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语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词,或使用括号里的词的适当形式填空, 并在答题纸上写出答案。

I had to wait for them to call number 63 before I could get my food.     1     (give) a plate by a lady, I felt ashamed, embarrassed. I wondered if she thought that I was worse than her.   However, before I knew it, I received my food: a little container with a meal and some pudding. I did not have to look at the woman any more.     2     feeling of shame slowly disappeared.

Ivon suggested that we walk to Bayside. When we arrived, Ivon told me     3     desperately had to use the bathroom. He began to take     4     from his pocket that he wanted to leave with me. I thought it was a phone,     5     it was a knife. “You never know when you have to use this,” he said.

After about twenty minutes, Ivon came back. He suggested     6     we move nearer to the Miami River where it was cooler. I walked down the street,     7     (hold) the plastic bag with my food. We settled down under some coconut trees. He pointed out some police officers     8     (stand) in an area where the     9     (home) used to sleep next to a hotel.

“I guess they didn’t want us next to the hotel. You can’t have people looking     10     of their windows and seeing us,” he said.

2024-04-19更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区石门中学2022-2023学年高一上学期一检考试英语试卷

2 . Joe’s single dad parenting story unfolds in a touching video that swept through the hearts of online users on TikTok.

On his daughter’s school Mother’s Day celebration, Joe _______as a “mom”. He took his _______ among the parents and students with a dress and a wig. His aim was to guarantee the seat _______for his adopted child’s mother wouldn’t remain _______ and to honor the occasion’s significance.

As the video unfolds, we see an emotional hug between Joe and his 15-year-old daughter, Nong Cream. She hugs Joe tightly. Joe _______ the hug with a smile, planting a kiss on Cream’s forehead and _______ smoothing her hair.

Joe, also known as “Teacher Joe”, is a proud PE instructor at his daughter’s school. He shared his _______ for this beautiful act: “When the school organizes Mother’s Day activities, I don’t want my child to have an inferiority complex (自卑感). Personally, I’m not _______ because I love my child.” His pride in his daughter shines through, proving his _______ to single dad parenting. Joe __________ what could have been a(n) __________day into a permanently precious memory through his heartfelt __________.

Cream responded, “I don’t feel embarrassed. This year’s Mother’s Day, I want to say I love my father. I’m __________ to my dad for __________ me and making me happy.” Their bond, __________ by Joe’s love, develops into a story about courage, acceptance and unbreakable connections.

A.stayed upB.dressed upC.woke upD.grew up
2024-04-12更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省五莲天立学校2021-2022学年高二英语下学期阶段性模拟考试英语
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

3 . The scent of hot bread drifting from the shops along the Street of Flour was sweeter than any perfume Arya had ever smelled. She took a deep breath and stepped closer to the pigeon. It was a plump one, speckled brown, busily pecking at a crust that had fallen between two cobblestones, but when Arya’s shadow touched it, it took to the air.

Her stick sword whistled out and caught it two feet off the ground, and it went down in a flurry of brown feathers. She was on it in the blink of an eye, grabbing a wing as the pigeon flapped and fluttered. It pecked at her hand. She grabbed its neck and twisted until she felt the bone snap.

Compared with catching cats, pigeons were easy.

She tied the pigeon to her belt and started down the street. A man was pushing a load of tarts by on a two-wheeled cart; the smells sang of blueberries and lemons and apricots. Her stomach made a hollow rumbly noise. “Could I have one?” she heard herself say. “A lemon, or…or any kind.”

The pushcart man looked her up and down. Plainly he did not like what he saw. “Three coppers.”

Arya tapped her wooden sword against the side of her boot. “I’ll trade you a fat pigeon,” she said.

“The Others take your pigeon,” the pushcart man said.

The tarts were still warm from the oven. The smells were making her mouth water, but she did not have three coppers... or one. She gave the pushcart man a look, remembering what Syrio had told her about seeing. He was short, with a little round belly, and when he moved he seemed favor his left leg a little. She was just thinking that if she snatched a tart and ran he would never be able to catch her when he said, “You be keeping your filthy hands off. The gold cloaks know how to deal with thieving little gutter rats, that they do.”

Arya glanced warily behind her. Two of the City Watch were standing at the mouth of an alley. Their cloaks hung almost to the ground, the heavy wool dyed a rich gold; their mail and boots and gloves were black. One wore a long sword at his hip, the other an iron cudgel. With a last wistful glance at the tarts, Arya edged back from the cart and hurried off. The gold cloaks had not been paying her any special attention, but the sight of them tied her stomach in knots. Arya had been staying as far from the castle as she could get, yet even from a distance she could see the heads rotting atop the high red walls. Flocks of crows squabbled noisily over each head, thick as flies. The talk in Flea Bottom was that the gold cloaks had associated themselves with the Lannisters, their commander raised to a lord, with lands on the Trident and a seat on the king’s council.

1. The story is set in a place where ______.
A.people raised pigeonsB.only privileged people lived
C.people sold and bought foodD.the watchmen received training
2. In depicting the inviting smell of the tarts, the writer used ______.
C.personification (拟人)D.rhetoric rhyme
3. What is the key meaning of the underlined word “seeing” in the context?
A.Remembering people’s appearance so that you can recognize them.
B.Perceiving people’s intention so that you can properly talk to them.
C.Understanding people’s living conditions so that you can help them.
D.Knowing people’ strengths and weaknesses so that you can beat them
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Arya was more hunger than terrified in the story.
B.The Lannisters was a big enemy of the gold cloaks.
C.The atmosphere of the castle was agreeable and welcome.
D.The authority treated the executed people’s dead bodies in a cruel way.
2024-04-09更新 | 101次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省南京外国语学校2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Tomato Changed My Life

Doing things-without being planned was never my strength.

As a 14-year-old, I would refuse to go for walks around the block with my friends if I was the least bit behind in my schoolwork.

Unlike most teenagers, I lived not in my room, but in an unused kitchen upstairs where I spread my books and papers on a large round table. I spent considerable time there, working continuously for hours, and my mother worried. She would try to lure (引诱) me away. “Come and watch the parade!” she would call from downstairs. “All neighbors are out there!” She thought of all kinds of tricks-the swimming pool, ice cream, stray cats and turtles-to remove me from my -studies, but nothing ever worked.

Later, in college, the pattern continued. The library and my college dorm replaced the unused kitchen at home. When spring came along friends would stop by my dorm or peer into my library room to persuade me to play Frisbee on the lawn. “No, I would almost always say.” I have too much to do.

My college study days were gone, but not my need and love for schedules. My friends and sisters tried to keep me away from my plans, but they were hardly ever successful.

This summer, though, while house sitting for my parents, I was persuaded to change my plans in the most unexpected way. The sight of tomatoes growing in my mother’s garden lured me out of my tightly scheduled world. They drew me with the power of a lover’s gaze. Hundreds of them were turning ripe and red by the minute, decorating the garden like decorations on a Christmas tree.

“If I have time, I’ll make tomato sauce (番茄酱).” I told myself. But my long week in the house by myself was already filled with things to do: writing, and finishing a project that I brought home from the office.

Then, watching the fascinating tomatoes continuously falling to the ground in ever-greater numbers, again I mentally argued about all the things I had planned and needed to do.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Finally, I gave in.
A month later, my parents came back.
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了澳大利亚一位名叫Jessica Miles的12岁女孩因附近发生的森林大火而感到担忧,她提议在当地制作一座雕塑来向消防员致敬。Jessica联系了当地的雕塑活动组织,并得到了积极的回应。最终,一座名为“Frankie Firefighter”的雕塑在Jessica的建议下制作完成,以表彰消防员的勇敢。

5 . In January when wildfires came within a kilometer of her home, Jessica Miles found herself reflecting on the bravery of firefighters in the Port Macquarie area.

Jessica said the tires had been frightening. “There were helicopters (直升机) flying around our house and smoke everywhere,” she said. Over a family dinner, the 12-year-old girl raised the idea of building a sculpture to honor the men and women on the wildfire front line and was greeted with support.

With artwork from the Hello Koalas Sculpture Trail on their doorstep, Jessica’s mother suggested she contact the organizers of the trail with her idea. In a message to Hello Koalas through a Facebook post. Jessica wrote: “I’ve recently thought of an idea as Australia has been facing disaster lately... The firefighters have risked their life and time to protect us. In recognition of their bravery, I wanted so share an idea I had about making a koala (考拉) in honor of the firefighters and to spread hope to Australia.”

Hello Koalas director Margret Meagher said while she had thought about creating a sculpture to honor Australia’s selfless and heroic firefighters in the past, Jessica’s message made her more determined than ever to make it happen. Having been involved in the Rural Fire Service (RFS), Ms. Meacher was also personally touched by summer’s wildfires: “So I really wanted to celebrate the local men and women who fought bravely to protect our community and to recognize all firefighters in Australia.” Ms. Meagher said.

Jessica, who is passionate about the environment and animals said she had been excited to receive such a positive response to her idea including her suggestion “it could have the RFS badge (章) painted on the koala or it could have a fireman’s jacket.” The new sculpture, Frankie Firefighter, created by artist Kim Staples, was unveiled (揭幕) this week and features both Jessica’s ideas.

1. What did Jessica’s mother advise her to do?
A.Send greetings to firefighters.B.Put her artwork on their doorstep.
C.Build a sculpture to honor firefighters.D.Seek help from Hello Koalas to apply her idea.
2. What finally drove Ms. Meagher to create a firefighter sculpture?
A.Firefighters heroic stories.B.Her involvement in RFS.
C.Jessica’s Facebook post.D.Her own past thoughts.
3. What do we know about the sculpture Frankie Firefighter?
A.It wears a badge donated by a fireman.B.It draws inspiration from Kim Staples.
C.It is contrary to Jessica’s expectations.D.It is a koala in a fireman’s jacket.
2024-03-29更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第六十六中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . When Chase Bailey was found to have autism (自闭症) at 2, his mother Mary Bailey feared he’d never enjoy a typical life. Indeed, he hasn’t. Occupied with appearances with famous people and hosting his own cooking show, Chase’s life is anything but typical. During the past years, the teenager has cooked noodles with food master Roy Choi and baked cookies for guests at a celebration in Los Angeles.

The days when Chase would eat nothing but pizza, chicken, French fries, and chocolate chip cookies almost seem like a distant memory. For him to go from that to cooking and eating all kinds of different things is pretty astonishing.

After the diagnosis (诊断) of Chase’s disease, friends prepared Mary for the worst: He’d never be able to have a job, never learn to socialize, and never be independent. Like many autistic patients, the sight, smell, feel and taste of almost everything on Chase’s plate tipped him over the edge.

However, when he watched cooking shows with his grandfather, he became addicted to seeing people enjoy what they were eating and started asking to try some of the food on the shows. Two years later, he recorded the first episode (集) of “Chase N Yur Face” with the help of his mother, which they posted on social media. The show quickly caught the attention of autism groups. Chase started reaching out to chefs he admired by email to invite them to tape episodes with him.

In the show which has more than 30 episodes, a confident Chase cooks everything from cupcakes to roasted meats. It has harvested tens of thousands of views. He dreams of one day seeing his show on television and wants to open his own restaurant. He hopes his experience can help others with autism. “Don’t be afraid to be yourself,” he said.

1. How is Chase’s life?
A.It is a typical one.B.It is full of bitter experiences.
C.It is like other autistic kids’.D.It is beyond his mom’s expectations.
2. What does the underlined part in paragraph 3 indicate?
A.Food was appealing to Chase.B.Food on Chase’s plate tasted bad.
C.Chase had no appetite for most food.D.Chase wanted to cook himself.
3. Where did Chase get the inspiration to learn to cook?
A.From autism groups.B.From his grandfather.
C.From food masters.D.From cooking programs.
4. Which is the best title of the text?
A.Food Changed Chase’s Life
B.Cooking Is a Treatment for Autism
C.A Cooking Show Cures an Autistic Teenager
D.Chase Turns Food Fear into Love of Cooking
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I used to be crazy about the hunting season. I could hardly wait for those dry, cold mornings, that cup of hot coffee and then the walk over fresh-fallen snow, a fine rifle (步枪) in my hand.

There’s a thrill in hunting, an excitement that comes over you when a deer crashes out of the bush. You are waiting for him with death. After hunting, you also feel great. There’s the bit of showing off with the boys.

There’s beauty in the woods especially late in the fall. Sometimes you walk among the huge trees, where the sunlight filters through. It’s quiet and big. with touches of white and green and gold. And the silence is like that of a church.

It was like that the last time I was in the woods. I was alone, packing a rifle, a thermos (保温杯) of coffee and three thick sandwiches. I went up into the hills, heading for a well-used deer trail. Sure enough there were fresh tracks in the snow. I turned over a few rocks to clear the snow and settled down behind a little bush. It was pretty cold, but I was dressed for it and didn’t mind.

I sat there for about an hour. It was then that I saw him. A deer, a big beautiful deer! He was off to my left. There was no cover nearer to him than 30 yards. Surely, I couldn’t miss! I waited for him to realize I was there. I waited for him to be shocked and run away. But he fooled me completely. He came towards me! He was curious, I suppose, or maybe he was stupid — how else can you explain it?

He was not quite young. He must have known about men and guns. But he came closer, slowly and purpose fully. His big eyes never moved from my face. Well, that deer walked right up to where I was sitting. Then he stopped and looked at me!


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1:

What happened next is hard to believe, but it’s true.


Paragraph 2:

I picked up my thermos and the wrapping for the sandwiches, and started walking back.


2024-03-24更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市第五高级、南京航天航空大学附属中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中联考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。主要讲述了六岁的Harper Gage尽管有听力损失,但依然参加赛车比赛的故事。强调了Harper的毅力和决心,展示她不让听力损失对自己造成任何劣势,并且追求自己的梦想。

8 . Six-year-old Harper Gage is already a race car driver and she races in a small car called a go-kart getting started.

In December, Harper took part in the World Karting Association’s national tournament and raced against other kids of her age.

She was sixth out of 17 racers near the end of the race. However, her first season as a racer did not end the way she planned. The motor stopped with only two laps left. “She’s pretty bummed,” Harper’s mother said after the race. “But we are so proud of her.”

Harper started racing go-karts around one year ago. At first, Gage wasn’t sure if her daughter should race. To help, Harper wears hearing aids. But her hearing aids don’t fit under her race helmet, so she races without them. Without the hearing aids, sound is muffled or muted.

Harper doesn’t think hearing loss puts her at a disadvantage. She said having perfect hearing would help, but it was not needed if she used her eyes. “She’s always looking back,” her father said.

Born With Hearing Loss

Harper was 4 months old when she was diagnosed with hearing loss. Ears have three bones that send sound vibrations to the brain. Harper is missing one of those bones in each ear. Her parents were worried at first as they weren’t sure what it would mean for their only child.

Today, Harper wears a hearing device, tiny metal transmitters sit behind her ears. They take the place of the missing bones and send vibrations to the brain.

“I Want To Drive Fast”

Harper would like to be a pro race car driver one day, but for now, she has other plans. When asked about her goals, Harper shyly giggled and said, “I want to drive fast.”

1. Why did Harper feel bummed after her December race?
A.She had to race against older kids.
B.She made poor decisions in the race.
C.Her go-kart’s motor stopped during the race.
D.She only ranked sixth near the end of the race.
2. How did the helmet affect Harper’s hearing aids?
A.It made her unable to hear other racers.
B.The hearing aids did not fit under her helmet.
C.The helmet made the hearing aids not work as well.
D.It made Harper feel uncomfortable during her racing.
3. Which of the following best shows Harper’s personality?
A.“She’s always looking back,” her father said.
B.Harper started racing go-karts around one year ago.
C.She was sixth-out of 17 racers near the end of the race.
D.Harper doesn’t think hearing loss puts her at a disadvantage.
4. What is the article mainly about?
A.Six-year-old Harper wants to be a professional auto racer.
B.Six-year-old Harper races go-karts despite her hearing loss.
C.Six-year-old Harper is the youngest racer at national tournaments.
D.Six-year-old Harper races go-karts with the support of hearing aid.
2024-03-24更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市第五高级、南京航天航空大学附属中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中联考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了麦当劳创始人Ray Kroc创造麦当劳并取得成功的故事。

9 . How do you create a restaurant business and become an overnight success at the age of 52?As Ray Kroc said, “I was an overnight success alright, but 30 years is a long, long night.” As the builder of the McDonald’s hamburger empire, he helped change America’s eating habits, as well as its nature of business by standardizing operations in the fiercely competitive fast-food industry.

But not many know how this entrepreneurial (创业的) success story came to be. Kroc was not a chef or a restaurateur. He never even went to college. For over three decades, he held a variety of jobs, from piano player to salesman of paper cups and multiple milkshake machines. “The two most important requirements for major success are, first, being in the right place at the right time and, second, doing something about it.” So said Kroc.

And in 1954, he was in the right place at the right time, and he did something about it. The salesman was surprised by a huge order for eight multi-mixers (多用搅拌机) from a hamburger stand in California. There he found a small but successful restaurant run by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald,   and was amazed by the effectiveness of their operation. They produced a limited menu, concentrating on just a few items-burgers, fries and beverages-which allowed them to focus on quality at every step of production.

The brothers were looking for a new franchisee (特许经营者) and Kroc saw an opportunity. He pitched (推销) his vision of creating McDonald’s restaurants all over the US to them. In 1955 he founded the McDonald’s Corporation, and six years later bought the exclusive rights to the McDonald’s name and operating system. By 1958, McDonald’s had sold its 100 millionth hamburger.

Kroc wanted to build a restaurant system that would be famous for providing food of consistently high quality and uniform methods of preparation. He wanted to serve burgers, fries and beverages that tasted just the same in Alaska as they did in Alabama.

To achieve this, Kroc chose a unique path: persuading both franchisees and suppliers to buy into his vision, working not for McDonald’s, but for themselves, together with McDonald’s. He promoted the slogan, “In business for yourself, but not by yourself.” His philosophy was based on the simple principle of a three- legged stool: one leg was McDonald’s franchisees; the second, McDonald’s suppliers; and the third, McDonald’s employees.

Kroc believed in the entrepreneurial spirit, and rewarded his franchisees for their individual creativity. Many of McDonald’s most famous menu items — like the Filet-O-Fish, Big Mac, and Egg McMuffin — were created by franchisees.

1. From the passage we know        .
A.Ray Kroc was born with a talent of running businesses
B.Ray Kroc borrowed his business idea from others
C.McDonald’s Corporation was started by two brothers
D.McDonald’s Corporation succeeded for its unique philosophy
2. Thanks to the slogan “in business for yourself, but not by yourself”,        .
A.Kroc formed the three legs of McDonald’s
B.many suppliers created new ways of making burgers
C.franchisees began to stick to a limited menu
D.employees would work hard for McDonald’s and for themselves
3. Which of the following can we say about Ray Kroc according to this passage?
A.Lucky and creative.B.Devoted but simple-minded.
C.Independent and far-sightedD.Cooperative but strict.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The cooperation of Kroc and two brothers.
B.The contribution of McDonald’s to the US food industry.
C.The requirements for a successful fast-food chain.
D.The story of an entrepreneurial success.
2024-03-19更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市江宁高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期四月月考英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者的第一个孩子Brendan出生时,他的教父送了他一棵榆树,作者和家人将他种在院子里,后来作者将房子卖给了Gillian夫妇,接下来的37年,当作者及家人在旅行时都会忍不住开车经过 棵树那里.后来那棵树被移走了,但多年后作者收到了Gillian的朋友送来的礼物,用那棵榆树雕的碗,收到这样的礼物作者感到很开心。

10 . When our first son Brendan was born in Sydney in 1966, we planted a golden elm tree in our front yard.It and Brendan _________ together and when we _________ the house, eight years later, the tree branched (长出枝条) out over our heads. We were _________ we had to leave it behind when we moved to New South Wales.

A young couple bought our home and were _________ it.Over the next 37 years, when travelling to Sydney, my family _________ couldn’t help stopping to see the tree. With time, the golden elm grew more beautiful.The owners still loved the home and seemed not to _________ at all that we didn't completely leave them alone.

Recently on the way to Sydney, my husband _________ to see how the house and the owners were getting on. It had been about ten years since we had last _________ and the tree had been removed some years earlier._________, the owner, Gillian, suggested she would contact (联系) us some time in the future, so my husband gave her our ____________.

When I heard about her ____________ message, I wondered what she meant. One day in December, we had a phone call from Gillian. She wanted to drop something in to us for our ____________. I told Brendan that there was a mysterious gift being ____________ for him that day, so it was indeed ____________ when Gillian handed him a package containing two carved wooden bowls. Gillian had asked a local woodworking company to make the ____________ from a piece of the trunk of the golden elm, which she had ____________ several years earlier. My husband’s ____________ had driven her to follow through with her idea.

What a pleasure it was to ____________ that package. We were ____________ by her thoughtfulness (体贴), and amazed that her long­term plan actually did ____________.

A.proud ofB.polite toC.worried toD.delighted with
A.phoneB..       bowlsC.branchesD.package
A.endB.fall throughC.formD.come true
2024-03-12更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省开平市风采华侨中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般