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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了John McAvoy在监禁期间,不断自我改造,试图有目标地重塑自己的生活。

1 . On a bright September day in the French Alps in 2022, John McAvoy was 38 kilometres into the ultramarathon through rugged mountain paths. Battling exhaustion, he pushed his body and mind through the final stretch of the race. In that moment, McAvoy welled up with emotion, feeling so free and alive.

Having just completed a ten-year prison term for armed robbery in the UK, John McAvoy, now 40, has spent the past decade rehabilitating himself, trying to reshape his life with purpose. After his release, he began speaking at schools and young offenders’institutions. But it was on this day, while running the Mont Blanc race, that he realized how impactful conquering this mountain run could be for inner-city kids. After all, sport had helped him open up his world. It could do the same for others.

McAvoy’s troubled history, marked by the absence of his father and the influence of his stepfather, Billy Tobinan, an infamous bank robber, steered him towards a path of criminality. He entered jail at 19 and faced jail again in his early 20s. McAvoy’s turning point came when his best friend, Aaron, died in a police chase following a robbery. He vowed to distance himself from bad influences and threw himself into training in the prison gym, where his athletic skills caught the attention of officer Darren Davis. Guided by Davis, McAvoy achieved multiple rowing records. Upon his release in 2012, McAvoy embraced a professional athletic career while advocating for prison reform and youth in sports.

Assisted by Youth Beyond Borders, McAvoy started the Alpine Run Project, leading 12 disadvantaged British youth through their own Mont Blanc races. McAvoy said the significant moment for him was watching Yasmin Mahamud, a 20-year-old Syrian refugee, run through the finish arch and into the arms of her new friends. Mahamud kept running, took up martial arts and went to university to study physiotherapy.

1. What does the underlined word “rehabilitating” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What made McAvoy decide to change the course of his life?
A.Two prison terms that he served.B.An unfavorable growing environment.
C.Aaron’s death after an attempted robbery.D.Davis’ recognition of his athletic abilities.
3. Why is Yasmin Mahamud mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.To exhibit her athletic performance.B.To stress her academic achievements.
C.To show the project’s rebuilding effect.D.To display the project’s financial success.
4. Which of the following words can best describe McAvoy?
A.Demanding and encouraging.B.Sympathetic and determined.
C.Modest and faithful.D.Cooperative and sensitive.
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Biar Kon曾经受到一名女士的积极帮助,五年后,他又帮助了别人,把爱传递下去。

2 . Biar Kon, a 17-year-old student, whose parents were working in neighboring Sudan, moved to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, to attend school. Once he _______, he needed to get some documents from the Sudanese embassy(大使馆). But when he went to look for the embassy, he couldn’t find it. He asked a few people for _______, and no one knew where it was. Then an older woman tapped him on the back.

The woman told Kon that she had seen him asking questions of multiple people as they _______, and she wondered if he needed money for food, or a place to stay. Then Kon realized that the woman thought he was _______.

They cleared up the _______, and the woman was able to offer her help. The woman’s _______ left a deep impression on Kon. And it inspired him to _______ five years later, when he moved to Boston, Massachusetts. One day, outside a coffee shop, he _______ a man who was begging for change. Kon _______ that moment five years earlier, when the woman in Nairobi had ________ him for a homeless person. So he went up to the man to see what he could do. “He told me why he was on the street—because he made a(n) ________ mistake when he was in high school, and he couldn’t get a ________ now,” Kon recalled. Kon bought the man some breakfast, and gave him a little bit of money.

Today, it’s an encounter he ________. For him, it is a ________ that you never know what people are going through unless you talk to them ________ — the way the woman in Nairobi made an effort to talk to him.

A.put it asideB.take it easyC.kick it offD.pay it forward
完形填空(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . My two-year-old daughter was playing with groceries in my shopping cart (购物车). A gentleman stood behind me with three ________ . He looked at his watch and me. While my daughter was ________ well, I knew she couldn’t stay there any longer. The man obviously was in a ________, and he’d be behind me a long time. I ________ to let him go first. “Thank you,” he replied ________ stepping ahead of me. His face lit up with ________ .

When the line moved forward I started ________ my cart. As I hurriedly opened my purse, my heart ________ :I forgot to bring my bank card. The gentleman had paid and was ________ his groceries. “Can you just put my ________ on the side please?” I was _________ . The gentleman said, “I’ll pay for her order.” But I _________, having over $250 worth of groceries. “You can just send me a check.” He ________ . “That’s too much of a car trip for the little girl.”

I was always willing to help others. However, there was a new feeling I ________ when I got help from others. I was shocked that a complete stranger would ________ another with a loan of that amount.

A.picking upB.looking overC.handing outD.giving away
2024-03-17更新 | 150次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届安徽省安庆市高三下学期模拟考试(二模)英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

I really like my job—teaching, in which I can watch children grow up and understand slowly, especially when I can play a part in it. However, it can be a challenging job. There are times when students can seem uninterested in learning and troublesome in class. Tyler is just one of them.

Tyler was enrolled in my senior American government class for a term. He had impulse-control and anger-management issues. He had been suspended (停课) many times before. When he entered my class in his senior year, I expected the worst.

Every time I talked at the front of the class. I would ask questions of students, calling them by name. Doing this helped me to get to know them and learn their names. Unfortunately, every time I called on Tyler, he would respond with a glib (未经思考的) answer. If he got an answer wrong, he would become angry.

About a month into the year, I was still trying to connect with Tyler. I could usually get students to join in class discussions or at least encourage them to sit quietly; by contrast, Tyler was just loud.

One day, Tyler was talking while I was teaching. In the middle of the lesson, I said, “Tyler, why don’t you join in our discussion instead of having one of your own?” With that, he got up from his chair, pushed it over and yelled something, some dirty word even included.

Due to his terrible performance in my class, he was sent to the office with a discipline referral (纪律处罚表), and he received a week-long out-of-school suspension.

To this point this was one of my worst teaching experiences. I feared that class every day. Tyler’s anger was almost too much for me, like a bomb, ready to explode anytime. The week Tyler was out of school was a wonderful time, and we got a lot achieved as a class.

On the day of Tyler’s return, I stood at the door waiting for him, ready to have a talk with him.


As part of my efforts to build connections with him, I managed to meet him regularly after class to learn about his study problems and his advice on how to manage class better.

2023-06-05更新 | 158次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届安徽省安庆市第一中学高考三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . A girl of 12 has raised more than £8,000 for a cancer charity by running three kilometres every day for a year in honour of her grandad. Emily Talman, of Birkenhead, Merseyside, was inspired by the Daily Mirror’s “Pride of Britain Awards” to take on the challenge. She started running on November 8 last year after Grandad Pete Talman recovered from prostate (前列腺) cancer.

Emily said she did it for all grandads. She added: “I remember watching the ‘Pride of Britain Awards’ last year, when my grandad was better, and I wanted to do something to help other families who are going through what we did.”

Pete, 69, was diagnosed with cancer in 2019. He had successful surgery to remove his prostate the following July. “My grandad always told me, ‘Never give up, never give in’ and that’s what I’ve told myself during my challenge. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to still have him in my life.”

Emily had to face all weather for her runs. But she said thinking about families who have lost loved ones to cancer kept her going. The determined schoolgirl, who has three sisters, added, “I always think about the people who can’t be with their grandad, dad, uncle, or brother because of prostate cancer.”

Liverpool fan Emily even made time on Christmas Day and her 12th birthday on August 15 for her runs. She plans to “have a little break from running” but hopes to complete 100 more days every year in the future to keep spreading awareness of prostate cancer.

Parents Ricky Talman and Stacey Williams told of their pride in her. Ricky said, “It was a tough challenge but she’s just been a warrior and everyone in the family is so proud of her.”

1. What does Emily run for?
A.The family’s dream.B.A meaningful cause.
C.Her education funds.D.Her physical health.
2. What motivated Emily to do something for all grandads?
A.A TV program.B.A prize awarded to her.
C.Her terrible disease.D.Her grandad’s words.
3. What is Emily’s plan for the future?
A.To commit to spreading awareness of running.
B.To get down to promoting her academic performance.
C.To run about 1/3 year for cancer charity.
D.To take on a tougher challenge to prove herself.
4. Which of the following can best describe Emily?
A.Lovely and innocent.B.Proud and humorous.
C.Considerate and talkative.D.Caring and determined.
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a sunny summer morning, the breeze blowing gently. As planned, Jackson took a trip into the remote wilds near Olom Village, in the Sakha Republic, Russia. His four-year-old daughter, Karina, found him leaving and wanted to follow him to give her dad a surprise. She slipped out of the house, with nobody realizing it, even Jackson.

Unfortunately, she walked too slowly on her way and soon she was lost in the vast, dangerous Siberian wilderness. Luckily for her, her dog, Naida, followed Karina just as the girl followed her father. The two suddenly found themselves walking with no one in sight, drifting away from their home as the hours went by.

Night fell. Karina’s father returned home, and it didn’t take long after that for the whole family to realize what had happened. They couldn’t find Karina anywhere. They turned to the police for help immediately. And they took action at once in search of the lost girl.

A whole week had gone by and there was no progress of the rescue in sight. The whole family was stuck in desperation, but Karina’s mum never lost hope. “Many stopped believing that she was alive, but as a mother I felt that she would be found soon.”

In fact, Karina did survive. Although Siberia is an extremely dangerous place even for otherwise fit adults due to its wildlife and climate, she made it. She survived by eating wild fruits and drinking water from nearby rivers, and she faced the freezing nighttime temperatures by cozying up in a bed of grass. Naida did its best too, scaring away the wild animals and keeping each other warm by sleeping close together at night.

After nine days struggling to survive, scared and alone, Karina could only be grateful about one thing: her good friend was by her side. Naida gave its strength, and actively helped the four-year-old to stay alive for that long.

This morning, Naida suddenly walked away and headed back into town, ignoring Karina’s hopeless cry and leaving her completely alone.
Naida did what it could to lead the rescue team to where Karina was.
2023-04-17更新 | 158次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023届安徽省安庆示范高中高三下学期4月联考英语试卷
完形填空(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。在登山欣赏风景的时候,Paula意外坠落悬崖,Henry Grant伸出援助之手,独自离开小径找到受伤的Paula,拨打911的电话,并悉心分散Paula的注意力等待救援人员的到来,Paula最后顺利获救并康复了。

7 . Squaw Peak, with its breathtaking scenery, has attracted numerous hikers. But _________ exists among its steep, slippery cliffs.

Henry Grant was well _________ of the possible risk, so he _________ a good ten feet from the edge. He watched 15 or so other hikers _________ the scenery; one hiker, dressed in pink, was looking over the edge of the cliff with her husband. Suddenly, he heard a(n) _________ loud cry: “Paula! Paula!”. Grant _________ around. The woman in pink was _________ to be seen. Several hikers immediately started looking for her, but their _________ was blocked by trees. Grant decided to lend a hand. He went off the trail alone, _________ he wouldn’t be too late.

After 15 minutes of pushing past bushes and slipping down, Grant spotted Paula crumpling (瘫倒) on a small flat rock. He called 911 to __________ her location and then crawled on all fours up a tight, narrow path, and finally __________ Paula. She was alive but clearly hurt and unconscious. Her head, arms, and legs were bleeding. Later __________ showed that she had suffered multiple fractures (骨折). Securing himself against a tree, Grant __________ put her hand in his and kept talking patiently to her to __________ her from the pain.

About 45 minutes later, first responders arrived. They carried Paula on a stretcher (担架) to a waiting ATV and sent her to a hospital.

Paula, who has fully __________, stated in a post on Instagram, “Henry has participated in building the rest of my life.”

阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了15岁的Sydney Raley在工作时,遇到顾客窒息,能够保持冷静,迅速反应,最终帮助顾客获救的故事。

8 . Sydney Raley has been working at McDonald’s for about seven months and it’s been her typical after-school job. When she headed into her weekend shift on Saturday, December 18, she likely expected to do more of the same: Stand at the drive-through window, take orders over the headset, and hand each customer their meal with a smile.

In fact, that’s exactly how it started. But a few hours into her shift, things took a dramatic turn. After handing a customer some of their food, Sydney let them know that more would be coming as soon as it was ready. But just seconds later, she noticed a terrible look of panic spread across the woman’s face. Then came the coughing. She was coughing like crazy. Her daughter in the passenger seat looked terrified.

Sydney immediately knew she was choking. For an instant, Sydney remembered the first aid training she had received more than four years earlier. Most 15-year-olds might panic at the sight of this (even most adults might, too). But not Sydney. Instead, the teen remained calm and quickly shouted to both her manager and the woman’s daughter to call 911. Then, she drove through the drive-through window and came to the rescue.

The teen flung the driver’s side door open and got the choking woman to her feet. Then she began to use the Heimlich maneuver(海姆立克急救法). However, she had never actually had to use the life-saving technique before, and after a few tries, it wasn’t quite working. Luckily, another customer was just a few feet away in the parking lot. She shouted for help, hoping that another person’s strength combined with hers, would help force whatever was in the woman’s mouth to finally come out. Next, a man who heard the call for help ran over and started using Heimlich with the woman. Fortunately, it worked and the woman spat out the food stuck in her throat. Needless to say, the woman was very grateful. Just as she began to catch her breath, first responders arrived on the scene, and when officers asked what happened, she told them all about Sydney’s heroic act. “They said, ‘Congratulations, you’re a lifesaver; you’re a hero.’” Sydney recalled.

1. What can we learn about Sydney from the first two paragraphs?
A.She is patient and confident.B.She is kind and knowledgeable.
C.She is hard-working and careful.D.She is generous and warm-hearted.
2. Where was the woman customer when she got choked?
A.She was in the car.B.She was on the street.
C.She was in the parking lot.D.She was in a restaurant.
3. What does the underlined “flung” in the last paragraph most probably mean?
A.Pulled violently.B.Slipped gently.
C.Threw suddenly.D.Rushed hurriedly.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
A.What happened to the woman.
B.How to do the Heimlich maneuver.
C.How the chocked woman was rescued.
D.Why Sydney failed to use the Heimlich maneuver.
2023-04-17更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届安徽省安庆示范高中高三下学期4月联考英语试卷
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I frequently joke that my family heirlooms (传家宝)are plastic. My parents grew up poor and over the years, as a family we were comfortable but didn’t have a lot of things which would be considered luxuries: jewelry, family vacations, china, fancy cars, etc. My father went on a trip to Italy with my aunts one year and brought my mother a ring. It was her favorite stone. She valued that ring because it was one of the nicest things she ever had and represented my dad’s love for her. Sometimes they quarreled but had a deep love for each other. He died in 1980, aged 53 after a difficult battle with cancer.

She had lost some weight and wore the ring to work on a different finger. During her shift the ring slipped off and she realized it the following day. She was sick about it after having tried to find it with no luck. At the point when I talked to her she was trying to face the fact that she would never see it again. Her voice sounded hollow and weak which I assumed was due to the nature of the conversation. She choked back some tears.

I decided to look for the ring at my mom’s work. She was working at the Burlington Coat Factory Department store at the time in the Youth Dept. The Youth Dept was huge and packed with clothes, toys and tables. It was always a mess even when someone was working in it. I started row by row crawling (爬行) on the floor to see if I could find the ring under all the clothes. As I worked my way through the Youth Dept, I tried not to panic. I was amazed that no one asked me what I was doing. At that time I encountered one of my mom’s co-workers who didn’t understand English very well and tried to explain what I was doing. She didn’t seem to understand but she didn’t try to stop me either.

When I got to the last row, I still didn’t find the ring.
That ring meant so much to my mom, so I never gave up.
2023-03-18更新 | 212次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届安徽省安庆市高考模拟考试(二模)英语试题
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . One evening I went to the park to refresh myself as usual. I rested on the bench and sat back with my legs________. I did nothing over there but watch the kids ________. Their gaming, screaming, laughing had a different style that ________ my mind. Then my eyes fell upon two cute children. They________ themselves with the game: hide-and-seek. But their contrasting beautiful clothes put a ________ to hide and easily one of them was_________ by the other.

While playing, the little girl came running towards me to hide behind the________. When I looked at her, she gestured, ‘Shhh!’ Joyfully, I sat________ to help her hide, as if I didn’t know anything. The boy searched here and there. At last, he________ her behind me and screamed, “Grace, come out. I saw you.”

Suddenly Grace ________ towards the fence. There was a stray puppy(流浪狗)breathing heavily with________. It wasn't far away from the bench and was________ ---I could have seen it at first sight! So many other visitors were there but nobody paid any________ to it. The little dog got a big________ on his left hind leg. Grace untied her hair and________ the bleeding spot with her wide ribbon. The boy took out his water bottle to satisfy its_________. Grace kept it on her lap, kissed it and ________ moved her tiny hand over its body.

They both sat there for some time. Grace was_________ to go home leaving the dog in that condition. I suspected their behavior must be_________ by manners from their parents! How blessed we will be if this________ or we may call it humanity, shines everywhere!

A.applied toB.occurred toC.contributed toD.appealed to
2022-04-17更新 | 94次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届安徽省安庆市示范高中高三4月联考英语试题
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