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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One morning in the autumn when I was nine, Mom asked me to do some yard work with her. She had grown some potatoes in our yard that spring. It was time to harvest (收获). She wanted me to help her dig the potatoes. “Do I have to?” I said unhappily.

“Yes,you do,” Mom gave an answer. Then she added, “Change your attitude and it'll be easier.” “That's what you think,” I thought to myself. I sat on the sofa watch TV. Soon Mom wouldn't wait any longer and ordered me to follow her.

Worried that she'd be angry, I walked slowly out. I was unwillingly to move my feet—almost as though there were magnets (磁铁) fixed to them and the ground was metal. Or it felt like my socks were filled with wet sand. Or maybe my feet just stuck to the ground.

Following Mom's instructions, I picked up a shovel and started to work. I needed to be careful when digging up potatoes, otherwise I would damage them. The damaged potatoes would easily rot (腐烂). I pushed the shovel into the earth slowly and lifted the earth onto one side. When that was done, potatoes came out. Then I had to use my hands to free the potatoes from below. After that I placed them into a basket. It was really dirty and boring.

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I was about to give up the work when Mom's words came to my mind.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . I had not realized how the pandemic(疫情)had influenced my children until I took them recently into a store in the city center several hours from our home. It was a food market that carries specialties(地方特产)from all around the world.

For me, it was a quick and necessary stop to get something for dinner. But for my children, who had hardly left our small Canadian town for 14 months, it was an adventure into a world they'd completely forgotten about. They'd seldom even been to the store because it was a task my husband or I usually did alone.

While I loved seeing their excitement, it also filled me with sadness. Even though our experience of the pandemic has been much easier than that of families living in populated cities, I hadn't known just how small their world had become until that moment.

Because they're so young, they don't have the same memories(记忆)of the busy marketplaces and restaurants that I hold in my heart, thanks to the years I spent living in cities and visiting often after moving away. I remember those ordinary experiences with nostalgia(怀旧)but know for sure that they will come back one day.

Moved by the children's excitement, I realized the best I could do was bring the world to them. I bought the food they wanted in the store. At that moment, I felt a new understanding of food, for its ability to take us to different places, to start discussions with children about where it comes from and how it' s prepared, and to create powerful family memories. We cannot travel right now, but we can cook and eat together, and that is the next best thing.

1. What did the family do recently?
A.They opened a store in a town.
B.They shopped in a food market.
C.They traveled to a Canadian town.
D.They bought specialty foods online.
2. Why did the author feel sad?
A.Her family's backyard was too small.
B.Her children enjoyed fewer activities.
C.She failed to buy what her children wanted.
D.Her family lived too far from the city center.
3. How did the children feel about their trip?
4. What did the author do for her children in the end?
A.She made a quick meal.
B.She planned a world tour.
C.She chose a traditional way of cooking.
D.She opened conversations about foreign food.
2021-11-22更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省眉山市仁寿第一中学北校区2021-2022学年高一上学期半期英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Family time is one of the most important times in a children's life. My family and I spend a lot of time together, including having dinner together every night.     1     Even when my father is away on business, my mother, my sister and I talk and have fun together. As a teenager, spending time with my parents is not the most fun thing I do but I feel it is necessary. I learn from them every time we talk, whether it is about my dad's job or my mother's day. 

    2     Data show that only 50% of families sit down for dinner together every night. That's a shame because researchers claim that kids who have these regular family dinners tend to have a sense of belonging and safety.       3     And they are also more likely to have better grades and a larger vocabulary.

There have been many recent studies showing kids are "wilder" than they used to be.     4    I think less attention from parents might be one of them. If parents spend more time with their children, they will keep their kids away from television, video games and "wild" ideas.

I have noticed in old TV shows and my parents' stories that not long ago sitting at the family dinner table was not a choice, but a must.     5    It is probably because parents and children are under more pressure from work and study. Although we all lead busy lives and are always running around trying to finish homework or play sports, we should all spend 20 minutes each day to eat dinner together.

A.Nowadays, it seems harder for people to find time to be together.
B.I did a little research on the "family table" idea.
C.Children just watch TV and play computer games.
D.There are certainly many reasons for this.
E.We don't watch television. Instead we sit down at the table to eat and discuss our days.
F.What's more, they learn better behaviours during the time with their parents.
G.It is important for parents to teach children how to behave.
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Lots of students are too busy doing their homework to help out with housework. So, many parents want to know if they should give their children chores. Well, there’s no need to worry.     1    

First, doing chores helps children   learn to be independent. Parents can’t stay by their children’s side all the time.     2    And these skills will help them be ready for the day when they go to college or take care of their own houses.

    3    When children finish a chore, they will not only take pride in a job well done but also have confidence in their ability to do things well.

Third, doing chores makes it possible for children to develop good relationships with their family, friends and partners. Doing chores together with family can make children more caring for their family. And they begin to learn their responsibility in a family or a group.     4    They will know that if they work together as a team, things will be completed quicker and better.

    5    Yes! And it should be on the top of the list. Now, my friends, are you ready to help?

A.Should children do chores?
B.Chores are good for children.
C.What chores should children do?
D.That helps them build team spirit.
E.Children cannot do chores without their parents’ help.
F.Second, doing chores helps children build self-confidence.
G.Children need to learn the necessary life skills to be independent.
2021-11-05更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省南充市阆中中学校2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . My parents have very different parenting styles. Dad brings out the best in me. He is calm(镇静的)and reasonable and treats me like an adult. Mum, like so many parents of my friends, makes me want to rebel(反抗).    1    

My friends and I think that our parents care too much about us. Take me for example.     2    It was a journey I'd taken with Mum before. Dad was fine with the idea of me going alone, but it took weeks of arguments(争吵)before Mum agreed. In her eyes, I'm not old enough to go on the trip alone. But I' m sixteen years old!

Parents need to learn to trust us. There is no point in becoming angry, which just makes things worse. A few months ago, Mum went crazy when I told her I'd been receiving e-mails from a stranger I'd met online. Since then she hasn't allowed me to use the Internet.     3     They use monitoring software(监控软件)to secretly   watch what their teenagers are looking at online.

I understand them, but they overreact(反应过激).     4     I think what they should do is keep calm and help us find a way to deal with it.

We love the idea of being really close to our parents.     5     But part of being a teenager is feeling free to take steps down new paths and learning from our own mistakes. Our parents have to let us get on with what is just a natural stage of life.

A.She speaks to me as though I'm still a child.
B.Some teenagers refuse to open up to their parents.
C.But she isn't so bad as many of my friends' parents.
D.We also know deep down that our parents care about us most.
E.Recently, I wanted to take a train to Portsmouth to see a friend.
F.Mum, on the other hand, kept suggesting other things I could do
G.What they do makes us not want to talk about our personal things with them.
完形填空(约200词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . The other day a big, ugly, black bat found its way to my bathroom. I am what is known as “the man of the house”, so it was my_________, in fact my manly duty, to rid the house of the_________creature.

Being a man does not_________the fact that I am extremely_________of bats. All men, I think, sometimes have had that feeling of being_________in some male role. Sometimes it is something as simple as having to_________that you know something about car engines when the car won’t start. But sometimes the trap is a (n)_________one. Many men prefer to be something different from what society_________men should be. What these men want is the_________to be what they want to be.

As I came towards the frightening bat, I__________what would happen if I had simply told my wife that I wouldn’t do it. But I couldn’t do that! I__________opened the window, carefully lifted a broom and swept the bat out of the__________.

My wife was__________and my son thought I was a__________. They asked me how I had got rid of the bat, I started to tell them—but then__________. A man doesn’t talk of such things.

共计 平均难度:一般