, with a new bicycle.


I bowed to Mrs Kader gratefully and left for school.

阅读理解-阅读表达(约500词) | 困难(0.15) |
9 . 任务型阅读

As I inch closer to my sixth decade, I can’t help but reflect on my life’s journey.

My path has taken many twists and turns, as it does for most, and I am grateful for each chapter and all the characters who were a part of my script. Through all the seasons, hills and valleys, I have grown in all areas of life and as a human being in general.

My husband and I have always wanted to retire near the ocean. We are active and love the outdoors. Finally, we were getting closer to our goal. I had put in my final years for retirement at MES, the wonderful school I spent the majority of my teaching career. I had three years left, but with Illinois’ bad weather, I had it in my mind to get us to Florida sooner than expected.

Our son is stationed at Hurlburt Field near Destin, Florida, and after visiting him there, we fell in love with the pretty coast. The salt air,heat,and humidity did my sinuses (鼻窦) and body good. I was back to running daily and did not once suffer from knee pain or sinus issues during our time there. We discussed it when we returned to Illinois, and I decided to act. I applied for teaching jobs in the Destin area.

Fortunately, I landed a teaching job at a great school and left MES. We put our house up for sale and were looking forward to this next adventure.

I moved to Florida in late July to start my next chapter while my husband stayed back to wrap things up.

I got into my new school on Aug. 1st and began preparing to move from teaching seventh to fourth graders.

However, back home, we weren’t selling our house. Besides, we couldn’t find housing in Florida. After much discussion, we decided the timing wasn’t right because of many unforeseen factors, so I packed up and drove back to Illinois.

1. 根据文本内容从方框中选择恰当的词并用其正确形式填入文本图示中,每词限用一次,有两词为多余选项
stay     calm     reason     leave     hope     nose     health     grow     disappoint     expect     tire     satisfy

My Life Crossings

I ________ in all areas of life, full of twists and turns. I’m grateful and ________ with my life.

I wanted to ________ MES. I was ________ of bad weather in Illinois.

I visited my son and ________ in Florida; the weather was good for my ________. I fell in love with the pretty coast.

I applied and landed a teaching job in Florida. I moved to Florida and got into the new school, ________ my future. I was excited and ________.

For some ________, I drove back to Illinois. I was quiet and ________.

2. Why did the author go back to Illinois?
3. What would the author do next?
4. What’s the author’s opinion of her path?
2023-10-08更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市龙泉驿区东竞高级中学2023-2024学年高一10月月考英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My family and I were taking a well-deserved vacation to Disneyland. I had never been there before and was eagerly anticipating experiencing the magic.

There was another reason that this trip was special. My father was a workaholic who worked long hours. I longed to spend time with him. I wanted to be able to sit down with my father, who I loved more than life, and just talk. It always seemed like there was never time.

The day finally arrived when I was allowed to pack my clothes. I chose only my favourite outfits. I threw in my autograph book and then muscled the suitcase zipper around the overflow of clothes. I set my suitcase on my comforter and smiled. I was ready.

I didn’t get any sleep that night. I lay in my bed and stared out the window. I knew that my father’s work was going to be left at home, finally.

After a brief breakfast we hit the open road. It was all smooth sailing for the first couple of hours until I unexpectedly felt a sharp stop. We coasted to the side of the road, and my dad said something was wrong with the engine. We were in the middle of four lanes of traffic, so he decided the easiest thing to do would be to signal someone to stop and get a ride into town.

An hour later, my dad was still waving his hands at each and every passing car but it wasn’t doing any good. Not a single person would stop to assist my helpless family. Finally, Father gave up and decided to walk into town. I was certain it was a very long distance. I pleaded with him to stay and try again, but he was deaf to my pleading. He just said that he wouldn’t let anything ruin this trip for me. My heart ached as he put on his coat and began to walk away from our car. My dad has a back problem, and he was too stubborn to admit that he wasn’t in any condition to even walk a couple of miles.


Then I saw a man out of the window, who was a truck driver.


After reaching the town, we expressed our thanks again.

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