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| 共计 2 道试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

Soapy is a twenty-four-pound rabbit. People look surprised when they first touch him and remark how soft he is. I've noticed he seems to make everyone who meets him a little softer, too. So when I started to work as a volunteer in the community, I decided to take him with me as a therapy(疗法)animal.

One day, Soapy and I visited a shelter for women who had suffered from violence. The women in the shelter all looked at me in low spirits. No one smiled a greeting. One little girl in particular caught my attention. Never raising her eyes, never reaching out, she wandered in and out of the gathered group. The staff informed me that the little girl, named Alice, had been there for over a month and had not spoken the entire time. Nothing they tried had any effect. I didn't want to imagine what would have happened to rob this little girl of the curiosity and enthusiasm so natural to childhood.

Spreading a blanket on the floor, I sat down and opened Soapy's carrier. As the women circled around me, I told the group that Soapy would come to them if they sat on the blanket. Several women did this, including Alice. In a short time, Soapy emerged from his carrier and slowly jumped from one woman to another. After touching Soapy, these women looked down.   and smiled softly. Soapy continued his rounds, and the women gradually began to talk about Soapy and I chatted with them as I kept one eye on Alice. She sat rigidly at the edge of the blanket legs held out straight in front of her. She was staring hard at Soapy. It appeared that Soapy kept making eye contact with her, too. He would jump from person to person, each visit taking him closer to her. I began to wonder if he was stopping to give her time to watch him. I looked at her. again. She sat there nervously, just staring.

Paragraph 1:
Finally Soapy came to a stop when he was about two inches from Alice's legs.
Paragraph 2:
Days later, I revisited the shelter with Soapy: surprised to find Alice even happier than before.
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Last summer, I attended a class taught by a highly respected dancer, and everyone in the class had the opportunity to get into a dance company. Learning about the needed ______ , I was thinking that I certainly had the ______ of dancing for many years, but I didn't quite measure up to one area. He informed us that ______ under 5 feet 6 inches are simply overlooked and that most directors are looking for dancers with ______ legs and neck and a wasp (黄蜂)waist. Standing half a foot under this height, I felt my heart immediately ______ to the floor.

It's really hard to listen to someone ______ tell you, "Sorry, but you've been working really ______ for sixteen years for nothing, so find a new dream." Unfortunately, it just doesn't work that way. Dancing isn't just some hobby for me; it's more likely to make me ______ . Through dance I find a sense of ______ and satisfaction that I don't think anyone could ______ . To have what I've ever wanted instantly denied created a sick feeling in my stomach.

I knew then that I could settle for a second choice, or I could ______ myself to the challenging battle to come. Well, I've never been known as a person who gives up ______ , so I've been working even harder to ______ what I lack in inches!

My mom always ______ me by saying, "You have to believe you can reach the stars before you can actually ______ one of them."

A.keep in mindB.make up forC.take care ofD.put up with
共计 平均难度:一般