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阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . I was grocery shopping recently in my hometown, N.Y., when I heard a young voice rise. “Mom, come here, you’ve gotten see this! There’s this lady here my size!”

The mother was mortified and rushed to a boy she called Mikey, who looked to be about seven; then she turned to me to apologize. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

I smiled and told her, “It’s okay.” Then I looked at her wide-eyed son and said, “Hi, Mikey, I’m Darryl Kramer. How are you?”

He studied me from head to toe, and asked, “Are you a little mommy?” “Yes, I have a son,” I answered.

“Why are you so little?” he asked.

“It’s the way I was made,” I said.

It takes only one glance to see my uniqueness. I stand three feet, nine inches tall. I am an achondroplasia dwarf (软骨发育不全的侏儒). Like most achondroplasia dwarfs, I have two average-height parents, as well as an average-height brother. When I was born, my mother was told in the hospital that I was a dwarf. Not knowing a lot about dwarfism, my mom’s main concern was my health. Our family doctor put her mind at ease when he told her he felt I would not have any major medical concerns. He was right.

When I was growing up, my parents encouraged me to do all the things the kids around me did. So when my neighbors got two-wheel bikes, I got a two-wheel bike. When they roller-skated, I roller-skated. I didn’t see anything different in my parents’ eyes about me. Why should I look   at myself differently? Therefore, I just tried to smile and accept the fact that I was going to be noticed my whole life. I was determined to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. And when I accepted myself as I was, life wasn’t that difficult after all. Most people around me were friendly and protective.

I’m 47 now, and it’s the children’s questions that make my life special. “Why are you so short? How old are you? Are you a mommy?” When I talk with children, they leave content that their questions have been answered. My hope is that in taking time with them, I will encourage them to accept their peers, whatever size and shape they come in, to know that every human deserves due respect.

1. The underlined word mortified is closest in meaning to________.
2. What made the author accept her physical uniqueness?
A.That she almost died at birth.
B.That her parents loved her more than her ordinary-sized brother.
C.That her parents treated her as an ordinary person.
D.That all the people around her were protective and kind.
3. Why is the author patient with children’s questions?
A.Because she wants to tell them about the rare disease.
B.Because she notices that children are usually kinder than adults.
C.Because she also has a child and wants to be a loving mum.
D.Because she expects them to respect every human.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When I was growing up, my family kept chickens. We always had about a dozen of them at any given time and whenever one died off—taken away by hawk or fox or by some obscure chicken illness—my father would replace the lost hen.

He’d drive to a nearby poultry farm and return with a new chicken in a sack. The thing is, you must be very careful when introducing a new chicken to the general flock. You can’t just toss it in there with the old chickens, or they will see it as an invader. What you must do instead is to slip the new bird into the chicken coop in the middle of the night while the others are asleep. Place her on a roost beside the flock and tiptoe away. In the morning, when the chickens wake up, they don’t notice the newcomer, thinking only, “She must have been here all the time since I didn’t see her arrive.” The clincher of it is, awaking within this flock, the newcomer herself doesn’t even remember that she’s a newcomer, thinking only, “I must have been here the whole time...”

My arrival in India does likewise.

My plane lands in Mumbai around 1:30 AM. It is December 30. I find my luggage, then find the taxi that will take me hours and hours out of the city to the Ashram, located in a remote rural village. I doze on the drive through nighttime India, sometimes waking to look out the window, where I can see strange haunted shapes of thin women in saris walking alongside the road with bundles of firewood on their heads. At this hour? Buses with no headlights pass us, and we pass oxcarts. The banyan trees spread their elegant roots throughout the ditches.

1. What’s the function of the first paragraph?
A.To tell readers her family background.B.To work up reader’s appetite for the text
C.To introduce the following paragraphsD.To make a summary of her childhood.
2. When did the writer probably arrive in India?
3. What does the underlined word in the second paragraph mean?
4. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The writer takes a nap in the taxi.B.The writer knows how to raise chickens.
C.Indian women work on their own.D.Daily life in India surprises the writer.
2022-03-30更新 | 149次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海奉贤区致远高级中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期末在线教学评估英语试题
阅读理解-六选四(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . The Secret Garden-A Classical Novel about Hope and Redemption

The Secret Garden is a popular work of children's literature.The novel is set in theearly1900s! The main character is Mary Lennox, a 10-year-old British girl.     1    Mary is then sent to live with her wealthy uncle Archibald Craven, who owns a large estate in the countryside. At first, Mary is bored by the people she meets as well as the slow pace of rural life. One day, a maid tells Mary about a hidden garden that Mrs.Craven kept before her death.The tale of Mrs. Craven's secret enclosure awakens Mary's curiosity. She makes it her mission to find out more about the mysterious garden.

While exploring the property, she sees a robin resting on a mound of dirt. Mary digs through the soil and finds the key to the locked garden door.     2     She decides to do whatever it takes to bring the secret garden back to life.

Meanwhile, Mary starts to hear haunting cries on the estate at night. One evening, she follows the sounds and discovers Mr. Craven’s son, Colin. Mary learns that Colin is ill and can’t walk.    3    

Mr. Craven ordered his servants to care for Colin but would never visit because his son reminded him of his wife.

Mary and Colin become good friends. Mary convinces Coin that he can use his mind to overcome his illness.     4     There, they meet Ben Weather-staff, one of Mr. Craven’s servants. They all decide to work together to restore the area. When their work is finished, they plan a surprise for Mr. Craven. He arrives at the garden and finds the flowers in bloom, just like they were when his wife was alive. More importantly, he’s overjoyed to lean that Colin has become a healthy boy. Their relationship is repaired, and they look forward to a brighter future.

A.Once a year, Ben visits the garden to honor Mrs. Craven's memory.
B.Her life is turned upside down when her parents suddenly die from a terrible disease.
C.Due to his poor health, doctors predicted he would die an early death.
D.At the start of the novel, many characters are suffering and going through hard times.
E.One day, she puts him in a wheelchair and takes him to the secret garden.
F.Inside, she finds that many of the forgotten plants are almost dead.
阅读理解-六选四(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Directions: Read the following passage and fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

“Any apples today?” Effie asked cheerfully at my window. I followed her to her truck and bought a kilo. On credit, of course. Cash was the one thing in the world I lacked just then.     1    

All pretense (借口) of payment was dropped when our funds, food and funds decreased to alarming lows. Effie came often, always bringing some gift: a jar of peaches or some firewood. There were other generosities.     2    

Effie was not a rich woman. Her income, derived from investments she had made while running an interior decorating shop. had never exceeded $200 a month, which she supplemented by selling her apples. But she always managed to help someone poorer.

Years passed before I was able to return the money Effie had given me from time to time. She was ill now and had aged rapidly in the last year. “Here, darling,” I said, “is what l owe you.”    3    

“Give it back as I gave it to you--a little at a time.” I think she believed there was magic in the slow discharge of a love debt.

The simple fact is that I never repaid the whole amount to Effie, for she died a few weeks later. By now, the few dollars Effie gave me have been multiplied many times. But a curious thing began to happen.

Whenever I saw a fellow human in financial trouble, I was moved to help him. I can't afford to do this always, but in the ten years since Effie's death, I have indirectly repaid my debt to her.

    4     At that time, it seemed that my debt would forever go unsettled. So the account can never be marked closed. for Effie's love will go on in hearts that have never known her.

A.Our baby was not doing well, so Effie financed my wife's trip to New York for consultation with a specialist.
B.Give your help to those in greater need.
C.The oddest part of the whole affair is that people whom I help often help others later on.
D.Effie work diligently all her life.
E.“Pay me whenever you like,” said Effie, climbing back into her truck.
F.“Don't give it to me all at once,” she said.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Paul received a car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a boy was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it.

“Is this your car, mister?” he said.

Paul nodded. “My brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was astounded. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't cost you anything? Oh, I wish…”He hesitated.

Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said shocked Paul all the way down to his heels.

“I wish.” the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that.”

Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, and then impulsively (冲动地) he added, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”

“Oh. yes, I'd love that.”

After a short ride, the boy turned to Paul and said. “Mister, would you mind driving to my house?”

Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He waned to show his neighbours that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps are?” the boy asked

He ran up the steps. In a little while he came back. carrying his little disabled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step. and pointed to the car.

“Buddy just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a cent. And some day I'm going to give you one just like it... then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that I've been trying to tell you about.”

Paul got out and lifted the boy into the front seat of his car. The older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride. That Christmas Eve. Paul learned what Jesus meant when he said. “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

1. The boy wishes that_________.
A.he could own a shiny new car one day
B.his brother would give him a car as a present
C.he could buy a car for his disabled brother
D.Paul would give him the car
2. Why did the boy ask Paul to drive him home?
A.To show his neighbors he could ride home in a big car.
B.To get home early and tell his brother his exciting experience.
C.To show his brother the possibility of getting a car from him as a present.
D.To fully enjoy the comfort and convenience of owning a car
3. Why did the boy wish that he could be that brother?
A.Because he hopes to be a rich man and live a luxurious life.
B.Because he wants his brother to see the outside world with his own eyes.
C.Because he wishes to have a healthy brother like Paul.
D.Because he expects his brother to be envied by others.
4. From the last sentence, we can infer (推断) that Paul_______.
A.felt happy to offer the ride
B.regretted accepting the car
C.would buy his brother some presents
D.would love Jesus more
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