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1 . A mobile(移动的)hospital for treating injured wildlife has just begun a journey to its new base in Byron Bay, on Australia's east coast.

Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital founder and Professor Stephen Van Mil said that Australia's annual disastrous(灾难性的)wildfire season could _______ the animals’variety. Seeing the _______ koalas sitting in baskets waiting for care was _______ .

By now, several charities, and help from animal protection groups have turned the mobile hospital into a _______ .

It is housed in a 16-meter _______ that was partially helped by the World Wildlife Fund, which was _______ by a group of international environmentalists to raise money _______ global efforts. Inside, the truck comes with all the _______ an animal hospital needs, including X-ray machines, ultrasound(超声)facilities, and special cages. To make sure that the mobile hospital can help even in the most _______ conditions, it is 100 per cent self-sufficient(自给自足). It uses solar energy to produce electricity and has its own water collection and management systems so that it can arrive anywhere and be set up and ready to go in ________ .

“Being able to work in a mobile hospital ________ that I can actually help these animals quickly. I can get there and I can concentrate on the ________ that they need," said wildlife specialist Dr. Bree Talbot, who will be aboard the mobile hospital along with a small team of volunteers.

Australia can be a ________ place to live for wild animals. Experts determined that up to a billion wild creatures were ________ by the 2020 wildfires alone. Offering help to these animals in times of crisis is a major challenge, and this amazing mobile hospital seems to have arrived at the ________ time.

A.in place ofB.in charge ofC.in support ofD.in spite of
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Dramatic progress has been witnessed in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which benefits from those great contributions some ancient famous doctors made ant some experience they accumulated. The following three stand out among the ancient famous doctors.

Hua Tuo

Hua Tuo (145 — 208), famous physician of the late Eastern Han dynasty, also named Fu, was born at Qiao County in Peiguo (now Bozhou, Anhui Province). He led a simple life, away from fame and fortune. He would rather become a traveling physician for ordinary people.

Hua Tuo was an expert in several medical fields, such as internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics and acupuncture. He was the first person to perform surgery with the aid of anesthesia (by applying Ma Fei San, a herbal anesthetic he invented) some 1,600 years before Europeans did.

Zhang Zhongjing

Zhang Zhongjing (150 — 219), also known as Zhang Ji, was one of the most distinguished Chinese physicians during the later years of the Eastern Han dynasty. He lived in today’s Nanyang in Henan Province. He was known as the “medical sage” by later generations due to his outstanding contributions to TCM.

During his time, with warlords (军阀) fighting for their own territories, many people were infected with fertility, an illness caused by fever. Zhang’s family was no exception. The experience stimulated his motivation in medicine. He learned medicine by studying from his town’s fellow Zhan Bozu, absorbing previous medicinal literature, collecting many prescriptions; and finally writing the medical masterpiece Shanghan Zabing Lun. Unfortunately shortly after its publication the book was lost during wartime.

Li Shizhen

Li Shizhen (1518 — 1593) was a famous medical scientist the Ming dynasty. He loved medicine from an early age and succeeded his ancestors as a doctor. He not only paid attention to accumulating experience in curing diseases, but also visited the famous mountains where medicinal materials were produced.

On this basis, it took 27 years to compile (编著) the pharmaceutical masterpiece, Compendium of Materia Medica, which is known as the “Encyclopedia of Ancient China” and has made an important contribution to the development of classical medicine China.

1. What do the three famous doctors mentioned in the passage have in common?
A.Their books never come out.
B.They travelled extensively across China.
C.They led the way worldwide in their own experts.
D.They contributed themselves to the development of TCM.
2. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Hua Tuo was desperate for reputation and fortune.
B.Li Shizhen came from a family of doctors.
C.Li Shizhen survived Zhang Zhongjing by 9 years.
D.Zhang Zhongjing’s medical masterpiece vanished before published.
3. In which section of a magazine may this passage appear?
A.Healthy lifestyles.B.Daily entertainment.
C.Historical figures.D.Fitness management.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了Margaret Ann Bulkley为了实现自己成为医生的梦想,把自己装扮成一位男性从医的故事。

3 . Margaret Ann Bulkley was born around 1789, in Ireland. She had big dreams. “I want to be a doctor!” But two hundred years ago a girl couldn’t become a doctor. Her uncle, James Barry, was a great painter. And his friend General Miranda had a library with more than 6,000 books. Margaret loved reading there. Her intelligence impressed him. Years later, her uncle James Barry died, leaving her some money. It was enough to study to be a doctor.

“But a girl can’t become a doctor,” said Margaret sadly.

“Yes, you can!” said General Miranda. “All you have to do is to disguise as a boy.” Margaret really wanted to be a doctor. So she cut off her long hair, practiced speaking in a deep voice, and put on boy’s clothes. She also named herself James Barry.

From then on, Margaret Ann Bulkley disappeared. She became James Barry and entered Edinburgh University. He took 13 subjects and worked all through the summer when the other students went on holiday.

Barry graduated in 1812 and decided to join the British Army. In his life, Dr. James Barry travelled all over the world, helping to save many lives. Before retirement, Barry had risen to the second highest medical officer in the British Army. Barry improved the conditions for not only wounded soldiers but also the local people, and performed the first recorded successful caesarean section (剖宫产) in Africa. The secret Dr. James Barry kept for over fifty years was only known after his death in 1865.

1. Who played the most important role in Margaret’s becoming a doctor?
A.General Miranda.B.Her uncle James Barry.
C.A soldier in the British Army.D.A professor from Edinburgh University.
2. What does the underlined word disguise in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Change one’s clothes.B.Dress like a doctor.
C.Change one’s appearance.D.Dress like a gentleman.
3. Which was Dr. James Barry’s achievement in her job?
A.Becoming the highest officer in the British Army.
B.Graduating from the most famous medical university.
C.Improving medical conditions for the wounded soldiers.
D.Doing the world’s first recorded caesarean section successfully.
4. What was the secret Dr. James Barry kept for over fifty years?
A.James Barry left much money.B.Dr. James Barry was a woman.
C.Margaret died in her twenties.D.General Miranda helped Margaret a lot.
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

A group doctors,     1     had been specially trained in skiing skills in China over the last four years, provided medical treatment during the Winter Olympics. In the field, if there was an accident, the ski doctors had to be on the scene in four minutes     2     a 10-kilo medical bag and had to deal with the injuries and remove the     3     (injure) athlete from the track in just 15 minutes.

2022-04-06更新 | 208次组卷 | 4卷引用:2022届北京市门头沟区高三一模英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Amelia worked as a nurse for 5 years and loved it. She loved helping others and found the job demanding, but always rewarding.

The beginning of March was far from optimistic because by the middle of March there were just over fifty patients in the hospital with the same illness. Most were on ventilators(呼吸机),which helped them to breathe. Then on the 23rd of that month there was a national lockdown, which meant most places were closed apart from supermarkets and essential shops. People could only leave their homes for a short while to do shopping or to pick up medication. All the streets were empty.

Amelia arrived at work an hour before her shift started. The journey there was quicker than normal, because she was the only one on the bus. And obeying the new rules, she wore her mask the entire trip.

Another shift over with, she was exhausted. The bus turned up on time. She got on and noticed a different person at the wheel. “Where’s the usual driver? ” she asked politely.

The younger man looked sad, and replied grimly(严肃地), “The virus got him,Miss. He was a friend of mine. ” Amelia was shocked by the news. “I’m so sorry to hear this. He was a lovely man. ” “Yes, he was, ”the driver said.

She showed her ticket and headed to a seat. At the back of the bus was the woman she recognized from somewhere. On the journey home every street was quiet.

Amelia put on her earphones and closed her eyes. The terrible events of that day were now becoming a distant memory.

A week later on a Thursday Amelia left the hospital a bit later than normal, as it had been a very busy day. She’d worked the last four days and just wanted to go home. She realized the chance of catching her normal bus would not happen. The next one should arrive shortly. Amelia glanced at her watch and the bus was twelve minutes late.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Suddenly from the doorways of most houses on the street appeared families as they clapped.


And at that moment Amelia felt proud of everyone she worked with.

语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 语法填空

My father and I haven’t met for more than two months. It is due to the horrible novel coronavirus epidemic (传染病)     1     we can see each other only through phone video calls. My father is a warrior     2     (dress) in white in the war without smoke     3     the virus although he is not a soldier. My father told me that the ward is     4     (he) battlefield, saying that he is duty bound to fight the virus and protect as many patients as possible. Today, I saw he     5    (wear) a blue medical cap and a pair of transparent     6    (protect) glasses over his own glasses. The eyes were full of love, tears,     7    (strong), power and courage. I know he is in a     8    (danger) situation, but his eyes seem to say, “I’m fine.” He is a real hero,     9     will live in our hearts forever. May God bless all the courageous doctors and nurses     10    (fight) on the front line.

2022-08-04更新 | 149次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届江西省景德镇市高三下学期第三次质检英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

It is a    1     (move) story between Zhong Jing, a doctor, and the villagers in Longhe Village, Longchang Town, Qianxinan Bouyei and Miso Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province.

Before Zhong’s arrival, there was no clinic in the village. If villagers had to see     2     doctor when they suffered from serious health problems, they had no     3     (choose) but to go to the hospital in town which is more than four     4     (hour) walk away. Since Zhong set up the only small clinic (诊所) there with all her life savings at the time, things have changed.

With her excellent medical skill and selfless devotion for a long time, she     5     (final) won the locals’ heart. She often makes calls to some with diseases such as high blood pressure. “I need to remind them     6     (come) to have their blood pressure and blood sugar tested,” she says. If they can’t make it, Zhong will visit them. For the past two years, Zhong     7     (make) more house calls to her patients so that they needn’t move around during the COVID-19 times.

Thanks to the guidance of Zhong, the local villagers increasingly develop a     8     (strong) health awareness than before. The number of patients     9     visit the clinic has been becoming less in recent years. Zhong says, “I’m glad that I’m not only a doctor in the village now. It feels great to be of some help and be trusted     10     them.”

语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Known     1     “the mother of ten thousand babies”, Lin Qiaozhi, a physician in the PUMC Hospital,     2     (deliver) over 50,000 babies in her career.

When she was five, her mother’s death affected her     3     (deep). She chose to study medicine instead of getting married like the majority of girls. She became the first woman to be hired as a resident physician in the PUMC Hospital.     4     (work) for a few years, she went abroad for     5     (far) education. Although she had the chance to work abroad, she returned to China. In 1941, she became the first Chinese woman     6     (appoint) director of the PUMC Hospital. A few years later,     7     the war broke out, the department was closed. Thinking of the patients     8     were still in need of help, Dr Lin set up a private clinic where she lowered the fees for poor patients. Sometimes she was even seen     9     (ride) a donkey to provide medical care.

After the founding of the new People’s Republic of China, Lin Qiaozhi still devoted herself to caring for patients and doing medical research. After she passed away, Dr Lin left her     10     (save) to a kindergarten and a fun for new doctors.

2022-07-15更新 | 123次组卷 | 2卷引用:福建省福州高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期第四学段(期末)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

With the wide spread of the deadly COVID-19, the healthcare workers have been working day and night to take care of the     1     (infect) patients. Here are the details about International Nurses Day.

International Nurses Day     2    ( celebrate) first in 1965 to honour the nurses all over the world for their     3     (commit) to medical health and service,     4     (urge) people to show care and respect towards nurses.The day also commemorates Florence Nightingale’s birth - the woman    5    is widely regarded as the founder of modern nursing. Florence Nightingale was born on May 12th, 1820, and served     6     a trainer of nurses during the Crimean War. During the War, she     7     (manage) to care for wounded soldiers at Constantinople. Her contributions gave nursing a favorable reputation and she became a symbol of Victorian culture,     8     (especial) as “The Lady with the Lamp”, because of the touching fact     9    she usually visited wounded soldiers at night. She was also regarded as     10    English reformer of modern nursing. Later, she won the Royal Red Cross award in 1883 and Order of Merit award in 1907.


10 . Andrew Chilton was diagnosed with autism (自闭症) at age eight. There was a lot to _________. Would he ever have a job? Live _________? Doctors and school officials _________ that Andrew might not even graduate from high school.

Andrew’s family would do anything for him. Christy Chachere, the boy’s personal care attendant, saw the _________ right away. “You have to let him _________,” she told the family. “It’s the _________ way he learns to do things on his own.”

No longer would Andrew’s mother write his papers. His younger brother wouldn’t _________ him to operate the computer. Christy wouldn’t help him with homework either.

Andrew _________ loudly at times. But then what Christy expected began to _________. Andrew would come home from school, get a snack and start on his homework. Christy was ____________ there. She wouldn’t do his papers for him. But she showed him how to get organized. Best of all, Christy offered ____________ once his work was done. She’d ____________ him to a store where he could buy Pokémon cards. To the movies. Or out to eat his favorite food.

Christy has been with Andrew for six years. She has successfully helped ____________ the life of a boy with autism. One ____________ at a time, Andrew gained independence. He graduated from high school and entered community college. “Life has never been ____________,” said Andrew.

A.put offB.worry aboutC.set asideD.settle down
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