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1 . A mum saved her daughter's life with her newly learned first aid skills. Sonya Hall, 33, of Denny Avenue, Lancaster, had only just attended one first aid class the day before when she found herself needing to use the skills on her three-year-old daughter Tilly.

Sonya, who also has son Emmen, six, attended the first aid course at Lune Park Children's Centre in Lancaster. Then she was faced with every parent's worst nightmare when Tilly went blue in the face and stopped breathing. But thanks to her newly acquired skills, Sonya saved Tilly's life.

Sonya said, “Tilly was playing with her brother and they were fighting over a toy. Emmen won the fight. Tilly fell backwards and her head was hit. She was face down and shaking and at first I thought she was upset. But then I saw she was blue in the face and had stopped breathing. I reacted without thinking and immediately started using the first aid skills I had learned the day before which were so fresh in my mind. I began doing mouth-to-mouth and chest compression(胸外按压). It probably took about a minute before Tilly started breathing again, but to me it felt like a lifetime.”

After getting Tilly breathing again, Sonya called an ambulance and the doctors came. Since then, Tilly has been diagnosed with Reflex Anoxic Seizure(反射缺氧发作). Sonya said, “The seizure can happen when there's any unexpected pain, fear or fright. It's just so lucky that the day before it happened, I had been practicing first aid."

The Empowering Parents First Aid course is run by Lancashire Adult Learning. Sonya said, “I am just so glad I did the course and I learnt the first aid skills. I always feared I would not know what to do in a crisis situation, but luckily I had the knowledge and skills to deal with it.”

1. What happened to Tilly?
A.She was knocked down by her brother.
B.She fell on the floor and hit her head.
C.She was hit by a toy on the head and felt upset
D.She was hit by her brother and stopped breathing.
2. When Sonya found Tilly's shaking, she thought her daughter must.
A.be cryingB.recognize her failure
C.pretend to be hurtD.be very angry
3. What can be inferred from the underlined words in the third paragraph?
A.Tilly's illness would last all her life.
B.Sonya was very nervous and frightened.
C.It was very difficult to give first aid.
D.It was a long time before Tilly got breathing again.
4. When Sonya goes to the first aid class next time, she will feel
5. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Mum saves girl with first aidB.How to practice first aid
C.The importance of first aidD.Mums should attend first courses
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