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1 . In a policy address to lawmakers, Japan’s Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, said the country’s population problem was a case of solving the issue “now or never”, and that it “simply cannot wait any longer because it can affect social functions”.

“In thinking of the sustainability and inclusiveness of our nation’s economy and society, we place child care support as our most important policy,” he said, adding that he wants the government to double its spending on child-related programs, and that a new government agency would be set up in April to focus on the issue.

Japan has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, and it recorded fewer than 800,000 births in 2022 for the first time since records began in 1899. The country also has one of the highest life expectancies in the world; in 2020, nearly one in 1,500 people in Japan were age 100 or older, according to government data.

These trends have driven a growing population problem, with a rapidly aging society, a shrinking workforce and not enough young people to fill the gaps in the stagnating (停滞) economy. The country’s high cost of living, limited space and lack of child care support in cities make it difficult to raise children, meaning fewer couples are having kids. Experts point to the pessimism young people in Japan hold towards the future, many frustrated with work pressure and economic stagnation.

How about other parts of East Asia? South Korea recently broke its own record for the world’s lowest birth rate, with data from November 2023 showing a South Korean woman will have an average of 0.79 children in her lifetime — far below the 2.1 needed to maintain a stable population. Japan’s birth rate stands at 1.3, while the United States is at 1.6. Meanwhile, China’s population shrank in 2022 for the first time, adding pressure to its economic growth.

1. How does the Japanese government feel about the falling birth rate?
2. Which of the following has led the birth rate in Japan to decline?
A.The rapidly aging society.B.The high life expectancies.
C.The shortage of workforce.D.The various stresses of life.
3. What are the statistics in the last paragraph used to show?
A.Ignorance of the birth rate.B.Serious population crisis.
C.Weak care services for children.D.Potential harm to women’s health.
4. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
2024-04-06更新 | 204次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省长沙市长郡中学高考适应考试(二)英语试题

2 . New research shows that the cost of raising a child in China is nearly seven times its GDP per capita (头数), far more than in the United States and Japan.

GDP, or gross domestic product, is the measure of the total value of goods and services in a country. GDP per capita is a measure resulting from GDP divided by the size of a nation’s total population.

The high cost of child-raising is one more difficulty Chinese policymakers face as they try to deal with quickly decreasing birth rates.

Experts warn China’s aging population will put pressure on its health and social security systems. A decrease in workers could also severely limit growth for the world’s second largest economy in the coming years.

New policies permit families to have as many as three children But China’s birth rate dropped to 7.52 births per 1,000 people in 2021. That is the lowest since the National Bureau of Statistics began recording the information in 1949.

The high costs of raising a child have caused officials in China to place restrictions (限制规定) on the private tutoring industry. Some areas have been giving couples money for having a second or third child.

The average cost of raising a child to the age of 18 in China in 2019 was 485,000 yuan for a first child. That is 6.9 times China’s GDP per capita that year. That information comes from a recent report from the YuWa Population Research Institute in Beijing.

China ranks second highest among the 13 countries included in the study. The country is behind only South Korea, which has the lowest birth rate in the world. The United States number, based on 2015 data, is at 4.11 times GDP per capita. Japan stands at 4.26, based on data from 2010.

Child raising costs are even higher in China’s major cities, reaching more than 1 million yuan in Shanghai and 969,000 yuan in Beijing. Birth rates in the two cities are even lower than the national average.

YuWa warned the decreasing birth rate would “profoundly (深刻地) affect” China’s economic growth potential, its ability to create and its welfare (福利) problems.

The study found that China would need to spend at least 5 percent of its yearly GDP to provide reasons for couples to have more children. That would include education funding (基金), special housing loan (贷款) rates and tax breaks. Other considerations include equal time for mothers and fathers to be away from their jobs and the building of more childcare centers.

1. Why do officials in China place restrictions on the private tutoring industry?
A.Because of the high cost of childcare.
B.Because there are too many extra-curricular tutoring classes.
C.Because the tutoring industry does not help students improve their grades.
D.Because many families want to give their children more leisure time.
2. What can we know from the passage?
A.China has the lowest birth rate in the world.
B.The cost of childcare in Beijing is higher than that in Shanghai.
C.The reduction of workers won’t limit China’s growth in the future.
D.The birth rate in 2021 has been the lowest since 1949.
3. What is the GDP per capita in 2019?
A.About 3,346,500 yuan.B.Around 70,300 yuan.
C.Less than 50,300 yuan.D.More than 80,000 yuan.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The measures that can reduce education costs.
B.The conclusion of the research by YuWa Population Research Institute.
C.The ways to increase the birth rate.
D.The impact of the decline of the birth rates.
2023-11-06更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市麓山国际实验学校2023-2024学年高一上学期第一次适应性检测英语试题
完形填空(约120词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . There are many people in the world now. There will be even _________ people later this century. The earth will he crowded and there will be very little room _________ each person. Maybe there will be only _________ room on the earth in 600 years. That will be a very serious problem, so man is taking some _________ to solve the _________.

The moon is the satellite of the earth. Maybe man will go to live on the moon one day. _________, Americans and Chinese have _________ there. But there is no air, no plants, and no life. So _________ are doing experiments in many ways. They will find _________ to these problem __________ man can live on the moon. I’m sure our dream will come true by the end of this century.

2023-06-07更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省2022-2023学年普通高中学业水平合格性英语考试模拟仿真试卷

4 . Towns across Italy have been racing to launch clever plans aimed at attracting new residents to revive (复兴)their fortunes in recent years. From abandoned homes selling for little more than a euro, to ready- to-occupy houses at knockdown prices, there has been a rush of competition.

The picturesque town of Presicce in the sunny region of Puglia is the latest to enter the game with a very tempting offer. Officials say they will pay people up to 30,000 euros to buy an empty house and take up residency. Even better, the houses up fbr sale as part of the deal are priced from around 25,000 euros.

Authorities in Presicce hope the cash motivation will breathe new life into their depopulating town, where newborns are fewer each year.

Presicce dates back to the middle Ages, flourishing during the Renaissance as a prosperous place known for its fine wine, cheeses and cattle trade. It gains a reputation as Puglia’s “town of green gold” for green olive trees and olive oil. Its location is incredible, surrounded by the nature of the Salento area and close to beautiful beaches and clear waters of Santa Maria di Leuca.

“There are many empty homes in the historical center built before 1991 which we would like to see alive again with new residents,” says local councilor Alfredo Palese. It is a pity witnessing how our old districts full of history, wonderful architecture and art are slowly emptying. The details of the deal are currently being finalized, Palese adds, and authorities are ready to launch applications in upcoming weeks when information will be available on the town hall website.

According to Palese, a 2019 merger (合并)with the nearby town Acquarica to create the larger town Presicce-Acquarica has provided them with extra money to ensure the project can continue for years to come. “After the merger, as per Italian law, our wider territory will be blessed with more public funds, roughly 1,000,000 euros per year for several years forward, which we intend to invest to revitalize (振兴) the old district, ” says Palese.

Together, Presicce and Acquarica now have some 9,000 inhabitants, but only half of the population live in the older part of the community.

The town hall has already launched other plans to attract more residents, including tax benefits to set up new business activities and baby bonuses for families with kids.

1. What problem do many Italian towns face according to the text?
A.Population decline.B.Financial crisis.C.Falling tourism.D.High living cost.
2. What does the underlined word “tempting” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What is the purpose of paragraph 4?
A.To show Presicce’s past glory.
B.To recommend a travel destination.
C.To point out the economy of Presicce.
D.To stress the importance of reviving Presicce.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.An Italian town’s welfare system.
B.An Italian town’s recovery strategy.
C.An Italian town’s long-term plan.
D.An Italian town’s current situation.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Many adults in South Korea have chosen either not to have children or not to marry. A South Korean government agency announced in September that the total fertility rate reached 0. 81 last year. The total fertility rate is the average number of babies born to each woman in their reproductive years. South Korea5s fertility rate has been the world’s lowest for three years now.

The population decreased for the first time in 2021. It raised concerns for severe damage to the economy. Some observers expect labor shortages and high spending on retirement payments as the number of older people increases while the number of taxpayers decreases. President Yoon Suk Yeol has ordered policymakers to find better ways to deal with the problem. The fertility rate, he said, is still decreasing although South Korea spent $ 210 billion over the past 16 years to increase it.

Many young South Koreans say that they don’t want to have a family. Reasons some say for not having children include: a difficult job market, costly housing, inequality between the sexes, and social inequality. The high cost of raising children in a competitive society is also a reason. Some women say men expect them to do much of the childcare while they face discrimination at work.

Lee So-Young is a population policy expert at the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. She said, “People think our country isn’t an easy place to live.” And she added, “They believe their children can’t have better lives than them.” Choi Yoon Kyung is an expert at the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education. She said many people who fail to enter good schools and get good jobs feel they have become “dropouts” who “cannot be happy”.

South Korea has been offering different incentives (刺激) and support programs for those who give birth to many children. But Choi said the fertility rate has been falling too fast to see any real effects.

1. Why does the author mention the number in paragraph 1?
A.To present a fact.B.To explain a rule.
C.To clarify a concept.D.To make a comparison.
2. What could be a result of low fertility rate?
A.More citizens fail to be happy.
B.Retirement payment falls down.
C.People have to pay higher taxes.
D.Less people are available for work.
3. Which is a cause of the decreasing fertility rate in South Korea?
A.The gender equality.
B.The loss of government support.
C.The ever increasing life pressure.
D.The high expectation of children.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The rising stress among young South Koreans.
B.The government^ effort to improve fertility rate.
C.The continuous low fertility rate in South Korea.
D.The severe economic damage of less new-born babies.
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