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阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Apologies are commonly known as a sign of empathy(共情) in the workplace. But over-apologizing or excessively saying sorry when you don’t need to is a bad habit that can weaken your authority, and more importantly, it hurts your pride.     1    , what can you do? Below are four alternatives to saying “I’m sorry”:

When someone bumps(撞) into you or they’re in your way

When someone bumps into you, saying excuse me or pardon me is more appropriate than saying sorry.     2    .

When you have a question

Practice speaking up in meetings without apologizing first. You’re not interrupting or annoying if you have a question, so don’t assume you are.


“Thank you.” These two words are often more powerful than an apology. Try replacing feelings of shame with gratitude. Saying “Thank you. Let’s begin.” acknowledges that your colleagues waited for you.

When someone makes an unreasonable request for your time

Instead, say, “No, I’m not able to do that.” If people make unreasonable requests for your time, it’s wise to learn how to push back.     4    . You may be worried about saying “no” because you fear people will dislike you or get upset. Typically, the opposite is true, and people will respect your honesty.

    5     On the contrary, a well-placed apology can be very powerful.

A.Don’t apologize for taking up space
B.We cannot say “no” randomly
C.When a colleague offers you good advice
D.When you’re late for a meeting and make others wait
E.If you find yourself falling into the habit of over-apologizing
F.Remember, saying you’re sorry isn’t necessarily a sign of weakness
G.Stating your limits and expectations clearly doesn’t mean you’re being difficult
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Trust—the Foundation of Relationships

Can you imagine an organization without trust, where the workers are suspicious(怀疑的)of one another? Are you willing to work with a manager who is quick to put down any potential worker that might take his place? As a leader, you must do your best to build trust in your followers. It is not about mastering techniques to win people over; it is about living a life full of honor and gaining the respect of your followers.     1    .

·Build your character

Trust is based on a very simple foundation. Will you do what you say? Do your words count for something?     2    . If you’re a person who cannot seem to live up to what you say, you have to work on it first. Before you can expect others to trust you, you have to do what you Say.

·    3    

Another thing that a leader should have is to trust others first. Laozi, a Chinese philosopher, once said, “He who does not trust enough, will not be trusted.” Trusting others means you don’t micromanage their behavior or activities.     4    . All these actions give your followers an assurance that you are indeed trusting their ability and character.

·Just take your time

    5    . Building trust is like making small deposits in a bank account; you make small deposits every month that add up to a considerable amount at the end of many years. Similarly, as you lead, it is in the small events that you will display your credibility as a leader that will accumulate that trust for you. Gradually, you will find you have in your hands an effective team that moves fast and works closely together.

Learn to trust, and learn to be trusted.

A.Be ready to trust others
B.Share how you really feel
C.Here are some helpful tips on how to build trust
D.Instead, it means you give your authority to them
E.It takes years to build trust, and only seconds to destroy it
F.Your word is gold and you have to keep in line in word and action
G.The happy and satisfying relationships rest on a foundation of trust
2022-05-03更新 | 142次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省云南师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . I was sitting at my desk when another graduate student in my lab approached me. "Can you help?" he begged. His experiment wasn't working and he desperately needed help. I was a fifth year Ph.D, student, the senior member of the lab at the time. As I had many times before, I gave in and said yes.

I had a hard time saying no to such requests. I was new to the United States, having moved from China for graduate school. I found it difficult to make new friends and discover afterwork activities I enjoyed. My lab-mates served as my primary source of social connection. I feared that if I brushed them off, I'd lose their favor.

After I graduated and started a job in industry, I continued to carry the same attitude with me, and it continued to cost me. It wasn't until my wife gave birth to our first child that I realized how thin I had stretched myself and how misguided my priorities(重要的事)were. While she lay in a hospital bed in the early stages of labor(分娩阵痛), І sat nearby, busy in correcting a work report on my laptop for my colleague. Hours later, after hearing my daughter's first cry and watching her tiny fingers grab tightly onto mine, it dawned on me that I should have been fully present during my daughter's birth.

From then on, I determined to spare more time for my family by reducing my work tasks and carefully considering each request for help. I sill enjoyed cooperating with others, but I dealt with mutually(共同地)beneficial tasks first, rather than accepting everything that came my way.

I noticed many benefits, and few disadvantages. My daily work schedule was not so crowded. I no longer worked overtime, and I was able to improve my work performance by focusing more on important tasks. I was also pleased to discover that "Sorry, I'd love to help but I have a deadline coming, up", is an acceptable response to a request for assistance. Most colleagues seem to understand.

It's hard to say "no" to those you work with. But I've learned that sometimes that's the best way to avoid too much workload and lead a freer and happier life.

1. Why was it hard for the author to refuse others' requests in school?
A.He was eager for a bond with others.
B.He was interested in helping others.
C.He was fond of doing experiments.
D.He was the most experienced student.
2. What made the author carefully consider each request for help?
A.His graduation.B.His wife's request.
C.The birth of his daughter.D.The unhealthy state of his body.
3. What does the author think is the priority now?
A.Writing a report.B.Connecting with others.
C.Accompanying his family.D.Requesting others for help.
4. What happened to the author after refusing others?
A.He got along badly with his colleagues.
B.He got a lot more vital tasks.
C.He received assistance from his colleagues.
D.He got less work and more joy.
2022-01-26更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省保山市2021-2022学年高三第一次教学质量监测英语试题
完形填空(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Officer Galen Hinshaw heard the call over the radio: a fellow officer was in trouble. A crowd _________ police around the country had _________ a police car at Memorial Bridge. The officer inside radioed for help as these crowds _________ his car. Hinshaw, part of police Department’s Special Response Team, drove to the _________. As he got out of his car, he was also immediately surrounded by the crowd. Some yelled rudely, while others _________ their fists. As the crowd _________, Hinshaw, wearing a vest, a helmet, made his way to keep his back to the wall. He needed to be sure that _________ could get behind him.

The crowd yells _________, “We do care, man, we do care,” Hinshaw yelled back. It was then that a man wearing a red mask that _________ the lower half of his face put himself between the __________ crowd and Hinshaw. Day care operator Lee had also noticed the crowd __________ Hinshaw. He jumped in and __________ arms with the stranger in the red mask. __________, one man shouted “We’re supposed to protect the police!” and the people __________ him. Then Ricky, a factory worker, __________ up and stood to Lee’s left. As the crowd around them grew larger and louder. He heard Lee yell, “__________ arms!” At that point, local businessman Julian joined in. “I saw the guys link up, and I saw a weak spot,” he says. He took up a position on the end of line, feeling nervous and __________ his hands trembling. Finally, five men __________ a human shield (屏障) to protect Hinshaw. Three were Black, one was White, and one was Dominican—all linking arms to keep __________ away from Hinshaw.

The standoff lasted just two minutes, though it felt __________ to those who were there. “It was a moment where strangers came together to help another stranger, and that stranger was me.”

A.in memory ofB.in fear ofC.in resistance ofD.in favor of
A.relying onB.focusing onC.advancing onD.calling on
A.waited forB.turned toC.sent forD.gave up
2022-01-26更新 | 126次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市第一中学2022届高三第六次考前基础强化英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . How to Show Maturity

Sometimes it's fun to be a kid, but other times you want to show that you can be mature. Maturity can be a signpost of moving from childhood to adulthood.     1     Maturity is not a set of rules or expectations, but it is a concept. Here are some ways to help you become mature.

●Live by your values. Maturity includes making decisions based on your values and morals, instead of what feels good at the moment.     2     Let your character master your desires. Show people that you are willing to live out your values, even if it presents minor inconveniences to you.

    3     When you were younger, your schedule was made for you: you went to school or sports or dance. Now, you may have more ability to make your own schedule. When you say you will do something, do it. Even if it isn't your idea of fun, show people that they can count on you and that you are reliable.

●Treat people with respect. Respect builds trust and support in a relationship. Make sure you treat others with the same respect, whether it is your parents, friends or romantic partner.     4    

●Admit your disadvantages.     5     Don't blame other people for the problems in your life. All relationships are interactional, meaning that you both contribute to how you feel and what happens. It's much easier to blame people for how bad you feel, but recognize your role, and take responsibility for your actions.

A.Keep your commitments.
B.This is a very mature action.
C.Reflect on what makes you active.
D.Allow your values to guide your life.
E.Respect others with both your actions and your words.
F.A good way to learn respect is to first respect yourself.
G.It can include intellectual, emotional and even spiritual aspects.
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