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语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

At age 22, race driver Zhou Guanyu has already made history and is showing no signs of slowing down.

Alfa Romeo Racing Orlen announced on November 16 that Zhou     1     (join) the team as a race driver for the 2022 season,     2     (make) him the first-ever Chinese Formula 1 (F1) driver. “Becoming in F1 driver has always been my dream, and I’m really excited     3     (realize) my dream,” Zhou told China Daily.

Zhou debuted in F2 in 2019. That’s where most young racers begin their journey toward F1. Zhou finished the year as F2’s leading rookie.     4     , 2020 brought what Zhou called “by far the     5     (difficult) season for me”. Several mechanical failures led to the driver being placed     6     (six) in the standings.

But looking back, he sees this     7     a period of growth that has helped him show his strength. “The road to F1 is very difficult, all of     8     takes a lot of time and effort,” Zhou said. “For Chinese drivers, the process will only be more difficult. I have to explore all the possibilities with my team.”

The     9     (ambition) young man will make his debut at F1 next season s opener in Bahrain. Let’s look forward to his wonderful     10     (perform)!

2022-06-15更新 | 120次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省高二年级-语法填空名校好题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Ready to share your novels or personal stories with the world? The following four writing contests are worth considering.

Drue Heinz Literature Prize

You can win $15,000 and publication by the University of Pittsburgh Press with this prize. You may submit an unpublished manuscript (手稿) of short stories, two or more novellas (中篇小说) or a combination of novellas and short stories. You must have already published a novel or book-length work of fiction with a respected publisher.

Deadline: Annual submissions must be between May 1 and June 30.

Biopage Storytelling Writing Contest

Essays of up to 5,000 characters (about 1,000 words) will be accepted, and right now we’re looking for stories of COVID-19 quarantine (隔离期) life. The grand prize winner will receive $300, and five runners-up will be awarded $100 each. You’ll need to register for a Biopage account to be qualified.

Deadline: July 31, 2022

PEN / Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers

This contest requires you to have already published a short story in a literary magazine or journal or cultural website. Short stories of up to 12,000 words are qualified and must be published before the year in which the award is given. The prize money varies from $1,000 to $200. In addition, keep this in mind: Submissions are only qualified when submitted by an editor.

Deadline: The contest is open annually between June and November.

Write the World

For new writers, this cool contest also serves as a mini workshop. Considering that the first draft is never perfect, submissions will receive review by authors, writing teachers and other experts. Participants are given the chance to revise their pieces based on the review before submitting them for final prize consideration. 5 top prize winners will receive $100 each.

Deadline: Monthly

1. Which writing contest offers the most generous bonus?
A.Write the World.
B.Drue Heinz Literature Prize.
C.Biopage Storytelling Writing Contest.
D.PEN / Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers.
2. What do the first and the third contests have in common?
A.Both limit the pieces to the same length.
B.Both require participants to have published works.
C.Both accept submissions in the first half of the year.
D.Both allow participants to submit pieces themselves.
3. Who is the fourth contest most probably targeted at?
A.Writing beginners.B.Medical experts.
C.Chief editors.D.Writing teachers.
2022-05-13更新 | 89次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省高二年级-广告布告类阅读理解名校好题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . CWA Photo Competition 2021

Calling all photographers!

We've all been spending more time indoors lately. Whether you've been killing time looking back at photos from holidays past, risking taking walking to local sites, or busy working at home, we want to see your best photos on an archaeological theme. Send then to us for your chance to win the first prize in our yearly CWA Photo Competition and have your work shown in the magazine.

The winning image and three runners-up will be featured in CWA. The overall winner will get a free 2-year subscription to the magazine.

Closing date:1 October, 2021

The judge's decision is final, and the results of prize-winners will be announced by 15 October, 2021.


▲All photos entered must be done under an individual's name. By submitting images you confirm that you are the copyright holder and creator of the images.

▲Entrants must be 18 or over. The competition is open to all amateur and professional photographers. Amateur and professional entries will not be judged separately.

▲Entrants can submit up to 5 images — please include details of the site of artefact photographed, when each image was taken, and your contact information, including a postal address.

▲Entrants can send your entries by email to cwa@world-archaeology.com with the subject line: CWA PHOTO COMPETITION 2021 or on a disc to CWA PHOTO COMPETITION, Current Publishing, Thames Wors, Church Street, London W4 2PD

1. What subject should the entries focus on?
A.Holiday experiences.B.Archaeological findings.
C.Taking walks outside.D.Working at home.
2. What is required of participants?
A.Submitting individual pieces.B.Being a professional photographer.
C.Being a regular subscriber to the magazineD.Mailing their entries before 15 October 2021.
3. How many images at most can each competitor send?
2021-11-13更新 | 139次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省高三年级-广告布告类阅读理解名校好题
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . When Najla Imad Lafta, 14, plays table tennis, her torso turns as smoothly as a dancer’s to meet the ball and she returns it so fast.

She just _________ her fourth silver and her fourth bronze medal from an international sports tournament for _________ people in Egypt in June.

“In fourth grade, I was _________ I was different from the other girls,” said Najla as she sat in a narrow _________.

Najla was 3 when a bomb magnetically _________ beneath her father’s car went off. In a matter of seconds she _________ one of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis seriously _________ in the civil war that followed the American invasion in 2003. Civilians young and old were _________ in the crossfire, crippling (使残疾) them physically and _________.

Najla’s life had been turned upside down and could do nothing but try her best to __________ to her new life with the __________ of a wheelchair.

__________ at his daughter’s struggles, Mr. Lafta __________ a friend of his from the Iraq Paralympic team for help to give her daughter some training lessons.

Najla worked on her __________ for a couple of days at home - her family bought a playing table that took up almost all the space in one of the compound’s rooms - barely __________ enough space for her to play with her sisters.

The Paralympics committee recently bought prostheses for Najla, and these were far better than the ones she had before but they were still not the kind made for __________.

__________, Najla has made the __________ from playing in a wheelchair to standing: a remarkably rare progression in the sport, when most players do the opposite.

“To be honest, nothing compared to __________ legs and arms, but at least I am __________ with what I have done.”

A.tired ofB.proud ofC.aware ofD.lack of
2021-10-19更新 | 176次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020年江苏卷完形填空变式题
共计 平均难度:一般