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1 . My earliest reading memory takes me back to being five years old, sitting in my grandfather’s cozy study. He would read to me from his French-translated copy of Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book. I was so familiar with the stories that I could correct him word-for-word if he tried to change something.

Growing up, my favorite book was Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes. It was a treasure for an imaginative and lonely child like me. The book was filled with magical elements: a magical carousel, monsters, and the charming scent of autumn leaves lying in the sun. The language was as crisp and sweet as an October apple, awakening in me a deep passion for words and the magic they could bring out. I’ve reread it regularly and it never fails to satisfy me.

In my adult years, I revisited Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. When I first read it at 16, I perceived it as a love story. However, rereading it as an adult, I was struck by how different it seemed to me, and how much of the humour I’d missed. Now I love its poetry. And the love story not only exists between the characters but between Brontë and the North York Moors.

James Joyce’s Ulysses was a book I came back to after 40 years. Initially, at 15, I found it ugly, depressing, and dull, and I hated it. It took me four decades to return to it, and this time, I found myself understanding and beginning to appreciate it. I could see the details, the mythic parallels, the references to different writing styles, and the groundbreaking technique.

Though some exceptional books can develop and grow alongside us, others fall by the wayside. I’ve revisited so many childhood favourites only to find the magic gone, but I’m usually happy to leave the book behind. I’ve taken from it what I need.

1. What was the author’s earliest reading memory?
A.Copying the stories of Rudyard Kipling.
B.Reading Something Wicked This Way Comes.
C.Studying Ulysses for writing styles.
D.Listening to The Jungle Book in French.
2. Which part of Wuthering Heights gave the author a different feeling as an adult?
A.The complex plot.B.The characters.
C.The humour and poetry.D.The love story.
3. What do the underlined words “fall by the wayside” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Remain unchanged over years.B.Lose their original attraction.
C.Gain widespread popularity.D.Are left by the side of the road.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.The Changing Power of Reading
B.The Development of Reading Taste
C.The Lifelong Journey of Rereading Classics
D.The Childhood Memories in Reading Habits
7日内更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届安徽省淮北市高三第一次质量检测(一模)英语试题
完形填空(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story _________ their children. And they must have realized how difficult it is to write a _________ children’s book. Either the author has aimed too _________, so that children can’t follow what is in his ( or more often, her ) story, _________ the story seems to be talking to the readers.

The best children’s books are _________ very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy the _________ who hears the story and the adult who _________ it. Unfortunately, there are in fact few books like this, _________ the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not _________ to solve. This may be why many of the books regarded as __________ of children’s literature were in fact written for __________.“Alice in Wonderland” is perhaps the most obvious of this.

Children, left for themselves, often __________ the worst possible interest in literature. Just leave a child in a bookshop or a __________ and he will more willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative (并非想象的) way, or have a look at the most children’s comics(连环图书), full of the stories and jokes which are the rejections of teachers and righting­thinking parents.

Perhaps we parents should stop __________ to brainwash (洗脑) children into accepting our taste in literature. After all, children and adults are so __________ that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. So I suppose we’ll just have to compromise(妥协)over the bedtime story.

7日内更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省六安市裕安区新安中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |

3 . If you want to fill your shelves with the best books of all time, you’re in the right place.

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein (1974)

The imagination of Shel Silverstein is on full display in this classic collection of short stories and poems. The book is truly one of the best poetry books of all time because of its staying power for children. The stories of this American poet, author, singer and folk artist have something for everyone.

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (1878)

Most critics regard it as one of the most typical literary love stories. The author’s Russian tale of unfortunate lovers is filled with fascinating quotes like, “He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.” This one belongs on any book collector’s shelf.

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1943)

It is a timeless tale of a prince’s journey in search of adventure. What he finds, however, are interactions with adults who leave him so upset. It’s one of the most appealing short books we’ve ever read and also one of the most widely read children’s classics all over the world.

The Shining by Stephen King (1977)

The master of mystery must be included in any list of books you should read in a lifetime. That’s why you will find it here. Horror fans take note: This is one of the scariest and best Stephen King books of all time.

1. In which book can we read about unfortunate lovers?
A.Anna Karenina.B.The Shining.
C.The Little Prince.D.Where the Sidewalk Ends.
2. Which writer is good at telling a timeless journey of adventure?
A.Shel Silverstein.B.Stephen King.
C.Antoine de Saint-Exupery.D.Leo Tolstoy.
3. What do Where the Sidewalk Ends and The Shining have in common?
A.They are both novels.
B.They are both for children.
C.They are both about adults.
D.They were both written in the 1970s.
2024-04-19更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖市2022-2023学年高二下学期教学质量统测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . With the popularity of mobile phones and other electronic devices, more and more e-book products are created and these products have brought convenience to many young readers.     1    . If you’re interested in printed books, here are some benefits they bring about.


When people settle in to read the latest must-read novel in print, they don’t get those annoying notifications (通知) in electronic reading. “Unless you’ve taken the time to turn off all the notifications, a digital reader is designed to interrupt,” Baron says.

Less eyestrain (眼睛疲劳)

    3    . But it’s much worse reading on screens. “If you look at what students say — My eyes hurt or I have headaches — overwhelmingly they noticed greater eyestrain reading digitally,” says Baron.

Greater academic achievements

    4    . The authors of a June 2014 study published in Oxford Academics looked at data examining academic performance of 200,000-plus students in 42 nations taking the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and reached the conclusion.

Better sleep

There are plenty of studies that show that reading on digital devices like phones and e-readers will negatively impact sleep. In a 2015 study, researchers at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, found that study participants reading digital books took longer to fall asleep and were less sleepy.     5    . In that way eyes and the mind have time to relax.

Educational trends come and go, so maybe the shift back to traditional books won’t last. But for the moment, I find myself standing at attention, relaxing my textbook-built shoulders and preparing for their glorious return.

A.Fewer notifications
B.Less interruption
C.Thus people had better turn e-reading devices off one hour before bedtime
D.The number of books in a family home strongly influences children’s academic performance
E.People experience eyestrain from reading in both media
F.People suffer eyestrain from digital reading
G.However, physical books are more learning-friendly than digital books
2024-04-18更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省怀宁县高河中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Some libraries use unique architecture to encourage visitors to explore the book shelves and settle down with a new book, or use travelling libraries to bring books to hard-to-reach populations. No matter how they achieve it, these novel libraries are keeping the magic of reading alive.

Beach Library (Albena, Bulgaria)

Reading a book on the beach is a classic, and in Bulgaria, one library encourages tourists to do just that. The white, weather-resistant shelves lined up not far from the surf feature 6,000 books in 15 languages, so every visitor can find the perfect beach read to enjoy while soaking up the sun’s rays.

Bishan Library (Singapore)

Built in 2006, this library with skylights and trellises (格架), standing out for its modern art, is meant to resemble a modern glass tree-house. Glass pods of varying colors stick out of the building randomly to create cozy yet air y corner for reading throughout the building. Children’s room on the basement level invites interaction while preventing noise from disturbing those concentrating in the loft y seats above.

The Camel Library Service (North Eastern Province, Kenya)

To fight low literacy rates in the desert of Kenya, the government created a travelling library composed of nine camels bringing books to villages. The library travels four days a week serving the region’s nomadic (游牧的) people. Currently the service focuses on children, but with more funding they plan to increase their reach both in distance and the titles they carry.

Macquarie University Library (Sydney, Australia)

A stunning combination of being both cutting-edge and sustainable, this building with a green roof, was made from recycled materials and designed to look like an eucalyptus tree(桉树). It is also state of the art, using robot cranes to bring requested books to the front desk.

1. What can visitors do in Albena Beach Library?
A.Find the perfect beach.B.Read classics while surfing.
C.Buy books in 15 languages.D.Enjoy reading in the sunshine.
2. What do we know about Bishan Library?
A.It was built with artistic design.
B.It is known for travelling services.
C.Children can interact with each other everywhere.
D.Robots are used to bring requested books to the front desk.
3. Which of the following features environmental protection?
A.Beach Library.B.The Camel Library Service.
C.Bishan Library.D.Macquarie University Library.
2024-04-16更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届安徽省池州市普通高中高三下学期教学质量统一监测(二模)英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
6 . Why is the man reading the book again?
A.It is important.B.It is interesting.C.It is hard to understand.
2024-04-09更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省六安市皖西当代职业中专学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题皖西当代职业中专学校
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Shanghai Sukkah,     1     (write) by Heidi Smith Hyde and illustrated (画插图) by Jing Jing Tsong, is a picture book centering on friendship and respect across cultures.

During World War Ⅱ, 10-year-old Marcus and his family move from Berlin     2     Shanghai, where he doubts whether this unfamiliar city will ever feel like home.     3     (fortunate), he makes a new Chinese friend, Liang, despite their language and cultural differences.

When autumn holidays approach, Marcus explains the tradition of building sukkah — a(n)     4     (tradition) ceremonial building, and happily accepts Liang’s offer of help in     5     (it) construction, though he’s sad that his family is too poor to decorate the building with fruits and vegetables.     6     (see) his friend’s sadness, Liang invites Marcus     7     (experience) the Mid-Autumn Festival, with its colourful red lanterns, mooncakes,     8     games. Finally, these two boys decide to decorate the sukkah in a Chinese style. According to Tsong’s illustration, the bamboo sukkah     9     (decorate) with, instead of fruits and vegetables, warmly glowing red paper lanterns.

All in all, I highly recommend this book,     10     celebrates history, friendship, traditions and cultures.

2024-04-09更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖一中2022-2023学年高一下学期3月份教学质量诊断测试英语试卷
书信写作-演讲稿 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假设你是李华,请以阅读英语文学作品为主题写一篇演讲稿。内容包括:
My fellow students,
2024-04-05更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届安徽省巢湖市部分学校高三下学期一模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . For a long time, I kept a selection of books on a shelf next to my bed that I called my “heart books”. To qualify for a place on the shelf, a book had to be not only one I loved, but one that mattered. There was one book that never made it onto that shelf, though I read it in high school: Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg.

I can still remember the day I bought it. It was summer and I must have been 14 or 15. Desperate to get out of my house, I rode my bike into town and walked into the bookstore. I was going through the shelf of books on writing and it caught my eye. I picked it up, read a few pages, and bought it. Then I took it with me to a park, read the first few chapters, and opened my notebook to write.

It’s a fairly straightforward writing book. Goldberg’s method is simple: you choose a topic, set a timer, and write for 10, 15, or 20 minutes without picking up your pen. Free writing, timed writing, writing topics: anyone who has taken a creative writing class may have encountered these things. It’s not earth-shattering. There was nothing particularly new or unusual about the book so I can’t say why it attracted me so much. But it changed everything. I went from being someone who enjoyed writing to being a writer.

During my teen years and early twenties, following Goldberg’s method was at the core of my identity. No matter where I was or what I was doing, I filled notebooks. When I eventually started writing fiction, I did the same thing. The “I” in my notebooks became someone else, but I held to the same practice.

This writing practice led me to a writing group in Boston. It led me to my current career. It led me, in so many ways, to myself. Becoming a writer allowed me to become so many other things: an activist, a business owner, a farmer, a baker... Writing is where I found my confidence. It was where I became curious about the world. From that, everything else has followed.

1. How did the author encounter Writing Down the Bones?
A.By following a selection of “heart books”.
B.By referring to a book list about writing.
C.By recommendation of Natalie Goldberg.
D.By seeking writing books on a bookshelf.
2. What does the word “earth-shattering” underlined in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What can we infer about Writing Down the Bones?
A.It inspired the author to be a writer.
B.It was the first novel the author read.
C.It made the author start to love writing.
D.It is one of the books the author reads most.
4. Which of the following is answered by the last paragraph?
A.What is the author’s life like right now?
B.What did the author do in the writing group?
C.How has the writing practice shaped the author?
D.Why did the author give up the writing practice?
2024-03-29更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省安庆市桐城中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学教学质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

10 . As we close out the final days of this year, treat yourself to a deliciously distracting new book —a book that you can dip into and out of throughout the holidays. Read up, rest up, and enjoy yourself.

Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and beyond

A must-have guide for yoga-loving mamas, Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond offers helpful relaxation techniques and breathing exercises that are tailored to each pregnant woman. The book also lays out valuable techniques for labor and staying in touch with your body as it continuously changes.

Mindfulness Activities for Kids

We could all use a little more peace in our lives. Uniquely suited for children and parents to do together, the 40 mindfulness exercises recommended here —from pausing to fully enjoy a tasty sandwich to taking chalk walk together—will not only teach children calm and gratitude, but also bring grown-ups and their littles closer together.

Before She Disappeared

Frankie Elkin is a recovering alcoholic who devotes her time to solving cold cases, especially those involving people of color. A new investigation brings her to Boston, searching for a Haitian teenager who disappeared months ago. But as Frankie starts asking questions, someone else will stop at nothing to keep the answers hidden.

Oak Flat

Lauren Redniss’ Oak Flat tells the story of the land near the San Carlos Apache Reservation through an Apache family fighting to protect the land which the U. S. government and two world-power mining enterprises are attempting to seize and destroy for its copper resources. Visually striking and deeply reported, Oak Flat tells a larger story of endless westward expansion and native resistance.

1. Which book can help to improve family relations?
A.Oak Flat.
B.Before She Disappeared.
C.Mindfulness Activities for Kids.
D.Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond.
2. What do we know about the book Oak Flat?
A.It’s a brief account of mining enterprises.
B.It centers on an Apache family’s struggle.
C.It sings high praise of the US government.
D.It supports westward expansion and native resistance.
3. Who are the target readers of the four books?
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