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1 . The Decision That Changed My Life

We make decisions every day. Whether it is a small decision like what to wear that day or a big decision like where to go to college, these decisions have at least some influence on the rest of our lives. I wanted to talk about a decision I made that has changed my life forever.    1    I know that it seems like such a tiny decision, but it truly has changed my life.

I gave up soda about a month and a half before my trip to the Bahamas as a healthy step towards “getting in shape” for my trip. At first I thought it was going to be really hard giving it up, but after that first two weeks I wasn’t thinking about soda at all. One tiling led to another and I started eating better, working out more and just generally living a healthier life. I had already seen a difference in my life following this healthier life style.    2     During my trip I was extremely tempted to drink soda because all we were drinking was water.    3    

That was because I wanted to show those who maybe thought I wouldn’t be able to do it that they were wrong. Soon the urge to drink soda somewhat disappeared and I really did not even become tempted by it by the end of the trip. I got home to the States and when I got back home I decided to weigh myself. I had lost 20 pounds on my trip!

I also wanted to give some advice for those who were in the same situation as I was, where you wanted/needed to give up something that you think you can’t live without.    4     My friends really helped me out by supporting me and reminding me of the reason why I was doing it. Lastly, remember why you are giving it up. Use the goal of you losing weight or being generally healthier to motivate you through the struggle. In the end, giving up soda changed my life and I don’t regret my decision what so ever.

A.You need a support system.
B.I almost gave up a couple of times but stayed strong.
C.I felt happier, more energized and just all around better.
D.Weeks and weeks went by and I still was not missing drinking soda.
E.I hope you are inspired by my story to give up something that is bad for you.
2021-12-17更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市浦东新区2020-2021学年高一上学期英语期末试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约520词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . A long,long time ago,Nyame the sky god hid all the stories in a box high in the sky. No person or animal had any story to tell,so everyone was very sad.

Then one day,an old spider,Anansi,made a long web all the way to the sky. Anansi climbed the web to the sky and asked Nyame,“Can I have the stories please?I'll do anything if you give us the stories."Nyame thought for a moment.Then he answered,“Fine. First I will give you a task. Bring me three things:a snake,a leopard,and bees.Then I will give you the stories." Nyame laughed so loudly that everyone on Earth could hear him!Anansi climbed slowly back to Earth and told his wife, Aso, what had happened. She listened carefully. Then she said,"I have a plan."

Later that day,Anansi followed Aso's plan. First,he found a long stick. After that,he went near Snake's home and said loudly,“This is very long,very long indeed!"When Shake heard Anansi talking, he said,“What is so long?"Anansi answered,“I'm sorry,Snake.This stick is longer than you are. “Snake answered proudly. “It is not!I'm a very long snake! You will see that I am longer.” He moved next to the stick. Then,Anansi quickly used his web to tie Snake to the stick.

Immediately,Anansi climbed back to the sky and gave the snake to Nyange. Bur Nyame only said,“I told you to bring three things.Where are the other two?"Then Nyame laughed,“Ha ha ha!” Anansi sadly went back to Earth with no stories. He asked his wife,“How will I ever obtain a leopard?"

Again,Aso had a plan,and Anansi followed it. First,he made a hole in the ground and put sticks over it so no one could see the hole.The next day,Anansi went back to the hole and Leopard had fallen inside!Anansi used his web to quickly tie him up. He took Leopard to Nyame. Nyame looked surprised this time. He said,“You still must bring the bees!"Again,Anansi asked Aso for help. Again,he followed her plan.The next day he found a tree with bees in it. He quickly threw water on the tree and on himself. Then he said to the bees,“It is raining!Quick--get inside my gourd(葫芦). It will keep you dry.”So the bees fell for his trick and all flew into Anansi’s gourd. With a big smile,Anansi used his web to close the gourd, so the bees could not get out.

Finally,Anansi took the bees to Nyame. Nyame was not laughing anymore. Nyame kept his promise and gave Anansi all of the stories. Very carefully,Anansi carried all the stories back down to Earth. And after he told each story,he said,“Stories are for telling,not for keeping in boxes.”

1. It was Snake's ________that led him to being caught by Anansi.
A.being sympatheticB.being competitive
C.being cooperativeD.being helpful
2. Nyame's laughter changed in volume each time he met Anansi because ________ .
A.he found that Anansi was a better story teller than he was
B.he felt surprised that Aso helped Anansi in such a way
C.he sensed that he would have to keep his promise
D.he was disappointed that Anansi was not so eager for stories
3. It can be inferred from the passage that Aso ________ .
A.had a good knowledge of the animals
B.was more anxious for stories than Anansi
C.liked to take challenges
D.knew where Nyame hid the stories
4. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.Why stories are for telling not for hiding
B.How Anansi gave people stories
C.Why Snake,Leopard and Bees were tricked
D.How Aso came up with the plans
2021-11-23更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市晋元高级中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The three men sat in the truck, unaware of the hot Nevada sun. Their attention was focused on a fourth man, middle-aged, tall slender, and rather well dressed for the desert-like land of the Carson River Valley. He walked purposefully over the sandy soil, systematically covering the area of a gentle rise. In his outstretched hands was a Y-shaped tree branch.

“I feel silly about this,” one of the men in the truck said. “What he's doing is contrary to all my beliefs.”

“Just you wait” one of the other two told him. “Then you won't feel so silly anymore.”

At length, the man with the branch stopped his walking. The stick he carried by the two ends of the Y no longer pointed toward the sky. Instead, it was pointing to the ground with a definite swinging motion.

“That's it,” one of the men in the truck called. He jumped over the side and ran toward the man with the stick. Within minutes, a stake had been driven into the ground at the point where the forked stick was pointing. Early the next morning,a drilling rig (钻机) lowered its bit into the earth at the same point and mechanical digging began. Less than twenty feet down, the drill stuck something the man who said he felt silly had been seeking for months: water.

It had been an uncommonly dry summer, even for that part of Nevada. One well had gone dry, and livestock were thirsty. Previous attempts at well drilling had failed, government geologists and soil engineers had gone over the area with maps, testing equipment, and sounding device. The best they could accomplish for the farmer was a gloomy series of dry holes. All the farmer had to show for his faith in men of science was a considerable drilling bill and a thirsty herd.

He had felt silly because he had been pushed by desperation into listening to some of his neighbours who suggested he try a water witch: the man with the forked stick.

After the well was completed and plenty water flowed forth, the farmer smiled nervously as he paid the water witch his twenty-five-dollar fee. “It seems so crazy to be doing this,” he said. Perhaps part of the craziness came because the farmer was a university graduate, a teacher of science at a nearby high school. However, even odder was the water witch's request for anonymity. “I don't mind you telling people you had searched for water through the use of a diving rod,” the water witch had said, “but I'll be grateful to you if you don't mention my name in any way that gets into print. I don't think my boss would like it.”

1. The farmer occasionally expressed the feeling that _________.
A.geologists would be able to do a better job.
B.he was foolish to hire a witch to find water
C.he firmly believed in water witching
D.the water witch's fee was too high
2. The phrase “At length” in the 4 paragraph can be replaced by _________.
3. According to the passage, the farmer's faith in men of science _________.
A.brought him innumerable benefits
B.helped him to overcome difficulties
C.enabled him to maintain his livestock
D.made him waste a lot of money
4. Before leaving, the water witch asked the farmer________.
A.to hire him for any future well drilling
B.not to reveal his name
C.to pay more for his service
D.not to tell people how he searched for water
2021-11-18更新 | 118次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市华东师范大学第二附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . I’m a talker. I am keen on debating, gossiping and teasing when I have people to talk to. Under lockdown, however, I’ve only had my partner, Peter.

We not only lived, worked and travelled together, we mostly socialized together, too. Under the first UK lockdown, our already closeness began to feel uncomfortable. While talking to Peter, I could see his attention drift.

For the first time in our 10 years together, we needed to be alone. I tried to manufacture this by going on walks on my own, but a short walk wasn’t doing the job. I had hiked in remote spaces all over the world but always in a pair or group — for safety reasons. I considered my options and hit upon an idea: the semi-solo hike.

Could we do a circular hike but walk in different directions? This would give us the space and peace of a solo hike — done by a person alone. It felt like a promising way out, and he agreed to give it a try.

We started with a four-mile loop (环路) from Reeth. At the start, we parted ways. At first, I was aware of how close we were, which lessened the appeal. As I gained ground, however, I found myself very much alone. I set my own pace, and I decided to take my time.

I sat on a rock and breathed out. That moment — with the weak sun through the clouds and the breeze blowing — felt extraordinary to me. I was born and raised in London and had never imagined leaving until I met an outdoorsman. Now, my former life as a city girl felt crazy. In remembering what I had gained, I felt the tension leave me. There, in the chilly air, I no longer needed to talk. The semi-solo hike gave us a shared experience with added room to breathe.

I didn’t see Peter on the way but reunited back where we started, both pleased.

The semi-solo hike is admittedly silly in theory, but for me it has been a lifeline. It has given me the gift of time alone and, in a year of constant closeness, the joy of reuniting.

1. What motivated the author to adopt the semi-solo hike?
A.Peter’s disinterest in her words.
B.Her habit of venturing into the wild.
C.The lack of privacy under lockdown.
D.Her desire to engage in outdoor exercise.
2. How does the semi-solo hike work?
A.Their routes coincide sometimes during the hike.
B.They depart in a separate way to different destinations.
C.They hike in each other’s company throughout the journey.
D.They start and return to the same place by a different route.
3. Which of the following can describe the author’s feelings when she sat on a rock?
A.Fearless and refreshed.B.Free and relaxed.
C.Tense and depressed.D.Upset and embarrassed.
4. What message does the author convey with this text?
A.An appropriate distance creates beauty.
B.There are more solutions than difficulties.
C.Access to nature is better than social circles.
D.Hiking helps improve interpersonal relationships.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . At first glance Esther Okade seems like a normal 10-year-old. She loves dressing up as Elsa from “Frozen”, playing with Barbie dolls and going to the park or shopping. But what makes the British-Nigerian youngster stand out is the fact that she’s also a university student.

Esther, from Walsall, an industrial town in the UK’s West Midlands region, is one of the country’s youngest college freshmen. The talented 10-year-old enrolled at the Open University in January and is already top of the class, having recently scored 100% in an exam.

“It’s so interesting and super easy,” she laughs. “My mum taught me in a nice way.” She adds: “I want to finish the course in two years. Then I’m going to do my PhD in financial maths when I’m 13. I want to have my own bank by the time I’m 15 because I like numbers and I like people and banking is a great way to help people.”

And in case people think her parents have pushed her into starting university early, Esther disagrees. “I actually wanted to start when I was seven. But my mum didn’t agree.” After three years of begging, Mother Efe finally agreed to explore the idea.

Esther has always jumped ahead of her peers. Her mother noticed her daughter’s gift for figures shortly after she began homeschooling her at the age of three. Initially, Esther’s parents had enrolled her in a private school but after a few short weeks, the usually-energetic youngster refused to go back to that school because the teachers didn’t let her talk in class. In the UK, education is not compulsory until five, so Efe started to do little things at home by teaching basic number skills but Esther was miles ahead. By four, her natural talent for maths had seen the eager student move on to algebra (代数学) and quadratic equations (二次方程式).

And Esther isn’t the only maths miracle in the family. Her younger brother Isaiah, 6, will soon be sitting his first A-level exam in June.

1. Which of the following makes Esther Okade different from her normal peers?
A.She is the youngest college student in the UK.
B.She goes to university at a much earlier age.
C.She often gets full marks in maths exams.
D.She loves acting as a university student.
2. From the passage we can learn that _______.
A.Esther thinks her parents expect too much of her
B.Esther cannot adapt herself well to college life
C.Esther asked to go to university even earlier
D.Esther dislikes being taught at home
3. What might be a main factor that has led to Esther’s being a maths genius?
A.The gene from her family.B.Her course in the university.
C.The criticism from her teachers.D.Her mother’s homeschooling.
4. Esther can be described as a girl who _______.
A.is ambitious and has a clear goalB.is creative and loves exploring the unknown
C.is rebellious but ready to help othersD.is energetic but reluctant to challenge herself
2021-03-31更新 | 305次组卷 | 6卷引用:上海市崇明区2021届高三英语二模试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约540词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . The train was speeding onward and the plains of Texas were pouring eastward.

A newly married pair had boarded this coach at San Antonio. The man’s face was reddened from many days in the wind and sun, and a direct result of his new black clothes was that from time to time he looked down respectfully at his clothes. He sat with a hand on each knee, like a man waiting in a barber’s shop. The glace she devoted to other passengers were shy. The bride was not pretty. She wore a dress of blue cashmere. She continually twisted her head to regard her puff sleeves. They embarrassed her. The blushes (脸红)caused by the careless glances of some passengers as she had entered the car were strange to see.

They were evidently very happy. “Ever been in a parlor-car (特等火车)before?” he asked, smiling with delight.

“No,” she answered; “I never was. It’s fine,ain’t it?”

“Great! And then after a while we’ll go forward to the dinner. Fresh meal in the world. Charge a dollar. ”

“Oh, do they?” cried the bride. “Charge a dollar? Why,that’s too much — for us — ain’t it, Jack?”

Later he explained to her about the trains. “You see, if s a thousand miles from one end of Texas to the other; and this runs right across it, and never stops but four times.” He had the pride of an owner. He pointed out to her the dazzling fittings of the coach; and in truth her eyes opened wider and she watched the sea-green velvet(丝绒人), the shining bronze,silver, and glass, the wood that glowed as darkly brilliant as the surface of a pool of oil. At one end a bronze statue held a support for a separated room, and on the ceiling were frescos(壁画in olive and silver.

To the minds of the pair, their surroundings reflected the glory of their marriage that morning in San Antonio: this was the environment of their new estate; and the man’s face in particular shone with an elation (得意)that made him appear ridiculous to the Negro porter. This porter at times surveyed them with an amused and superior grin. On other occasions he bullied them with skill in ways that did not make it easy to them that they were being bullied. He oppressed them. But of this oppression they had small knowledge, and infrequently, a number of travelers covered them with stares of derisive (嘲讽的)enjoyment.

At last they went to the dining-car. Two rows of Negro waiters, in glowing white suits, surveyed their entrance with the interest. The pair fell to the seats of a waiter who happened to feel pleasure in steering them through their meal. He viewed them with the manner of a fatherly guide, his face radiant with kindness. The service, coupled with the ordinary deference(毕恭毕敬),was rare to them. And yet, as they returned to their coach, they showed in their faces a sense of escape.

1. The description of the couple's clothes and behaviour seems to indicate that they had a sense of ____.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The interior of the coach was luxurious and modem.
B.The Negro porter was very helpful to the couple.
C.It was the first time for the couple to take a train in Texas.
D.Some passengers on the train took the couple as an object of fun.
3. What does the underlined word “surveyed” mean in the 8th paragraph?
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The waiter was indifferent to the couple.
B.The couple felt uneasy at dinner.
C.The service was satisfactory.
D.The couple enjoyed the dinner.
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