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1 . Oliver, the CTO of a high-tech company, loved to participate in all conversations at the C-suite level, regardless of topic. He was often the first to raise his hand for a project, appeared to have infinite capacity to get high-quality work done, and offered to assist his peers and direct reports. Oliver seemed to be all-in; optimistic, energetic, supportive, and someone who constituted to everyone.

However, the more Oliver participated, the more others around him were slighted. Instead of sparking creatively in others, his ideas outshone everyone else’s. He consumed time speaking in meetings, exhausting the oxygen level in the room. Oliver felt pumped up by how many of his ideas had been deployed but frustrated by others’ lack of sufficient effort.

While the CEO appreciated Oliver’s yield, she recognized he had to change his approach to keep the rest of the team productive. In response, Oliver worked out a plan to help address his cooperation challenges using techniques many other executives had deployed.

When we over-participate, we believe that we're being helpful. However, “helpfulness” is defined by the recipient, not the giver. Instead of improving his relationships with colleagues, Oliver robbed them of fulfillment by furnishing masses of ideas. They felt discouraged, interrupted, and excluded. To fix the issue, Oliver learned the value of asking two specific questions before offering his own ideas: “What have you thought of?” and “What would be most helpful for you at this point?” Surveying others to understand what’s helpful illuminates better avenues for our contribution: directly through our ideas, through coaching colleagues to create their own, or by building on what someone else has generated.

1. What can we learn about Oliver?
A.He lacks creativity.B.He favours competition.
C.He works enthusiastically.D.He behaves irresponsibly.
2. What is a result of Oliver’s over-participation?
A.The team generated more diverse ideas.
B.Oliver’s colleagues became less productive.
C.Group meetings were more time-consuming.
D.Oliver’s teammates were inspired to work harder.
3. What technique did Oliver employ to fix the issue?
A.Hearing others’ voices.B.Providing specific ideas.
C.Strengthening his leadership.D.Building strong relationships.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.When Leaders Fail to Keep the Team Productive
B.When Contributing Gets in the Way of Cooperating
C.How a Great Team Welcomes Ideas in a Discussion
D.How Active Participation Gives Rise to a Better Team
2 . What does Jim probably do?
A.A host.B.A businessman.C.A musician.
2023-12-19更新 | 199次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省济宁市微山县第二中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
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3 . It came as no surprise that being interrupted by other people can have negative effects, like lowered productivity. But a new study shows an upside to these interruptions at work: increased feelings of belonging.

Researchers led by Harshad Puranik at the University of Illinois at Chicago looked at this common workplace phenomenon from two aspects. First, interruptions get in the way of completing assignments and require employees to repeatedly switch attention between tasks. That's where the negative effects of interruptions happen. However, beyond the task-based aspect, the group found that being interrupted by others has a social component to it — social interaction with the interrupter that can have a positive effect on the interrupted employees. "If the past year of social distancing and separation has shown us anything, it is that humans are social beings who have an inherent (内在的) need for interacting with others," said Puranik.

Building on previous research on work interruptions, the researchers surveyed 111 full-time employees twice a day once at lunch and once at the end of their workday for three weeks. While there were downsides to interruptions al work, like raising levels of stress and lowering people’s energy, there was an upside, the researchers found. Employees felt more like they belonged, which eventually allowed them to get more pleasure from their work routines.

The study found something else on top of this. The social aspect of work interruptions also weakened the negative impact that the switching of tasks during interruptions had on employees job satisfaction. This means that, intend of the negative experience, being interrupted at work can be "a net positive for the well-being of employees, "according to Puranik. Therefore, the researchers urge managers to better manage rather than completely prohibit work interruptions.

1. Why does the author mention Puranik's words in Paragraph 2?
A.To introduce a new argument.B.To make his points more persuasive.
C.To summarize the whole paragraph.D.To provide some advice for the readers.
2. What did researchers find about work interruptions in social aspect?
A.They caused more anxiety.B.They improved work-life balance.
C.They lowered labor productivity.D.They led to higher job satisfaction.
3. Who is the text intended for?
A.Employers.B.Employees.C.Job seekers.D.Interviewers.
4. What's the best title of the text?
A.Scientific Management CountsB.Ways of Staying Focused at Work
C.Interruptions at Work Bring Positive SidesD.Reasons for Avoiding Interruptions at Work
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Who is the man?
A.The interviewer.
B.The manager.
C.The shop owner.
2. What does the man say about the job?
A.It is interesting.
B.It is well paid.
C.It is poorly paid.
3. What do we know about the woman getting the job?
A.She will not get the job.
B.She has already got the job.
C.She will probably get the job.
2023-01-03更新 | 210次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市长郡中学2022-2023学年高三上学期月考(四)英语试题(含听力)
书信写作-其他应用文 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 你校英语报的“中国传统文化”专栏准备招募一名英语编辑。请你写一则招聘广告,内容包括:

An English Editor for “Traditional Chinese Culture” Wanted

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6 . At Beijing’s Palace Museum, it sometimes seems that time stands still, but the clocks keep ticking at a small workshop there. This is where clock conservator (文物修复员) Qi Haonan works. .

As part of the fourth generation of conservators to repair and restore antique (古老的) clocks at the museum since 1949, Qi has returned more than 100 clocks to their former glory.

After having majored in mechanical automation during his university studies, Qi joined the cultural relics restoration department at the Palace Museum in 2005. “In the beginning, everything in the palace was new to me. It made me excited to even think about repairing antique clocks,” the 41-year-old told China Daily. But reality soon weakened his warmth. There is a rule at the museum: For the first year you can look, but not touch. From 8 a. m. to5 p. m. every day, he checked and took apart watches and clocks collected from his friends to practice. After a year of repeated work, he could finally get his hands on the clocks in the museum and get a better understanding of the job. To him, restoring such clocks doesn’t mean making them look brand-new. Through cleaning and restoration, he tries to keep them in their original form, bringing back their former function.

Qi still remembered the excitement he felt when the hands of his first repaired clock began to move. It was a French clock, which took him a month to restore. “What amazes me most about these clocks is that they combine the scientific advances, technological precision (精确) and trends in decorative art of their particular times,” Qi told China Daily.

Although the antique clock repairing special skills at the Palace Museum were listed as a national intangible (非物质的) cultural heritage in 2014, it was still a little-known skill and the specialty was in short supply of professionals. Until 2016, a 3-part TV documentary, Masters in the Forbidden City, made it possible to the public.

Qi started posting videos about the antique clocks on social media in 2019, giving viewers a look into the work. “With rising attention and influence, antique clock restoration can not only be further developed, but also expanded to more museums which house antique clocks and watches,” Qi told China Daily.

1. What can be known about the clock conservator Qi Haonan?
A.He began to work at the Palace Museum in 1949.
B.He learned how to restore antique clocks at university.
C.He has decided to rescue the cultural relics restoration.
D.He is part of the fourth generation of clock conservators.
2. Why did Qi Haonan lose a bit of warmth at the beginning of his work?
A.He couldn’t touch the antique clocks.
B.He was asked to do much repeated work.
C.He had to collect clocks from his friends.
D.He didn’t understand the meaning of restoration.
3. What does restoring antique clocks mean to Qi Haonan?
A.Keeping them clean and brand-new.
B.Making them more beautiful and valuable than ever.
C.Getting them back to their original form and function.
D.Combining scientific advances and technological precision.
4. Which word can best describe the future of antique clock restoration?
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7 . Summer Science Camp Instructors

Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo-Summer 2022 Camp Season

The Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo is currently looking for Camp Instructors to help facilitate its summer science camps which operate from June 15th through August 14th. These programs feature week-long full-day camps exploring a variety of science topics in the Life, Physical and Earth Sciences, and camp participants range in age from Preschool through Grade 6.

In addition to staffing science camps, Instructors are needed to support after camp programs at Rinconada Park. After camp programs offer campers an opportunity to wind down after a busy day of learning, and feature recreational activities, games, art making, and weekly trips to the Rinconada Pool.

For more information about specific offerings, please visit www. Cityofpaloalto. or/ Enjoy to review the City of Palo Alto’s camp catalogue.


Successful applicants will be at least 18 years old and available the entire summer—from June 15th through August 14th. They will have an interest in science, teaching, or child development, and will love working with children in an educational setting. This is a great position for college students or high school seniors.

Hours of work:

Science Camp: Monday through Friday, approximately 8 am-4 pm each day

After Camp: Monday through Friday, approximately 1:30 pm-6:30 pm each day

Pay: $19.29-$23.67 per hour

Note: All staff are required to be fully vaccinated and boosted, and to wear a mask at all times out of consideration for COVID-19 pandemic.

Interested applicants are invited to forward their resume and email of interest to the Education Director, Alex Hamilton. The City of Palo Alto is an Equal Opportunity Employer. People of diverse backgrounds and abilities are encouraged to apply.

1. Who is the Summer Science Camp designed for?
A.Camp instructors.B.Children under Grade 6.
C.Physical and Earth Scientists.D.Teenage children.
2. Which of the following will be required if you apply for the job?
A.Previous experience.
B.Science degree.
C.At least 18 years old.
D.College education.
3. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To inform.B.To describe.
C.To persuade.D.To entertain.
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8 . Tips for Writing a Cover Letter

If you are applying for an internship, you will likely have to submit a cover letter as part of your application. Read below for tips on writing an internship cover letter.

Use Business Letter Format

Use proper business letter format when sending a cover letter by mail. Include your contact information at the top, the date, and the contact information for the employer. Be sure to provide a proper salutation, and sign your name at the bottom.

Individualize Your Cover Letter

Make sure to write a unique cover letter for each internship for which you apply. Highlight skills and abilities you have that relate to the specific internship listing. The main emphasis of your cover letter should be convincing the reader that you will be a qualified intern.

Emphasize Your Academic Experience

In the letter, you can mention academic experience, if applicable. Especially if you have limited work experience, you might use examples from school to demonstrate that you have particular skills. For example, if the internship requires you to work as part of a team, provide an example of an assistant at the library or a successful team project you worked on during one of your college courses.

Include Extra Classroom Experiences

You can also include details about your relevant experience form extra classroom activities or volunteer work. For example, a reporter for a college newspaper can point to interviewing and writing skills; a history of volunteering at a shelter can provide an example of strong interpersonal and organizational skills.

Proofread and Edit

Be sure to thoroughly proofread your cover letter for spelling and grammar errors. Many internships are very competitive, and any error can hurt your chances of getting an interview. Also, avoid using too many words to convey your information and intention.

1. What can you do to personalize your internship cover letter?
A.Use proper business letter format.
B.Employ more convincing expressions.
C.Promise a good performance in the internship.
D.Stress my own abilities related to the requirements.
2. Academic experience included in the cover letter can ________.
A.make up for the lack of work experienceB.prove you’ll be an outstanding organizer
C.show you have a good academic performanceD.multiply the chance of working on a team project
3. According to the text, a cover letter should be _____________.
A.emotional and simplifiedB.informal and detailed
C.brief and targetedD.academic and qualified
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9 . Want a part-time job? Here are some options.

Court Monitors

We are seeking fun and energetic individuals for Court Monitors. You must be a good communicator, able to work under pressure and enjoy a fast-paced environment. Applicants must have reliable transportation, be available to work weekends and have a proven background in the field.

● Employee discount
● Flexible schedule for all of life events
Basic Landscaping

Dickerson Landscaping is looking to add experienced members to our landscaping team. If you enjoy working outdoors and are genuinely interested in crafting, planting, and digging, then we’re interested in you! You should be capable of doing physical work and lifting objects over50 lbs. We work on weekdays.

● Paid time off
● Life insurance
● Health insurance
Sandwich Artist

An outstanding Sandwich Make is wanted! The ideal person for this position has relevant work experience in the restaurant industry. A responsibility is to safely prepare sandwiches to our customers’ specifications, work cooperatively with other food service staff and help to maintain organization and cleanliness in the kitchen.

● Paid training
● Paid time off
● Free uniforms
● Discounted meals
Vegetable Farm Assistant

If you are into organic farm practices and take interest in local and sustainably produced food, join us! Previous experience is a plus, but not required. Have the ability to lift and carry 50 lbs and perform tasks that require bending or kneeling for several hours. Schedule can be flexible with priority given to applicants with Monday-Thursday availability.

● Flexible schedule
1. What will result in disqualification as a court monitor?
A.Being a green hand.B.Being stress-resistant.
C.Being a communicative person.D.Being available on weekends.
2. What can you get from the job as a sandwich artist?
A.Free dining.B.Leave with pay.
C.Stylish clothes.D.Personalized training.
3. What is a shared requirement for Basic Landscaping and Vegetable Farm Assistant?
A.Excellent hand skills.B.A strong body.
C.A tight working schedule.D.Prior experience.
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10 . When I was at school, I hated art. Growing up in north Wales, I was not able to rate higher than an E in my final exams. I wasn’t too upset; I thought I wasn’t going to choose it as a career.

By the time I was about four, I started sleepwalking. At night, I used to go under the stairs and scribble (乱画) on the wall. When I was 15, I was no longer just making scribbles. I was drawing anything from pictures of Marilyn Monroe to unrealistic paintings. I showed some to my art teachers. They said: “Why can’t you do this in class?” It was something I struggled to understand myself. I tried so hard to draw when I was awake, practising and using the same tools. But no matter what I did, I was unable to recreate the drawings.

Once I left school, I became a nurse, mainly helping people with brain injuries. I also met my partner. He is unbelievably supportive of my art and sleepwalking habits—he often films me as I work. And when I begin to paint in my sleep, I’ll use any tools I can find, sometimes knives and forks. That’s the only thing that worries my partner—that I’ll accidentally hurt myself. I have gone to various sleep clinics to try to get to the bottom of what’s happening, but nothing out of the ordinary was found health-wise. Alcohol or lack of sleep does bring the sleepwalking on more, though, so I am careful about that.

I have learned to hug my unusual talent and set up my first art exhibition in 2007 at my local in library to raise money for cancer research. Within a week, I had 160 calls from different media outlets and organizations wanting to hear about my art. I was over the moon. I then decided to leave my very fulfilling job in nursing and become a full-time artist.

1. Why wasn’t the author upset about her art final exams?
A.She got used to her E in art.B.She had little interest in her study.
C.She was confident in herself.D.She was unwilling to work in art field.
2. What did art teachers think of the author’s sleepwalking paintings?
A.They felt worried about them.B.They expressed doubt about them.
C.They were indifferent about them.D.They showed confidence about them.
3. What does the underlined phrase “over the moon” probably mean in last paragraph?
A.Extremely pleased.B.Really concerned.C.Highly annoyed.D.Greatly shocked.
4. What can we infer about the author from the text?
A.She always enjoys painting.B.She is often injured by sleepwalking.
C.She has no trouble in sleepwalking now.D.She makes full use of her sleepwalking talent.
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