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1 . For over fifty years, most likely starting with the tour in America of young Welsh poet Dylan Thomas in the early 1950s, poetry enthusiasts have gathered together to share their interest in poetry by reading aloud their favorite poems. Some of these spoken word performances feature well-known poets, and all, professional and amateur alike, sincerely take the stage to communicate on a wide range of subjects. Most events take place on college campuses, in well-decorated coffee shops, and in local saloons.

To further their popularity, “poetry readings” have taken on a new dimension—the spirit of competition. This competition, named the “Poetry Slam”, began in 1986 in a Chicago, Illinois bar in America, when a construction worker and poet, Marc Smith, decided that he needed some help with his own poetry readings. He asked the audience to rate his poems from 1 to 10. With audience interaction and input, it became an instant success.

Poetry Slam is carried on today with five poets performing one poem each in three rounds. Five judges are selected from the audience, and these five give their scores to the “slam master” at the end of each reading. Scores are based upon whether the poets have set off emotions in the audience’s mind, requiring not only good poetry writing skills, but also the ability to speak and deliver the poem in a dramatic way. The lowest and highest scores are removed, and the three left over are added up. The winner is announced at the end of the rounds and may attend other competitions in other places with a higher standing than before. It is not uncommon for “slam poets” to go to other countries to compete. National and International contests are held in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North and South America.

Attending and participating in this sporty game of words and emotions has been shorten to the expression “slamming”. Slamming has become not only a world phenomenon but a sub-culture as well, being well received among young poets and those of diverse backgrounds. It provides a stage for them to express our fragile human condition in a very entertaining and artful way.

1. Which of the following statements is historically true about Poetry Slam?
A.The first Poetry Slam took place in the 1950s.
B.Poetry Slam has evolved from Poetry readings.
C.Dylan Thomas was the first to establish Poetry Slam.
D.Poetry Slam is a poetry contest judged by the audience.
2. The rating of Marc Smith’s poems was so successful, because the audience _____.
A.enjoyed the interaction and being able to have some input in the poetry being read
B.were interested in this type of “voting”, which is a reasonable way of doing things
C.agreed with Marc Smith that he indeed needed help with his poetry
D.were moved by the poet that was also a construction worker
3. Scoring at a Poetry Slam is based upon _____.
A.the judgment of the slam master
B.the style of each poem that is read
C.good poetry writing skills and dramatic delivery
D.whether a poet has performed in other contests before
4. Which one is the best title of this passage?
A.It’s “Slamming” in a WordB.Poetry Reading History
C.Dylan Thomas—Father of SlammingD.Poetry Slam Theory
2021-08-03更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市第八中学2020-2021学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Baseball is one of the oldest sports in the U. S. Most historians agree it happened before 1900. Baseball was once America's favorite game, but has now lost that claim to basketball. It is a name that requires strength. but not hugeness. And agility, quickness, perfect vision and quick reaction are even more important than pure strength.

What will new technology teach us about baseball?

A system called PITCHf/x has been used since 2006 to track and record the path of a pitch and its speed. The system uses radar and cameras to track how the ball moves after it is hit and also records the movement of players on the field. The fastest runners are only a little slower than Olympic running champion Usain Bolt. In other words, some players are very fast runners. The system also shows how far some players run to catch balls and how quickly they react to batted balls. Some players ran more than 17 meters in under two seconds to catch a ball. Other players showed they could throw the ball over 150 kilometers per hour. Some teams are using this intormation to provide better treatment to their players and to compare players and teams.

Will young players break the unwritten rules?

Baseball has a lot of traditions including unwritten rules of behavior. For example, newer players are expected to show respect to the other team by restraining (抑制)reaction to a great home run hit(全垒打). A home run is when a player hits the ball so far that he can travel around all four bases in one trip. He as well as anyone already on base can score after it. In recent years, some young players have wildly celebrated their home runs by throwing their arms in the air or dramatically throwing their bats to the ground. Many older players find such behavior unsportsmanlike while Bryce Harper of the Washington Nationals, one of the best young players in baseball, recently told ESPN that he is tired of hearing older players complain about the young, “There're so many guys in the game now who are so much fun." He said he thinks it is too bad those players are restricted by the unwritten rules about behavior on the field.

1. We learn from the passage________.
A.hugeness is more important than strength in baseball
B.quick reaction matters more than strength in baseball
C.baseball and basketball are among the oldest games in US
D.baseball has always been the most loved and popular sport in US
2. What does the author tell us in Paragraph 2?
A.PITCHf/x can only track how the ball moves in the field.
B.The fastest runners can run as fast as the Olympic champion.
C.Some players are recorded to throw a ball at an amazing speed.
D.The technology is now only applied to players of the home team.
3. The unwritten rules of behavior require young players to_______.
A.always show respect to players of the other team
B.bold down their excitement over a great home run hit
C.celebrate their home runs by swinging their arms wildly
D.consider the feelings of older players who don't make a home run
4. Bryce Harper thinks that________.
A.young players' celebrations of home runs is an amusing part of the game
B.all the unwritten rules of behavior on the field should be banned ever since
C.older players have the right to restrain young players' behavior on the field
D.both young and older players should know how to restrain their true feelings
2021-05-29更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市南开中学2020-2021学年高二下学期中试卷英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般