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1 . Remember boiling tap water for drinking? Who has the time now? Instead, bottled water is everywhere, in offices, airplanes, stores, homes and restaurants. But what’s in that bottle? Beautiful names and labels depicting romantic scenes have convinced us that the liquid is the purest drink around. But given the lack of labeling requirements for bottled water, how much do consumers really know about what’s in the bottle? “The public should not assume that water purchased in a bottle, is better regulated purer, or safer than most tap water. Water utilities are required to tell the public more about the tap water than bottled water companies are,” says Mae Wu, a bottled water (expert at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a nonprofit organization in the US devoted to protecting health and the environment. Sure, some bottled water comes from sparkling springs and other, sources. But in the US, alone, more than 25 percent of it comes from a municipal (市政的) supply. The water is treated, purified and sold to us, often at a thousand fold increase in price. Most people are surprised to learn that they are drinking glorified tap water, but bottlers aren’t required to list the source on the label.

According to the Asian Bottled Water Association, water from municipal supply does not have to state on its label that it is from a community water system. However, there are some brands like Nestle Pure Life that indicate whether the water comes from public, private or deep well sources. Advertising can be misleading at best and deceptive at worst. In a recent case, a food and drink manufacturer boasted in a TV commercial that its mineral water came from a “high-quality water source” but it turned out that, that was no more than plain tap water.

The potential health risks are important to understand, but bottled water also affects the health of the planet. While we struggle to, cut down on our consumption of fossil fuels, bottled water increases it. Virgin petroleum (石油) is used to make PET, and the more bottles we use, the more virgin petroleum will be needed to create new bottles. Fossil fuels are burned to fill the bottles and distribute them. Some brands of water come from islands and countries thousands of kilometers away, and shipping bottles can cause carbon pollution to spill into the water and spew into the air.

1. Compared to the tap water, bottled water             .
A.is much better, than the tap water
B.is better regulated, purer and safer
C.spends more money on advertisement
D.is required to list the source on the label
2. What can you infer from the second paragraph?
A.We can never trust the TV commercials.
B.Advertisements on bottled water always cheat the audiences.
C.Some companies choose to state where the water comes from.
D.The government asks the company not to state the source of water.
3. How is the third paragraph organized?
A.Through listing, figures.
B.Through making comparisons.
C.Through adding background information.
D.Through cause and effect argumentation.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards the bottled water?
2023-09-08更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古包头市2023-2024学年高三上学期开学调研考试英语试题
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2 . Friday night lights are good for the game, but they may be bad for biodiversity.

According to a study published Friday in the journal Animal Conservation, bright stadium lighting could affect the feeding habits of bats. Insects swarm (涌往) to these lights in large numbers, creating a competitive advantage for bat species who aren’t afraid of humans and human structures. This could impact local ecosystems and reduce biodiversity.

For most humans, there simply isn’t enough daylight hours—we have been developing new ways to light the night since we first controlled and used fire. But researchers say our need for continuous visibility can have serious consequences for neighboring species.

Light pollution has been linked to some ecosystem damage. Baby turtles, for example, naturally use the light of the moon to travel towards the open ocean. But constant and poorly designed artificial lighting can affect their sense of direction, obviously disturbing their life cycles.

“Increasing light pollution is a major feature of global change that’s caused by humans, and it is a potential threat to biodiversity,” co-author M. Corrie Schoeman said in a press release.

Dr Schoeman, a professor of biology at the University of Kwazulu-Natal, conducted field experiments to determine how stadium lighting affected bat behaviors. He found that “urban exploiter” bats were drawn to hunt near bright lights, while “urban avoider” bats were not. Exploiter species are able to take advantage of human resources, such as artificial light. Avoider species, by comparison, tend to avoid humans and human structures.

But it’s hardly survival of the fittest. This man-made, ecological scale-tipping could result in the decline or loss of avoider species. And that, in turn, could threaten the balance of local ecosystems.

Luckily, light pollution is considered an “easy fix” compared to other forms of pollution. Smart lighting design— hooded (带罩的) streetlamps,motion-sensitive residential lights (触控住宅用灯), and better controls to remove unnecessary brightness—can obviously reduce light pollution. As for stadium lights, earlier games could do a lot of good, both for bats and for our ecosystems as a whole.

1. What does the author want to demonstrate with the example of baby turtles?
A.Turtles are good at using human lights.
B.Light pollution has caused ecological damage.
C.Artificial lighting can train turtles’ sense of direction.
D.Human neighboring species have their own way of lighting.
2. What can we learn about the “urban exploiter” bats?
A.They are the fittest of their species.
B.They are fond of artificial lighting.
C.They always defeat “urban avoider” bats.
D.They break the balance of their species.
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.How to reduce light pollution.B.How to improve stadium lights.
C.How to balance the ecosystem.D.How to recognize unnecessary brightness.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Evolution of BatsB.Competition Among Bats
C.Stadium Lights Change Bat BehaviorD.The Number of Bats Are Decreasing
2023-07-03更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届内蒙古包头市第四中学高考模拟(四)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Slat's life began to change after a holiday trip to Greece with his family when he was 16. What he actually saw in the ocean was an awful lot or plastic waste. From that moment on, Slat dived into a project to find a solution to this alarming problem. Struck by the idea of a floating barrier that could collect plastic, he founded his company, The Ocean Cleanup, at the age of 18. Although the idea was named one of the best inventions of 2015 by TIME magazine, he received negative feedback from the specialists in environmental issues.

Slat was not discouraged and saw his mission as a race against time. It is estimated that up to 14 million tons of plastic enter the oceans from land every year. Plastic gradually breaks down into very small pieces called microplastics, which can eventually enter the food chain.

After five and a half years' hard work, the Dutch inventor launched the world's first ocean plastic cleanup system: System 001. The U-shaped pipe, about 609 meters in length, snakes its way out under the Golden Gate Bridge into the Pacific. These floating barriers will capture plastic waste as the ocean currents flow past. Ships will collect the waste and bring it to land for recycling every few months. According to Slat, if all goes to plan, an array of 60 systems could reduce the amount of plastic there by as much as 50 percent by 2025.

However, there remains a problem: What will happen to the plastic brought back to shore from Slat's systems? It's likely that lots of the waste will eventually be recycled into more single-use plastics that end up back in the oceans. That doesn't mean Slat will give up.

1. What contributes to Slat's idea of solving plastic waste in the ocean?
A.A vacation abroad.B.Negative feedback from the experts.
C.Diving deep into the ocean.D.A floating barrier to collect plastic.
2. How does plastic waste harm the world at last?
A.It will pollute the ocean.B.It will make the ocean too dirty to swim in.
C.It will make it difficult ocean currents to flow.D.It will be contained in the foods for humans.
3. What can we know about System 001 from the passage?
A.It's the world's best ocean plastic cleanup system.
B.It winds its way into the Pacific.
C.Ships will capture the plastic waste.
D.The amount of plastic will be decreased by a quarter.
4. What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A.To praise.B.To warn.C.To inform.D.To entertain.
2021-07-28更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古赤峰市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题(B卷)

4 . In recent years, Ethiopia has become a regional leader in solid waste management. Last year, the country transformed the landfill (垃圾填埋场) in Addis Ababa into a new waste-to-energy plant, the first such project on the continent. The plant incinerates up to 1, 400 tonnes of waste every day, about 80 percent of the city's rubbish, supplying the capital with 25 percent of its household electricity needs.

However, despite these important steps, challenges remain in Ethiopia. Although the country has permitted the Basel, Stockholm and Rotterdam conventions, laws and policies for environmentally sound management of hazardous (有害的) wastes are still not effective in pre- venting littering waste illegally.

To help Ethiopia meet these challenges, the Chemicals and Waste Management Program is supporting the country with a three-year project to enhance its capacity for sound management of hazardous wastes.

In the initial stages, a project management unit will be formed, made up of many representatives from government departments and private organizations. This unit will be responsible for reviewing and assessing Ethiopia's current legal system, which, despite numerous advances in recent years, does not specifically target the recycling of hazardous waste. Once legal gaps are identified, the project will seek to update existing policies and strategies.

Many people in Ethiopia are not aware of the possible effect of environmental damage and the need to report such crimes to the police. To resolve this pressing issue, Ethiopia will be conducting a series of capacity-building activities, including creating awareness-raising programs, training trainers and providing equipment.

Ethiopia will also work to establish a national mechanism for chemicals and waste management by engaging government departments and civil society groups. Authorities will also make budgetary provisions (预算拨款) in national, regional and institutional planning to ensure funding for these activities is sustainable even after the project's completion.

1. Which can replace the underlined word “incinerates” in paragraph 1?
2. What's the main problem of Ethiopia in waste management?
A.The relevant laws are not sound.B.The shortage of workers is severe.
C.The pollution level is too high.D.The funds are not sufficient.
3. What will Ethiopia do to help the natives protect the environment?
A.Restrict their environmental movement.B.Call on them to start some programs.
C.Reward them with budgetary provisions.D.Raise their environmental awareness.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Ethiopia is facing serious environmental problems.
B.Ethiopia has achieved success in waste management.
C.Ethiopia is putting efforts into waste management.
D.Ethiopia has reduced environmental pollution levels.

5 . If you wear contact lenses (隐形眼镜), you might not know the best way to deal with old ones. Washing them down the sink or flushing them down the toilet is not the way to go. Yet one in five people who wear contact lenses do just that. However, the plastic in their lenses can linger (存留), polluting both water and land.

Rolf Halden, an engineer at Arizona State University in Tempe, and his team created an online survey. More than 400 contact lens wearers took part. The questions asked how many got rid of their lenses inappropriately. About 20 percent — one in five — sent their used contact lenses down sink drain or toilet. Assuming all contact lens wearers in the U. S. do that at the same rate, the researchers then calculated how much plastic would be flushed away each year. Their estimate: 6 to 10 metric tons! That's about the weight of two to three adult African forest elephants. Contact lenses are a tiny part of the world's plastic pollution. But the unique plastic used in contact lenses could make them a big concern.

To figure it out, researchers exposed contact lenses to the microbes (微生物) used to clean wastewater in water-treatment plants. These microbes made the plastics begin to fall apart, but they weren't fully broken down. Instead, they created a lot of tiny pieces called microplastics.

Halden worries that these small plastic bits will cause trouble in the food chain. In water, the plastics from contact lenses sink. Animals could view these tiny bits as food. But because the plastic won't provide them with nutrition, this could threaten the health of animals who dined on it.

And that's already happening. Many studies have shown that corals, larval fish and shellfish are mistaking microplastics for food. Over time, they risk accumulating even higher levels of plastic in their bodies. Also the pollution has already shown up in bottled water, sea salt and fish sold for human consumption.

1. Rolf Halden's survey shows that ________.
A.contact lenses have won popularity with Americans
B.contact lenses have caused a huge part of plastic pollution
C.some contact lens wearers throw away their old lenses improperly
D.many contact lens wearers don't wear their lenses in the proper way
2. What did the researchers find about lenses in water-treatment plants?
A.They could be broken down completely.
B.They could be processed properly there.
C.They couldn't be affected by microbes.
D.Some of them became microplastics.
3. What does the underlined sentence “And that's already happening” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Tiny pieces are entering oceans.
B.Sea creatures are eating microplastics.
C.Animals are causing plastic pollution.
D.Contact lenses are damaging the environment
4. Which one of the following is most probably to be discusssed next?
A.People's eyesight is getting worse and worse.
B.Contact lenses must be banned immediately.
C.Animals in the sea are lacking in nutrition.
D.The impacts microplastic pollution has on human health.
2021-04-26更新 | 144次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古包头市2021届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般