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1 . On March 14, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic (新冠疫情) forced 57th Street Books, in Chicago, to close its doors. The store wouldn’t reopen for nearly a year and a half. During that time, director Jeff Deutsch was worried. Customers couldn’t come to the shop. His main advantage over online business had gone overnight.

Deutsch said he and his team were lucky. Customers stepped up. They offered gifts and support. “There was something very beautiful in the way our community came together,” he said. “We really supported one another’s businesses,”

Similar stories played out over the past two years in cities and towns around the country. Though independent bookstores were forced to close during the pandemic, many found ways to connect with and help their community.

Anne Holman is co-owner of the King’s English Bookshop. It’s in Salt Lake City, Utah. She said the store put books outside for reading and started doing a lot of events online. Other stores set up bookselling hotlines, and improved their tools for e-business.

Some bookstores did events that went more than bookselling. They offered COVID testing. They collected food for people in need. “Having an independent bookstore in your community is almost like a town square,” said Samira Ahmed, an author of books for young adults. “It’s an important place to build community.”

11-year-old Adele Sorkin, a fan of 57th Street Books, is on its Young Readers Advisory Board. Members receive early copies of books in exchange for writing reviews. “I think of the bookstore as a cookie jar (罐子),” Adele says. “It’s something special and fun that is always there for you.” Jeff Deutsch sees a bright future. “If we reimagine bookstores and do our best to support them,” he says, “then bookstores can thrive (兴盛).”

1. Why did Jeff Deutsch feel lucky?
A.A smart team had been built.B.He could shop on the Internet.
C.Customers gave him a hand.D.Online business grew overnight.
2. What does paragraph 5 mainly tell us about these bookstores?
A.How they sold books to the young.B.When they built a town square.
C.Why they helped people in need.D.What they did for the community.
3. What can we learn about Adele Sorkin?
A.She dreams of running a business.B.She praises the 57th Street Books.
C.She often brings cookies with her.D.She tries to write a short story.
4. What can be inferred about the bookstores from the text?
A.They will mostly offer COVID testing.
B.Their advantage has turned into nothing.
C.They could take the place of e-business.
D.Their growth is tied to the community.
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2 . One night, as I was driving down the road, I found something was sitting in the middle of the road. A few seconds later, I realized I was looking at a large turtle (海龟). Afraid of it being crashed by cars, so I pulled over, ran across the road and dragged the turtle to safety. But I’d made one big mistake.

I had heard that the best way to pick up a turtle without hurting it was picking it by the tail in order not to get bitten. So I’d made that big mistake. While the turtle turned out OK generally, I was determined to figure out how to move a turtle properly. I needed to find someone who dealt with turtles. I found the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre. I talked to Dr. Sue, its Executive and Medical Director.

Dr. Sue told me that the organization dealt with a number of aspects of turtle conservation, including rescue, settlement, birth programs, research, and education. Sue explained that southern Ontario is home to a vast majority of turtles in Canada, but is also one of the vastest road networks of the country.

“Ninety percent of injured turtles brought in are caused by cars. These turtles spend a lot of time on land. And they do travel many kilometers on land for a variety of reasons, to find a nesting spot, or to hang out for the summer or winter. Turtles know where they want to go. So, just keep them going in the direction they want to go and you may have saved a turtle’s life,” Dr. Sue said.

Once an injured turtle arrives at the center, there are medical facilities (设备) ready to go, including an X-ray machine. That’s when the team gets to work with healing injuries, and help their patient.

1. Why did the author stop the car?
A.To help the turtle.B.To see the thing clearly.
C.To prevent a car accident.D.To find something good.
2. What happened to the turtle?
A.It got hurt by people before.B.It was injured a little bit.
C.It was run over by a car.D.It lost its direction.
3. What did Dr. Sue suggest at last?
A.Leaving the turtles alone.
B.Making Ontario home to turtles.
C.Changing the road conditions.
D.Helping turtles find nesting spots.
4. What does the underlined word “patient” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.The director.B.The driver.
C.The author.D.The turtle.
2023-10-11更新 | 180次组卷 | 21卷引用:四川省江油中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第三次月考英语试题
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3 . Some of my earliest memories involve sitting with my dad in his study every night when he came home from the office. I’d watch as he put his personal items away: his watch, wallet, comb and car keys. They would always occupy the same spot on the table every time.

Dad’s comb was jade green. I heard he bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would smile, hand me the comb and say, “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK?”

I was more than happy to do it. At age five, this kind of task brought me such joy. I would excitedly turn the tap on, and then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could. Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would proudly return the comb to Dad. He would smile at me, and place the comb on top of his wallet.

About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. Dad’s business wasn’t doing so well, and our stable life started getting shaky. He didn’t come home as much as he used to. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. Why didn’t he listen to Mum and just stick to his old job? Why take the risk and place the whole family in trouble? Over the years, I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him.

Now 28, I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has also started to get back on track. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me went on.

Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. On that evening, I helped him carry his bags into his study as usual. When I turned to leave, he asked me to clean his comb. I looked at him for a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink.

It was a new comb. This one was brown. I hadn’t noticed that he’d changed it. After cleaning it, I passed it back to Dad. He looked at it and smiled. But this time, I noticed something different. My dad had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, yet his smile was still as heartwarming as before.

1. From the first three paragraphs, we can learn .
A.the earliest memories with Dad were full of joy
B.the precious green comb of Dad was made of jade
C.the author was unwilling to clean the comb for Dad
D.the author would study together with Dad every evening
2. What probably made Dad decide to resign from his original job to start his own business?
A.That he was eager to get everything on track.B.That he wanted to keep his family life stable.
C.That he was laid off and had to make a living.D.That he hoped to earn a better life for the family.
3. What emotional changes did the author experience when staying with Dad these years?
A.cheerful→ mad→ warm.B.mad → satisfied → warm.
C.satisfied → worried → angry.D.warm → concerned → uncomfortable.
4. What could be the best title for the text?
A.A Comb of Jade GreenB.Dad’s Wholesale Business
C.Evenings with My DadD.My Earliest Memories with Dad
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4 . After their business trip, John and Mary returned, eager to see their lovely children. As they drove into their hometown feeling glad to be back, they noticed ________, and they went off their usual route to see what it was. They found a ________ in flames. Mary said, “Oh, well, it isn’t our fire, let’s go home.”

But John ________ closer and screamed, “That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant. He wouldn’t be ________ work yet, maybe there is something we could do.” “It has nothing to do with us,” Mary ________.

But John drove up and stopped and they were both horror-stricken to see the whole house in ________. A woman on the lawn was screaming, “The children! Get the children!” John ________ her by the shoulder saying, “Get a hold of yourself and tell us where the children are!” “In the ________,” cried the woman. “Down the hall and to the left.”

In spite of Mary’s disagreement, John ________ for the basement which was full of smoke and ________ hot. He found the door and two children. ________ he left he could hear some more sobbing. He ________ the two badly frightened children into ________ arms and started back asking how many more children were down there. They told him ________ more and Mary grasped his arm and screamed, “John! Don’t go back! It’s ________! That house will fall down any second.”

________ he ran into the smoke-filled hallway and at last he found both children. As he climbed up the ________ stairs, the thought went through his mind that there was something strangely ________ about the little bodies next to him, and at last when they came out into the ________ and fresh air, he found that he had just ________ his own children.

The baby-sitter had left them at this home while she did some shopping.

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5 . “What’s it like to have a gap legwear your teeth?” a girl asked me one day.

Nobody had ever______before. My hand unconsciously rose to cover my mouth. But, as she looked at me, sincerely waiting for a(n)______, I realized she was not trying to be rude. I never think about it, ” I truthfully replied. She nodded and turned away. I was left wondering if people ______me and saw only gappy teeth.

Later that day at home, I began to______my teeth again. I felt______I thought my life would be somehow better if my teeth were not gappy. How I wanted the perfect teeth that everyone else seemed to have!

Of course, Mom______everything. She has lived her whole life with gappy teeth, and tried to______me that there was nothing to______.When I refused to listen, she told me. I could get the surgery to close the gap if it was that important. “Let’s be______though,” she said! “if everyone got surgeries to become attractive, everyone would be exactly the same. There is beauty in______.”

Her______made me consider my teeth seriously. The thought of losing my gap was more terrible than the reality that people were going to notice it. I realized how important it was to me.   It is part of my______

Nowadays many people do crazy things to realize their dream of “perfection”. The______is that no one is perfect. When all potential for ugliness is removed, so is all of the potential for______

So if that girl ever asked about my teeth______, I would truthfully answer, “You know? It’s really cute.”

A.heard ofB.thought ofC.talked aboutD.looked at
A.worry aboutB.cheer upC.give upD.bring out
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6 . Henry was going through a very hard time. His wife passed away one month ago. He thought his life became meaningless. Henry sat in his house sadly and did nothing.

One day, Henry’s neighbor, Lisa, saw him from her yard. She hadn’t seen him outside for several days! She wanted to help Henry. Then she had an idea.

Lisa said to Henry, “Hello, Henry! Just look at this fence (篱笆) between our houses. It is falling apart. You are a strong man. Can you help fix this fence?”

After hearing Lisa’s words, Henry was a little angry. He didn’t want to help her. He thought he was the one who needed help. He thought Lisa was kind of rude. However, he agreed to help Lisa because Lisa was too old to fix the fence herself.

Henry spent a few days fixing the fence. When he finished, Lisa thanked him. Henry gave her a smile. It was his first time to smile after his wife passed away.

“What a wonderful job! Could you please paint it for me?” Lisa said to him. Henry thought for a while and agreed. Then he began to paint the fence in the hot sun. As his neighbors passed by and saw Henry, they all praised Henry for what he was doing. Henry felt happy and proud. He felt his life was not meaningless any more.

Henry finally understood Lisa’s purpose. She wanted Henry to know that staying busy could help him forget his sorrow (悲痛). Henry thanked Lisa a lot.

1. Which of the following shows how Henry’s feelings changed over time?
2. How did Lisa help Henry forget his sorrow?
A.She wanted him to get to know more neighbors.
B.She asked him to do some things to make him busy.
C.She encouraged him to make friends with other neighbors.
D.She advised him to find a new part-time job in his free time.
3. Which words can best describe Lisa according to the passage?
A.Silly and lazy.B.Rude and lazy.
C.Clever and helpful.D.Patient and hard-working.
4. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?
A.Staying busy can help us forget our sadness.B.We should help others at any time.
C.It is hard to make friends with neighbors.D.Asking others for help isn’t rude.
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7 . Everything has its place and no one understands a concept better than 7-year-old Jacob Dunnack of Willimantic, Connecticut. Though Jacob feels that his place is on the baseball field, on the rare occasions when he’s not outside playing, his ball has a place of its own, safe and secure inside its bat.

Last year after experiencing difficulty carrying both his ball and bat home, Jacob invented the JD Batball- a 22-inch baseball bat inside which baseballs can be stored.

While most people find his accomplishment at such a young age inspiring, his mother, Elizabeth Dunnack, says that the heart of the matter lies in Jacob’s amazing spirit and will to live.

“You see,” his mother says,“Jacob was born with a rare heart disease and at four days old he had the first of a series of operations. At 11 months old, a ten hour open-heart operation resulted in a serious stroke. The doctor said that Jacob would be blind and disabled permanently.”

She continues, “With a lot of hard work and loving support over many years, today Jacob cannot only see, but walk and, through his own determination, even play baseball!”

Even though the stroke caused Jacob to lose the use of his right hand, this didn’t stop him from pursuing his favorite sport as he grew older. When he had trouble carrying both the bat and the ball home, that’s when he came up with the idea of storing the ball inside the bat so that he could carry both with one hand.

While he developed it because of his disability, the JD Batball is an extremely useful tool for kids across the country who play baseball, helping to solve the problems of losing the ball. “This invention is not only going to thrill children, but also their parents!” commented Jacob’s mother.

1. What do we know about Jacob from the first paragraph?
A.He thinks his bat and ball should be put in separate places.
B.He spends a lot of time playing baseball.
C.He is a great baseball player.
D.He often loses his ball.
2. According to Jacob’s mother, what helped him overcome difficulties in life?
A.His curiosity.B.His intelligence.C.His patience.D.His perseverance.
3. Jacob invented the JD Batball because he         .
A.didn’t want to lose his ball
B.wanted to carry more balls to the baseball field
C.was not able to carry both his bat and ball
D.wanted to help other children who often lose balls
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Jacob’s PlaceB.The Bat and the Ball
C.Jacob and His Favorite SportD.7-year-old Survivor and Inventor
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A few years ago, I worked in an international company that sold computer devices. I had to travel a lot all over the country as a part of my work. I remember that I was at a stage of my life where I only cared about how to make more money.

On one of my trips, I came out of the airport to take a bus to downtown as usual. It was the same routine: get into the city, take the bus to the hotel, visit the customer, work late, take the bus back to the airport and fly back…

That day, for some reasons, I decided to take the stairs down to a different exit, where I came across a beautiful garden I had never seen before. I waited there, enjoying the scenery. Finally the bus came.

Usually I always took the seat behind the driver. That day I sat down somewhere in the middle. A boy was seated next to me, carrying a lot of suitcases. Suddenly, he turned to me and gave me one of the most sincere smiles I had ever seen from a stranger. Warmly, he said, “Hi, the perfect day in the perfect place, huh?”

I remember thinking to myself — this must be one of those typical people who is young and naive and just thinks everything is beautiful and easy.Why was he annoying me when I just wanted to enjoy the bus ride? But out of politeness, I replied, “Perfect! Did your parents pay for you to have some vacations on the beach?” “No, I’m not here for vacation, and I don’t have parents,” he shook his head. “I’m here because I want to achieve my biggest dream. I’m on the way to the army school where my grandfather studied a long time ago.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
“I lost my dad 10 years ago then my mom married again. My stepfather…
He smiled and told me that for 10 years, he had only one thing on his mind to…
2023-09-15更新 | 74次组卷 | 16卷引用:辽宁省大连市部分重点高中2022-2023学年高二上学期10月月考英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Once there was a little girl named Emily. Although her singing was very pleasant to hear, lacking of courage, she never dared to sing in front of strangers.

One summer, the neighborhood where she lived would hold a singing competition. Her best friend, Lucy, came to invite her to participate in the competition, but Emily said, “I’m afraid to take part in it.” Her mother said, “It’s okay; just do it bravely.” Emily followed her mama’s advice and decided to give herself a try. The day came. Emily and Lucy went to the competition site. But she was too timid (胆小的)to walk onto the stage. She had been waiting until others finished singing. She shakily (颤抖地)forced herself to stand on the stage. She started to sing,but her voice was so low. What’s worse, she was so nervous that she forgot the lyrics (歌词)after singing a few words. Being laughed at by others, embarrassed and shy, she ran away from the stage.

Some naughty boys ran after her and said, “Emily, coward (胆小鬼)!Emily, coward!” Emily didn’t argue with them. What she wanted was to go back home as quickly as she could. Finally, she rushed into the house, hugged her mom and cried sadly.

“Well, my poor girl, don’t cry. Tell me what happened to you,” asked her mom. Emily looked up at her mother and told her what she had experienced.

Listening to her, her mom cupped her face and said, “It doesn’t matter, girl. As long as you practice singing more in front of strangers, you will become braver little by little. So, my girl, don’t be beaten by a failure.You can go out to practice singing every day. No matter who is listening to you, go on singing and never stop. I believe there will be a harvest for you.”


Emily listened to her mother carefully and followed her mom’s suggestion.


Going on singing,she walked into the park,where many people were singing and dancing.

2023-09-15更新 | 267次组卷 | 15卷引用:江苏省南京市宁海中学-2022学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
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10 . When I woke up on Aug 4,2016, there was only one thing on my mind: what to wear. A billion thoughts________through my brain in the closet. It was my first day of high school. I need to________the people who I would spend the next four years with. First impressions did________, which made me nervous.

After carefully searching my closet, I________came out in a dress from Target. I felt powerful as I headed toward room 1136. But as I entered class, my jaw________to the floor.

Sitting at her desk was Mrs Hutfilz, my English teacher, in the same________as me. I kept my head down and________to my seat. I made it through my brief________speech until Mrs Hutfilz rose to her feet, jokingly________that she liked my style. Although this was the________I had been afraid of, all my________surprisingly melted (融化) away, and the students paid attention as I shared my story. My smile grew as I laughed with the students.

________back four years later, the ten minutes I spent________of giving my speech were really not worth it. My first period of high school________made the day unforgettable in the best way and taught me that Mrs Hutfilz has an awesome sense of________!

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