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1 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

I’ve had many dreams since I was a child. Now my dream is to opens a cafe. Though it may appear simple, it required a lot of ideas and efforts. What I want is not just an ordinarily cafe but a very special one. I want my cafe have a special theme such as like “Tang Dynasty”. In the cafe, customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment what is created for them. If I succeed in manage one, I will open more. I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different city. Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique style.

2019-06-09更新 | 6659次组卷 | 31卷引用:2020届广东省深圳市高级中学高三3月线上模拟英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Work from Anywhere Movement

For a lot of us, working from wherever we wanted was a bit of a dream. It would mean we’d be able to visit family and not take holiday days. But suddenly that “dream” of not working in the office became a reality for many. Working from home over the last years has proven that it isn’t always necessary for teams to physically be together and there is more flexibility.     1    

An obvious benefit for many employers is reduced costs. With a widespread workforce, there’s no need to have an office big enough for everyone. They also save on travel costs, as meetings that once “needed” to be done face-to-face can now be done online.     2     With the work from anywhere movement, employers can hire global talents. They’re not restricted to people living nearby.

    3     In an ever changing and developing working world, offering benefits like this could be what makes a company stand out from another for a specific candidate.

For many employees, working from anywhere supports mental health.     4     Imagine ending a particularly stressful meeting. Rather than going back to your office desk, you step out your door and have a coffee in the sun or walk along a beach. In Addition, working from anywhere allows you to have a better work-life balance. It lets you travel to see family, watch your daughter’s soccer game, and go to the little bakery—all while being paid.     5    

A.But it’s not only about money.
B.However, every coin has two sides.
C.It decreases stress and other concerns.
D.Your time is spent on the things that matter.
E.There are a lot of benefits for companies and workers.
F.Offering remote job positions makes a company more competitive.
G.Offices are increasingly where you go to put the company into company.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Summer is coming. Are you looking for a part-time job? Here are some possible options.


Are you a strong swimmer and a good communicator? Would you like a challenge? We are looking for lifeguards for our busy summer season. No experience is necessary as you will get two weeks of training before you start the job. As well as being physically fit, you need to be available for work Mon-Fri, 7- 11 a.m.

Store assistant

We are looking for store assistants for our busy gift store. Applicants need to be reliable, friendly, and enjoy speaking to customers. A second language is preferred as many of our customers are tourists from other countries. The positions are part-time and you need to work from Thursday to Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Fashion designer

Are you interested in the latest styles? Are you creative and good at art? If so, Dresswise is looking for a young person to create new looks for our teen department. This is a great opportunity to gain experience in the clothing industry. You will need to work four days a week and we’ll pay you for each design we use. We’ll also give you samples of your designs to wear.

Game tester

Are you into technology and creative? Would you like to play and test educational games and get paid for it? This is an exciting part-time job for somebody who loves playing games. We offer flexible hours. If this is for you, write a description of your favorite game and why you like it in no more than 150 words.

If you are interested in any of the above jobs, please contact us at studentunrion @campus.com.

1. What is a shared requirement for lifeguard and store assistant?
A.Communicative ability.B.A second language.
C.Professional experience.D.A strong body.
2. Which job can you apply for if you can only work on weekends?
A.Lifeguard.B.Store assistant.
C.Fashion designer.D.Game tester.
3. What can you get from the job as a fashion designer?
A.Samples of the latest styles.
B.Payment for each of your designs.
C.Experience in the fashion industry.
D.Chances to design clothes for adults.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。作者介绍了辞去政府工作,选择做自己喜欢做的事情,并且作者将自己的心理学专业与对户外的热情创办了Nature Therapy Ireland,虽然薪水减半,但是感觉很放松。

4 . By my mid-20s, I’d finished my master in psychology, and I was working in Dublin as a health researcher. It was mostly data and statistics work staring at a screen. I was earning more than most of my friends, living the city life, going out at weekends. I had a good pension (养老金) and annual leave but it caused a lot of anxiety and worry.I was really unhappy.

I wanted to get back to feeling passionate about something so I started thinking about the things I used to love. As a child, I’d always been involved in the outdoors, and I used to love hiking but all that had stopped after secondary school. I decided to volunteer with a local youth group and within a month, I’d gone camping with them. I absolutely loved it. It was like switching on a lightbulb. This was what I’d been missing.

I started taking courses in mountain skills and wilderness first aid, and by August I was working my usual job in the week, and I was a climbing club leader at weekends. I loved connecting with nature, connecting with other people.

Through all this, I learnt about the whole field of nature-based therapies (疗法). It was the perfect fit to combine my psychology background with my passion for the outdoors. I began taking courses in wild therapy, forest bathing and ecopsychology. I left my government job and in July 2020 I launched my business Nature Therapy Ireland, which is booming now.

I’d thought I’d always live in a city but last year, I moved to Tipperary to live at the foot of a mountain, surrounded by nature. If I’m feeling stressed, I can step outside in my bare feet and stand on the grass to ground myself. In Dublin, the front door felt like a barrier—I had to have my keys, my phone, my jacket before I could even go out and find a green space. My life now is leading nature connection hikes and forest bathing walks. My salary has halved for the moment but I’ve adjusted. I’ve never looked back.

1. What did the writer think of her job in Dublin?
2. What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 2?
A.She enjoyed her voluntary work.
B.She realized what she really loved.
C.Recalling the past made her happy.
D.A bright future was in store for her.
3. What drove the writer to launch her business Nature Therapy Ireland?
A.Her adventurous experience.
B.Her leadership and background.
C.Her connection with other people.
D.Her major and passion for nature.
4. Why did the writer compare her life in Dublin with that in Tipperary?
A.To highlight how boring city life was.
B.To call on people to get back to nature.
C.To show her satisfaction with her change.
D.To indicate how successful her business was.
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . This year, hundreds of people around the world are applying for a desired job to run Port Lockroy, the world’s most remote post office. The ________ is in Antarctica, and one of the key ________ is the ability to count penguins(企鹅).

Each year, the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust ________ four postmen to live on the island from November to March. Apart from being a nearly 80-year-old British-owned post office, it ________ as a museum. Although employees each have unique ________ , they are cooperatively responsible for preserving the ________ place and caring for the thousands of tourists. The staff is also ________ environmental data collection and wildlife monitoring.

Applicants are warned there’s not much time for relaxation and rest. Still, the job is highly ________. The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust gets hundreds of applications ________ for the position. They are mainly ________ to Port Lockroy, both for its history and its scientific significance. Lucy Dorman succeeded in applying for the 2019-2020 season. It was a real ________ for her. “Even though the job can be hard at times, there’s a real sense of community. You’ve got to ________ , because you can’t get away from each other very easily. I really love that sort of ________,” she said. “And what you can achieve here is ________. The total experience offers both a different ________ towards the world and a new viewpoint on your function on the planet. ”

A.in favor ofB.in need ofC.in possession ofD.in charge of
A.get alongB.show offC.break throughD.give in
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . I’ve been working as a UN Peacekeeper in the Central African Republic for the past two years. Before this, I was a pilot and I ________ my work. However, I felt it was my duty to help innocent people who are caught in trouble, so I ________ the United Nations.

The Central African Republic is a relatively small country. Since it got ________ from France in the 1950s, there have been many violent conflicts between the government and rebels (反叛者). In 2012, a civil war began, due to which, over one million people were forced to ________ their homes and there were many deaths and injuries. ________, the United Nations established a peacekeeping ________ in the country.

We peacekeepers ________ cities and villages to ________ that no conflict is occurring and help bring supplies of food and medicine. We are a ________ that can keep people in conflict apart.

As a woman, I am particularly ________ as I can act as a role model for many women and girls in the country. When they see how others respect me, they feel that they also ________ to be respected and treated ________.

My life is not ________ in any way! It’s long hours in a very tough environment. I have basic ________ with just a bed in a shared room. Of course, being away from my family and friends is also very hard at times. However, I know that the Central African Republic is safer because of the UN Peacekeepers, and that makes it all ________.

A.gave in toB.looked up toC.kept up withD.signed up with
A.In turnB.In surpriseC.In responseD.In addition
完形填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . It was the 2019 summer break. I traveled to a town in rural Xiamen for two weeks to_________local children with after-school courses.

Although Xiamen is a developed city, there are still many left-behind children in the rural areas who need_________to summer activities. I overcame many difficulties there, including mosquitoes and the_________schedule. I also experienced, for the first time in my life, planting rice in the fields, standing ankle-deep in_________.That experience was a(n)_________part of my life._________teaching the students, we were also receiving life lessons in overcoming difficulties.

The experience of working at the_________level also broadened my horizons and provided insights I could never have_________in the college library.

Nowadays, many college students are willing to_________ volunteer work to their graduation choices. I think they will be more down-to-earth and gain a deeper understanding of__________ conditions after seeing a different China, a country in times of__________.

Like me, most university students are their family’s only child, and they have __________met difficulties. As such, they have to__________their living environment and the rural working by themselves. By__________volunteer work, they learn unforgettable lessons in life and become more sensible and__________.

A.contribute toB.attend toC.react toD.adapt to
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Once the choice of royal household, the watermelon has gained popularity rapidly over the years, and an online grocer reported that the fruit’s sales on the platform had increased sixfold from 2020 to 2022, resulting in increasingly high demand for watermelon quality testers.

Lee, 32, is extremely busy in the summer months. Just by holding the watermelon near his ear and knocking on the surface with his fingers, Lee says, he can tell by the sound if the fruit is ripe enough to be eaten or not. He works for a rural cooperative set up by a group of watermelon farmers, and puts thousands of watermelons through the “knock test” daily, before they are shipped to downtown warehouses where the platform sources its supplies.

The practice of knocking on watermelons to determine their ripeness can be found across cultures. In China, it is considered a national habit. Smart buyers tap on the fruit before purchase to ensure their money is well-spent. Some buyers knock on the fruit despite not knowing what the hollow sound means just to negotiate a better deal from the seller.

As fruit sales have moved to online platforms in a big way, those who make a living by checking the quality of the fruits with their fingers are much in demand. Lee is one among the growing group. Their task is to conduct knock tests on behalf of e-buyers and ensure that the fruits selected to be sold online are uniform in size and quality.

Lee, who was once an award-winning soccer player, now describes himself as a “goalkeeper for watermelons”. He quit soccer about four years ago and learned about melon-knocking as an emerging profession and decided to become an apprentice(学徒) to an experienced farmer.

After a year’s trial and error, Lee worked independently as a quality checker. “It is a highly demanding task. During the apprenticeship, I often cracked open melons to confirm my judgment. There are just no shortcuts, ” he said.

1. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To introduce an emerging profession.
B.To describe Lee’s career transformation.
C.To discuss the importance of fruit quality testers.
D.To explain the cultural role of watermelon-knocking.
2. What has led to the high demand for watermelon quality testers?
A.The popularity of watermelons.B.The big harvest of watermelons.
C.An increase in watermelon prices.D.A rapid rise in online watermelon sales.
3. Why does Lee describe himself as a “goalkeeper for watermelons”?
A.He was once an award-winning soccer player.
B.He dreams of being a professional melon-knocker.
C.He was taught by an experienced watermelon farmer.
D.He ensures that customers enjoy watermelons of quality.
4. What can we learn from Lee’s words in the last paragraph?
A.Seeing is believing.B.Every man has his value.
C.Great efforts and practice matter.D.Excellence can be found in any profession.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The topic “slash youth”,   referring to those refusing to be defined or bound by just one personal identity and choosing to undertake multiple careers, has fueled heated debate on social media. On Douban, a Chinese social networking platform, the topic has attracted about 11,000posts and has been viewed over 400 million times. China’s young people are keen to share their slash youth stories online, presenting themselves as multiple and sometimes distinct identities, such as a nurse and model, a teacher and stand-up comedian, and an engineer and musician.

Xing Eryang, a 31-year-old female resident in Beijing, founded the Douban topic in 2021.While staying diligent about her daytime work, she is developing her hobbies, including stand-up comedy and vlogging, into secondary careers during her spare time. And she is amazed to find her “slash life” philosophy followed by so many of her peers.

Weiheng, a 26-year-old woman in Guangzhou, and Tang Yuhan, a 27-year-old man in Xuancheng city, Anhui province, are both participants in the topic, with their stories earning thousands of likes so far. The two are both musicians in their spare time, even though they are thousands of miles apart and have different jobs in media and finance. Their passion for music has grown since college and they didn’t abandon their enthusiasm, even after entering the workplace.

Their reaction showed the gap between the young and former generations. “My parents used to say,   ‘music cannot earn you money’,   so the band thing was regarded as a waste of time. However,   we want to pursue whatever we love and are willing to pay for it.” says Weiheng.

“The ‘slash life’ mania(狂热)shows that, along with China’s economic development, our society is becoming more and more diversified and inclusive, and it welcomes everyone’s self-fulfillment,” says Shi Yanrong, an   associate researcher from Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences. “Young people no longer have to rely on work and money for their sense of self-worth. They tend to practice a carpe diem(活在当下)philosophy and create their own identities.”

1. What are “slash youth” more likely to do?
A.Create a topic on Douban.
B.Take diverse occupations.
C.Become a stand-up comedian.
D.Share their own stories online.
2. Which of the following amazes Xing Eryang?
A.Other young people’s positive response.
B.Hobbies developed while working.
C.The growing social networking platform.
D.Thousands of likes earned on Douban.
3. What did Weiheng and Tang Yuhan do to pursue their musical career?
A.They sent their stories online to gain more funds.
B.They shared similar interests in both their hobbies and jobs.
C.They never lost passion for music even if they had to quit college.
D.They stuck with their dream despite the older generation’s opinion.
4. According to Shi Yanrong, what is our society’s attitude to the “slash life”?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Jenn Larson was just 14 years old when she took over the bookkeeping for her family’s dairy farm near Firth, Idaho. She soon saw firsthand how challenging it was for her parents, who lacked any college education, to properly manage the unpredictable earnings of farming. This started a lifelong passion for finance, and it led her down an unexpected path to becoming a role model she never had.

Yet, such ambitions ran in obvious contrast to everything familiar to her. “I didn’t have any advisors,” Larson says. “I didn’t have anyone to look up to for a professional example. All the women I associated with were stay-at-home moms.” Despite having parents who couldn’t fully understand her ambitions, Larson went to the BYU Marriott School, where she earned a business degree and focused much of her coursework on international finance.

Larson worked for seven years as a financial representative with Northwestern Mutual, advising clients on important financial decisions. Larson returned to BYU Marriott in 2008 to earn an MBA, and accepted a position in the school as an assistant professor following her graduation. For more than a decade, Larson has taught finance classes to undergraduate and MBA students. While she teaches finance, Larson tries to help her students see how mastering finance principles can also impact their personal lives.

Constantly balancing motherhood and work, Larson makes adjustments to the way she teaches. She gave birth to her first three children in three years while teaching at BYU Marriott, wondering at times if labor might start while in front of a class full of students. During the pandemic, Larson taught online classes from her dining room table while taking care of a newborn and other young children at home.

As a female instructor in the often male-dominated finance industry, Larson works to inspire other women who seek a similar path to hers. Larson became the role model that she never had — the example that a 14-year-old girl staring at a farming expense sheet couldn’t find. Now, Labor on’s children and students will always have that example.

1. What motivated Larson to major in finance?
A.Her experience of managing accounts.
B.Her strong desire for college education.
C.The high expectations from her parents.
D.The challenging labor on her dairy farm.
2. What problem did Larson face when she decided to study finance?
A.She had no one to ask for advice.
B.She was unsure about the coursework.
C.She was misunderstood by her neighbours.
D.She was unfamiliar with everything at school.
3. What does the underlined word “labor” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.The work of looking after a baby.
B.The process of dealing with students.
C.The process of giving birth to a baby.
D.The work of adjusting teaching methods.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Following Your Interest
B.Balancing Work and Family
C.Becoming Your Own Role Model
D.Seeking a Way to Become a Role Model
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