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1 . An 80-foot floating library, built in 1963 and called Bokbaten in Norway, visited around 250 small communes along the west coast of Norway twice every year before 2020. Many of the villages along the west coast of Norway are most easily accessible by boat rather than car, so in 1959, a group of librarians got government funding to s art a waterborne library service with special on stress on children’s literature.

Large enough to hold around 6, 000 books, the boat also hosted readings, children’s pays, and other cultural events onboard. It traveled along the coast on 64-day tours during the fall and winter months, welcoming up to 150 children at a time and unloading books for each community to keep until the boat made it swayback the next time around. In summer, the library was repurposed as a tourist boat.

But in 2020, it looked like it might be the end for the library. After nearly 60 years in action, the popular boat had its funding cut by the government, which ended the floating library program. “The book boat is a floating house of culture, which means a lot to thousands of children in the communities that don’t have a good library offering,” Norwegian librarian and author Stig Holmas wrote on Facebook at the time. “It has large numbers of visits,” he went on, adding: “What a shame!”

Luckily, 28 local municipalities (市政当局) banded together in support of the beloved library, helping organize 88 cultural events to make people realize the importance of the boat between August and November 2021. Then, in February 2022, the Fritt Ord Foundation, a private Norwegian nonprofit, provided the library with nearly $300, 000 to keep the program running. Later that year, journalist Maria PileS vas and, whose grandfather built the library, was employed as manager for Bokbaten.

The boat is now a traveling bookstore, and it continues to carry on the tradition of inviting authors, actors and musicians to come aboard and perform live readings for children.

1. What do we know about Bokbaten?
A.It also held a variety of activities.
B.It was not that popular in the summer.
C.It was suggested by the 250 communities.
D.It allowed people to keep the book for 64 days.
2. What is Stig Holmas’ attitude towards the government decision?
3. What did local municipalities do for the revival of Bokbaten?
A.They provided enough funds for the library.
B.They helped to promote the value of the library.
C.They invited Maria Pile Svasand to manage Bokbaten.
D.They set up the Fritt Ord Foundation to raise funds for Bokbaten.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Why the floating library in Norway is so popular
B.The establishment of a floating library in Norway
C.How a floating library in Norway was saved
D.The influence of a floating library in Norway
7日内更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省宝鸡中学2023-2024学年高二下学期阶段考试(一)英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What do the speakers agree on heroes?
A.They are like Superman in films.
B.They achieve great success in their work.
C.They are common people making important contributions.
2. Who is the man’s hero?
A.His grandfather.B.Great writers.C.Superman.
3. What does the woman think of story books without heroes?
4. What does the man mean in the end?
A.It’s hard to find great books.
B.It’s great to do some reading.
C.It’s good to help some people.
2024-04-18更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省西安中学高三上学期一模英语试题
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When I learned that our community library was hosting a Book Nerd Challenge, I got excited. My granddaughter and I needed a little _______   to increase the quality of the books we read, so I suggested we _______ .

The goal was to read fifty books in a year. I’m an English teacher. This didn’t seem like much of a _______ . Then, I read the small _______   that there were fifty different categories ranging from historical non-fiction to a book with a red cover. Not so _______ after all.

The experience created a _______ between my granddaughter and me. We read a couple of the _______ novels, but we mostly read different titles. However, we had interesting _______ based on the similar themes in our books and we _______ the authors’ styles, different genres, and our favorites. With fifty categories to choose from, I ________ my all-time favorite I read once and several classics.

________ , inspired by a stubborn need to meet the goal, I ________ myself to make time to visit the worlds and characters of the novels. During the Book Nerd Challenge, sometimes I made excuses for ________ when I was unwilling to continue. But after a year, reading became a ________ I desired. My life became more ________ as I grew intellectually. Reading made me uninterested in TV programs. The realistic stories of life ________ the unrealistic dramas on the screen.

Now I find books can provide a better ________ . Perhaps the greatest benefit I ________ through my increased reading is the ________ it has on my writing. Reading improves my vocabulary, models unique styles, provides new insights, inspires new ideas, and stimulates a desire to ________ other authors’ successes.

A.move onB.turn downC.sign upD.show off
2024-04-17更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省安康市汉滨区高三联考模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Nearly two decades ago when the Google Books Project digitized and freely distributed more than 25 million works, book publishers argued that free digital distribution weakens the market for physical books. However, new research from Imke Reimers and Abhishek Nagaraj reveals that the opposite—increased demand for physical books, through online discovery—could be true.

The two researchers focused on a particular part of Google Books’ digitized works: those from Harvard University’s Widener Library, which helped seed the project in its early days. The condition that enabled their experiment: Harvard’s digitization effort only included out-of-copyright works, published before 1923, which were made available to consumers in their entirety. The works from 1923 and later were still copyrighted and not digitized.

The researchers analyzed a total of 37,743 books scanned (扫描) between 2005 and 2009. They looked at sales for the two years before this digitization period and the two years after, and found clear differences in the increased sales between digitized and non-digitized books. Approximately 40% of digitized titles saw a sales increase from 2003-2004 to 2010-2011, compared to less than 20% of titles that were not digitized. The increase in sales was also found to be stronger for less popular books.

“If a book is readily available online, people may decide that it’s a useful book and want to buy it,” Reimers said. “The ‘discovery effect’, which even increased the sales of a digitized author’s non-digitized works, is a strong driver of increased sales. It’s not a huge jump in sales, but it’s still good news for publishers.”

“And book lovers,” Reimers said, “are known for their preference for physical books, as opposed to digital versions, which could also play a role.” She added, “Whenever I talk to people about my research on books, at some point they all say, ‘I just love the feel of a book in my hand.’”

1. Why did the researchers choose the publications before 1923 for their research?
A.They were all masterpieces.B.They were mostly searchable.
C.They were not protected by copyright.D.They were only partly downloaded for free.
2. How did the researchers obtain the research findings?
A.By interviewing book users.B.By comparing the sales data.
C.By classifying the book titles.D.By referring to historical records.
3. Why does the author quote Reimers’ words in the last paragraph?
A.To point out the limitations of the study.B.To stress people’s different reading tastes.
C.To tell another contributor to the sales rise.D.To show a growing trend in reading books.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Consumers Are Enthusiastic About E-books
B.Book Publishers Object to Digitizing Books
C.Physical Bookstores Are Declining in Importance
D.Digitizing Books Promotes Demand for Physical Copies
2024-04-11更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省安康市安康市高新中学高三4月联考模拟预测英语试题
书信写作-邀请信 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 假定你是李华,你校拟在周末举办“名著读书会”。请你写一张留言条邀请交流生Lucy参加。内容包括:
1. 活动的时间和地点;
2. 活动内容。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Lucy,


Li Hua

听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Whose book has the woman been reading lately?
A.Aaron Esterson.B.Lori Gottlieb.C.Erik Erikson.
2. What does the woman say about the book?
A.It has an unexpected end.
B.It is very boring.
C.It is fantastic.
3. What is the man probably going to do?
A.Read the book.B.Start writing a book.C.Talk with someone.
2024-04-09更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省西安市第一中学普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟押题试卷英语试题(一)(含听力)

7 . One Saturday last November, I stepped into my local library. I was about to read a book when I heard an elderly man speak to a lady. “This library will soon become a café. Everyone is reading with electronic devices,” he said. Hearing this, I wanted to shout, “I still read library books!” But my words stuck in my throat and I found teenagers around me were talking to friends or staring at their phones.

Reading online feels robotic to me. It’s like I stare at a screen and click “next” for the following page to appear until the very end of the e-book, and at the end of all of that, I just think, “That’s it?” But when I read a printed book, it’s like I’m holding on to the characters. I can imagine the plot better, as I can picture the scenes of each moment in my head with more accuracy and imagination.

Besides, some online books miss components (组成部分) that are in the printed novels. For instance, the physical copy of a fantasy novel I have read contains a map, but the e-book version does not. That is an injustice to e-book users; after reading and understanding the map, the story made a lot more sense for me, in terms of the setting and plot.

And personally, physically turning to the next page is better than clicking “next”. When reading online, I sometimes worry that I click “next” too quickly. It feels more like a race; I want to finish it because the pages just keep making that “flipping” sound and I wonder how long the book really is.

Some printed books have a special smell that makes the novel feel special to me. It’s hard to describe but I’m sure I’m not the only one that thinks so. I know I cannot convince every teen to switch from the digital book to the printed one, but maybe my writing about the difference will at least get some of them to think about it.

1. Why will the library be replaced by a café?
A.Few people head for it.B.It lacks good management.
C.Few people read its books.D.It holds little attraction for the youth.
2. Why does the author prefer printed books according to paragraph 2?
A.They include additional contents.
B.They leave a lively impression.
C.They have a special pleasant smell.
D.They can improve readers’ imagination.
3. What influence does reading online have on the author?
A.Making her tired of reading.B.Leading her to read aimlessly.
C.Bringing more fun to her.D.Stopping her digging into reading.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing this text?
A.To inspire teenagers’ interest in reading.
B.To show advantages of printed books.
C.To reduce the impact of electronic devices.
D.To encourage teens to change the reading medium.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Irish Writers Centre Novel Fair 2024

The Novel Fair is an annual competition initiated by the Irish Writers Centre (IWC). Described by The Irish Times as “A Dragons’ Cave for writers”, each year the Fair aims to introduce up-and-coming writers to top publishers and literary agents.

The Prize

The twelve winners will have the opportunity to present the summary of their novels directly to industry professionals. Leading publishers and agents will be invited by the IWC to meet these writers in person or through a series of online meetings. To get fully prepared for the meeting with publishers and agents, the winners will receive a place in a workshop on “How to Promote Your Novel”, two weeks in advance. Also, applicants who are longlisted (初选) but do not make it to the shortlist of twelve will have their works evaluated and criticized by the judging panel.

How to Enter

Entry fee for application is £ 55 (Members of IWC can enter for a discounted fee of £ 45). This competition only accepts manuscripts (原稿) for novels. Applicants are required to send a summary within 300 words and up to five chapters of their novels, which should be 10,000 words (+/-10%). Manuscripts should be submitted online. There is a limit of one entry per applicant.

Entries are welcome from anywhere in the world. Before entering the competition, please ensure that you have read the Novel Fair Terms & Conditions 2024 very carefully as the Fair is open to only novelists who have never published work previously. If you have any questions about the application process, please email novelfair@irishwriterscentre.ie.

1. Why does the IWC hold the Fair?
A.To serve as a platform for writers.B.To advertise local books.
C.To encourage young people.D.To arouse enthusiasm for reading.
2. What can the workshop help the winners do?
A.Improve their writing skills.B.Deal with the judging panel.
C.Learn about publishing process.D.Present their novels attractively.
3. Which of the following meets the requirement of the Fair?
A.A novel published in 2023.B.A summary of 200 words.
C.A paper manuscript by post.D.A submission of seven chapters.
2024-03-31更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省西安市临潼区高三第二次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

9 . These novels focus on the excitement and drama of returning to class.

The First Rule of Punk

By Celia C. Pérez

(Puffin Books)

On the first day at her new middle school, Malú upsets a popular classmate and violates the dress code with her punk style. Her dad reminds her of the first rule of punk: Be yourself. Will keeping his advice in mind help Malú have a better rest of the school year? Ages 10 and up.

It’s the First Day of School...Forever!

By R. L. Stine

(Square Fish)

This classic book from the author of the Goosebumps series is filled with suspense and humor. Every day, Artie wakes up and the same thing happens — he bumps his head and gets ready for the first day of fifth grade. A twist ending helps explain why nothing changes from day to day. Ages 8–12.

New Kid

By Jerry Craft

(Quill Tree Books)

On the first day at a fancy prep school, Jordan realizes he’s one of only a handful of Black students. He doesn’t feel like he fits in with his classmates or his old friends in the neighborhood. Will he continue to feel stuck between the two worlds? This book is the only picture novel to win the famous Newbery Medal. Ages 8–12.

Save Me a Seat

By Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan


If you’re a fan of Fish in a Tree, you may enjoy this novel about two fifth graders. Ravi recently moved from India to New Jersey and feels like an outsider. Joe gets looked down upon because he needs extra help at school. As time passes, they realize they may share a lot in common. Ages 8–12.

1. Whose book is suitable for a 15-year-old boy?
A.R. L. Stine’s.B.Jerry Craft’s.
C.Celia C. Pérez’s.D.Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan’s.
2. Which probably attracts a kid most if he loves pictures?
A.New Kid.B.Save Me a Seat.
C.The First Rule of Punk.D.It’s the First Day of School...Forever!
3. In the novel Save Me a Seat, how do Ravi and Joe become friends?
A.They are familiar with each other.B.They both come from India.
C.They are quiet in class.D.They both encounter challenges.
2024-03-22更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:(教研室)陕西省安康市2023-2024学年高三下学期第三次质量联考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Shared Reading is a unique experience and exposes us to great and varied literature.     1    . Short stories, poems or novel extracts are read aloud within the social atmosphere of a group. Then people joining in shared reading share their thoughts and feelings on the text. Shared reading is especially beneficial to children. Here’re some benefits of shared reading.

Create a positive and supportive reading environment. When children and adults come together to read and explore a text, they develop a sense of community and a shared experience.     2    . Besides, it can help build strong bonds and connections between readers.

    3    . During shared reading sessions, children are exposed to rich and varied words. By hearing fluent reading from adults, children can learn more new words. By sharing thoughts and feelings on the text, children develop a deeper understanding of the text. This approach helps them be active readers and learn more words.

Develop a lifelong love for books. As children observe the pleasure and value their adult counterparts place on reading, they are more likely to develop a lifelong love for books themselves.     4    .

Promote social and emotional growth. During shared reading, children participate in discussions and share their thoughts and opinions. What’s more, they listen to others. As for them, it is of significance.     5    . They gain confidence in their abilities to express their viewpoints and engage in meaningful conversations, skills that are vital for success in various aspects of life.

A.Learn more about the world
B.This can enhance their motivations to read
C.Expand vocabulary and comprehension skills
D.It allows people to discover more about themselves and others
E.It’s important for them to finish reading as many books as they can
F.They learn to express themselves effectively and respect the ideas of others
G.The affection can have a significant impact on their academic achievements
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