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1 . Adam Wolfers believes that his son’s autism (自闭症) has a positive impact on his hobby of photography. 10-­year­-old Morgan has always possessed a _________ eye for capturing the world around him through his camera. Diagnosed (被诊断) with autism at the age of 3, Morgan has had a hard time _________ with others.

_________ these difficulties, he has shown an exceptional talent for noticing details that _________ others. Morgan has found clarity and focus in nature, particularly in the vivid colors and shapes of plants, leading him to _________ the art of nature photography.

Not _________ with merely capturing pictures, Morgan has even established his own photography business, becoming one of the top sellers in a local shop. _________, he donates ten percent of his _________ to support autistic artists through the Blue Ribbon Arts Initiative.

However, his motivation for photography _________ financial gain, as he simply wants to share the beauty he __________ with others. His work has gained __________, with one of his photos picked by National Geographic for __________ in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

His parents teared up as they told what his photography means. Morgan’s photography has become his saving grace (体面) because it gets people to look __________ his issues. “He’s going to make his __________,” his mother said.

Morgan advises all of us to try new things and explore our __________ and what we want to do. In other words, don’t be afraid to see things differently.

A.results inB.arises fromC.goes beyondD.consists of
7日内更新 | 253次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省苏锡常镇四市高三下学期教学情况调研(一) (一模)英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Logan was a brilliant student. He had committed to doing everything it took to win a scholarship to study at a good university. But nothing was more important to the 17-year-old boy than supporting his mother who was sick. After school hours, he would work as a bagboy at the local grocery store. Together, Logan and his mother managed to make ends meet while still fighting to achieve bigger dreams.

Now right outside the grocery store, Logan spotted a familiar face. “Mr. Peters!” Logan called out to the old man holding crutches (拐杖), whom he recognized as his new neighbor. Mr. Peters waved at Logan.   Logan happily helped the old man find what he needed and helped him bill the items, too.

“That will be $23, Mr. Peters,” Logan said.

Mr. Peters was taken aback by the bill’s amount. He asked, “And how much without the fruits?”

“$19, sir.”

“I see.” Mr. Peters looked in his wallet. He studied the bill and said, “Actually, I’ll just take the greens, thank you.”

“You know what? Here, let me pay for your order. It looks like you may have … left your card at home or something.”

Mr. Peters didn’t see this kind gesture coming, and even though it hurt his pride a little, he accepted the boy’s help.

Logan paid for the order and handed the bags to the old man. But Mr. Peters could only move a few steps forward as he tried to hold all the groceries without the crutches slipping away Logan rushed to Mr. Peters and offered to carry the groceries to his home. It was a short walk, but the two men were engaged in conversation all the way.

“What are you doing working at a grocery store? You look like you should be in college!” Mr.   Peter asked.

On listening to Logan’s story, Mr. Peters was moved and thought he should do something. “It was lovely to meet you, Logan. Maybe you could pop in after your shift at the store today?” he asked.

Logan agreed, suspecting that the man probably needed some help around the house.

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After work, Logan knocked on his neighbor’s door and discovered the most astonishing thing about the old man.


“I’ve asked some former workmates to notice a scholarship application from a young man named Logan,” Mr. Peters continued.

2024-04-18更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省姜堰中学高三下学期模拟预测英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When we are little kids, birthday parties are momentous occasions. They are our time to shine, and we love everything about them: the balloons, the games, the cake, the gifts, and so on.

After reading cool stories about police officers solving mysteries, Allen Miller thought the police were awesome, hoping to become one of them! So, when he had to choose a theme for his seventh birthday party—he went with his favorite: the police! And all he wanted for his birthday party was a model police car. He excitedly invited some of his friends and anxiously awaited the day. Unfortunately, none of them could make it to the party due to various reasons,

Allen’s mom Rachel wrestled with the challenging decision: should she cancel the party and save Allen the embarrassment of an empty party room? He had been looking forward to the party and talking about it daily, so it would break his heart to cancel it.

Officer Frank Smith, who had already planned with Rachel and agreed to show up at the party, heard from Rachel that it might be canceled due to low attendance. That’s when he decided to save the day—he is a police officer after all! His duty is to serve and protect, and he decided to protect Allen from having a bad day, and serve him the most amazing seventh birthday party! Officer Smith got the whole local police to join in. “We like to be involved in our community. It’s not just about enforcing (执行) the law. We like to be there in the good times as well,” he explained to Rachel.

On the day of Allen’s party, Officer Smith picked up Rachel and Allen in his police car. The boy didn’t know where they were going, but was excited. They stopped at Town Hall, and officer Smith led them into the meeting room where a group of policemen were waiting to wish Allen a happy birthday.


There, a party was waiting for him.


After they enjoyed the cake, Officer Smith took out a gift bag.

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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Emest Owusu受到Thatcher夫人的影响,从而改变了自己的人生。

4 . Emest Owusu was 13 in 1980 when he was given the opportunity to appear in the audience of a BBC show, and ask Thatcher how she felt about being called the Iron Lady. This encounter re-emerged in a BBC’s programme recently.

At the time of their meeting, Owusu was on free school meals, living on a public estate in Brixton, south London, where he and his sister were being raised by their mother Rose, a struggling hairdresser.

Now 57, Owusu looks remarkably similar even with a greying beard. But his life has been transformed. The father of three is a human resources director, and the first black captain of the Addington golf club in its 110-year history. As a black guy, it is about breaking the glass ceiling. Speaking in its clubhouse, Owusu describes his rise in social status (地位) as a “Thatcherite Journey”. And he says it began by asking the woman herself. “To this day it still has an impact. My confidence changed from that sliding-door moment. Something about her connected with me.”

Thatcher told Owusu she enjoyed being called the Iron Lady. “I think it’s rather a praise, don’t you?” she said, “Because so often people have said to me if you’re in your job you’ve got to be soft and warm and human, but you’ve got to have a touch of steel.” Owusu recalls the moment, “I just remember her eye contact. She was answering me, not the camera. She welcomed the question saying you’ve got to be firm in this world. And that stuck with me.”

After the show was broadcast, Owusu said he became “a little hero in Brixton for a good three months”. Owusu added, “It all gave me extra confidence. Doors might not have opened so quickly. It was one of those key moments to make you do things maybe you wouldn’t otherwise have done.”

1. What do we know about Owusu when he was 13?
A.He met with Thatcher twice.
B.He joined a famous golf club.
C.He hosted a BBC’s programme.
D.He lived at the bottom of society.
2. What do the underlined words “sliding-door moment” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Turning point.B.Important decision.
C.Social status.D.Remarkable achievement.
3. Based on the text, what made a big difference to Owusu?
A.Others’ treating him equally at work.
B.Others’ voting him a hero in Brixton.
C.Thatcher’s efforts to preserve his dignity.
D.Thatcher’s faith in the necessity of toughness.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Art of DialogueB.The Power of Confidence
C.A Life-changing MeetingD.A Status-improving Tale
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5 . Katherine would never forget the day when her daughter brought a plate from kindergarten, with a drawing of mouse-like creatures on it.

“Emma, what are these little characters? What do you _________ them?” Katherine said. “Mom, they’re my _________. They come to children who are lonely or who were meant to have a _________ life,” Emma said. It _________ the unemployed 36-year-old mom’s heart during a time when she wasn’t feeling too good about her job _________.

All this eventually _________ a new project for Katherine, unemployed for months—making a line of stuffed animals for sale based on her daughter’s _________. “Every day, I would work on it,” she said. “Over time, it felt like this is what I really _________.” In her basement, Katherine cut patterns, wrote storylines and _________ prototypes (原型样品) to turn “The Representatives” into dolls (玩偶).

Today she has four __________ doll prototypes and specific storylines to go with each main character. She hopes to__________ the dolls to parents going through hard times, or maybe those preparing to work overseas, leaving their __________ behind with relatives.

She said even if the dolls don’t __________, she’s taught her daughter __________ to keep moving even in down times. It’s really a __________ for those unemployed right now, she said.

A.led toB.referred toC.adapted toD.belonged to
A.turn upB.catch upC.break offD.take off
A.on purposeB.by exampleC.at willD.in detail
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6 . As a first-generation Asian immigrant (移民) who had grown up in poverty, I knew I was beyond _________ to be admitted into Harvard. I loved books, but it never crossed my mind to become a(n)_________ of any sort. I didn’t _________ to have unrealistic dreams.

Still, something _________ me. My deskmate had _________ our friendship recently. There wasn’t a dramatic fight or disagreement. He had _________ moved on to new friends. I felt an ache in my chest that _________ night. I started doodling (涂鸦) on my notepad and then, suddenly, my hand started writing words. I’d written a poem about him. There on the page was the truth about how much it hurt to _________ him.

That tiny poem was a _________that rooted in my heart. I realized I could possibly become a writer and from that moment on, it was all I __________to do. So I changed my field of study to English. I __________ my first short stories while I was still a student. I went on to write my first novel, Girl in Translation, which became an international __________ and is taught in schools around the world.

That night, I learned that art isn’t a __________ . It’s at the core of what makes us human. Although I’d believed that immigrants couldn’t afford to be __________, I understood then that we had always been the ultimate artists,__________ourselves again and again as we try to adapt to a new landscape.

A.adapted toB.shown offC.broken offD.referred to
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7 . I was surprised to find the congestion (拥塞) outside Layla’s primary school was unusually absent—I’d driven right into a parking space, and I was on time, for once. The school bell rang, and in a moment a stream of children made their way through the gate. But something was different—the kids were piling into vehicles in threes and fours.

Before I could enquire my daughter Layla, Mr Trent, the deputy head, approached. “Mrs Pavis, did you not read our letter?” Letter? What letter? I had a history of not looking out for them, and not reading them in most cases. “The letter? Of course. It must have just slipped my mind—I’ve been away with work.”

Now I was digging around in Layla’s messy schoolbag at home. Eventually, I found several letters, all addressing the same topic—parking outside the school gates. Apparently with some parents parking illegally, the police were about to get involved. “Why didn’t you give me these letters?” I demanded. Layla shrugged. “I forgot.” I was about to launch into a severe lecture when it occurred to me that I had always forgotten—I had forgotten to give Layla her money for cookery that morning and forgotten to hang out the kids’ washed clothes.

I contained myself and figured out that they wanted the parents to car-pool (拼车). I spent the next half hour ringing round Layla’s friends’ parents, enquiring if they would like to car-pool with us. Unfortunately, they were all sorted. It was my own fault—I should have read those letters ages ago. “Er... I overheard others talking about it,” Layla said, “They said they didn’t know who would car-pool with us, because we’re always late.” I flushed instantly. We were a disorganised family, and I was the one to blame.

I resolved to change. With responsibility for my kids, I find I am never, ever late. It’s good for Layla and for her older brothers, and it’s good for me, because now I never leave the house unprepared. I’ve even started checking the kids’ schoolbags for notes from school.

1. What did the author notice when the school was over?
A.It was hard to find a parking space.B.Children were picked up in groups.
C.Her daughter was absent from class.D.She arrived much earlier than others.
2. What stopped the author criticizing her daughter?
A.The reflection of her daily routine.B.The realization of her carelessness.
C.The knowledge of her kid’s character.D.The awareness of her kid’s depression.
3. Why did others refuse to car-pool with them according to Layla?
A.Because they contacted them late.B.Because they failed to keep the house tidy.
C.Because they couldn’t be on time.D.Because they ignored the school’s request.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Action creates motivation.B.Mother’s love never changes.
C.It’s never too late to mend.D.Patience is the key to success.
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One of my favorite possessions is a little red can. It sits among my collections, looking somewhat old and out of place. But this can is special. It has a history. It was dear to me when I was younger, but mean even more to me now.

I’ve always loved to visit my grandparents in Cleburne, Texas, and as anyone in the family can tell you, there is always a gathering around the dining room table for meals and conversations so that we can keep in touch closely. It is important to keep in touch with the family members since we are busy with our own business, so my family members keep the tradition to have the gathering every month. We enjoy the moment when all of us meet in a place and communication helps us to solve the problem of isolation. As the first grandbaby, though, I was at a slight disadvantage. When I sat in the dining chair, only my nose could reach the table. Cleburne is a small town with a small population, and the phone book could only lift me an inch. So, Grandma and Grandpa came up with the idea of the little red can.

It was about ten inches high, made of tin, and painted a glorious shiny red. It worked perfectly, enabling me to bang away on the table with my little spoon and cup as I tried to keep up with the joyful talks around the table. After I finished a meal, I was placed on the floor, and the can was opened, and all sorts of surprises kept me busy while the adults visited. The can was full of lovely dolls which attracted little girls like me greatly. Besides, there were fresh and novel items that were mysterious to me and left me to explore.

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Pretty soon, other grandbabies started to arrive, and each of them had their own turn on the little red can. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Decades later, Grandma proudly pulled out the little red can again when I traveled to Cleburne with my daughter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-04-02更新 | 144次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省苏锡常镇四市高三下学期教学情况调研(一) (一模)英语试题
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9 . I grew up in a low-income household where music became my refuge (避难所) from my teenage anxiety. Despite knowing deep within my heart that music was my ______, I chose to ______ the journey to medical school. Being a doctor meant a lot to me: a life of security, ______ stability and social status. However, the stress and the lack of “me” time saw me deeply ______ in a song-less decade.

______, with the assistance of a young producer, I wrote and recorded a six-song demoCD. This was my first experience in a professional recording studio, and it was ______! Finally, after all those years of ______ my passion, I wanted to be a songwriter.

I ______ to a professional musician and asked if he would listen to some of my songs ______ the events of my life, of grief and pain, new relationships, and love lost and found. Thirty minutes later, he looked at me with a bright smile and said, “You’re ready to ______ an album (唱片).” His words gave me the ______ I needed.

One year later, Perfect Love, my first full-length CD, was officially ______, and is now ______ to users on iTunes, Amazon, and CD Baby.

My life feels ______ and I know I have done what I was meant to do. So you too can ______ it is indeed possible, whatever your life circumstances, to make your dream come true.

A.looked upB.reached outC.stood upD.hung on
2024-03-15更新 | 182次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省宿迁市2023-2024学年高三下学期一模英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了哥伦比亚长大的Diana Trujill克服重重困难,成为了美国宇航局的一名工程师,领导着团队负责火星探测器的机械臂的故事。

10 . For a little girl growing up in Colombia in the 1980s, a science career with NASA may have seemed like setting foot on a faraway planet. _______, Diana Trujill has made it — she is a(n) _______ now, leading a 45-person team that’s responsible for the robotic arm of the latest Mars rover. Born in 1983, even as a young girl, Diana was certain of her passion for science. When she was 17, her dad offered to send her to Miami, Florida to study Aerospace Engineering. Without any _______, she followed her dad’s _______. Arriving in the U.S. with just $300, Trujillo had to _______ through school by doing a series of housekeeping jobs. The _______ was definitely not easy, but Trujillo never complained.

Then came another _______ moment for Trujillo. One of her professors casually mentioned an astronaut they were acquainted with. _______ she was “just one person away from knowing an astronaut” was all it took to _______ Trujillo’s career goals. So she ________ her studies in space science and ________ became the first Hispanic (拉丁裔的) woman to be admitted to the NASA Academy in 2007. Since then, Trujillo has worn many hats at America’s space agency.

But Diana hasn’t ________ there. She also leads by example, ________ women to pursue careers in STEM fields. Her own story is a ________ that just beyond that barrier lies an entire universe of opportunities waiting for anyone willing to work hard enough to ________ the stars.

A.stare atB.reach forC.long forD.come after
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