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1 . On November 15, the count of humans on this planet reached 8 billion. Population growth has been steady over the past few decades. But that pattern is gradually changing, as is shown in the following chart.

Credit: Katie Peek; Source: World Population Prospects 2022,United Nations Population Division

That slowdown is partly the result of a shift toward fewer offspring. High-income nations currently have the lowest birth rates, and the opposite is true: nations with the highest birth rates tend to have the lowest incomes. The gap has continued to widen between wealthy nations and poorer ones. But longer term, it is moving toward convergence(趋同).

Many factors contribute to the changes of the world’s population, such as migration, death rate, longevity and others. Focusing on fertility(生育率), however, helpfully clarifies why the total number of humans on Earth seems set to fall. Fertility refers to the average total number of live births per female individual in a region or country. The U.S.’s current fertility rate, for example, is about 1.7; China’s is 1.2. A fertility of 2.1 is considered the replacement rate—that is, the required number of offspring, on average, for a population to hold steady. Today birth rates in the wealthiest countries have dropped below the replacement rate, the rest likely following suit over the coming decades.

Humanity’s future clearly depends on many things besides fertility. For example, people in wealthier nations may produce fewer children, but those offspring tend to consume more resources—so rich countries can still have outsize planetary impacts despite their decreasing populations. Organizations such as the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs are working toward policy-based solutions for how all of us can have healthy, satisfying and sustainable lives on Earth. A clear-eyed understanding of population changes is critical for reaching that bright future.

1. Which time period may witness the slowest global population growth?
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The definition of fertility rate.B.The cause of the low fertility rate.
C.The fertility rates in different countries.D.The impact of fertility on world population.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The richer the nations are, the higher the fertility will be.
B.The smaller the population is, the more resources are used.
C.Achieving human’s sustainable future is a challenging task.
D.Understanding population shifts can tackle the fertility issue.
4. What is the text?
A.A blog entry.B.A book review.C.A theme speech.D.A research report.

2 . PopulationIs 8 billion people too many?

The world’s population has reached 8 billion people.     1     because of longer life expectancy, fewer child deaths, and increasingly effective health-care systems. The UN secretary general, Antonio Gutters, declared it “an occasion to celebrate”.     2    . When the global population hit 4, 5, 6 and 7 billion, in 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011 respectively, there was widespread dismay. The doubling of our numbers in 47 years did not bring about the famines and other disasters widely predicted in the 1960s. Our ability to feed ourselves has grown faster than our population has. Therefore, every projection of a limit to Earth’s human population, or assumed “ideal number”, has been wrong.

    3    , with fertility rates dropping below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman. Most of the ongoing growth is occurring in developing nations in Africa and Asia. In the developing world, though, things are about to change. The average woman in Tanzania in 2020 was a mother to four children, 9% down on a decade earlier. UN projections predict that it will fall to an average of 2.3 children in 2080.    4    . And over the next 70 years, “societal aging” will become a major problem. When there are far more old people than young, there aren’t enough workers to pay into pension systems, threatening their collapse. This phenomenon is already underway in the U.S., Europe, Japan and China.

For now, we can both acknowledge the downsides of the 8 billionth human and believe this is an occasion worth celebrating.    5    . In that sense, it’s a good thing that millions of new people — with their new ideas and fresh energy — are on the way.

A.We’ve reached this milestone
B.Actually, some population alarmism is appropriate
C.The end of population expansion is now foreseeable
D.The truth is that the population in developed nations has remained stable
E.With any luck, the massive challenge of global aging will spur innovation
F.The increasing global population will put more pressure on resources and produce far more emissions
G.In contrast, various experts have been put forward “nightmare consequences” about overpopulation since 1960s
2023-01-12更新 | 395次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省滨州市惠民县2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
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3 . One third of adults over 65 in America have never used the Internet, and half don’t even have Internet access at home. In San Francisco, “the center of tech”, 40% of older adults do not have basic digital literacy skills.

This situation is becoming appalling as over 10,000 Americans turn 65 every single day. By 2050,22% of Americans will be 65 or older. Meanwhile, technology is developing very fast. This means that a large number of people will be unable to proficiently use emergent technology.

Many people believe that seniors aren’t required to participate in our tech future because they’ll be retired and relaxed soon. But this is the farthest thing from the truth. Baby boomers are currently experiencing a different boom: With more people getting older than ever before, their life expediencies are also increasing dramatically. With medical advancements, the number of American people projected to live into their 90’s has doubled since 1965.

However, they don’t have strong financial or educational support. This is not a problem; it’s a crisis. More than half of employees over 50 have been laid off in what’s being called ”forced retirement“. And few organizations are actively helping older employees make the transition from full-time jobs to part-time ones. For those fortunate enough to be employed, 3 out of 5 older workers experience prejudice.

The easiest solution is to teach digital literacy. If baby boomers want to survive the forthcoming retirement crisis, they should get enough digital knowledge and skills to operate today’s tools and tomorrow’s platforms. With every crisis comes an opportunity. Tutoring, customer service, editing, research, book-keeping, and other virtual assistance-based work open the doors. But again, digital knowledge is first required to live in our high-tech society and gig economy. So try to get more online and navigate the growing number of sites and apps.

1. What does the underlined word “appalling” probably mean in paragraph2?
2. What problem may baby boomers face?
A.A crisis after retirement.B.Being knocked out in the future.
C.Failing to receive good healthcare.D.Tending to double their life expediencies.
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The features of high-tech jobs.B.The way out for baby boomers.
C.Potential industries in the future.D.The importance of developing technology.
4. What does the author advise baby boomers to do?
A.Have a good sense of crisis.B.Avoid retiring at an early age.
C.Look for many part-time jobs.D.Improve digital literacy actively.
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4 . As the global population grows and shifts towards urban living, the land available in our cities is being under increasing pressure.In order to be sustainable, cities need to find ways to minimize their urban expansion.One option is to build upwards; another is to dig down.

In Montreal, constructed underground to relieve overcrowding in the city streets is RESO —one of the largest underground complexes in the world.It is a network connecting everything from shops and banks to flats and hotels.This shows how going underground can meet human needs whilst also bringing certain environmental benefits.Underground transport can reduce traffic jam above ground, thereby improving air quality.Furthermore, thanks to their relatively constant climate throughout the year, underground spaces consume less energy for heating and cooling.

When planning underground construction projects, developers must consider existing structures on or near the site, such as the remains of historic buildings.Designers must also ensure any underground space intended for human use has good air quality.One example is the forthcoming LDN Hotel,an underground hotel beneath the streets of London.Designers are using a wide range of plans to help keep the air inside clean,together with a state-of-the-art ventilation system (通风系统).

Light is another key consideration.In New York, plans for the world's first underground park Demonstrate novel ways of bringing natural rays beneath the surface.By employing solar technology light is to be reflected down through a series of pipes into the terminal below.This light would be sufficient for photosynthesis (光合作用) to occur and the park's plants to grow naturally.

Today's architects are developing innovative ways to make underground spaces functional and comfortable.The question remains whether they can provide sustainable and realistic options for the future.Besides practical considerations, there exists the challenge of building a positive perception of “going underground".Yet, the obvious challenges of constructing habitable underground spaces must be weighed against the urgent issue of housing the world's ballooning population.One day, it will feel as natural to live and work underground as it does to do so over 100 storeys high.

1. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2?
A.To advertise the underground complexes.
B.To give suggestions on relieving crowdedness.
C.To explain how the underground network works.
D.To introduce the benefits of building underground.
2. How does the author develop his opinion?
A.By giving examples.
B.By listing study findings.
C.By making comparisons.
D.By quoting others' words.
3. Which of the following will the author agree?
A.Going underground can solve the problem of global warming.
B.Good air quality is superior to other factors.
C.Natural light is not necessary for underground plants.
D.The future of going underground calls for people's positive attitude.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Ways to house the world population.
B.Concerns for the urban expansion.
C.Why and how to build underground.
D.The promising future of our cities.
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