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阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Everyone needs friendship to survive. How do we strengthen the existing friendships in our lives?     1    

Show your affection to your friends.

We often think of affection as a sort of love in romantic relationships. But it’s more than holding hands and kissing. It’s about communicating love and appreciation. There are many ways you can show love to your friends. Tell them how much they mean to you.     2    These simple acts show you genuinely care for them and let them know it’s safe to invest in your friendship.

Be generous to your friends.

Think about what your skills and talents are and find a way to turn them into a generous act. Sharing your time, attention or resources with them is an easy way to develop your friendships. People want to stay with friends who value them, and generosity is a way to express that. You can share acts of generosity with your friends. If you’re great with kids, you might offer to babysit for your friends who are parents.     3    


Think about how good it feels to tell a friend you secretly like a trashy (无聊的) TV show and hear them respond “Me too!”. We feel a deeper connection to our friends when our vulnerability (脆弱) is met with support. It means they accept us for who we really are, the good and the bad. So don’t be afraid to share your struggles with your friends. It may bring you closer.

Face conflict bravely.

    5    But being able to deal with conflict with friends in a healthy, constructive way can strengthen your friendships. It might be painful at first, but it shows you want to make your relationship better.

A.Share your struggles and joys.
B.It’s hard to deal with conflict in friendships.
C.And remind them you are grateful to know them.
D.Here some experts offer the following tips.
E.It is more likely to build deep, long-lasting friendships.
F.Start by telling your friends how much you value them.
G.If you get a raise at work, treat your friends to a fancy dinner.
2023-10-05更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省乐山市沫若中学2023-2024学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Defining what an ideal friend is like is not an easy task.     1     However, generally speaking, there are certain qualities that most people would consider as characteristics of an ideal friend.

The ideal friend knows how to show weakness. The ideal friends don’t try to prove how successful they are.     2     They show how much they trust us by admitting failings and sorrows. They offer us the gift of their vulnerability (脆弱).

    3     More often than it’s comfortable to admit, we don’t quite know what we think until a proper friend gently asks us to expand on a thought, to explain why we’re impressed by it and to find good answers to possible objections. They see the potential in what we’re saying when we can’t.

The proper friend helps build our self-understanding. There are so many things we don’t entirely comprehend about who we are. We find it hard to pin down our goals.     4     We might have some strong opinions, but it can be difficult to explain really why these ideas matter to us. The right friend listens and helps us piece together the best account of our fears and excitements.

They help us to like ourselves. Normally we’re intently alive to our own shortcomings; it’s more obvious, from our point of view, what’s disappointing about us than what’s attractive. We need a friend because we’re likely to be so very unfriendly towards ourselves.     5    

A.A true friend helps us think.
B.We get defensive and we don’t really know why.
C.Loyalty is a common quality given to ideal friends.
D.The good friend likes us in ways we’re not easily able to.
E.Everyone has their own understanding of what the ideal friend is like.
F.On the contrary, they let us know embarrassing things about themselves.
G.They care for your well-being over any issues that may arise between you and them.
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The friends we meet in school teach us how to share. When we grow older, our friends teach us how to take responsibility (责任). As we continue into our 40s and beyond, we learn to weather the ups and downs in life.     1     Friendship is key to our success with all our relationships and it can create a sense of purpose in our lives.

The people we bring into our lives as friends will show us how to forgive (原谅), laugh, and make conversation.     2     We understand the process of meeting new acquaintances (熟人) and finding out what makes them tick.

One of the most overlooked advantages of friendship is that it helps keep our minds and bodies strong.     3     A recent Harvard study found that having good friendships in our life even helps improve brain health. Friendship is also important to our mental (精神的) health. One study even suggested spending time with positive friends actually changes our feelings for the better.     4    

Friends don’t completely cure (治愈) loneliness but they do help us during lonely times. Having a lifelong friend lets us know that some friendships won’t last forever but each one brings something special. We learn more about ourselves and how important it is to have someone, just one person, who knows and understands you.     5    

A.We should value those painful times.
B.Some friends share a different worldview.
C.This is the key to coming out of loneliness.
D.We don’t just talk with others but learn from them.
E.Once again, friends provide a sounding board and place for us to grow.
F.In fact, it’s as important to our physical health as eating well and keeping fit.
G.That means we’re happier when we choose to spend time with happy people.
2023-09-01更新 | 63次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 4 Friends forever 单元测试题 -2021-2022学年高中英语外研版必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Being a student, especially an international one, means having a lot of friends in different countries. So, for us, it is quite common to maintain (维持) friendships by electronic communications. I never believed in Internet friendship. Yes, I met people online. I had one very good friend from a forum (论坛); we were talking and then we just disappeared from each other’s lives. So I never thought that an Internet friend might be truly real.

Recently, I changed my mind. A few weeks ago I came back from St Petersburg, a city I don’t know at all, except for one girl who changed my understanding of friendship.

I met Dilyara on a FanFiction website. I found one of her stories, and really liked it so I commented (评论) on it. She liked my stories too. Then after a while of just reading them, we decided to exchange real names and started chatting on social media platforms (社交媒体平台).

In just 3 days we knew everything about each other. We just understood each other in seconds; we had the same interests, made the same jokes and shared common opinions and similar situations in our lives. In a week we couldn’t spend one day without texting each other. We were sending each other gifts and letters on birthdays, New Year, and other holidays. She helped me a lot on my bad days and I was also there for her. Although we have thousands of kilometres between us, it is the strongest friendship I have ever had.

Internet friendship is something really good. Victoria Lebed, a student from London, tells me she also believes in Internet friendship. She actually has a few online friends she is always happy to talk to. They share what is going on in their lives and give each other advice. But she says: “Yes, you always need to be careful, don’t send your bank details or share personal information or photos if you are unsure about someone’s identity.”

1. What was the author’s attitude to Internet friendship at first?
A.It could last long.B.It was not helpful.
C.It was not trustworthy.D.It influenced people’s daily life badly.
2. What made the author and Dilyara’s friendship possible?
A.Their liking for each other’s stories.
B.Their time together in hard times.
C.Their face-to-face conversation.
D.Their common background.
3. What can we say about the author and Dilyara’s friendship in Paragraph 4?
A.It will end soon.
B.It is a close one.
C.It makes them tired and uncomfortable.
D.It is their most important social relationship.
4. What does Victoria Lebed suggest people do when making friends online?
A.Keep your secrets and take them seriously.
B.Talk about things you both like.
C.Open your hearts to each other.
D.Make friends but be careful.
2023-09-01更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 4 Friends forever 单元测试题 -2021-2022学年高中英语外研版必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . We all have friends who make us frown when they walk in. We know that within five minutes they will have us completely depressed, and we feel that there is nothing we can do about it. Their lives are desperate, sad, tragic, bored or whatever, and if you have a sympathetic ear, you listen and they are likely to keep coming back to tell you more. Do you know why? It makes them feel better. But you just want to jump out the nearest window, and they leave whistling and smelling the roses.

If you are surrounded by people like this, it may be impossible to get them out of your life because they’re your biggest customer, a relative or your business partner. But whatever else you do, you really do need to draw a line in the sand. If more of the people you mix with are negative than positive, you have a problem, which will only get worse over time and keep you trapped in the cycle of feeling overwhelmed.

I made a very conscious decision a number of years ago about the type of people I would have in my life. I want to be surrounded by energetic, enthusiastic and positive people who are getting on with their lives. I don’t care what they do for a living, how much money they have or who they know. All I care about is their zest for life. These people inspire and motivate me to be the best person I can be; they are supportive of any decision or change that will help me to achieve this goal. If I fail, they are the first people to support me and say at least I gave it a go.

If I listened to the negative people, I wouldn’t do anything, because life is clearly so messed up that there is nothing I can possibly do that would make it any better. There is no malicious intention in these people, and it’s just a reflection of where they are in life at the time. And that is sad, but we all need to decide if we want to be equally sad. I made the decision not to and that was that.

I suggest keeping such people at arm’s length. Some of them won’t like you for it. Be prepared for some bad results, but try it because the pay-off is big. And developing a proper way will make it easier.

1. What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To explain the reason.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To criticize the behavior.D.To analyze the phenomenon.
2. Which of the following does the author agree with?
A.The identity of a person matters when we choose who to mix with.
B.We must stay away from a negative person even if he is our customer.
C.Being negative is a reflection of the state of life negative people are in.
D.The more negative people we stay with, the less overwhelmed we will be.
3. What does the underlined word “zest” in Paragraph 3 mean?
4. What is the author likely to talk about in the following paragraph?
A.How to define the pay-off.B.How to ignore the bad results.
C.How to say no to a friend you dislike.D.How to keep a distance from negative people.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Getting along with others is all about understanding, empathy, and respect. Let me share a few tips with you.

Be a good listener.     1    . Show genuine interest in what they have to say and ask follow-up questions. This helps them feel valued and understood.

Be open-minded. Accept that everyone is different and has their own perspectives and beliefs. Try to be understanding and tolerant, even if you disagree with someone.     2    .

    3    . Celebrate your friends’ successes and be there for them during challenging times. Offer a helping hand or a listening ear when needed. Showing kindness and support strengthens your bond with others and makes them feel comfortable around you.

Be respectful of boundaries. Everyone has their personal space and limits. It’s important to recognize and honor them.     4    . Treat them with kindness and avoid judgment.

    5    . Discover shared hobbies, activities, or passions with your friends. Engaging in activities together creates a sense of friendship and strengthens your connection. It also provides opportunities for meaningful conversations and shared experiences.

Remember, building strong friendships takes time and effort. It’s essential to invest in meaningful conversations, demonstrate kindness, and show genuine care for others. By following these tips, you’ll find it easier to get along with your friends and create lasting bonds of friendship.

A.Be friendly
B.Be supportive
C.Find common interests
D.Respect others’ opinions, choices, and privacy
E.When someone is talking, tell them about yourself
F.When someone is talking, give them your full attention
G.This creates a more harmonious atmosphere and encourages people to be themselves
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . It doesn’t matter if you have one friend or 20,because there are only a few people in this world that can make you truly happy. For me,my family and my three best girlfriends mean everything to me.

Some days I didn’t want to go to school because I felt so disappointed in myself but I don’t regret a thing. It makes you stronger as a person,and if you are able to mend your friendships like I have done,then you can do anything.

My mom always told me,“Stephanie,remember that a friend is a gift that you give yourself. A friend will make you laugh and be there for the good and the bad. A true friend will never make fun of you. If a friend is a piece of work,then he or she has never been a friend at all. A friend is the biggest gift to yourself.”

Everyone is going to make mistakes but please don't push them away,especially if it’s someone you really care about. I know when I make a mistake I beat myself up about it. I just wish someone would have reached out a hand to help me back up on my feet like my best friends did. If someone is new or doesn't have a friend,please reach out and befriend them because that small action could mean the world to them. Now that I’m older,I understand what my mom has been trying to tell me,and now I know that the friends that I choose will also be the kinds of friends that I would want to be surrounded by forever.

1. The writer was unwilling to go to school because________.
A.she was disappointed in herself
B.she regretted something she had done
C.she was busy trying to fix a friendship
D.she went to buy a gift for her mother
2. According to the passage,a true friend should be a person that________.
A.often gives you gifts
B.makes you happy
C.does both good and bad things to you
D.seldom makes fun of you
3. It can be inferred from the passage that the writer________.
A.doesn't have many friends
B.doesn't think that friends will make her truly happy
C.understands what a friend means to her
D.has nothing except her family and three girlfriends
4. If you hope to have a friend,you should do the following EXCEPT________.
A.giving advice and offer help if he or she makes mistakes
B.regarding him or her as a piece of work
C.considering him or her a valuable gift
D.trying to treat a newcomer as a friend
2023-08-01更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省淮安市淮安区2022-2023学年高一上学期期中调研测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . When Ray was about seven, he had a very close friend Mike. They lived near each other, traveled to and from school together, played together, were together in school, and spent time in each other’s homes.

Once, in school, Ray got bad marks (分数) and was very down. He just walked round and round the school playground. Mike followed Ray. Far enough not to stifle him, but near enough never to let Ray out of his sight. Ray was very angry at that time. He just wanted to be alone. At one point, he got so angry that he even shouted out, “Just leave me alone!” But Mike just silently walked on behind Ray, still never saying a word.

It was only after many years, almost twenty years later, that Ray truly began to understand the lesson on friendship which had been shown to him that day, Ray and Mike had already separated by then, only seeing each other a couple of times every year. But Ray still remembered that thing with gratitude (感激), a warm feeling in his heart and sometimes tears in his eyes.

Mike had taught him that true friendship does not only show up when one wants or needs it. A true friend will be around when he thinks you need him, regardless of (不管) whether you want it or not or whether you would admit it or not. He will be there even when you drive (赶走) him away, as long as he feels his presence will help you. But he will not speak if you do not want him to, and he will give you the peace that you expect.

The true friend will do what Mike did, following a distance behind, giving you space and peace, but always nearby, casting (投) a silent eye on you to make sure that you do not do anything silly, making sure he is around if you need him, and being ready to pick you if you fall anytime, to wipe your tears if they flow.

Appreciate your true friends. And be a true friend to others.

1. The underlined word “stifle” in the second paragraph can be replaced by “      ”.
2. When Ray got angry with him, Mike         .
A.walked away angrily
B.said some words of comfort to him
C.just came along with him silently
D.turned away and wept
3. Twenty years later, each time Ray remembered that thing, he felt        .
4. Ray learned from that thing that        .
A.a true friend will be there whether you need him or not
B.a friend in need is a friend indeed
C.a true friend will do what you ask him to do
D.a true friend always shows up when you need him
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . You are certain to enjoy chatting to your friends.     1    . Make sure to ask your friends some more personal and interesting questions next time.

What Are Your Best Childhood Memories?

Ask your friends to find out what stands out as their most impressive memory from their childhood: watching the same cartoons on Saturday mornings, playing with the same types of toys, or winning a school spelling competition?     2    

Where Should We Hang Out Next?

Come to an agreement on what to do that will be fun for everyone. Ask your friends for their activity ideas and give your own.     3     Perhaps you can suggest a day trip to a Disneyland park in a nearby city, or maybe some of your friends want to take a night camping trip.

What Does Your Future Hold?

Ask your friends about their plans after high school graduation, Let them discuss whether they want to go to college, or go to work directly.     4     Perhaps some of your friends wanted to become doctors after hearing a speech from a famous medical worker. Share your own dream jobs with them and give your reasons.

What’s Your Riskiest Experience?

    5     Ask your friends about their most unforgettable experiences. It will be interesting to discuss any extremely frightening but often exciting stories. Perhaps one of your friends rode on the world’s fastest roller coaster (过山车) while another friend may have bungee jumped off a cliff (悬崖). Maybe someone even took a ride in a hot air balloon.

A.Create a list of all the suggestions.
B.Everybody can talk about the classes.
C.Share your own most enjoyable ones with them.
D.Discuss new music and movies that you find interesting.
E.Unusual experiences can be the topic for exciting conversations.
F.However, after you know everything about them, your conversations may get boring.
G.If they are in college, ask them what influences helped them decide on their job choices.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . There’s a clear difference between knowing how to make friends and knowing how to maintain (维系) friendships for a long time. Do you have trouble keeping friends around, or are you tired of losing many friends over the years?     1    .

1.     2    

Interact (互动) with your friends in a way that’s meaningful and fruitful and you’ll be able to maintain your friendship better. You can either share your interest or talk about your family, work or daily routine. All in all, The more you know about each other, the stronger your bond will be.

2. Stay in touch

To keep a friend or a group of friends for a long time, you need to see or talk to them from time to time. For the people you go out with the most, I recommend once a week or twice a month. For long-distance friendships,     3    

3. Deal with fights

Fights are likely to happen.     4     Instead, you should face the problem bravely. Having an open-hearted talk with your friend and listening to each other may be the easiest way to solve your conflict. Do remember if you don’t resolve the conflict, you might lose a very dear friend.

4. Everyone changes

Change cannot be avoided and it happens to people too.     5     So When it happens to a friend, embrace the change and be happy for them. Just be sure that it is change for the better and not the other way around.

A.Hang out more with friends.
B.Keep having interactions.
C.I recommend you make a call or send an email at least twice a year.
D.Then there are a few tips I want to share with you.
E.The best changes happen to the most interesting people.
F.Tell yourself that your friends will change one day.
G.Don’t get discouraged and turn your back to your friend right away.
2023-06-25更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省汕头市金平区达濠华侨中学2020-2021学年高一(上)期末质量监测试题英语试题
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