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1 . Several years ago, Cindy and her kids noticed that two robins (知更鸟) had built a nest in one of their trees. As they paid attention to the robins’ _________ they realized there were eggs in the nest.

Soon four baby birds hatched. Cindy and her kids took _________ of the baby birds. They loved to watch them and would check on their condition _________.

Then one day as Cindy was _________ clothes in one of the kids’ rooms—she saw something she’d never seen before or since. More than a dozen birds were flying around the tree with the robins’ nest. Cindy _________ out to see what the trouble was and saw all different types of birds were _________ the tree. Instinctively, Cindy ran to _________ the baby birds and what she found was _________.

The birds were dive-bombing (俯冲攻击) the tree because a snake had _________ itself around the tree and was trying to get to the baby robins. The birds were doing everything they could to __________ the baby birds.

Cindy thought quickly and took a __________ and used it to pull the snake off the tree. It slid away and when Cindy eventually __________, all of the birds were sitting on the branches of the tree looking at her as if to say thank you. Then they flew away.

There is something remarkable that happens when we have a __________ cause. When we have a common __________, just like the birds, we forget our __________. We begin to work together and focus on common objectives and we fight for our cause.

A.settled downB.gave inC.turned aroundD.cheered up
2021-08-22更新 | 133次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 1 单元复习卷-2021-2022学年高二英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第二册
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . “Oh boys, don’t throw stones at the poor bird,” said an old grey-headed man.

“Sir,” said a little fellow, “she makes such a loud noise that we can’t suffer from her.”

“Yes, but she uses the voice which nature gave her, and I am afraid the stone will rebound(弹回), and hurt you as long as you live!”

“Rebound! We don’t understand you, sir!”

“Well, come and I will tell you a story.”

“Is it a true story?”

“Yes, every word is true.”

“Fifty years ago, I was a boy like you. I used to throw stones very accurately.” 

“One day I went to work for an old couple. They were very kind to everybody and everything. Few had so many birds making their nests under the roofs of their houses. The birds seemed to love the couple. For seven years a bird had come, after the long winter was over, and built her nest in the same place, and raised her young chicks there. She and her mate had just returned when I went there to work, and the couple welcomed them heartily.”

“During the day, I thought I would try my skill upon her. She sat on a pole and looked at me trustfully. I found a nice stone, and I threw it with my utmost skill. It struck the bird on the head and she dropped dead!”

“I said nothing to the old couple about it. But one of their grandchildren told them what I had done. I could never look at them in the face afterwards. Oh, that I should have told them how sorry I was!”

“They have been dead many years, and so has the poor bird; but don’t you see how that stone rebounded, and hit me? How much the memory of it has hurt me! My dear boys, I would pay a great deal today if I could undo what I did!

“For fifty years I have remembered it. I have never spoken of it before, but if what my words will prevent you from throwing a stone that may rebound, I will be happy.”

The boys at once dropped the stones they had in their hands, and the bird had no more trouble from them.

1. Why did the boy throw stones at the bird?
A.Because she was too noisy to the boy.
B.Because she had a voice nature gave her.
C.Because the stone always rebounded to the boy.
D.Because the boy wanted the old man to tell him a story.
2. For many years after the old man killed the bird, he felt________.
3. The old man told the boy his story in order to________.
A.make fun of himB.educate him with a life lesson
C.drive him away from birdsD.remind him not to play with stones
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The stone that rebounds.B.The boy that throws stones.
C.The birds that sing well.D.The old man that tells stories.
2021-07-31更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省常州市2020-2021学年高一下学期期中统考英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . John lived in a beautiful home with his parents. One day, his father found him _________ and asked if something was wrong. John said sadly, “I have so many _________ in life, which cause me unhappy.”

John’s father patiently listened to him. Then he brought a bowl and placed a potato, an egg and some coffee beans (豆) in it. He asked John to _________ the things in the bowl, and tell what he felt about them. John described _________ he felt about each of them after touching.

The father smiled and asked John to place them all in three different bowls and pour _________ in them. He then boiled them all. After a few minutes, he father _________ the stove and put all the bowls on the counter to _________ them down.

Ten minutes later, John’s father let John touch them _________ and feel the egg, potato, and coffee beans. John had a _________ answer this time. And he said, the potato’s skin was easier to peel (剥皮) as it had turned very __________ , the egg had hardened, and there was a fresh pleasant coffee smell coming from the __________.

Hearing these words, his father __________ and told him how the potato, egg, and coffee beans reacted to unfavorable (相反的) __________ . The potato had become soft, the egg had turned very __________, and the coffee beans had changed their form __________ during their testing time in the boiling water.

A.turned onB.turned inC.turned offD.turned to
A.by mistakeB.no moreC.no longerD.once again
完形填空(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . You can learn a lot sitting in a parking lot. One day, I was sitting in my car with my son waiting for my wife who was in the _________. I would look up and _________what was going on outside. Then, I noticed a brand new bright red car park next to my car. A well-dressed woman stepped out of it. She looked _________with a serious look and her eyes were hidden behind sunglasses. I watched her as she headed for the same supermarket and _________what her life was like.

After a while, a truck parked on the other side of the red car. It _________ of burning oil and probably didn’t have many months of life left in its engine. A young mother with four little girls got out. All were dressed in _________ clothes that were most probably _________ at the second-hand store. She gathered them together and headed for the store, laughing and talking all the way.

A while later, I saw the well-dressed lady come out, _________ a shopping cart with several bags of items in it. She put them in the car and drove away quickly. Her eyes were still _________ and there was still a frown (皱眉) on her face. About thirty minutes later, the mother came back with her girls. They had a week’s __________ of groceries in their cart. After putting everything into the truck, the mother took out two __________, broke both in half, and gave each girl a half. They smiled as if the cookies were the most__________ gift in the world.

As they __________, I thought about the two women. I __________ knew who had more money, but I wasn’t sure who really owned more. Actually, there are many kinds of __________, but the most valuable is love. The truth is that one who loves the most, also learns the most, lives the most, gives the most, and grows the most in this life. And the more you share, the more you get.

A.drove awayB.turned upC.pulled inD.came over
2021-07-10更新 | 115次组卷 | 3卷引用:2021年秋季高三英语开学摸底考试卷 (含听力)03(江苏专用)
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Although I love baking, I’m afraid of working with dough (面团). Having gained some ______ while cooking regularly during lockdown, I decided to quit my ______ and bake quiche (乳蛋糕). Usually my mother would do the job, but it was time to ______ her apron strings (围裙带). When my spinach and mushroom quiche ______, it looked unattractive, but its taste brought back decades-old ______ of sneaking into the fridge to break off pieces of buttery crust, crumbs (碎屑) on the floor betraying my attempt to look ______ the next morning. It made me realize the ______ of cooking beyond mere survival.

Cooking for ______ is relaxing, but cook every day and you realize the organization, preparation and efficiency required. From ______ cooking one item at a time, I have advanced with varying degrees of ______ to multitasking. I was delighted to put a bunch of fenugreek leaves in different dishes for ______. Fenugreek is one of the most consumed vegetables in India.

It made its way into a dough, a vegetable dish with potatoes and an omelet.

To ______ with our hands is deeply satisfying. It’s ______ to microwave or order in food with a click of a button. But to buy your ingredients, store them, cut and chop, knead and stir—each part of the process is a(n) ______ in patience and creativity as a recipe can only guide you so far. It is a(n) ______ moment when your banana bread turns out just right after one hour of baking.

A.have power overB.make room forC.make fun ofD.let go of
A.held outB.broke outC.came outD.set out
2021-07-02更新 | 133次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省泰州中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . We visited Rome for the first time a few years ago, and my memories aren't ones of buildings, statues, or even the food. It's the selfie-sticks (自拍杆)-being sold on every street corner, and being put to use everywhere we went. When traveling, people were photographing themselves, often without bothering to look at all the beauty behind them.

Research shows that we're distracted by photography. When we take pictures, we may improve our chances of remembering the facts, like where we were or what we ate. But we miss out on other details, and don't see the “big picture” because we're too focused on the small picture on our screen. What's more, if we rely on photographs to store our experiences, we spend less time practising the act of remembering. And by not stretching our recall muscles regularly, we don't strengthen particular memories.

As a result, we may end up with very shallow records of the past. And that's especially true if we're always photographing ourselves. Selfies reveal little about the “big picture”-what's happening around us, or how we were really feeling at the time.

So take photographs to remind you of key details, to be creative, and to show to family and friends. But get into the habit of capturing experiences with your mind too. Consciously take in everything around you. Use all your senses, not just your eyes. Be aware of your thoughts and feelings, too.

It’s a great habit to get into. You'll experience more if you're not fussing with(瞎忙一气)your phone. You'll create more durable memories by returning to the photos again and again. You'll also be exercising your brain, which is the best way to keep it working well for everything. And in the process, I bet you'll discover that your memory is by far the most interesting lens(透镜)through which to look back at your past.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To show the author’s travel experience.
B.To strengthen the author's trip memories.
C.To introduce the topic of the passage.
D.To arouse readers interest in travelling.
2. The photographic memory of the past is shallow mainly because_
A.we focus on remembering facts
B.we are busy in taking pictures
C.we ignore the “big picture”
D.we don’t practise remembering
3. What does the word “it” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.Capturing experiences with your mind and camera.
B.Using the selfie-sticks to take pictures in the trip.
C.Relying on photographs to store trip experiences.
D.Taking in everything around you with the camera.
4. In which section of a magazine will the passage possibly appear?
A.Fun & Games
B.Health & Life
C.Fashion & Beauty
D.Technique & Technology
2021-07-02更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省徐州市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . We're told that an ordinary life is a boring life. To live life fully, we need to do something different, something special.     1     If we all did something extraordinary, it wouldn't be extraordinary any more. Therefore, most of us have to live ordinary lives. Why should we stop trying to be extraordinary?

● Ordinary doesn't have to be boring

Even the daily routine (常规)doesn’t have to be boring. Sometimes the ordinary things can make us happy. Finding meaningful work or improving our skills can create a deeply full life, even if it isn't   "special”.    2    

● An extraordinary life doesn't stay extraordinary for long

If we try to have an extraordinary life, how do we keep it extraordinary?     3     And it works against us when we seek something new. Even the most exciting adventures soon become the new normal.

    4       .

Many of us feel that a meaningful life has to be an extraordinary life. However, meaning and ordinary are not quite opposite to each other. We need to feel that we are making a difference, but that difference doesn't matter.

● We don't need to be the best

Closely linked to our desire to be special is our desire to be the best. We feel that we won't be noticed or appreciated unless we are better than everyone else.     5     The truth is that we don't need to be the best anything. We just need to always be getting better.

A.We don't need to be special to find meaning.
B.A meaningful life can't be easily found in reality.
C.We needn't do something different to have a good life.
D.However, the problem is that we can't all be extraordinary.
E.We're encouraged to constantly fight against others to "win”.
F.Humans are unbelievably good at adapting to new situations.
G.However, most people believe that to be ordinary is extraordinary.
2021-07-01更新 | 205次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省连云港市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末调研考试英语试题
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . In such a lesser-known wildlife reserve, there were no other guests except me. Somehow that night, festivities with the staff reached a point where it seemed a good idea to go for a ________. So we ran down to the river and dived into it. What ________ me the next day, as I had a much-needed coffee overlooking the river, was seeing a large croc (鳄鱼) moving past the very ________ spot. Some people need a bit of ________ to get themselves going, while others willingly throw themselves into potentially ________ situations, and come out the other side transformed.

Walking in the wild can do that. Riding wild rivers, too. Once you take that first step onto ground ________ with the tracks of wild beasts, or put your paddle (浆) into a fast-flowing river for the first time, you cross a divide into a world of ________. Your senses are heightened, your vision sharpens and your ears tune in. It’s what our wild ancestors ________ on a daily basis. So we return to seek out that thrill (刺激), to ________ our domestic lives and remind ourselves what it is to live.

There are ________ for everyone. Some dip their toe in, and some fully commit. Either way, people take that step to immerse (融入) themselves in the world. Recently, three unrelated groups of ________ did just that: walking hundreds of kilometres among dangerous beasts, through wildlife reserves over as many as 21 days. Can it get any ________? There are also kayakers (划皮艇的人) who flew down ________ rivers, showing us that, for all the thrills, it’s the ________ aspects that they enjoy most, those trips where they sleep riverside, beneath the stars.

Their goal was to draw attention to the effect of the pandemic on local communities and conservation and they ________ caught our attention.

2021-07-01更新 | 246次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省天一中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 请阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to earn money in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me. They don't act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV. In their opinion, “I love you” is too luxurious for them to say. Sending flowers to each other on Valentine's Day is even more out of the question. Finally, my father has a bad temper. When he's very tired from the hard work, it is easy for him to lose his temper.

One day my mother was sewing a quilt. I silently sat down beside her and looked at her.

“Mom, I have a question to ask you,”I said after a while.

“What?” she replied, still doing her work.

“Is there love between you and dad?” I asked her in a very low voice.

My mother stopped her work and raised her head with surprise in her eyes. She did not answer immediately. Then she bowed her head and continued to sew the quilt.

I was very worried because I thought I had hurt her. I was in a great embarrassment and I did not know what I should do. But at last I heard my mother say the following words.

“Susan,” she said thoughtfully, “Look at these thread. Sometimes it appears but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes them quite strong and durable (持久的)。If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it's really there. Love is inside.

Paragraph 1:

I listened carefully but I couldn't understand her until the next spring when my father suddenly got sick seriously.

Paragraph 2:

The doctor had said my father would recover in two months.

2021-06-28更新 | 957次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省无锡市普通高中2020-2021学年高二下学期期末教学质量抽测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Nobody     1    (like) to lose, but we must accept that losing is part of life. After all, we can’t win all the time. Although losing is     2    (please), it can be a positive thing. We can learn from every failure, which may help us succeed in the future. But first we must know     3     to be a good loser.

For one thing, we should take a positive attitude     4     it. We can begin by realizing that losing is sometimes unavoidable. Therefore, we don’t need to be     5    (embarrass). We must correct our mistakes and try again.     6     is known to all, practice makes perfect. If we practise losing by creating challenges for     7    (we), we will never be afraid of failure. For another, we should be gracious when we lose. If we offer our     8    (congratulate) to the winner and share in his or her happiness, our disappointment will     9    (definite) fade.

In conclusion, being a good loser will help us to succeed in life. It might be painful at first,     10     there are many benefits. Good losers are respected and admired and, most importantly, they win in the end.

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