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1 . Marie Curie and Her Daughters

by Imogen Greenberg

Illustrated (插图) by Isabel Greenberg

You’ve probably heard of scientist Marie Curie and her discoveries, but how about her daughters, Irene and Eve? This beautiful illustrated book follows the adventures of the family as they save lives during wars, travel around the world, and change the history of science.


by Devika Rangachari

Discover the amazing true story of Queen Lakshmibai of Jhansi — an Indian queen who could read and write. Find out how she trained other women to fight next to her and became a symbol of resistance to British rule in India in 1857.

Queens: 3,000 Years of the Most Incredible Women in History

by Victoria Crossman

Celebrating queens from all over the world and through history, this book describes Cleopatra of Egypt, Queen Nanny of Jamaica, Catherine the Great of Russia, Empress Jingu of Japan, Boudicca in Britain and Queen Elizabeth II, among others. It’s full of illustrations and details.

The Girl with Her Head in the Clouds

by Karen McCombie

Illustrated by Anneli Bray

London, 1904. When a couple of showmen need help with a stunt, 16-year-old Dolly volunteers. Soon, she’s busy with working as a parachutist (跳伞者). This story is based on the real life of parachute performer Dolly Shepherd.

1. Which of the following books is science-related?
A.Queens: 3,000 Years of the Most Incredible Women in History.
B.The Girl with Her Head in the Clouds.
C.Marie Curie and Her Daughters.
2. Whose book is based on a performer’s personal experience?
A.Imogen Greenberg’s.B.Devika Rangachari’s.
C.Victoria Crossman’s.D.Karen McCombie’s.
3. What do these four books have in common?
A.They have the same social background.B.They describe the influence of wars.
C.They are created by two people.D.They are about women heroes.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Some libraries use unique architecture to encourage visitors to explore the racks and settle down with a new book, or use flowing libraries to bring books to hard-to-reach populations.

Kansas City Library (Kansas City, Missouri)

Along the south wall of this parking garage’s exterior, visitors are treated to what looks like a huge shelf of books. The building originally served as a bank, which is readily apparent when the library has screenings in its Vault Theater, inside an actual 1925 bank vault.

Stuttgart City Library (Stuttgart, Germany)

Opened in 2011, this nine-story public library designed by Eun Young Yi is characterized by its impressive white-on-white color scheme, its bold cubic shape and its cavernous interior. This cultural center for the city, designed to feel open and full of light, can be entered from any of its four sides, and readers can borrow artwork as well as books.

The Camel Library Service (North Eastern Province, Kenya)

To fight with low literacy rates in the desert of Kenya, the government created a roaming library composed of nine camels to bring books to villages. The library travels four days a week serving the region’s migratory people. Currently the service focuses on children, but with more funding they plan to increase their reach both in distance and the titles they carry.

Macquarie University Library (Sydney, Australia)

A stunning combination of cutting edge and sustainable, this building was made from recycled materials, features a green roof, and was designed to imitate the look of a eucalyptus tree. It is also state of the art, using robot cranes to bring requested books to the front desk.

1. What is the feature of Kansas City Library?
A.It used to be a bank.B.It has only a book shelf.
C.It served as a park lot.D.It makes use of robot cranes.
2. Which of the following provides books for migratory people?
A.Kansas City Library.B.Stuttgart City Library.
C.The Camel Library Service.D.Macquarie University Library.
3. What’s the purpose of the libraries?
A.To sell the artwork in libraries.B.To urge people to read books.
C.To show the art of architecture.D.To keep people staying in the libraries.
2022-11-24更新 | 367次组卷 | 5卷引用:2023届内蒙古阿拉善盟高三第一次模拟考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入一个单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Recently, 16 Chinese online novels have been added to the collection of the British Library.     1     (cover) themes of science fiction, history, reality and fantasy, these works are considered the classics of Chinese online literature from the past 20 years.

The library usually selects works     2     (base) on their popularity or by considering an item’s value. Readers can check the information about the 16 books on the library’s website, and borrow printed     3     (copy). As one of the current key parts of mass cultural consumption,     4     began with “fast food” romanced, fantasies and mysteries, the Chinese online literature industry has received increasing     5     (recognize) from home and abroad.

One of the 16 novels, Happiness in Palm tells a story about love and delicacies (美食) in ancient times. The author created a     6     (represent) heroine who was tough and intelligent, facing up to hardships with courage, perseverance and optimism. “It’s     7     surprise to me that online fiction can be added to the collection of a foreign library.     8     feels like the path of online novel writing is becoming much     9     (wide)” the writer says.

Great Power, Heavy Industry tells of how China’s manufacturing industries     10     (grow) stronger in recent decades, and foreign readers can learn about the Chinese system and culture behind the country’s swift economic development, getting to know China better in the process.

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4 . Libraries are romantic places. The romance is that of reading, and the wealth of human imagining and learning that is contained in them. Access to the knowledge and literary art poetry, fiction, drama)in a library is precious -and particularly valuable to young minds and people of any age with an interest in education.

It would be hard to find anyone who actively disapproves of libraries. But when it comes to reality, Britain’s libraries are on less solid ground. The number of books borrowed in the year ending in March.2021 was 72.9m,down 56%on the previous year. Physical visits also collapsed, from 214.6m to 59.7m.

Of course, this is the behaviour that one would expect during a pandemic. Many libraries were closed during this period, while people were discouraged from unnecessary mixing. Book sales climbed to their highest in a decade in 2021, which suggests that some former users of libraries may have bought books instead.

Private libraries at home, whether large collections or single bookshelves, appear to be developing well. But the hope must be that visits and loans at public libraries will soon return to their former level too. Like any other service, libraries need users. And while booksellers might in one sense be regarded as competitors, in fact the vast majority of those involved in the trade, from publishers to poets, are library lovers.

This has something to do with the romantic idea of the reader as explorer, with every book a door to a new store of feeling or understanding. But it also involves the recognition that if books are to form part of our life, there must be space in public for them. Books can be treasured possessions, but there is also something special about a copy that arrives in your hands having passed through those of others -and that will go on being passed between strangers who share your curiosity.

1. What has happened to British libraries?
A.They have been in a bad state.B.They have become romantic places.
C.They have got great appeal for artists.D.They have suffered great loss of users.
2. What has led to the home library boom in Britain?
A.People avoid close contact in public.B.Many libraries have been pulled down.
C.People have access to affordable books.D.More people disapprove of public libraries.
3. What does the author try to convey in the last paragraph?
A.Books are personal belongings.B.Libraries are a paradise for adventurers.
C.Books should be attached importance to.D.Libraries contribute to human connection.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Libraries will fade out of stage.B.Libraries will hold a promising future.
C.Booksellers benefit from libraries’ collapse.D.The pandemic has boosted British book sales.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Reading is essential but how can one choose the right books to read and where can one find them? A few famous people may give you some helpful tips.

● Read books from past eras.

    1     Otherwise, you’d be “completely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of your times,” just as Albert Einstein put it. “Somebody who reads only newspapers and books of contemporary authors looks to me like an extremely near-sighted person who dislikes eyeglasses,” he said.


Reading too wide a variety in too short a time would keep the teachings from leaving a lasting impression on you. Seneca the Younger, a first-century Roman philosopher, suggested that “you must linger (流连) among a limited number of master thinkers, and digest their works, if you would obtain ideas which shall win firm hold in your mind.”

● Shop at secondhand bookstores.

Virginia Woolf believed the works in secondhand bookstores have an attraction which the usual volumes of the library lack. Browsing through these books gives you the chance to run into something that wouldn’t have risen to the attention of librarians and booksellers.     3    

● Check out authors’ reading lists.

In his 1940 guide How to Read a Book, American philosopher Mortimer J. Adler talked about how to choose books. He attached importance to those that other authors consider worth reading.     4     Mortimer wrote that “one way to understand them is to read the books they read.”

● Make the final decision by yourself.

    5     It’s you yourself who should choose what, how and when to read. Theodore Roosevelt recommended choosing books on subjects that interest you and letting your mood guide you to your next great read.

A.Interest is the best teacher.
B.Great authors are great readers.
C.Leave some room for older works.
D.Learn more about those great authors.
E.Don’t jump too quickly from book to book.
F.There’s no “best books” list that everyone should follow.
G.Usually they are much more selective in organizing their collections.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Michelle Zauner的回忆录《在H超市里哭泣》这本书,介绍了书的目的以及作者对这本书的看法。

6 . When I first picked up Michelle Zauner’s memoir “Crying in H Mart,” I was attracted by the familiar name of the local Korean market 10 minutes away from my house. Looking through its pages was no different from looking through an old photo album, reminding me of my old memories. And I wanted to look at each and every photo, up close.

Despite being a struggling artist making up for lost time with a sick mother, Zauner somehow made her unique experiences related to her audience. One of the factors that helped make this possible was food. Every food and every aspect of Korean culture she described seemed so familiar to me, as I’m a Korean American. Not only this, we have similar experiences, and have common feelings of being torn apart by two cultures that seem to refuse to accept us just for being who we are. Zauner shone a new light on my attitude to my own identity.

In other ways, this relatability to such a specific target audience can become a weakness. This memoir was obviously meant for a Korean, specifically a Korean American audience. With such a small audience of 0.6 % of the United States population in 2019, the story that Zauner wanted to tell would not be received by many.

An avoidable point of the memoir that caused confusion could have been the organization of the timeline. Looking at the book as a whole, there was no specific order in which Zauner organized the events of her life. The most effective way to do this would have been to progress through the book stating with her earliest memories with her mother and ending with her moments of grieving.

I felt thankful that I was able to discover such a novel that made me feel understood for the first time in years. And most of all, 1 felt inspired that there are people like Zauner who make mistakes but try again. Even when the world tells them it’s too late, they try again. Even when they feel lost, they try again and find a way. And there was one thing I was sure of after I read he book: I will try again.

1. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Making up for lost time.B.Designing a book like an album.
C.Bringing back the author’s old memories.D.Letting Zauner’s readers understand her experiences.
2. Which aspect of the book is discussed in paragraph 3?
A.Its small readership.B.Its difficult languages.
C.Its weak market in Korea.D.Its sales in America in 2019.
3. What is the author’s purpose in writing paragraph 4?
A.To point out one limitation of the book.
B.To describe Zauner’s life in order of time.
C.To explain why he falls in love with the book.
D.To introduce an effective way to write a memoir.
4. What did the author learn from reading “Crying in H Mart”?
A.To be thankful.B.To stay positive.
C.To understand others.D.To avoid making mistakes.
2022-03-22更新 | 95次组卷 | 3卷引用:内蒙古包头市2021-2022学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Looking for books suitable for your juniors? Here are what our editors recommend:

Room for Everyone

Musa and Dada drive to the shore — but the bus stops many times: “You need a ride? Come in! There’s still room!” One stop becomes two stops which soon becomes ten, and the bus is overcrowded, but there’s always room for one more if you make the room, making this trip a joyous tale.

Author: Naaz Khan

Reading age: 4 - 8


Auggie Pullman was born with a facial difference which prevents him from going to a mainstream school. Entering a new school, he wants nothing more than to be treated normally — but his new classmates can’t ignore his extraordinary face. Auggie is a hero to prove that you can’t give in when you were born to stand out.

Author: R. J. Palacio

Reading age: 8 - 12

Starfish Hardcover

Ellie is tired of being fat and she’s found her safe space — her swimming pool — where she feels weightless in a fat-obsessed world. In the water, she can stretch herself out like a starfish and take up all the room she wants. Finally, with the support of those loving her, Ellie might be able to be a starfish in real life — by being her own excellent self.

Author: Lisa Fipps

Reading age: 10 - 13

Swimming to Antarctica: Tales of a Long-Distance Swimmer

Lynne Cox started swimming almost as soon as she could walk. By age sixteen, she had broken all records for swimming the English Channel. She narrowly escaped a shark attack, and was cheered across the Cook Strait by dolphins. She even swam a mile in the Antarctic. Lynne writes the same way she swims, with tough spirit and joy.

Author: Lynne Cox

Reading age: 14 - 18

1. Who are the target readers of this text?
2. What troubles both Auggie and Ellie?
A.Their schooling.B.Their appearance.
C.Their weight.D.Their friendship.
3. Whose book should you choose if you are interested in challenges of human limits?
A.Naaz Khan’s.B.R. J. Palacio’s.C.Lisa Fipps’s.D.Lynne Cox’s.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Independence is something that can be difficult to achieve. But don’t worry because here we have four books that can help you. If you don’t buy less than three of them, you’ll be given a 20% discount!

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Taking care of your finance is hard. Dave Ramsey, a famous businessman, is here to take you on the whole process of planning your finance, and show the myths of cash advances and debt consolidation (债务重整), to make sure your finance is healthy.

Price: $14.49

Graces Guide by Grace Helbig

Grace Helbig shared her tips to becoming a grown-up. The book is full of personal stories of Helbig, her struggles and the lessons she learnt from failing many times. This book is your on-the-go fun read with pictures and drawings of Helbig, and worksheets (作记录) to practice.

Price: $7.95

The Oh She Glows Cookbook by Angela Liddon

Having suffered from eating disorder and living on diet, Angela Liddon promised to cat healthily forever. She threw out her fat-free butter spray (黄油喷雾) and low-caloric frozen dinners after learning how to properly cook. This book contains more than 100 recipes (食谱) covering breakfast, salads, soups. power snacks and the main dishes for a healthy meal at any time of the day. We all know that healthy eating is all part of being independent.

Price $22.22

Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed

Life can be hard, especially when it comes to relationships with others. In the book, Strayed gives advice on love and life. She writes about different subjects: a son rejected by his parents, a mother who has lost her child. And the message hidden throughout all her advice is always that, if you want a good life, you have to create it.

Price: $8.76

1. How much will you save at least if you buy three of the listed books?
2. What do Grace’s Guide and The Oh She Glows Cookbook have in common?
A.They are about how to grow up healthily.
B.They involve their authors’ experiences.
C.They are mainly about how to work better
D.They teach readers to learn from others’ life stories.
3. Which book is your favorite if you don’t know how to get along with others?
A.Graces Guide.
B.The Oh she Glows Cookbook.
C.The Total Money Makeover.
D.Tiny Beautiful Things.
2022-01-25更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古赤峰市2021-2022学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 为了号召大家多读书,你校于 9 月 25 日组织了一次“亲子共读(parent-child reading)”活动。假设你是校英文报的记者,请根据以下要点用英语写一篇短文,报道此次活动。
1. 地点:学校图书馆;
2. 参加者:高二年级学生与家长;
3. 活动内容:亲子共读一本书;分享读书体会;互相推荐优秀书籍;
4. 简短评论
要求:1. 文章包含所有要点,可适当增加内容,使行文连贯
2. 词数 100 词左右。
参考词汇:1. 号召 call on
2. 激发了学生…的兴趣 arouse students’ interest in
3. 推荐 recommend
2022-01-28更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古自治区阿拉善盟第一中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Good books are essential for children. The best materials are the ones that not only entertain, but also expand the imagination, educate the mind, and let the next generation know that they have a place in this world. Here are some good books for you.

New Kid

The book features the story of middle school student Jordan Banks, who struggles not only with being the new kid at a private school in the Bronx, but also with being an African American student in the midst of a mostly white class. In his acclaimed graphic novel, Jerry Craft addresses important issues of race and class through lively visuals and a likable protagonist.

The Undefeated

It was written by Kwame Alexander and drawn by Kadir Nelson. The poem details the history of African Americans, emphasizing the triumphs of the civil rights movement as well as the trauma of slavery, along with the mention of several globally known heroes. There are also quotes from influential figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Langston Hughes and alongside there are beautiful illustrations from Nelson.

Other Words for Home

The character of Jude teaches us empathy as we read what it’s like to be a young teenager immigrating from Somalia trying to fit in in America. She tries to learn the English language while tackling discrimination and classmates unwilling to understand and accept her, including her cousin of the same age. Jasmine Warga has created a story that is both powerful and gentle, big but full of small moments, a happy but sad story that will live in your heart.”

1. Who is the author of New kid?
A.Kwame AlexanderB.Jerry Craft
C.Jasmine WargaD.Kadir Nelson
2. Which book has the beautiful pictures?
A.The UndefeatedB.New Kid
C.Other Words for HomeD.Bear came along
3. What do the three books have in common?
A.All are about stories of kids
B.All about stories in Africa
C.All are related to African Americans
D.All mentioned globally known heroes
2021-11-22更新 | 60次组卷 | 2卷引用:内蒙古海拉尔第二中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第二次阶段考英语试题
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