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Once there was a little girl named Emily. Although her singing was very pleasant to hear, lacking of courage, she never dared to sing in front of strangers.

One summer, the neighborhood where she lived would hold a singing competition. Her best friend, Lucy, came to invite her to participate in the competition, but Emily said, “I’m afraid to take part in it.” Her mother said, “It’s okay; just do it bravely.” Emily followed her mama’s advice and decided to give herself a try. The day came. Emily and Lucy went to the competition site. But she was too timid (胆小的) to walk onto the stage. She had been waiting until others finished singing. She shakily (颤抖地) forced herself to stand on the stage. She started to sing, but her voice was so low. What’s worse, she was so nervous that she forgot the lyrics (歌词) after singing a few words. Being laughed at by others, embarrassed and shy, she ran away from the stage.

Some naughty boys ran after her and said, “Emily, coward (胆小鬼)! Emily, coward!” Emily didn’t argue with them. What she wanted was to go back home as quickly as she could.

注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为80左右: 2. 续写一段, 该段的开头语已为你写好。
Finally, she rushed into the house, hugged her mom and cried sadly.
2024-01-24更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市第二中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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This is a true story of my grandfather James. In the 1930s, Grandpa was a school kid and took a part-time job in a theater. One day, during a break when the audience were going to the bathroom, he was shocked to see three very huge rats which crossed the aisles (过道) and went under the seats. Grandpa feared the audience would be hurt.

When the movie was over, Grandpa told the manager what he saw. The manager was anxious, and said they couldn’t use poisons to drive the rats away. Grandpa suggested putting cats in the theater at night when it was closed. The manager agreed and gave grandpa the task of putting the cats in the theater at night, but grandpa had to be there in the morning to remove the cats and any dead rat that might be around.

The next day, grandpa found two cats. At the end of the night when the movie was over, he brought the cats into the theater as “night guards”. Then, he left and headed home, excitedly thinking about how many dead rats there would be when he went to the theater in the morning.

The next morning, grandpa hurried to the theater to take care of the cats and all of those dead rats before he went to school. After reaching the theater, he opened the front door, to his surprise, the two cats rushed out of the door and down the street at once. Confused, grandpa entered the theater and turned on the light. To his surprise, he couldn’t find one dead rat.

Soon, grandpa and the manager found out that the rats were so big that the cats were actually scared of them. Grandpa wondered how to deal with the problem. When grandpa got home from school that day, he told his parents what had happened. They laughed and told him that the best way was to get a Rat Terrier dog. They said it’s a type of dog that is good at killing rats. Although grandpa doubted it, he decided to have a try.


Grandpa reached the local dog shelter and asked if they had a Rat Terrier.


To check whether the dog had killed any rats, the next morning grandpa got up very early.

2024-01-24更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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Long long ago, there was a little prince who was used to having everything he wanted. He was so badly behaved that he wouldn’t let anybody have a new toy if he didn’t have it first. If any child in the land wanted a new toy, they had to buy two and give one to him. Therefore, the little prince had no friends except for his toys.

One day a magic toymaker, who invented the most wonderful toys, came to the land. The little prince liked his toys so much that he invited him to spend an entire year in the palace, promising him great wealth if he made him a new toy every day. The toymaker set just one condition: “My toys are very special and need an owner who will play with them” he said. “Will you be able to devote a little time to each one every day?” “Of course, I will” the little prince replied impatiently.

From then on, every morning the little prince received a new toy. Every day the toymaker delivered a toy better than the previous ones. The little prince appeared very happy.

But the toy collection kept growing and, after a few weeks there were simply too many toys to play with all of them every day. So, one day the little prince put a few toys to one side, hoping that the toymaker wouldn’t notice. However, when it was night time and he was ready to go to bed. The toys that had been put away lined up in front of him and, one by one, demanded their daily playtime. The little prince couldn’t get to sleep until well past midnight because he had to play with every single toy.

Next day, tired after all his efforts, the prince slept very late. In the little time left of the day, he had to get to know a new toy and then play with all the others too. Once again, he finished very late and was so tired he could hardly stop yawning (打哈欠).

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
       Every day was a little bit worse than the one before, with the same amount of time but one extra toy to play with.
       The children saw the prince, wondering whether the prince would force them to hand over their toys just like before.
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One pleasant New-year morning, Edward rose, and washed and dressed himself in a hurry. He wanted to be first to wish a happy New Year to his family. He turned up at every door of the house, and shouted the words of “Happy New Year” in an excited voice. After a quick breakfast, he hopped along the street like a happy bird, greeted and repeated the words to those he met.

When he came back, his father gave him 50 dollars, saying he could buy whatever he had been wishing for. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some interesting books that he had seen at the bookstore. He thanked his father and danced out of the house again with a light heart, wanting to buy those books.

As he ran down the street, he noticed a poor German family, the father, mother, and three children trembling with cold. “I wish you a happy New Year,” said Edward, as he was happily passing on. The man took a look at the happy boy and shook his head sadly.

Edward stopped and said, “It seems that you do not belong to this country” The man again shook his head, a confused expression appeared over his face, for he could not understand or speak English.

But the poor man pointed to his mouth, and to the children with hungry looks, as if to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.”

Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in difficult situation.

Paragraph 1:

He took out his dollars, and gave them all to the man.

Paragraph 2:

When Edward went home, his father asked what book he had bought.

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My husband and I wandered the tropical gardens of San Diego’s Bahia Resort Hotel.We came to a large pool.A wet nose appeared out of the water and a seal (海豹) climbed up onto a rock to greet us."Look!" I cried, delighted.

“Her name is Gracie,” my husband said, reading a sign by the fence that enclosed the pool. A moment later, another seal swam past. “And that must be Billy,” he added.

Gracie dove back into the water and chased after Billy. We watched in wonder as they raced around the pool happily.

The next day I found myself back at the seals’ pool. Gracie and Billy were enjoying the morning sunshine on a large rock. I was surprised to learn that Gracie and Billy were blind (失明的).They were thought to have suffered a head injury in stormy Alaska waters,which caused them to lose their sight. They needed to be taught to survive in a world of darkness. I felt sorry for them, as they could no longer return to the sea.

At the same time, I was amazed how they had adjusted their new environment. They moved easily and beautifully, their lack of (缺乏) sight seeming to be no problem at all.1spent hours watching them playing happily in the pool,nosing (用鼻子顶) large red and blue balls.

Three years later, in spring 2020, a serious illness damaged my eyes, making me almost blind. My eyes had to be protected from sunlight, so I couldn't go outside. I sat in my bedroom with the.shades drawn, unable to read or even watch television. I was terrified.What if I lost my sight completely? How would I possibly manage? I felt so depressed that I began to lose hope.

1.       续写词数应为120字左右;

Then I remembered something that gave me the hope I needed.


So l decided to live like those two seals.

2023-08-11更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市贺兰县第二高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was little, I used to walk with my grandmother on a quiet and small road across which she and my grandfather lived. My grandfather rarely joined us. He was a seemingly strict man, an ex-soldier who. usually held back his emotions, especially his affection(喜爱). He wasn’t a man who hugged me often when I was a child, but I had never doubted his love for me.

Grandma and I would walk, hand in hand, moving at an equal pace. The sun would be shining; the birds would be singing. We would chat about this and that, or just walk in silence, enjoying the outdoors and each other’s company. Yet, for me, these times were not just a chance to get some exercise or be with my grandmother, though both were important. These walks were treasure hunts.

More often than not, at the road’s edge, there would be money. Not lots of it — I cent here, 5 cents there. Sometimes, on really lucky days, I’d find 10 cents or even 25. I’d pick up these coins, proudly show Grandma and joyfully put them into my pockets. Some days, I wouldn’t find anything. “Maybe next time, ” my grandmother would say. Other days, I’d come back from our walk with more than twenty-five cents to put in my piggy bank, or to buy candies — a treat for a six-year-old child.

Looking back now, it wasn’t even the money that was such a big deal; it was the joy of discovery. It was the hope of finding something small left or forgotten along the side of the road. It made me feel so lucky and so special. Yet, it wasn’t until years later, when I was in my late twenties, that the simple memory meant much more to me than simply the happiness of a child. It was my mother who told me the secret which brought a whole new meaning to my experience.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

“Remember when you used to walk with Grandma and find money?” Mother asked.

Paragraph 2:

Now, I would do the same thing my grandfather did.

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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When my daughters reached the third and fourth grades, I sometimes allowed them to walk to and from school alone if the weather permitted. One warm spring day, a little dog followed them home after school. It had short legs and long lovely ears. It was the cutest dog I had ever seen and the girls begged me to keep it.

The dog was about twelve weeks old. It had no collar (项圈) or identifying marks of any sort. I didn’t know what to do. I thought about posting an advertisement but I really didn’t want to. It would break the kids’ hearts if someone should show up. Besides, its owners should have watched it more closely.

By the end of the week the dog was part of our family. It was very intelligent and good with the girls. The following week something told me to check the lost-and-found section in the local paper. One particular advertisement jumped out at me and my heart beat with fear for what I read. Someone was begging for the return of a lost dog in the neighborhood of our grade school. The owner sounded extremely eager. My hand shook, and I couldn’t bring myself to pick up the paper.

Instead, I pretended I hadn’t seen the advertisement. I quickly put paper away in the drawer and continued with my dusting. I never said a word about it to the kids or my husband.

By then we had named the dog. It was Kevin, so we called it Kevin. It followed the girls everywhere they went. When they went outside, it was one step behind them. When they did the housework, it was there to lend a hand.

There was only one problem with this seemingly perfect picture: my conscience (良心) was bothering me. I wondered in my heart whether I had to call that number in the paper and see if our Kevin was the dog they were desperately seeking. It was the most difficult thing for me to do.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

But I had to make a decision.


The woman said, “Where is my dog? I would like to have a look at it.”

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Grandma called me in from the yard. “Would you please go to the store for me? I’m ready to bake rolls, and there isn’t enough yeast(酵母). Take a quarter from my little change purse.”

I found Grandma’s purse and put the quarter in my pocket. I was soon in the little general store that served our farming community.

“Mr.Jenkins,”I said,“Grandma needs some yeast.”

Mr.Jenkins set three cakes of yeast on the counter(柜台). His eyes twinkled(眨眼), and he smiled at me. “And what do you need?”

Í knew what he meant. I was always allowed to pick a cent’s candy when I came to the store with Grandma.But Grandma wasn’t here, and she hadn’t said anything about spending a penny.

“How much change do I have from a quarter?” I asked.

“Four cents,” Mr. Jenkins replied. “The yeast is seven cents a cake.”

I thought that over quickly. I would have four cents back. I was sure Grandma wouldn’t care if l spent one cent, and if she were here, she might even say I could have them all. The longer I looked at the candy, the more certain I became that I needed one cent’s worth as a reward for coming to the store alone.

As Mr.Jenkins handed me the candy and three cents, a voice inside me said this was not a really honest thing to do. That wasn’t my money, and I hadn’t asked if I might spend it.However, I put the cents in my pocket and started home, running past Uncle Roy, who was heading in the direction of my home.

“Thank you,” Grandma said when I laid the yeast on the table. “Did you put the change back in my purse?”

“Yes, Grandma,” I replied, hurrying out to the passage(走廊), I hadn’t really lied to Grandma.I argued with myself. I did put back all the change I had.


I knew I had cheated Grandma, and I was nervous.                                                                                   


I watched Uncle Roy make his way home, his words repeating in my mind.                                                    

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My husband has been out of town for work this past week. When he travels, he typically is only gone for a day or two, but this time it was a few days longer. He was set to come home last night, but as he boarded the plane his fight was announced canceled and he had to return to the hotel to wait for the next fight. He learned very quickly the city was struggling due to high crime rate. He was not able to get a Uber or taxi at 4:30 a.m. to get to the airport for his flight due to workers being fearful of their lives. When I told my kids dad was not going to be home that night, they were both upset.

My husband was the head coach of my 5-year old’s baseball team. They had a game the next morning and my husband was trying so badly to make it home in time. The thought of possibly missing our son’s game rally made him mad. He wanted to be there because this was their thing and he didn’t want to let him or the other boys down.

A young man by the name of Asher, who worked at the hotel my husband stayed at, overheard my husband’s dilemma. He realized he was not able to get transportation to the airport. This young man offered to wake up and get my husband to the airport at 4:30 a.m. My husband was in shock -a complete stranger would offer to do such a big act of kindness. When he called me to tell me the possible ride, he was so hopeful. This young man honored his word and brought my husband to the airport safely.

I didn’t want to get my son’s hopes up, so I told him, “Dad is trying to get home for your game but I am not sure whether he will make it.” That morning, on the way to the baseball field, both my kids looked up in the sky the entire ride to the field and pointed at planes in the sky saying, “Maybe that’s dad’s plane.”


As we reached the baseball field, we were a few minutes late.


I saw a familiar figure and my son walked towards me.

2022-04-02更新 | 475次组卷 | 4卷引用:宁夏吴忠市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末调研英语试题
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