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1 . Accidents happen, especially when kids are in the house, and being prepared with a first-aid kit is always a great idea.     1     Having a first-aid kit on hand for your child will help put your mind at ease and let you and your family worry less when injuries occur. Making your own first-aid kit ensures your kit has everything your child could need in an emergency.

Decide on the right size for the kit. 

Consider how and when the kit will most likely be used and where it will be stored.     2     A manageable size for a container that would still be able to contain the necessary items for your kid is a case the size of a shoebox.


First-aid kits can come in a variety of sizes and are built from a variety of materials. Choosing the right material for your first-aid kit should again be based on how the kit will be used by your child.

Make sure the container can be locked. 

When the kit is not in use, you want to make sure that the contents of the first-aid kit are unable to be changed by any younger children in the house who aren’t mature enough to use the kit.     4    

Label the box as a children’s first-aid kit. 

The kit should be labeled clearly as a first-aid kit for kids.     5     You should also paint or attach a symbol to show that it should be used for first aid.

A.Choose the appropriate container material.
B.Also, consider the age of your child and what they can carry.
C.A lock will ensure that the kit does not open easily when not used.
D.Look for a waterproof container so that none of the items inside get damaged.
E.Using a bright label will make the kit stand out within a crowded locker or cabinet.
F.Don’t teach your child to use the kit until you think they’re ready to use it responsibly.
G.Teaching your children how to use the kit will help enable them to care for themselves.
7日内更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省漳州市华安正兴学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Amblyopia is the most common cause of vision loss in children. In all cases of amblyopia, there’s a stronger eye and a weaker eye, and it’s winner-take-all in the cortex (大脑皮层). The cortex learns to ignore the signal from the weaker eye. By ignoring the weaker eye, the brain doesn’t fuse (融合) images from both eyes. As a result, people with amblyopia can have trouble seeing in 3D.

In an attempt to solve this problem, doctors start treating patients with amblyopia at a young age, while their brain pathways are still developing. The children, usually under 7 years old, are often told to wear an eye patch over their strong eye to force the brain to rely on the weaker. But whenever the eye patch is removed, the competition can start over. For lasting improvement, new treatments need to teach the brain to stop suppressing (抑制) key visual cues coming from the weaker eye, says neuroscientist Dennis Levi of the University of California.

Now, several research teams are taking a new way that aims to get the brain to make better use of the information coming from both eyes, Several companies are working on treatments based on this new angle. One is called Luminopia.

Luminopia’s therapy involves having children watch videos through a virtual reality headset. As the children watch, the headset blocks out certain parts of the display for each eye, so the patients actually have to combine input from the two images to get the full video.

The company conducted a trial showing that children with amblyopia begin to see better on eye chart assessments after three months of one-hour sessions done six days a week, But they have yet to measure improvements in long-term effectiveness. It is believed that if people with amblyopia don’t learn to fuse signals from both eyes from a young age, they never will. So some scientists think attempting to treat adults, whose brains have suppressed signals from their weak eye for decades, is a lost cause.

1. Why does a person with amblyopia have trouble seeing in 3D?
A.His brain is unable to receive images.
B.His cortex overlooks signals from the weaker eye.
C.His stronger eye can’t send signals to the brain.
D.His weaker eye fails to receive signals.
2. Which of the following best describes the effect of an eye patch?
3. What is the working principle of Luminopia’s therapy?
A.Activating the weak eye to get the full video.
B.Forcing the brain to rely on the weaker eye.
C.Improving the situations with eye chart assessments.
D.Blocking out the images received from the stronger eye.
4. What can we learn about Luminopia’s therapy from the last paragraph?
A.It has an instant effect.B.Adults are is main targets.
C.More trials need to be conducted.D.It has long-term effectiveness.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Many college students turn to ADHD (注意缺陷障碍) medicine during the exam week, which is regarded as “smart drugs” that will help their academic performance. The thinking is that if the drugs help students with ADHD improve their focus, they should provide the same benefit for people who don’t have the disorder.

But a new study shows that drugs can actually damage brain function of healthy students who take the drug hoping to boost their intelligence. “It’s not a smart drug which will suddenly improve their ability to understand information they read,” said Lisa Weyandt, a professor at the University of Rhode Island.

To test whether this effect is real or not, researchers organized 13 students to take part in two five-hour study sessions (一段时间) in the lab. The students took the standard 30mg ADHD drugs before one session, and a sugar pill before the other. Students on ADHD drugs did experience an increase in their blood pressure and heart rates. “The medicine was having an effect on their brain,” Weyandt said. The students also showed an improvement in their ability to focus, the researchers found.

However, students on ADHD drugs experienced no improvement in reading comprehension, reading fluency or knowledge reviews, compared to when they’d taken a sugar pill. “We read aloud stories to them and asked them to recall information from the stories, ”she said. “That didn’t improve.”

Worse, the ADHD drug actually harms students’ memory. It’s often misused because people pull all-nighters and they’re tired, and they think it’s going to keep them awake. Maybe it does, but it’s certainly not going to help their academic work. The brain is still developing until the mid to late 20s. It’s important to keep it healthy. There’s also a chance that ADHD drugs could endanger a student’s heart health.

1. Why do many college students turn to ADHD medicine during exam week?
A.To improve their focus and academic performance.
B.To boost their intelligence and understanding of information.
C.To stay awake during all-night study sessions.
D.To improve their memory and reading comprehension.
2. Which one does the word of “boost” underlined in Paragraph 2 have the similar meaning ?
A.stabilizeB.make good use ofC.betterD.understand
3. What did the new study find regarding the effects of ADHD drugs on healthy students?
A.The drugs significantly improved their reading comprehension.
B.The drugs enhanced their memory and knowledge recall.
C.The drugs increased their heart rate and blood pressure.
D.The drugs had no impact on their ability to focus.
4. In the study, what did researchers find regarding the students’ reading comprehension and memory after taking ADHD drugs?
A.Neither reading comprehension nor memory improved.
B.Reading comprehension improved but memory declined.
C.Reading comprehension and memory significantly improved.
D.Reading comprehension declined but memory improved.
7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省泉港第五中学等五校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了巴西牙医Felipe Rossi创建了非政府组织Porsorriso,致力于为贫困地区的低收入人群提供免费的口腔治疗服务。尽管面临资金和运营挑战,Rossi及其团队仍坚持帮助需要的人,传递健康微笑,增强当地民众的自信。

4 . For some of us, going to the dentist for routine check-ups is a thing of the ordinary. But for many people around the world, especially those in impoverished (贫困的) areas, having dental improvement and their teeth checked simply isn’t possible. A Brazilian dentist Felipe Rossi has devoted himself to helping changing that situation.

Growing up in USA, Felipe Rossi had just obtained the Bachelor of Medicine Degree and was about to start a master’s degree in Pediatric Dentistry (儿童口腔学) when a journey to his father’s home — Balsabo in Brazil — converted his initial plan. “All locals didn’t have access to dental care, and consequently, many of them suffered deformed teeth or even loss of teeth, leading to many people not daring to laugh with mouth open.” Felipe Rossi recalled. “A desire was planted in my heart. That is, to use my skills to bring healthy smiles to people suffering from dental problems.”

With the support of his parents, Felipe formed an NGO (non-government organization) called Porsorriso to give free oral treatments to individuals with low incomes who require cleaning. fillings, crowns, restoration work and more. His team is composed of approximately 30 registered volunteers who go with him to poor towns and villages in Brazil.

Sponsorship is generally provided by two private companies. Individuals may also make donations through the ‘Smile Solidarity’ program, where they can choose monthly amounts to contribute. Porsorriso also holds regular fundraisers to afford the cost of providing free dental services around the country.

As noble as its objective is, Felipe admits that Porsorriso is “struggling to survive” because of the huge cost of providing dental work and the constant fundraising events they have to hold to keep the NGO in normal functioning. “Challenging as it is, it did bring healthy teeth as well as renewed confidence to the locals. We will continue this transformative act whatever difficulties we will face”. Felipe said with a strong will.

1. How does the author introduce the topic of the text?
A.By posing a contrast.
B.By reporting an event.
C.By assuming a situation.
D.By making an appeal.
2. What motivated Felipe to offer dental treatments to Brazilians?
A.The support from his parents.
B.The passion for dental health.
C.The encounter with local s lacking dental care.
D.The professional skills and knowledge from college.
3. Which of the following can best describe Felipe Rossi?
A.Hopeful and diligent.
B.Faithful and ambitious.
C.Intelligent and creative.
D.Charitable and dedicated.
4. What do we know about Porsorriso?
A.It gives free oral treatments to anyone in need.
B.It is cooperated by Felipe Rossi and the local authority.
C.It is financially supported by corporations and individuals.
D.It holds regular fundraisers to educate people about dental care.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Many of us remember the feeling of having our braces (牙套) regularly adjusted and retightened at the dentist’s. And interventions are based entirely upon the estimate of dentists and involve a great deal of trial and error, which can lead to too many visits to the dentist’s.

Professor Erleben and his team created a computer model that creates accurate 3D simulations (模拟) of an individual patient’s jaw, which dentists can use to predict how sets of braces should be designed to best straighten a patient’s teeth and plan the best possible treatment. To create these simulations, the computer model was used to map sets of human teeth after getting detailed CT images of teeth and the small, fine structures between the jawbone and the teeth. This type of precise digital simulation is referred to as a digital twin, a virtual model that lives in the cloud.

The virtual model can answer what’s happening in the real world, and do so instantly. For example, one can ask what would happen if you pushed on one tooth and get answers with regards to where it would move and how it would affect other teeth. The model also helps to predict the post treatment effect, achieve “visualization” of treatment, and facilitate patients to understand the plan of straightening their teeth. What’s more, it has enabled more flexible and convenient digital medical follow-up services.

The area of research that uses digital twins is relatively new. “However, we need to set up a sufficiently big database if digital twins are to really take root and benefit the healthcare industry,” Erleben said, “In the future, the virtual model can be used to plan, design and improve, and can therefore be used to operate companies, robots, factories and used much more in the energy, healthcare and other fields.”

1. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?
A.The professional integrity of dentists.B.The current state of dental treatment.
C.The procedure of retightening braces.D.The intervention of modern technology.
2. Which was the first step in creating 3D simulations?
A.Predicting treatment effect.B.Designing a computer model.
C.Drawing the shape of a mouth.D.Obtaining the details of teeth.
3. What is Professor Erleben’s attitude towards digital twins?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Why digital twins make a hitB.Where virtual treatment goes
C.What trouble dentists encounterD.How a virtual model aids dentists
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Using a headset at home to deliver a low electrical current to the brain can relieve symptoms of depression. The approach, called transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), is effective when used several times a week for half an hour at a time.

Previous trials have shown that the therapy works under medical supervision in a clinic or lab. Now, a randomised trial has demonstrated that a tDCS headset can also reduce depression symptoms when worn at home.

Several forms of electrical brain stimulation may have the potential to treat depression. With tDCS, sponge electrodes are placed on the left and right sides of the forehead, causing a mild current to flow from the left to the right. This makes brain cells on the left side more likely to fire, with some studies suggesting that activity in this region is low in people with depression.

Repeated sessions of stimulation may lead to longer term changes in the brain cells, increasing their activity levels, says team member Cynthia Fu at the University of East London. Affecting activity in this region probably alters activity in multiple areas, she says. “There are probably many brain regions causing depression.”

To see if people can benefit from using such a device at home, the team randomly assigned 174 people with moderate or severe depression to receive either a full session of stimulation from the headset or stimulation from the same device that lasted just a few seconds. People felt their skin aching at the start and end of each session.

While the depression symptoms of both groups improved on a 52-point scale, those who got the real treatment showed the most benefit, by about 9 points compared with 7, a degree of difference that is similar to that seen with antidepressants (抗抑郁药), “We found people liked having it at home,” says Fu. “Participants could build it into their day.”

1. What is the function of the headset?
A.Curing depression in patients.B.Testing the degree of depression.
C.Adjusting brain’s electrical current.D.Reducing symptoms of depression.
2. How does the tDCS approach work?
A.By making the left-brain cells active.B.By causing a strong electrical current.
C.By changing the brain wave’s direction.D.By stimulating all brain regions repeatedly.
3. What does the underlined word “alters” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What can be learned about the participants from the last two paragraphs?
A.They feel relieved to some extent.B.They remain relaxed in the session.
C.They use different kinds of headsets.D.They are bound to rely on the headsets.
2024-05-20更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省南平市高考第三次质检英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 容易(0.94) |

7 . SarahRose Black isn’t a doctor or a nurse. Since 2013 she has played an important role for patients at the center as a music therapist (治疗师). One day, a nurse at a medical centre asked her if she could reach out to a patient who refused to take part in any activities. “He’s angry with us, and we wonder if you might have an interest in it.” the nurse told her.

The next day, Black offered to play music for the patient. “If you don’t like it, you can tell me to leave.” she said. After thinking for a while, the man wrote down the names of some music he liked and then looked out the window. However, as Black began to play one of his favorites, he cried. She stopped playing, saying, "Do you want me to continue?" "Certainly," he said through tears.

“It was as if the music went places," recalls Black.” He shared afterwards that he’d been holding in so much and had been unable to talk about anything —but the music felt like a hug."

It has been shown that music can be medicine. A study conducted in Barcelona’s Hospital del Mar found patients receiving music therapy experienced obvious decreases in anxiety and breathing difficulties, as well as an increase in feelings of well-being.

At the Dr Bob Kemp Hospice in Hamilton, Ont., music therapy is widely used. Doug Mattina experienced a music-therapy program when his father spent his last days there. "During the treatment, my mom and I danced around my dad’s bed. He would request high kicks from us as he clapped along. He was so weak that he sometimes fell asleep, but he was happy. It meant a lot to us." Mattina says.

Music has an especially important effect on sick children. Ruth Hunston, a music therapist at a children’s hospital, says her program gives patients back some sense of control. "When children are in hospital, their worlds get much smaller," she explains. "Music allows them to create something themselves."

Music does count in treatment, but Black notes that people actually connect with music for their whole lives.“ We have a heartbeat, so we have a drum inside us; we are born to be musical,”she says,“ Music relieves our sadness in ways words cannot.”

1. How did the patient react to Black’s appearance?
A.He asked her to leave.B.He cried and hugged her.
C.He handed her a list of songs.D.He turned away and walked to the window.
2. What do the underlined words “went places” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Got faster.B.Went wrong.C.Worked well.D.Slowed down.
3. What is mentioned about Doug Mattina’s father?
A.He often did high kicks.B.He was once a music therapist.
C.He didn’t like talking about his illness.D.He fell in and out of sleep in the treatment.
4. How does music therapy help children according to Hunston?
A.It improves their social ability.B.It helps them create something.
C.It helps them enjoy a sound sleep.D.It excites their interest in medical treatment.
5. Which of the following can best describe Black?
A.Thoughtful and helpful.B.Strong and talented.
C.Intelligent and honest.D.Hardworking and humorous.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . With the development of the Internet, many of our activities take place online. Medicine is no exception. Patients can visit doctors by phone call and video chat. Online searches for telehealth increased sharply.

Online visits are best suited to simple tasks, like refilling prescriptions (doctor’s orders), as well as diagnosing (诊断) and treating conditions that rely on a doctor’s sense of sight — pink eye, rashes, etc. — or a patient’s description of symptoms, such as back pain. Telehealth also works better at monitoring chronic (慢性的) conditions, such as congestive heart failure, where doctors don’t need to provide a new diagnosis but simply check up on patients, monitor symptoms and discuss the side effects of medication. Diabetes (糖尿病) is also a good fit: people can upload blood sugar levels, dosing, and other information for a doctor to review electronically.

Mental health service is easy to access digitally, too, though it comes with advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, doctors may not be able to see body language, which can sometimes be a clue to understanding a client’s well being, and a poor Internet connection can be particularly unfavorable during a difficult conversation. On the other hand, there are patients who like it better. “Some health care providers even say having that extra bit of distance makes people more honest and less stressed to talk about difficult topics,” says Annette Totten, a professor who has studied telehealth.

When done right, Totten’s research shows telehealth benefits both health care providers and patients. It can significantly reduce hospital admissions, which frees beds for people in need of special care. And it’s a lot more convenient for patients, adds Michelle Greiver, a family doctor.

1. How is the medicine industry changing?
2. What kind of disease is fit for a virtual medical visit?
A.Heart attackB.High feverC.Uncomfortable eyeD.Back injury
3. Why do some mental health patients prefer online service according to the passage?
A.Because it reduces their pressure.
B.Because it saves them transportation cost.
C.Because it saves them time on the road.
D.Because it makes it easier for them to contact the doctor.
4. What’s the author’s attitude toward online medical visits?
5. Which aspect of online healthcare does the text focus on?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In the not-so-distant future, the doctors who treat our diseases might be tiny machines that swim through our bodies. Movies like Fantastic Voyage have long played with the idea of making machines the size of a single cell (细胞) — today advances in robotics have brought the idea ever closer to reality. In my lab, I’m just trying to build such intelligent, or smart, microrobots.

Tiny organisms (living things) , such as bacteria (细菌), have many intelligent behaviors, and if we can make robots copy some of them, it’s very exciting. The way bacteria travel across their environment is unbelievable. At first, they kind of just aimlessly move around, but when they start sensing food, like an amino acid (氨基酸) they will move gradually in that direction. As a roboticist, you could imagine making tiny robots that can do the same thing.

For example, look at something like E. coli (大肠杆菌). It has receptors on its surface that can sense amino acids around it. It can change how it’s moving. It can rebuild or repair itself. In fact, E.coli does all these sowell that some researchers are using it as part of their tiny machines. They are having their microrobots get free rides from it, and letting it do all the sensing for them and direct their movements.

We’re already using smaller and smaller medical tools for operations, like catheters (long thin pipes) that can travel deep into your brain to treat a tumor (肿瘤) or a blood clot. Next, we will put microrobots into the body that can travel into even smaller spaces and treat disease at an early stage. Imagine a device that can treat a blood clot deep in your brain that can’t be reached with existing catheters.

It’s important to note, though, that we may not actually need something as powerful as artificial intelligence (AI) in these cases. You can still build an extremely useful microrobot with a low degree of intelligence. For example: If a microrobot notices a tumor, it can slowly move in that direction, and carry medicine directly to that part. It might only have the intelligence of bacteria but could still be unbelievably effective.

1. Which of the following inspires the author’s work?
A.Bacteria’s ability to stay alive.B.Movies about tiny machines.
C.Tiny organisms’ behaviors.D.New advances in robotics.
2. What are some researchers doing according to paragraph 3?
A.Letting E.coli work for their tiny robots.B.Using microrobots to sense amino acids.
C.Asking robots to direct bacteria’s movements.D.Changing tiny machines into bacteria’s drivers.
3. What does the author think of existing catheters?
A.They are unlikely to be widely used by doctors.
B.They are unable to get to tinier areas in the body.
C.They will be smaller than microrobots in the future.
D.They can help doctors treat disease at an earlier stage.
4. Why does the author give the example in the last paragraph?
A.To show microrobots can treat tumors very easily.
B.To show AIs important role in developing tiny robots.
C.To explain the connection between AI and microrobots.
D.To explain limited intelligence is enough for microrobots.
2024-05-11更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州延安中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . A lack of scientific evidence has led some to question whether herbs used in traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) actually relieve people’s illnesses. A new study, published in the journal Science Advances, might start to challenge that view. Scientists have developed a new tool that could be used to predict the effectiveness of these herbs. They’ve begun to confirm some of its predictions using clinical data from patients treated in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

“To our knowledge, this is the first scientific theory to explain how a traditional medicine system works,” lead study author Xiao Gan, a researcher at the Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology in China said.

In the new study, the authors looked at genes (基因) thought to be responsible for causing specific symptoms (症状) of disease. They relied on an already published dataset that connected the dots between disease symptoms and the underlying genes and proteins that give rise to those illnesses. Pulling this data together, the researchers were able to score how well these herbs might relieve specific symptoms of the disease. These scores were based on how close the herbs’ target proteins were to the proteins associated with various symptoms.

The authors then compared their predictions to herbs recognized by the Chinese Pharmacopoeia as effective against specific disease symptoms. They also used the model to review prescriptions(处方) that patients at the Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Wuhan received while being treated for liver disease. Gan said the herbs that they identified as effective from the two data sources supported their model’s predictions. The authors also used their model to identify potential new applications for the herbs, beyond what’s already recommended by the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Testing natural products in clinical trials can be costly, so it is helpful to use computer simulations (模拟) to identify potential drug targets, said Xiang-Qun Xie, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh. Xie pointed out more data are needed to support these findings and that it would be useful to study how TCM herbs and modern medications may interact in patients who take them at the same time.

1. What is the purpose of the new study?
A.To study the side effects of TCM herbs.
B.To analyze the genetic makeup of TCM herbs.
C.To forecast the effectiveness of TCM herbs.
D.To compare TCM herbs with modern medications.
2. How did the researchers score TCM herbs in the study?
A.By analyzing their chemical makeup.
B.By carrying out clinical trials on patients.
C.By asking patients about their experiences of using them.
D.By comparing their target proteins with disease-related proteins.
3. What can be inferred about the study from paragraph 4?
A.Some TCM herbs tested by the model are rarely used.
B.The model may be used to develop new medicines.
C.The data sources used by the model are not big enough.
D.More models should be created to review prescriptions.
4. What might Xiang-Qun Xie agree with?
A.Researchers should try to cut the cost of their study.
B.It is necessary to find new ways to figure out potential drug targets.
C.The weaknesses of computer simulations in drug development are ignored.
D.The interaction between TCM herbs and modern medications needs to be studied.
2024-05-10更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州延安中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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