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语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

It was an unforgettable night. The noisy Mexico City gradually calmed down. The main Olympic stadium was in     1     (dark).

After he finished his work, Greenspan,     2       world famous documentary producer, found the stadium empty. He was leaving for the hotel     3     he suddenly saw a man running into the stadium. The man fell down on the ground after getting to the destination     4     (eventual).

Out of curiosity, Greenspan went over to ask why the athlete ran to the end with such difficulty. The young man     5     (reply), ”My country sent me here not to let me start off a race in the competition, but to make me complete the game. I have been left behind but I have a goal     6     all the other runners: I will run to the end. And     7     is my motherland that gives me the power to move on.“

Deeply     8     (move)by what he said, Greenspan spread the most touching scene in the history of the Olympic Games to every comer of the world.

Life should have a dream of     9     (reach)the peak, yet the mast important is whether we have made the     10     (great)efforts—to reach the goal in the mind is a success.

2022-12-15更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市第十五中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . It has been an unwritten rule that those who become 30 years old must have already been in a stable (稳定的) place. _________, they might be considered a failure.

I am turning 30 tomorrow and I ask myself, “Should I _________ this deadline?” I am still renting an apartment, and living alone. This seems far from _________ for most, but it looks nice to me.

When I graduated years ago, I _________ worked as a journalist because I had been dreaming of writing stories for the _________ since childhood, and I thought I would stick to it forever. But as time flies, I realize that it will be unwise to _________ myself to just one path. Therefore, I decide to start my another pursuit—studying law.

Was I _________ before? No. I have learned that there is no single formula (公式) for _________ and happiness. Our lives are filled with _________ possibilities. While I really love my current career, I have also been interested in being a __________. So why should I __________ the dream to the end just because I am 30 already?

Turning 30 can also be a chance to do whatever you like. You needn’t care about how others will __________ your decisions. The most important part is that you are just being yourself and __________ it. Turning 30 is just like any other birthday. Stop feeling __________ about your age and try to __________ all the opportunities and surprises that life throws on your way.

A.look forB.think aboutC.make up forD.hold on to
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Forgiveness is the most important tool humans have been blessed with. Because, with it, we can let go of unnecessary burdens and truly own our lives. And by doing that, you maybe make a friend. That was a lesson an eleven-year-old boy taught me when I was in my eighth grade.

When I was in the fifth grade, there was a boy in my class named Kyle. He was big and strong. Maybe he was kind inside. Maybe he was just good at pretending in face of adults. I said so because I happened to see him helping an old man who was so grateful that he couldn’t stop saying thanks to him.

However, to the children of his age, he was the meanest person I had ever met. For the first couple days of school, Kyle and I sat across from each other. Once, he secretly reached his legs across the table and slammed (猛踩) his shoe clown on mine, causing a rapid rush of pain. I stared at him angrily, but he just made faces to me. I chose to ignore him. I didn’t want to get involved into trouble because I was anxious to leave to see my brother. He suffered from a strange disease. Despite the fact that he was slow and had special needs, I loved him and couldn’t stand others laughing at him.

Kyle’s bullying (欺凌) went on. Eventually, I told a teacher, and my seat was moved. But Kyle’s abuse didn’t stop. He continued to call me names, such as “stupid”. His words were quite embarrassing to an eleven-year-old girl. He as continued to physically hurt me. In “morning meeting” he once stepped on my foot so hard that I burst into tears. This continued for most of the school year.

Kyle also bullied my friend Megan. At one point she ran out of the classroom because he copied her nonstop. Both of us were absolutely painful. And despite meetings with teachers and guidance counselors, nothing changed. We had a large class of noisy boys, and the teacher had a hard time keeping order.


The climax (高潮) of Kyle’s bad behavior occurred in mid-May.


He apologized to me, promising he would never laugh at my brother.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者通过介绍自己的老师Miss Marquis对自己的影响,认为一个好的老师应该要做到尊重和鼓励学生。

4 . Miss Marquis was my mentor (导师) when I was 12 and she’s my mentor now as a teacher.

My family moved to the UK from Saudi Arabia in 2017. When I started school there, I didn’t have a great understanding of the English language. Thankfully, I had an amazing teacher called Miss Marquis who helped me get through it. She pushed me all the way and gave me the right guidance.

During my teacher training with ARK, I was given a place at Globe Academy in London as a math teacher. When I saw the head of the English department was Miss Marquis, my jaw (下巴) dropped. It was unbelievable.

I still can’t call her by her first name. The respect I have for her is still there. In one of the lessons I observed she was reading the same book we used in our GCSEs and it took me back to the days when I was being taught by her. You knew you could go to her and share your problems. At the same time, you would never mess about in her lesson. Misbehaving was simply not done.

My aim as a teacher is affected by her. Teaching is about the mark you make on other people’s lives. I’ve worked in a few different schools during my training but I chose ARK because it gives opportunities to children who may not be from wealthy backgrounds. I am trying to have an impact on these people.

It doesn’t matter how many books you read, and nothing can prepare you for your first lesson. I have read all the theories about how to manage behavior but a lot of them just go out of my head when I walk into the classroom because they’re not robots. They’re all unique individuals and you can’t control them. You need to put the work in and build relationships with the students.

1. When did the author get to know Miss Marquis?
A.When he began school in a totally new place.
B.When he worked as a guide at an English school.
C.When he experienced difficult situations in ARK.
D.When he arrived in Saudi Arabia with his family.
2. What was the author’s reaction upon seeing Miss Marquis at ARK?
3. Which of the following best describes Miss Marquis?
A.Cold and selfish.B.Kind but strict.
C.Gentle but careless.D.Energetic and friendly.
4. What should a good teacher do according to the author?
A.To be devoted to his/her teaching career.
B.To be equipped with enough knowledge.
C.To respect and encourage his/her students.
D.To be well prepared for his/her first lesson.
2022-11-03更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邢台市六校联考2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Driving on the mountain road where I live can be both a delight and an adventure. Yet, you should also watch for deer and squirrels _______ the road as well as fallen trees and rocks that may break loose from and _______down the side of the hill.

I _______ upon one big rock just the other day. I saw a car just ahead of me narrowly turn around it. But the stone was _______ there, which might cause traffic accidents. I turned round and then _______ over to a wide spot. I knew a rock of this _______ would break parts of a low riding car like mine if the driver didn’t see it _______. So I walked over and moved the huge stone. It must have weighed 50 pounds, but with all my strength, I removed it. I felt relieved and walked back to my car.

The happening reminded me too of an old _______ I had read once: In a faraway land, a king had placed a huge rock on the way to his palace. Many nobles walked by and surrounded it, complaining that the king didn’t keep the road up better. Finally, a _______ farmer pulling a cart (马车) of vegetables arrived. He ________ and pushed the rock off the road. Then he saw under it was a bag of gold coins that the king had left for the one who ________the path for those who came after. Later, he was not as badly off as before.

Now while there wasn’t any ________ under the rock I moved, my heart did feel more ________as I was driving back home. Maybe the real ________ is the joy we spread, and the ________ we share.

A.in turnB.in timeC.at leastD.at break
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

To me, the world's greatest satisfaction is reaching down and lifting someone up. I believe in helping others in times of need. If we all help others, we can make a great impact in society. By joining hands, we can reunite the world.

You never know how big an impact you are making in someone's life. At 1 am, on Saturday, August 25, 2017,Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Houston, Texas. Before this, my family was preparing for flooding, packing food, first aid kits, and planning for the worst. While taking our cats and rabbits upstairs, my friend Tom called and explained their dilemma(窘境). Their area was issued a mandatory evacuation ( 强制疏散) and they had to leave.

With no place to stay, they were on the way to our house. All seven of them, 5 kids, including a newborn came in. Together we prepared their rooms and let them settle in.

After dinner, we turned on the news and saw Harvey coming in. That night none of us could sleep, listening to the wind blowing and rain thundering down. The four year -old told me, carrying the cat,“Saira, the kitty is scared. Can you make the rain stop, please?” With a forced smile, I helped her to bed and let the cat sleep with her. When we stepped out the next morning, we saw the nearby lake completely full of water, which was an amazing yet scary sight. Tom went a lttle further down and came back wet and explained that there was no way they could return home. They ended up staying that day and planned on leaving the next morning.

The next morning, the news reported how jammed (堵塞的) and flooded the roads were in his community. With tears and worried faces, they stayed for a week. Even my cat seemed to understand the terrible situation. Finally , when the roads were cleared, we all went to send them back. On the way, I saw the damage that the hurricane did.


After reaching their house, I realized they couldn't live in it,


In the next week, we helped them to fix the house up.

2022-05-25更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧衡八校联盟2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Do you believe that art can change our world? In a study     1    (conduct) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), researchers found that people with an active interest in the art contribute more to society than those with little or no interest in     2    . That means if you sing, dance, draw, or act, and especially if you watch others do so, you’re     3    (likely) to be socially responsible, tolerant and altruistic (无私的).

Kelly Leroux, an assistant professor at UIC who takes charge     4     the study, says, “Our data analysis has found a high correlation between the arts and altruistic actions—like donating blood,or doing favors for a neighbor,     5     place the interests of others over the interests of self,” she said. “    6     this, people who have interests in the arts are more willing to take part in activities, such as volunteering.”

Because the financial crisis still lasts, arts budgets     7    (reduce) very soon. However, this policy will take such important benefits away from students. Just as LeRoux says,     8     policymakers are worried about a decline in community life, the arts should not be disregarded as     9     effective means to promote social     10    (responsible).

完形填空(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . A teacher gave his students a test. Most of the students finished all the questions without much effort _______they all read the last one which was “What is the first name of the woman who _______ the school? ”

All of the students thought that this question was some kind of _______. They had all seen the cleaning woman many times during each day at school. It was _______ that she was tall and old, but how would they know her _______?

So they all _______ their test paper, leaving the last question _______. Just before the class ended, one of the students asked if the last question would count toward the results of the _______.

_______”said the teacher.

He went on to say, “In your lives and careers, you will ________ many people and they are ________individual, so they each are worth your ________ and care, even if all you do is ________and say “Hello”.

Over the following days each of the students ________ the importance of finding out the name of the cleaner and introduced themselves. They all learned that cleaner’s name was Dorothy and they never forgot the ________ that everyone is important.

A.left behindB.lifted upC.put awayD.handed in
2022-01-28更新 | 809次组卷 | 15卷引用:河北省石家庄市新乐市第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的短文.

Allan, my husband, had recently moved up the tennis league's ladder(晋级赛)and would compete against someone at a similar skill level. "Do you know who your opponent is?” I asked him. My husband explained that although he knew his opponent's name, he had never met him. That's when I saw a young man—about twenty years old—at the other end of the reception area.

The young man had large muscular arms and a well-built body. He was using a skip rope at quite a fast pace; I thought he might be warming up for a tennis match. I smiled at my husband and said that might be his opponent. Allan gave me a frustrated(沮丧的)look on his face, remarking it was an unusual way to prepare for a tennis match, as he continued completing his usual warm-up routine.

The league coordinator(统筹者)called out my husband's name, and then she called the young man. I gave my husband a kind of smile that wives give their husbands when they are encouraging them. The coordinator gave them their court number. They introduced themselves to each other, shook hands, and headed off.

The young man was dressed in the latest trendy tennis clothes and looked great. With his muscular body, he could have easily be a star athlete. Allan was at least thirty years older, much less muscular, and dressed in an ordinary tennis shirt and untrendy tennis shorts. Allan's focus had always been on good tennis shoes, socks, and, of course, the tennis racket.

When they walked onto their court, the pre-game warm-up began The young man played with confidence. It was almost as if he was showing his ability. Allan closely observed his various strokes and powerful serves, while casually returning each shot. Then began the game.

The young man quickly won the first round.
The young man was visibly frustrated by the end of the match.
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . A young man came across his old teacher. “I became a teacher because you inspired me to be like you,” said the young man and told him the following story:

One day, a friend of mine _________ the classroom with a nice new watch. I loved it so much that I _________ it from him. As soon as my friend _________ he had lost his watch, he reported it to our teacher, who was you, _________. You went to the class, “This student’s watch was missing during classes today. Whoever has taken it, please _________ it.” At that time, I was _________ to raise my hand.

Then you shut the door and told us all to get up and began to _________ our pockets one by one. But you _________ us to close our eyes.

You went from pocket to pocket, and when my _________ came, you found the watch and took it. You __________ searching everyone's pockets until you finished, you asked us to open our eyes. It was the most __________ day of my life. But this was also the day my __________ was saved. You never __________ anything about the incident later, nor even gave me a right or wrong lesson, but I received your __________ clearly. I understood what a real educator needs to do.

If an educator must make students lose the __________ of other people, he doesn’t know how to teach.

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